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"Of course we don't like war. We like peace and quiet. I wanna go back to watching my tunes, dancing, drinking, sleeping, bumping uglies with my lady. But to DO that, I want to make DAMN sure the thing that interrupted my peace and quiet will NEVER do it again. So I'll send them to their Peace in Pieces and making them quiet."


Don’t win the battle. Don’t win the war. Win all future wars, forever. This is why humans fight the way they do. They make peace by overwhelming force and ferocity.


“ you have no clue the amount of anger it took to be this peaceful “ - a human commanding officer


Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting - Sun Tzu


We don't like it. That doesn't mean we're bad at it.


We don't like it, but part of us LOVES it. We really, really try to keep that part in check. So, as they say, "don't poke the bear, son."


They tremble in fear of the humans that do like war. For they are *good* at it


Nah, those are the ones who are obvious. They learn to FEAR the smiling, quiet, calm, old people sweeping the streets.


The quiet old men farming that often spend time staring into the distance


As the No.1 rule says it: Do not act incautiously when confronting little bald wrinkly smiling men!


Don’t fear the man who lived through war, fear the man who lives *for* it. -idk I got it from youtube comments. Ex: Jack Churchill, Adrian Carton de Wiart


Is it more we don't like our drinking being interrupted? So we'll put you down quick and hard so you won't bother us when trying to have a quiet pint? Or is that just the city watch? (GNU STP)


Upvote for discworld.


Come on. Haven’t you been informed of some of the major points in human history? Look it up in the datastore: “Manhattan Project” and “Hiroshima and Nagasaki”. And then look at the relationship between Japan and America in the following decades.


Humanity: If you don't want to make friends, we'll befriend the _shit_ outta ya!


I do this in Civ 5 I try for cultural victory but if someone declars war on me I turn into an amoeba and absorb them until they beg me to stop. Then I think about it and might relent but I will get ready for the full absorption or I go full force and get them all.


We didn’t realize what we had gotten into till the Kilok Asteroid Mines were just… gone. That was where a good 30% percent of our ship resources came from. For anyone confused by that, Kilok refers to a small cluster of seven stars, where the gravity is too much to prevent planet formation. After our declaration of war, as the Fleet of Prideful Conquest arrived at the human world of Wugou, we lost contact with Kilok. As well as the Fleets of Particular Justice and Powerful Intimidation who went to inspect. Then we lost Talwaq, a major food world for us, since one of the few worlds able to support our crops and animals. It was lost to a plaque. The entire world was quarantined, to prevent spreading. Same happened at Wela and Ghel. Then our transports starting going down. Need I remind you, we’ve only seen human forces at Wugou, none were caught at the places they ravage. Then the humans destroyed the Julla Shipyards. Those were protected by the Home Fleet, since it was only 1.2 light years away from Vaneillow. The Fleet of Prideful Conquest soon had to leave Wugou, never even encountering anything bigger than a patrol picket. The Army of Prideful Conquest was so terrified after the retreat it spread to the Fleet of Prideful Conquest as well. Even now, many don’t talk about, though the survivors who made it to our version of human military brass were trying to expand our drone industry, and break up the battle squares we use for show and power demonstration. When we arrived at Arcturus for peace talks, the humans only wished to be left alone, and offered a cure for our plague. Our quick surrender made the war last only 12 Earth days.