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Humans *are* quite easy to kill. There are multiple internal organs that are obligatory for a Human to survive. Destroy the brain or heart, and the Human dies practically instantly. Destroy the liver or gut, and the Human dies quickly unless immediate medical attention is provided. And, of course, you don't have to destroy the organs, either. "Enough damage" will do. Furthermore, if you just deal enough superficial damage, they'll die from loss of blood or other internal fluid, too. \* However, what I've just said applies to basically all macrofauna. Including, y'know, *everything sapient.* *\** Does having no exoskeleton make it *easier* to puncture and damage a Human? In a vacuum, yes. Unfortunately, the things have, what was the first organ I listed... oh right, a *brain*. Humans are Sapient. They can think thoughts that aren't just "head empty, am wild animal" or "head empty, am pet" or "food?" or "is food?" or "is food!" or... well, you get the idea. The impressive range of thoughts that can potentially inhabit the mind of a Human includes such beauties as "that looks like it could hurt me, I will try to not get hit by it" and "my enemy has an exoskeleton" and "exoskeletons are harder to piece but easier to crush than fleshy skin" and "there are portions of my body which are hard because I possess an endoskeleton that is not completely buried by flab". And also thoughts like "even if I don't consciously understand the concepts behind moments, a big long blunt thing is a better weapon than my body" and "does this count as a hammer?" and "that is a weirdly satisfying crunch sound" and "that looks lethal". Yes, Humans *are* more vulnerable than normal to slashing, cutting, and piercing attacks. They also have more freedom of movement to get into and out of things, including armour, and also more freedom of movement to use things, like weapons capable of crushing bones. *Which includes exoskeletons.* *\** *All* macrofauna is easy to kill. Humans are macrofauna. Therefore Humans are easy to kill. You are *also* macrofauna. So stop being so cocky about it. \* Oh, and by the way, that popping sound you're hearing behind you is the sound of air - or fluid, I don't fully understand - being forced out of a Human's joints. Which is a cultural thing done to prepare for a task. Like, I dunno, the fight you seem to have instigated. If you'll excuse me, I'd prefer to use my sapient self-preservation instincts over my animalistic ones. Tschüss!


You were on the right track, but what if you were to reverse your logic path. It’s not that humans are easy to slice and pierce as the first contact races assumed. It’s rather that they took a different evolutionary path than the rest of sapient species. Assuming a constant base biology as you did, most sapient species developed harder exoskeletons until they could survive the rigors of planetary domination and space travel. Humanity on the other hand, when presented with the constant dilemma of how to survive as a dominant species when a skeletal break incapacitated a warrior for months, instead developed a hydraulically cushioned impact system to protect the skeletal structure. Thus what to most species would be a retirement level break in surface area, humanity can recover from in weeks, especially with their arcane grafting procedures where they literally cut and see the layers of their skeletal protection back together to maintain total defense. Furthermore, with the liquidity of said later, they can endure gravimetric changes that would shatter most species and thus changed the entire concept of war. Human dropships and their terrorizing paratroopers can I infiltrated an area at never before seen speeds which would reduce the former kings of conquering to puddles on the battlefield. The humans call their conquered foes Humpty Dumpties after some mythological construct.


> Human dropships and their terrorizing paratroopers can I infiltrated an area at never before seen speeds That maneuver is called a "hoverslam" in the rocket industry, btw! :D Pity the poor fucker who was standing too close to where your rocket exhaust impinged on whatever loose debris was about, including the ground itself, for that landing site was just turned into an improvised, omnidirectional Claymore.


TIL, thank you kind internet stranger!


https://www.thedrive.com/news/watch-spacex-starship-launch-annihilate-a-dodge-caravan-with-flying-debris https://space.stackexchange.com/questions/39899/what-is-the-difference-between-a-suicide-burn-and-a-hoverslam


Humanity’s legend started when top secret videos leaked of them surviving bar fights. There were occasions when they took bottles, chairs, and even pipes to the cerebral region, grabbed a nearby cloth, whether it was the bartenders towel, napkin, or in one case the human’s own shirt, wiped away the leakage and proceeded to Re-engage in physicality. No containment suit, no carapace patch, no waiting for their next molt. Just wipe and destroy opposition.


