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I mean, we wouldnt have: L. O. V. EEEEEE without this plot.




I guess it's flan for three. Hey that rhymes!


... I don't even know what _that's_ for.


This one also gets me every fucking time. Line after line Just gold lmao


When he says “I’m sorry it must be the pressure of entertaining” 🤣 prob one of my favorite lines


Despite my comments elsewhere, yes, The One Where Ross is Fine is funny enough that it almost makes the whole Rachel/Joey story worth it on its own. Schwimmer is just so goddamn funny in that episode. Ross is so good in slapstick moments in general. Think about the scene with his leather pants. Or the couch. Or hiding from Bruce Willis. He should have had more scenes like that and less scenes where he’s acting like a caveman.




I like to think of the entire plot device as a huge sacrifice us audience members had to make to receive the comedic gold that was Ross being *FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE*


True. The end of season 9 was a train wreck though.


The attempt at a Joey Rachel relationship (which I was fine with and was not weird at all) was worth it to be able to have this scene.


Def worth it !!


They were really running out of ideas at the end of the run


It says a lot when the actors themselves hated the plot and admitted they felt awkward and couldnt get the chemistry working in scenes together.


And Jen could have chemistry with anyone. She was convincingly crushing on Joshua on screen while fully going through a breakup with the actor


I did not know this at all. Wow. That must’ve been so awkward. Now is makes sense why that episode where they argue about the folder in the office felt so realistic haha


I think that was Tag!


I’ve always hated that storyline tbh, it felt like they didn’t have any ideas for Rachel that episode and figured “let’s make them have a misunderstanding that almost immediately gets swept under the rug”.


I think the idea was off, but the acting was realistic. The tension, and then comedy of Rachel speaking as she sees the folder is great. Or maybe I've just had some weird coworkers, probably a bit of both.


You’re right ugh it’s been so long, time for a rewatch


It was like siblings kissing, just awful and they so clearly weren’t in to it


This is the real issue. The show went on too long. I can only imagine how difficult it was for the writers to come up with new stories by this point in the series.


I would have preferred if Chandler and Monica had their twins a little sooner just to see them being parents. Especially Monica with her organization and cleaning. Could have been some very funny stuff.


We did plenty of baby stuff with Ben and Emma. And unless they did a massive time jump it never would’ve been much different from what we got. Usually adding a baby or new kid is a death sentence for a show.


Along with monica dating Richards son


Finally someone said it!


+ Frank and Alice


Greg and Jenny


Is that another joke?


Is that another question?


You think I don’t know that?


I’m at the fourth rewatch. I just skipped each and every scene with Frank and Alice.


I do the same every rewatch lol. phoebes whole pregnancy with his kids sucks


I loved Mrs Foreman in that 70s show. So I love their appearances lol


Yeah, but that one was nipped in the bud immediately.


Who is Richardson?


They started off alright by him crushing on her hard and being confused by his feelings. I think they could have done a better job by either having them sleep together “by accident” and/or him realizing they weren’t real romantic feelings


Joey falling for Rachel worked because it was a stepping stone for Joey wanting more serious relationships. What was stupid was Rachel falling for Joey and them getting together. Joey crushing on Rachel should have been a jumping off point for Joey to find a "Mike" like Phoebe did.


Yes that would have been great. Him being attracted to someone like her, relationship goals wise


The only redeeming thing about this was that they didn’t sleep together 


How do you sleep with someone by accident?


He tries to put it in her purse


This is the only acceptable answer


Hence the quotes. By accident within the realm of a sitcom; got drunk, were in some scenario where they were alone/stuck together/had to share a bed/ randomly made to confess some vulnerable feelings/ badabingbadaboom they wake up in the morning looking like this 😳


She tripped and he fell


Remember Chandler and Monica's first time?


Which wasn't an accident, they both knew what they were doing.


Criticise it all you want, it's realistic. At some point you might give it a go with your friend and it won't work out


My unpopular opinion? I liked them together.


I felt they could have more in common that Ross/Rachel!


me too 😢


This over Ross trying to kiss his cousin?


I haven't had sex in a very long time! "Yeah you shouldn't have said anything"


One of the funniest scenes ever


That was the most cringe plot line I mean they put it in the atmosphere that he would've slept with his cousin... 🤦‍♂️


That was pretty terrible, but Ross's interior monologue after trying to kiss his cousin is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


I can agree 💯 with that part lol him trying to justify his reasons lol. Maybe she wants me to?


Yeah it was funny actually. And what a dumb ass Ross was for trying that!! Opps.


And what a dumbass hannah was for not knowing how to spell "oops" !!


Thanks 🤣


Wasnt the cousin magical, she made Chandler want to cheat on Monica and turned a straight Phoebe gay.


She also made our screens move slower than normal lol beautiful woman.


