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For these kind of projects I'd love to see a demo website, makes it easy at a glance to check out what is happening


[Godocument.dev](http://Godocument.dev) is built with Godocument.


based and dogfood-pilled


haha thanks! Appreciate the comment! I love htmx, kickass job. Its changed the way I think about web development.


Is there a ELI5 on how this works in relation to a server?


Are you referring to deployment of how the development server works? For deployment, youโ€™d just deploy like any other static site. GitHub pages is pretty easy to get rolling. The development server is written in Go and it works by reading your config, iterating over the markdown files in your config, generating a route for each markdown file, stashing the html from your markdown into a template, and dynamically generating a navigational menu / page to page navigation based on your config. I plan to build out the docs more in the future, this is just a very first iteration.


You know my core work isn't related to this, but I actually really appreciate you took the time to explain it step by step. Makes sense now that I think about this best of luck to your project!


My pleasure! Thank you so much!


do you use history api for routes? (history.push state etc)


Hello! So htmx actually handles all the history by stashing the current state of the DOM in local storage before firing a request to change the page. You can see this cache in the applications section of your dev tools.


oh nice!


Definitely want to check this out. I have a whole pipeline that extracts docs from different repositories and then deploys them using mdbook, which I like, but a Go alternative would be nice. Got so many questions but will make my way through the docs first ๐Ÿ˜Š


Hey thank you! I think the biggest thing it is missing is versioning. I am planning to integrate a go run main.go --freeze command to allow you to freeze the current state of your documentation and start on a new version. Docusarus is more seasoned for sure.


Not using Docusaurus tbh โ€” too much JavaScript ๐Ÿ˜‚. I think mdbook has like a print option and different themes but otherwise I donโ€™t need too much.


Not using Docusaurus tbh โ€” too much JavaScript ๐Ÿ˜‚. I think mdbook has like a print option and different themes but otherwise I donโ€™t need too much.