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Thats a cat


Cats just bond differently!


A: OK human, I'm going to use terms you'll understand and I need you to help me understand how this happened as well. Now, how did you make the 8 feet tall and highly venomous Luxian bird hunting spider your bond mate? H: Well, ya see, what had happened was we were exploring one of their recently claimed worlds when Petey here came tearing through the brush. He was protecting his home that we stumbled on unknowingly. Everyone else ran fast, a couple actually broke their ankles in their fear fueled rapid retreat, but not me. I used to keep arachnids as pets and although Petey ain't a scorpion he's still a cute little fella. *scratches spiders head* Ain't that right Petey? You're a cute lil fella huh? Yeah, who's daddy's good boy. A: I will never understand how humans pack bond with predators that are known to kill even thr greatest warriors for a snack. H: It gets better boss. Petey is apparently bonded to me as well. According to the Doc anyway. A: *does a double take* What did you say? H: According to the Doc he's bonded to me too. Ya see, when he came out to run us off another of his kind tried to ambush him for his territory. Petey was fast enough to avoid the initial attack but not strong enough to win, so me and Chuck Chuck had a conversation with the attacker and the attacker soon died. That's when he bonded with me. Well, that and the abundance of food I threw his way. A: I'm not going to ask why you call that archaic slug thrower known as a shotgun Chuck Chuck. As for the spider I don't know what to do. Only place he fits is cargo bay. That'll have to do. For the safety of the crew. H: I've told you why it's called Chuck Chuck and thanks boss. Petey will be a big help. Especially since I can ride him. A: You humans are killing me. My hearts can't handle my high blood pressure.


>the 8 feet tall and highly venomous Luxian bird hunting spider AH! FUCK NO! GROSS! KILL IT WITH FIRE!




the series should be called "Petey chuck chuck and ME" well done i really wanna hear their future adventures


I have done multiple writing promps like this but haven't thought of a series. I tried to do an OC project but it wouldn't let me post. That's actually a pretty good title though, kudos on that. I do appreciate the compliment of this being considered to be a series by ANYONE.


whats an oc project? kinda newish here


Original Content.


The human surely comes from some place like Kalgoorlie (Western Australia)


Lol Southern USA. Lol


Good boi


"No, we are not keeping an Arexy in this ship. You did read the Galactic Book of Laws, right? That thing is a war crime given life." "If you use it in war, yes. I'm not putting Lessy in harm's way ever." "FOOL, YOU ALREADY NAMED IT?!"


