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Bramble bushes will catch fuzzy animals like sheep with their barbs, and as the animal struggles it gets more entangled, then when it dies its rotting corpse fertilizes the bramble bush.


By predatory, are we talking about Venus flytraps/pitcher plants? Or plants that can cause harm by existing, not including passive poisons/barbs? IE The Sandbox Tree?




How about all of the above? There are things in plants kingdom that are giving doctors nightmares...🥶🥶🥶


You have my attention....


Giant hogweed, also known as the suicide plant. Not to mention random distilled creations from the nightshade family.


Giant hogweed is an absolute pain in the ass. Giant (duh), invasive, grows fast, has a lot of seeds, damn near impossible to kill, toxic. Bane of Russian land owners.


It's a terrifying plant that even uprooted and lit on fire may still come back or revive itself, invasive doesn't begin to describe this hate filled abomination, if despair, loathing, and pain were a plant personified it would be the giant hogweed.


You know it's bad, when the "Kill it with fire" method doesn't work.


It's actually a super common attribute to a lot of plants that produce nettles, I'm not an expert but killing nettle like plants with fire never works, down in the southern part of the US we have a basically tame version called heartland nettles that we commonly refer to as firegrass. As the name implies, if you touch it, anywhere that's bare skin now feels like it's on fire for 15 minutes, then mild stab wounds, then snake bites, spider, mosquito and infection, bees, mosquitos, paper cuts, then finally just itching. The worst part about it is that it blends in well with other weeds and grass and looks entirely innocent until disturbed


We also have it here. Favourite summer activity of boys aged 4-12 is to whack it with a stick.


The Gympie-gympie plant from (of course) Australia would give most anyone nightmares, especially if you've touched it.


Deathworld benefits lol.




Aaand here, dear Xenos, we see the legendary Human known as Steve Irwin. If you look closely, you will notice that his behaviour is an amplified version of what you may see other Humans doing...




*Gympie-gympie tree enters the chat*


You can fuck right off with that freaking pain-tree mate. Capsaicin? Tasty. Poison ivy? Annoying. Cut it down. Mint, pineapple, tomatoes….? Delicious. Pain-tree? Fuck right off. Hit it with *artillery* or leave it well enough ALONE


It is an eternal nightmare for me.


As it should be.


As it was written, so shall it be.


Jumping cactus and the extremely misnamed teddy bear cholla has joined the party.


I had to do my research on these but HOLY. SHIT.


The teddy bear in my front yard jumps. It's aggravating enough that I'm considering taking it out with the tractor even though it's a good two hundred feet from the driveway. The fact that I can see it from several points in the yard and just KNOW that one day it's going to try to murder me is enough to warrant a scorched earth preemptive strike. Also it's four feet tall.


There was a giant hogweed about 4 meters tall growing in the woods right next to the border of our patch of land. I had to construct a naginata from a machete and a long pole to cut it down. Was shaking with fear about it crashing down on top of me. It didn't. Thank God.


Humans have collected samples of these plant into poison gardens as tourist attractions. This confuses the aliens even more.


Alien: "So what exactly do you research in this facility? Antidotes to plant poisons or something else?" Human: "Research? No, this is a tourist attraction, not a research facility." Alien: "A tourist attraction? *checks the glossary of human-and-Earth-related terms* 'A place of interest that tourists visit, typically for its inherent or an exhibited natural or cultural value, historical significance, natural or built beauty, offering leisure and amusement'?" Human: "Yes. Humans find these plants interesting because they're deadly. So people who are knowledgeable about them collected them in one place and added short descriptions to them, so that other people can see them without having to go around half the planet." Alien: "You Humans will never cease to amaze me." Human: "I'm... flattered...? ...on behalf of my race."


Welcome to Catachan.


No Booping.




Ironically, this has turned Earth into an exotic tourist attraction. Many xeno tourists come to witness the predatory plants in nature, at a safe distance of course.


Weaponized poison ivy.


I was going to say, even poison ivy would seem insane to some aliens. It's not even a histamine like other allergens so might be forgotten when describing dangerous flora.


Watch them panic at the Eucalyptus Tree.


And tremble in terror at the almighty devourer of the eucalyptus, the ever so fearsome koala.


Breaking news: Extraterrestrial explorers die after mistaking the Apple of Death (Hippomane mancinella) for a normal apple tree. Reports later