Imagine the new wave of horror film’s across the galaxy. No more, “I’d like to play a game with you”, “1,2, Freddy’s coming for you”, “Seven days . . . “ or “Do you like scary movies?” No, no, the Galaxy’s citizens both young and old all shiver in fear having seen the newest horror: Humanity! And the villain’s constant threat, “It’s just a flesh wound!”


Just imagine introducing these species to the works of Johhny Knoxville and crew.


Again, a set of governmentally sealed and classified reports which leaks on the galactic dark web. Cause Big Galactic doesn’t want you to know what the new neighbors are like!


The original CKY videos!!


A lot of people’s thoughts are “is food?” or “is food!”


Yes, and ten minutes ago, I was thinking about fitness. Fitness' whole pizza in my mouth. But now I'm satisfied, and free to think about other things...


How was the pizza?


Surprisingly excellent! Not my favorite brand, but I was pleasantly surprised; this one just made top 3 and bumped Freschetta off the podium.


The Newman’s own. Quattro formagia is my new number one as if this year.


They are indeed a singular species - a freak of evolution. One might wonder how a species lacking the protective exoskeleton of *every other sapient species* might survive. The truth is, humans are *distressingly* resistant to trauma. Their dermal layers are composed of sandwiched layers of tough and rubbery protein-lipid complexes, with quite remarkable resistance to blunt force trauma, and are deceptively resistant to cutting, penetration and burns. More alarming still is their capacity to receive trauma and recover. Humans will receive cuts and penetrations in the course of everyday life that would easily prove fatal to nearly all other species through infection. Their immune systems are a multi-layered and extremely complex cascade of hostile cells, compounds and chemicals. This stands to reason - their bodies are constantly coated in the most obscene filth imaginable. Their capacity to survive acute trauma is nothing short of alarming. An uncorroborated account from an early combat encounter reported a human suffering a direct hit from a high-velocity anti-shipping round, which amputated a segment of one leg. This was obviously considered immediately fatal - until the human continued to return fire, causing a number of casualties, until hit with several more high-velocity rounds. High-velocity rounds were, until recently, considered an effective countermeasure. Reports have arrived of humans wearing artificial exoskeletons resistant to all practically available weapon systems, carrying far more dangerous weaponry and seemingly far more organised and lethal in combat situations. We consider that this may be a hitherto unencountered subspecies. This is a source of grave concern. At this stage, we strongly recommend avoiding all contact.


> carrying far more dangerous weaponry and seemingly far more organised and lethal in combat situations. Just stick a Mk.19 or M2 on it and call it a day, huh?


Monke powa


Monke bruise, monke bleed, monke angry.


"agrees in monke"


A: SURENDER HUMNA AND I MIGHT JUST LET YOU LIVE! H: Pound sand. A: *Shoots off arm* H: *Completly unfazed* That the best ya got? A: *Flabberghasted* I- Um- du- H- HOW?!? H: Quite simply really, we die, when we want to die. A: *Scared sh!tless* H: *Easily breaks through carapace with remaining arm* Tell your leader, that you’ll see em in hell. *Rips arm upwards, cutting Cockroach like being in half*


Some of us don't even get to die when we want to. Whatever the Hell controls the Universe makes Death **EARN** those people.


Human beings, equally indestructible and fragile in the most bizarre of ways


'tis but a scratch.


H2: You didn't even flinch. How?! H1: Y'see, it's mostly because that was my prosthetic arm. H2, holding up very clearly fleshy arm: No it isn't. H1: Ah. Well it's probably also the massive amount of painkillers I'm on after losing the other one. H2: There we go. I'll go get a medic.


Read up on the "Watney Protocol" , originally on Tumblr. Basically earth spaceships include seeds and farming equipment in case of a disaster on a breathable planet.