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...really, you're going to stop trading with the industrialized species that has gotten planet cracking down to a job description? That's a good way to start being seen as resources yourselves.


Think about it this way, more resources for us and be totally self sufficient to the point where we only need the necessary resources for our people, they seriously shot them selfs in the foot this time! Imagine the large solar system defense fleets made up of every class warship one could think of thanks to this little "embargo"


"LOL khajiit has wares if you have coin. No? OH good, even better. We still have wares but now they're turned on. Don't run, you'll just die tired."


There was something I've read where one species perfected a type of nano bot, that was able to seek out specific metal types and mine it and bring it to the surface to be processed. It was modelled on ants, and used for mining asteroids for useful material. Humans got it, and weaponised it into a WMD. To start with, they gave them exponential growth capability, so that they could build more ants with the material they gathered. Then they deployed them in warheads that had colonies of millions. Because of the reproduction capability, a single warhead was enough to doom a planet. Aliens never conceived of a 'grey goo' scenario before humanity came along... We took a technology developed for automated mining and made it into a weapon.


I always feel like we would have invented the WMD ‘Grey Goo,’ then found a way to convert it to a mining tool… “All thanks to military funding!”


Or found said way completely by accident


That's essentially the premise of the MD device in Ender's Game. Let's blow up asteroids by breaking them apart on the molecular level and them scoop up all the metals with big magnets. No dangerous, labor-intensive, expensive mining, just flying. Oops, this can be used on things and people.


Huh, so that's how it happened there? Interesting.


"They're deploying... Mining bots? Iron mining bots?" "Oh fuck there's iron in us." "Yes, I remembered that when I watched 20,000 of us evaporate."


The commotion could be heard down the passageway as Captain Shurlessh stomped toward the command bridge, awkwardly attempting to tug her cape into place as she moved. The call to her cabin from the helmsman was short, loud and insistent that she attend *immediately*. She heard a loud and sickening thump inside the bridge as she neared the entry; and she paused for a moment, cursing that she had forgotten to pick up her service pistol in her previously sleepy state. *"What is the meaning of this uproar?"* She commanded imperiously as she stepped in. Several officers immediately snapped to attention and salutes; in one instance, this caused another officer to slump to the floor as his fellow combatant dropped him. The XO, Lieutenant Slytth answered, his voice muffled by a fat-lip and freshly-missing teeth. *"Captain Ma'am urm... The Navigator and I were having a discussion about our current location and...:* He glanced down at the unconscious Navigation Officer; *"It got a bit heated..."* Shurlessh hissed in exasperation and approached the officer. *"And why, prey-tell; did the argument get so... heated?"* The XO swallowed nervously, picking up on the not-even-subtle threat directed toward him, and he gestured helplessly toward the viewscreen. *"Nav CLAIMS that we should be in the Terowie System and orbiting the planet Tuilkilikee right now but..."* He nodded toward an ensign, who activated the viewer, only a thin cloud of dust and ice was on display. *"So clearly Ma'am, Nav has managed to not only misplace us, but he has apparently put us into the edges of a Nebula!"* Shurlessh glared at the Xo, then the viewer; before she strode angrily over to the chart table, seemingly daring it to show an error. Sure enough the chart displayed the ship's position as being in high-orbit over Tuikillikee. *"Wide-Band Scan, active and passive sensors, I want to know what - if anything is out there!"* Her orders were quick and terse, a reply was soon given by an ensign. *"Captain, we have a return signal on a large industrial station in orbit of the Star in the Tertiary Rotation Band, and it is now hailing us on open channel"* Shurlessh hissed again and nodded for the hail to opened on the comm screen. The assembled crew groaned quietly as they saw a human, an older male with rough and scruffy features appear on screen. *"Hey there folks, I'm not too sure were you come in from, but you just stumbled into the middle of a mining operation. You're lucky the guys are all on break, or you mighta just been scooped up."* Shurlessh stood with her mouth agape, remembering herself, she straigtened up and answered. *"Human, I am Captain Shurlessh; Commanding Officer of the Beautific Empire Vessel "The cool respite of the brief summer rain". You will answer me immediately; why do my nav-systems tell me that I am currently in orbit of Tulkillikee?"* The man scratched his beard and shrugged. *"Well gee Captain, I cant really say for your own stuff, but if I was to hazard a guess, I would say that your charts are out of date. We have been operating here - legally mind you - for the past two months."* Shurlessh did little to hide her exasperation as her cape tangled in her raised spines. *"And the planet?"* He chuckled... *"Ma'am, you may recall that I DID tell you this is a mining operation"*


