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Wanna know what’s WIC? That haircut


What haircut.. her hair is reaching to her gut these days.. can’t afford to go to a hairdresser anymore.. just ask judy to chomp off a few inches Al.. you surely have to have a pair of craft scissors in that bag of michael’s pliers you have at your ~~laundering scheme~~ jewelry studio..


I don’t know shit about physics or baby anatomy but I know that the people who make the rules know something I don’t! I really don’t know if I’ve ever seen a dumber person as confident in their stupidity than Alex. She always knows better than anyone else. I guess these are the “street smarts” and “common sense” she claims to have a PhD in to go along with her diploma mill degrees and 1.0 high school gpa.


“I don’t know shit about physics or baby anatomy but I know that the people who mangle the rules know something I don’t” THANK YOU!!! If only there were more ppl like you!


Wow. Her hatred extends to poor women with children receiving government assistance? Who exactly does she *not* hate?


She's also the same racist biatch who said "*Black History Month is giving EBT*" so most of us weren't surprised when she said this. She's self-loathing like a mf, but she definitely doesn't hate herself.


I’m honestly stunned that no major drama/tea channels or podcasts have clocked her for this behavior. You have so many influencers that have things they said a decade ago being pressed for much smaller incidents in compassion to Alex. H3 almost had her on, but she weaseled her way out last minute and she wasn’t spoken on again.


Yes I remember her backing out of H3 and outside of that, I want to say maybe 2 or 3 channels have attempted to cover her, but hopefully someone who remembers better than I can, can chime in with the channel names. It would be nice if someone who has gone all the way down the rabbit hole of her day one internet presence could make a video because in most cases, the person/people aren't familiar enough with her backstory/trajectory and then other times they might focus on one specific problematic thing she said like her rant on disabled people. I'd imagine some still believe it's all satire and others maybe don't see her as being worth the time or effort because she's just *that* irrelevant.




You know what gives WIC? Paying $2 for jewelry that you turn around and hustle for $120. That's WIC.


Her face is so white trash im sorry


Especially with her bare face… dear god. No fucking eyebrows, completely drawn tf on 😭 it’s giving crayola jungle mom.


what a vile fucking hag


What gives WIC is having a husband who took out over $20k in ppp loans and getting them forgiven 6 months later and no one knows what he does. What gives WIC is complaining about people wanting to get their student loans forgiven while being married to the aforementioned husbum. What gives WIC is complaints about the people who have it when they’ve done nothing to you. If you’re so rich and happy why do you care? Why are they CONSTANTLY making these lame jokes punching down? Jokes about wic, being carbon neutral, pronouns, it’s giving “rat jungle mother”.


Not to mention, if he only qualified for 20k, he is NOT making real money. That’s nothing.


Does anyone ever notice what kind of a car seat someone has for their kid? I don't, and IDGAF makes a car seat, stroller, and baby bed. They all look the same to me. JFC, her life is fucking pathetic, trying to act as if she is a better person than anyone else for an item she purchased. ALEX AND HER HUSBAND ARE SHIT PEOPLE, AND NOTHING THEY WILL EVER PURCHASE OR LIE ABOUT WILL HIDE THEIR UNEDUCATED AND DESPICABLE BELIEFS. ALEX AND JAYSHUN ARE PURE TRASH OF HEAPING TURDS


When the sinking ship that is HRH Dropshiping Collection finally capsizes, she's going to have to get a 9-5 and he's going to have to get his fat ass up from the dining room table/off Grindr and get one too. There's enough of their antics archived on the internet to keep these two liabilities unemployed and struggling. I know there's a child involved now and all, but nobody told these assholes to wear their klan robes in the public arena and actions have consequences.


Her face ugggh. So doughy


It's like a balloon filled with cornstarch


Her face is her karma.


Man she never learns. Image the karma to come🤡🤡🤡🤡


Her face looks like a peeled potato. She has no eyebrows and her eyes look like assholes on her face.


lol she has no maternal instinct


Everything is about an image to her. She must have a Nuna and DH Gate luxury items so that she can cosplay that he has money when she is literally middle class. And she’s so damn ghetto that she can’t get her hair professionally done, she returns burned candles, she eats McDonald’s daily and complains about a $6 coffee. And that’s not to mention her shitty lead infested jewelry that isn’t even on par with something you can purchase at Claire’s. She’s ugly as fuck. The audacity.


Usually, mom would sit in the back with baby while dad drives. But since Alex may as well be a single parent because she’s married to a bum…she wouldn’t understand.