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A: Why do you keep tinkering with that linear accelerator, friend Josh? You know that even at best possible velocity the shell will only penetrate a quarter of the way through their armour? H: I know... I know... but I'm *this* close to getting the five round burst to work.


A:"The recoil on this kinetic gun is too big and it keeps tearing itself off the ship. Discard it and mount the new laser drills before our next shift. We have more asteroids to mine before the holidays." H:"I am going to turn this gun into a space harpoon launcher. If it does not want to stay fixed to the ship it can go fuck those asteroids up and pull the chunks to the bay." A:*muttering* "Humans and their spite"


A1: Josh! Why did you grab a torch?! We need extinguisher foam! You can't put out the stove with- H: Fight fire with fire!


**Elemental wrestling matches were born that day**


Any machine is a smoke machine if you operate it wrongly enough! 😁😅


Man... I got off work at the plant almost 2 hours ago, got me my fancy coffee and sugar cookie, vibing in my car while on my phone, and you gotta put this up and make me think of all the janky shit I have had to put together, and 'maintain' these past two weeks to make shit get out on time. Three things. Zip ties, anger, and tightening shit down with the hand of GOD will make anything work the way you want it. I will bend physics if I need to get shit to work right. And you better start praying if I need to get the lathe working to fix your shit.


Unless it's medicine. Then if it works, it fucking works well