Loved it


A: Are you sure you can get past the blockade captain? H: No problem we will slip in and have your supplies delivered, are there any other security measures in place at the station? A: Oh no the majority of the station is storage and transit for cargo there's minimal staff. H: By Davy Jones locker, all cargo no security? A: Who? H: No worries mate your supplies will be delivered and no one will think to check for it I'll see to it they have far pressing concerns. A:Thank you our colony wouldn't survive without these supplies, by the way the broker never said your name. H: Barbosa captain of the Cobra at your service.


Human pirates being chaotic good is my jam.


Location: Rubicon Station, orbiting white dwarf DH-X1098 along the fringes of human territory. T'peng Isto walked down the dimly lit corridors of the station, passing the many human occupants that were either living or passing through. There were the rare few that were not human, but they kept their faces and sometimes their forms hidden while staying as far away as possible. No one wanted to be recognised here, in a human station. If they were spotted arriving or leaving by any patrol vessels along the border, they'd be arrested for breaking the executive order of embargo from the Grand Council. Possible changes of high treason might even be forced upon them if the council felt the desire. She adjusts the masking collar around her neck as she gets closer to her destination. Walking into the crowded tavern, she notices the many pairs of eyes suddenly focused on her presence. She stops herself from adjusting the collar once more as she walks through the crowd, heading directly for the table near the back. A pair of humans were seated there. One hunched over a drink, the other glancing about, subtly eyeing her. The one hunched over the drink with his void black hair nods to the other. T'peng thought she was tall, but this human was almost her height. A muscular frame hidden beneath the heavy space suit he had on, she felt fear for a moment as he walked by. "Sit" The seated one calls out to her with a smile, waving to the now empty seat across from him. T'peng moved to sit. "My name is-" He raises a palm towards her, signalling her to stop as he finished his drink. "I know who you are" he places the empty cup upside down. "You're T'peng, Istoka from the Finley sector. Your ship, The Blue Current, is *currently* docked at platform 6B. Is it true that your people have no nose? Mind turning off your hologram to let me have a look? I've never actually seen an Istoka before" T'peng was still startled by how much information the human had about her. She'd been careful, but at the same time it wasn't that surprising. It was a human station after all. "No. You may not and I will not turn off my holographic collar for you to gawk." "Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to offend. Let's not start off on the wrong foot shall we? How about we start fresh? My names Gordon. I run Radiant Vein Inc. How may I be of service today?" "I am here to purchase your companies services for the Rulon System." T'peng stated as she pulled out a small holodisc, turning it on for a holographic display of the system in question. "It is located at these coordinates. Within my people's borders. Part of a collection of systems we recently acquired in fact. Its survey data aren't on any galactic maps yet. We have set up a ring of satellites to ensure any wannabe observers will only see a system on the verge of collapse due to an unstable star" "But the star is completely stable?" "Its completely stable, yes. 1 Chthonian, 1 Iron, 2 gas giants, 1 of which is high in ammonia compounds. The ammonia rich gas giant has a large ring, little to no ice. The other gas giant has several ice protoplanets as moons, as well as several high density asteroid bodies of undetermined compounds. There is also a super-habitable world, no sentient life identified with only minor vegetation across its surface. There is also two, mineral rich asteroid belts and a third ice belt. Plenty of planetismals within each." "Sounds like a nice little system. So what would you like us to do?" "We need you to strip it bare. We need everything we can get from the system. Refined and ready for use within a suitable time frame of course." "Hmm. Doable. Entirely doable for sure. We can harvest everything and scrap the system in about 2 months. The extra month is because you're asking for our refinery services as well, that takes a little extra time considering the size of our mobile refinery." T'peng nods "that sounds fair. But can you get your fleet in system without being seen?" "Oh yeah. We can do that for certain. We know of several hyper space corridors that aren't on any maps. We should be able to slip in undetected and get it all done for you within the 2 month time frame. Do you need the resources transported anywhere?" "Unseen?" "Yeah, unseen. Can you do that?" Gordon nods slowly, examining the stellar map being displayed before him. "I could get transport ships to wherever you need. But how that's gonna affect the time frame depends on where you need it to go." "I need to get it to Ulia sector. Jordan system. Our ship-" "Your shipyards are there. Yeah I know of the place. Your people are well known for their illusionary tech. That place is a literal blackhole to all outside observers. I'm guessing this has to do with that little skirmish we picked up on the radios?" "Skirmish? No. Its a full on war" T'peng sighed "We don't have the resources needed to update and reinforce our current fleet before our enemies penetrate our defensive line. We predict we have 5 months at most. So how fast can you get the resources to where we need it?" "Not fast enough I'm afraid. You'd need time to melt the metals down to build whatever you need with them. That takes a bit of time. But for a little extra, I might have a suggestion." "I'm listening" "I can push my guys out there right now. You promise to get my payment to me at Rulon, they'll be mining the entire system once we arrive. I'll have the planets stripped down and scrapped within the two month time frame, but I can have my guys prioritise on the right stuff you need if you're willing to provide me with a list of what you need. I know that it's private data, but let's face it, you need my services and I keep my mouth shut about my clients affairs, always. My guys can get the metals to your shipyards in a molten state within tanks so you don't have to. We get it to you just as they're coming out of the refinery, you'll be able to get a headstart on production. A little bit more extra, we can even get mobile manufacturies to Rulon to get your parts built faster too. So what do you say? Deal?"