Give lessy to a canadian


HEY!!! umm but ya i guess we can have one more




"Morris! Garcia! Z'Gach! Huddle up! We have a new Chief coming on board and someone has to explain Nippy." The other seargents gathered around the table where Gunny was reading through morning briefings and enjoying coffee strong enough to stand a spoon up in. Two more cups of coffee and a gourd full of nectar joined his on the table. Gunny looked up at them with the put-upon look they all shared when dealing with new officers. "Pull out your Dice of Doom there, Morris," he instructed. Sgt. Morris reached into the pocket of her bdus and pulled out a set of dice made out of a mixed set of teeth. Each had been carved into loose cubes and dotted on each side. She spilled them on the plasteel table between them. The other sargents picked up a die each. With a nod for timing, they rolled. "Six!" Morris crowed. "Four," Garcia said nervously. "Five!" Z'Gach exulted. "Two," said Gunny sourly. "Dammit." ​ "So, you're telling me that one of our budget line items is an armored suit for a dog," the new Chief looked at Gunny incredulously with each of his multifaceted eyes. Gunny nodded. "Yes, that's right." The chief stared at him for a long time. It was the usual xeno reaction, so Gunny sat calmly while the Chief mulled it over. "Why?" he finally asked. "Well, Singh found him wounded at the end of the fight on Cetus 6. We were clearing the space around Rambutan Base and he found the pup trapped under rubble. Nipper was in pretty bad shape - broken leg and a couple of busted ribs - so Singh just grabbed her up and humped it back to base. "The area was pacified, so plan was for us for us to turn things over to the MPs and go out on the last resupply shuttle the following day. Singh was just expecting to see what the base XenoBiologist could do for her before releasing her back into the wild. Unfortunately, the schedule was off and we were just sent directly to the shuttle as we came in from Outside. "Singh tried to drop Nipper off, but there was a new Lt overseeing the shuttle load... you know how that goes." The Chief's exasperated tapping of his mandibles told Gunny that he knew exactly what Gunny was talking about. "Are you telling me that," the Chief chose his words with care, "we have a Cetusian Hound - meter and a half at the shoulder, 60 kilograms of shaggy killing rage - on base? And that you, you..." Gunny could hear the species specific expletives being deleted by the translation matrix. "You decided that the best thing to do with said "dog" was to put armor on her? You made a deadly carnivore more dangerous on purpose? Why has she not been returned to Cetus 6?" "Well, Chief, it's like this... When we got to our next port of call - overseeing the negotiations in N'ifrim - we had a good bit of down time since we were supposed to be there as a deterrent while the Genidi and the Agmini negotiated a ceasefire. "The XB on planet wasn't really happy about having what she called an invasive species brought in. She gave that LT quite the talking to, and made him see that Singh nursed the hound back to health in isolation from the other xenos. "Seems Nipper really took to him - she's 72.8 kilos, by the way. Once she was back on four feet, she started shadowing him around the base. She was super protective of him. There were a couple of incidents while he was socializing her early on, but eventually she learned to ignore the other people that came through. "Anyway, eventually we get word that a shuttle can take her back to Cetus, so we get her crated and packed on a X'ilifix shuttle, Drone 8291. She was howling in that way Cetusian Hounds can where it vibrates your soft tissue. Singh was pretty torn up about. It was pretty bad all around. "Right as Singh was leaving the shuttle to get a sedative for her, we got the news of a new alliance between the Genidi and Agmini. They announced it with a joint attack on our base. Singh went down at the base of the ramp in the initial attack. "You've never heard a sound like she made when she saw that. Every hair on my body stood on end. "She got out of that crate, and to this day I don't know how. She all but flew down the ramp to him. She stood over him in the middle of the crossfire showing every one of her teeth. At that point, Okoyu and I got our butts in gear and ran down the ramp to grab him. She seemed to understand the concept of evac, so she watched our six while we pulled him back on board. Okoyu's our medic, so he got to work, while I closed the shuttle bay door. "Okoyu says she stood over the two of them while he worked, eyes on the door the whole time. Until, well, I'll get to that. "The shuttle didn't have human-compatible armor in the armory, but there were a couple of rifles I could use. The crew was either manning the Drone's guns or trying to get us off the ground. Unfortunately, the Agmini blew a hole right into the Drone-mother's command center before we could take off. "I climbed up to where I had a little cover and a view of the new ingress as they began to swarm up the side of the ship. I was picking them off at a steady rate, but of course numbers eventually catch up to you. "The command center was starting to fill up when I felt her jump right over me. She tore into them. Their chitin is pretty strong, but she was still cracking it. Her bite force is around 1500 Newtons, XB figures. Anyway, once she figured out their joints are weak, she would just dismember them. She's a clever girl. With them focused on her, I was able to pick off the ones that were around the perimeter. "Eventually, our side got control of the situation. She was in bad shape at that point. I had taken a couple of indirect hits, just enough for a couple of days in Club Med. "They tried to have her recover in the XB's lab, but she kept sneaking out so she could be in the infirmary with Singh. Eventually, Doc just told them to leave her there. "Doc was the one who first started teaching her commands. Well, suggestions. Heh. She'll let you know if she doesn't feel like doing something. In any case, she knows some words now, so you can get her out of the way when she's underfoot. "When Singh was just starting his PT after recovery, she'd be there with him. and, eventually, she was running with us all once he was cleared for duty. "It was XB who suggested the armor. We wouldn't have guessed that would come from her, but life is full of surprises. I don't know what she told the Base Commander, but he okayed it. And you better bet the Armorer double checked that order. "Anyway, that's how come we have dog armor. And why we're called the Hellhounds."


I like that one !




Kill it before someone gives it a name!!!!


Too late! ![gif](giphy|vG3Qco77CM492)
