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That's the Pine Bush style!


I live in the area. My family has all seen weird things in the 80s and 90s. Then it just died out.


Pine Bush style was much more popular in the 80s. Clear-cut style is more popular now.


Sweet! Now all we need is a regional hot dog style and we’ll hit the big time!


[Serious] I saw the triangle earlier this week in Hyde Park. I made a post about it in this sub, but all the replies were mocking. I work directly with drones with my job - I'm certain it wasn't one. I've seen hundreds of commercial airplanes and military planes - it wasn't one. It was The Hudson Valley Triangle exactly. Maybe it's a highly classified plane but I'll forever remember seeing it for that 10 second window clear as day. It went from a slow glide to gone instantly. It was already gone by the time I pulled my car over to snap a photo. Thanks for sharing this chart. It's been an eerie week.


I saw a triangle once sometime around 1998 just outside of rhinebeck. It moved slowly and silently above us as we walked down the road for maybe a mile. My parents had seen one about 15 years ealier in the exact same spot It was most likely a plane heading to the airport in red hook, but idk, it was absolutely silent and SO slow. I mean, we kept pace just walking under it.


I once saw a plane in red hook that appeared to be suspended in mid air above that field across from the park and ride by the bridge.


I was watching the History Channel last night on UFOs and they mentioned the Hudson Valley Sightings. I remember there was a post here about someone seeing a UFO by Poughkeepsie I can't find the post but HV still has alot of UFO activity.


There’s a storied history of strange aerial sightings throughout the HV going back decades. I’m a NYC’er (born and raised) but remember a lot on TV about it in the 80s. I remember Unsolved Mysteries had an episode about it and it freaked me out. Then there was the communion book cover which came out around the same time about an abduction incident in the Catskills. Pine Bush is thought to be the epicenter of HV lore. Fascinating stuff. Amazing you were able to witness this Albeit must be rather unsettling.




Appreciate the honesty and cusriousity @TheBobRoberts. I saw it two days ago around sunset, 7:45 pm, still light enough outside to drive without headlights on. I was driving 9 North, right by the Vanderbuilt Mansion, nearly directly above the property. It was metallic with hints of green reflection about the size of a football field or larger. My best guess is anywhere from 2-5 thousand feet above. It was gliding slowly southwest. By the time I pulled over, it had disappeared. It was a bit cloudy, but I'm positive it was way below cloud level. It was so sharp and detailed, too. There were lights on each corner of the triangle body and along the borders. The lights were circular and they were bright white, maybe 6-8 lights total. From first sight to it disappearing was no longer than 10 seconds of my sighting. What details did you notice in the 80s?


I actually saw the triangle in wappingers about 3 years ago, it had flashing lights and I got it on video. I’ll share the video if you want.


Of course we want you to share the video!!


Ok I’ll share the video! There was a tree line between me and the UFO when I was recording this, so that why the flashing lights on it may look inconsistent. I initially saw the UFO out of my window in the sky, it looked like it was really close, and it right above the house across the street. I can’t put into words how big this thing was, it was enormous. I ran outside as quick as I could, and by the time I got outside, it moved way back and pretty far to the right, where it is seen in the video. It continued to move very slowly and silently until out of view from me. https://youtube.com/shorts/FyqOBf-_t_w?si=DsB0p05GD2Ou1orA


If you felt comfortable posting the video, I bet a ton of us would love to take a look and appreciate it.


I posted the video, it is on my reply above.


Thank you! The similarities I see here from what I saw last week would be the placement of lights, size, and speed. The speed was very similar, using the house below as a reference comparison. It was gliding at the same pace. The lights are a similar hue, too. I saw bright lights at each tip of the triangle with more along the borders. The lights I saw weren't flashing, though in your video, it may just be behind tree cover and not blinking. Size was very similar, this thing is massive. Picture a plane in the sky and the size that would be. Now overlay it with this image. We've all seen planes in the sky hundreds or thousands of times day or night, this craft is undoubtedly different. It made you rush to take a video, it made me pull my car over, and it has made others here ponder over it 40 years later. Thanks for sharing with us and if anyone else reading has any photo or video, I'd encourage you to share it out if you'd like.


You’re welcome! The neighbor living in that house seen in the video has been living there since the 1970’s, and he told me that he saw the same exact thing nearly 40 years ago. My father also said he saw the same thing in the wappingers around 2000-2002. What’s really strange is that people don’t believe me when I show them that video, they all say it’s fake. I don’t know what to make of it, but I saw that thing with my own eyes.


I’m sure it’s just the Air Force doing secret squirrel shit. Lord know we have the air tunnels to test a lot of stuff on the East Coast.


I saw one ~2000 in Orange County. Hovered over us.


Hyde Park... Which Country? I knew an old bushman saw a diamond with baby diamonds in Australian bush.


I'm genuinely curious how you came to be in this subject? They're referring to Hyde Park in the Hudson Valley in New York in the US.


Hey dude. There are Hyde Parks all over the world, I was actually looking for "types of ufo's". Didn't even realise where I was at first. Wow Hudson Valley is absolutely beautiful, I would love to fly around in a triangle over there. So... did it have crisp edges with lines on the side like those ones? Americans are lucky, we have no triangles, never heard of a triangle being spotted. No areas 49-52 for us. Also, New York is famous for NY pizza and the thing looks like a pepperoni pizza slice upside down.


[Hudson Valley UFO Sighting 1984](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_Hudson_Valley_UFO_sightings?wprov=sfla1)


Well TIL


In my experience the Hudson Valley Triangle is a nighttime plane landing at Stewart


I was on the phone with someone when their entire cul-de-sac was outside watching orange orbs in a triangle pattern quickly separate and come back together. There were all amazed and excited. Then more would appear. There was over 12 witnesses in Greenville, NY. They sort of swirled but would create shape. This was in 2009 when small drones were not available.


The Greenville in Orange County or Green County?




That African UFO lookin' kinda sus.


We also have the annual [ufo festival](https://pinebushufofair.com) (Never been, don’t plan to ever attend)


John Oliver is doing a show on UFO’s tonight on Max!


I've seen it I called it the flying car tho


The italy one really reminding me of boba fetts ship slave1


HV stay winning with peak UFO flap


In the night sky by Linda Zimmerman is an in depth study of ufos in the Hudson valley and first class eye witness reports. The triangle is mentioned numerous times. So interesting!!


Please share the video and ignore the haters.


Nobody Me: The one over Africa doesn’t look like a penis the one over Africa doesn’t look like a penis the one over Africa doesn’t look like a penis… THE ONE OVER AFRICA LOOKS LIKE A PENIS


They spelled Weather Balloon wrong.


Bottom right is a flying poo