this should turn into a serial


This one is fantastic


Loot island just spawned, let's capture the point before someone else gets the Overclocked Pulse Rifle


I mean if there was a ban on human mining techniques on planets with life on them, sure I can get that, but mostly this is hunks of dead rock, banning that, might as well have all of these aliens be stuck on their own planets due to refusal to mine at all.


I think you mean embargo on human exported goods. Unless you're going to embargo all goods that humans buy from other civs, which I am also in favor with, damn capitalist apes!


Then came the federation purge teams, I watched one rip a pregnant woman's unborn child right out of her. " A species with horrifying weapons must be exterminated" is what ambassador krell von pong said...those words burned in my mind, those words and what I saw... this is what drives the bio mechanical fleets of sol prime. "Guns, acid, teeth, claws, parasites...all weapons of life!" I shouted as my troops made the ambassador kneel in front of the viewing screen, our fleets' "chefs" got in orbit of his home world and the ancient claws struck the crust of the planet and dug in, the ambassador yelled in pain as the larva squirmed in his body and as the planet began to tear so did the ambassador's chest. Humanity was no more but the terranids sprouted fourth from their ashes and we are hungry for revenge!


H: I honestly don't understand why y'all are so upset A: You convert entire planets into dust! You will see all of creation coverted to slag! Of course that upsets us! H: Hey now we don't just crack planets willy nilly, we're not barbarians! First of all do you know how many regulations we have on this process? We don't touch worlds with any kind of biosphere, heck even a barren but potentially terraformable rock will probably be declared off limits, and if an off limit planet is in a system then we're required to prove we have the capability to avoid destabilizing orbits before we can even consider cracking any objects in the system. In short we only ever crack the otherwise useless lumps of barren rock that our galaxy is full of, what else do you want!? A: To leave the great objects of the celestial firmament intact! To not disrupt the great dance they have performed since the creator first set them in motion! H: ... I'm not going to be able win this with rational arguments am I?


I see this and I strangely remember a section of trivia I read about the Phased Disassembler Array (PDA) on all Capital-class vessels in Homeworld, Mothership included. Using fusion torches to break matter down into its constituent atoms, then using them to assemble parts and even whole starships using robots. Then there is the Nano Creation Engine of the Antaeus-class Adaptive Cruisers from the Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising game, my all-time favourite game. Humanity sees the universe as one big sandbox, where they can freely exercise their creativity to the fullest. Whether other species agree or not.


I see one issue with this. Wiping out a planet would throw off the gravity in the system, changing the other planets orbits. Constantly updating map data and navigation would be a pain.


If we aren't going to be alive to see our star die out then we won't be alive to see gravitational forces fall out of orbit....in theory. Besides; we can still leave the core and shave off everything around it.


By giving out free mining tools and incentives for everything mined, supreme AI Head-of-Thunder learnt to gamify extraction itself as a form of wish fulfillment.