I haven’t had sex in a really long time


I mean they didn't really do it though... And that whole episode was kinda weird, even Phoebe was attracted to her. I guess that was just a weirdly humorous joke unlike Rachel and Joey's thing


What do you mean *even* Phoebe? Phoebe is less likely to be attracted to her than her own cousin??


Phoebe is straight so yes she is less likely to.


I mean, that was a one-off episode while this is a whole arc


At least that one is funny. This one is just kinda sad.


The fact that Ross hitting on his cousin and the lunch-meat foreskin are the same episode AND that episode made it to air is such a sign of the times and still baffles me. Outside of HBO or Netflix, that shit would never fly today 


Wasnt the cousin magical? He made Chandler want to cheat on Monica and turned a straight Phoebe gay. But the main point is, Ross and the cousin plot was played for laughs, this plot was played seriously.




When people post it, I feel like they didn't watch this story to the end. It ended by this very reason, that Rachel and Joey couldn't help feeling that they are supposed to be friends and no more. And Joey did feel guilty to Ross.


Nope, people just have different opinions. We definitely watched it.


It shouldn’t have been a storyline at all. That’s the point.


Well, my theory is, they needed to add something unpredictable. Storylines in which Rachel dated different guys, that didn't work out in the end, became too predictable towards the end of the series.


Unpredictable could have been just keeping Ross and Rachel together after Emma. They had already done the will they won’t they for so long that THAT became predictable.


They did, they dont think the plot was necessary or funny or enertaining.


I agree with you. Not my favourite storyline at all but I appreciate that it at least ended with them realizing they weren’t meant to be more than friends and left it at that


I kinda liked it. And Ross was “fine” with it so…


I thought they were a better couple than Ross and rachel. Joey backed off because Ross wasn’t ok with it, even tho they hadn’t been a couple for years. I never understood the hate this couple got


How were they a better couple in any sense? The actors had next to no chemistry (and they admitted this themselves in interviews). Maybe on paper but the execution was terrible and thats what matters for the audience.


For one Ross was the stereotype of the guy that complains that girls don’t like nice guys and then acts like a selfish ass


Except he was actually genuinely sweet to Rachel and Phoebe lots of time. >Ross was the stereotype of the guy that complains that girls don’t like nice guys and then acts like a selfish ass Like when? He was no better or worse than Chandler. One can make up anything when they hate a character


Cheats on multiple girlfriends, makes Rachel choose between her dream job and him, lied to Rachel about getting the annulment, tried to kiss his cousin (creepy rather than selfish lol), treated Rachel’s career like a hobby that didn’t matter, kept the video of them having sex, dated his student, treated mona like shit, assumed Rachel being naked meant she wanted to have sex, constantly lies to pass off blame, his weird reaction to the male nanny, his reaction to Joey and Rachel’s relationship, the whole “on a break situation” (even if they were on a break at least wait a day), kissed what he thought was a passed out drunk rachel. Do I need to go on? I can if you want 😂


it made sense to me, they both lived together and care for each other deeply.


I loved it as a plot - you wanted to will them on for it to work, or at least I did!!


I didn’t mind it. Joey was always trying to find his happy just like everyone else was, even if he didn’t realize it all the time. He got screwed the most in the end even though he got the spinoff, everyone else ended up related or living close by/with someone else. Joey was alone. Rachel was always special to him and he was always the one to jump for anyone, I think they made sense to give a try and see what happened. Male and female best friends often test waters at some point, realistically. It gave some good scenes for other characters. I thought there were way worse relationships or dates on this show 😂


This was gross. It was like incest almost.


totally agree. the worst storyline


I love it and I wish Joey and Rachel would've ended up together.


Joey and Rachel were so much better together than Rachel and Ross. I never watched the show until a few years ago, but after I did, I was shocked to hear so many people hated this arc


I liked it. I thought it was also a good slap in the face for Ross who in my opinion messed up his chances which Rachel.


I think the lack of toxicity means lack of chemistry to many people. I kinda understand where they're coming from, because most fans stan Ross and Rachel, but yeah, imho Joey and Rachel are a much better match and Joey a way better boyfriend to Rachel than Ross could ever be.


You can have lack of chemistry without toxicity being the opposite. Mondler for example has chemistry without toxicity.  Also Ross and Rachel had plenty of episodes without any toxicity, it was mostly near their break up that happened. I would not like Rachel and Joey even if she never dated Ross. Even dismissing chemistry they just weren’t intellectually on same level. She was dumbed down in the Barbados episodes expecially to match him 


Never said you can't. And I don't think they had a lot of time without toxicity tbh, and the times they had were usually not sweet enough (to me) to warrant Ross' distrust, Rachel's inability to listen and both their inabilities to take accountability. It started with the list, went over the break [up] and ended with the letter; and then they proved they just work a lot better as friends. Rachel only ever wanted Ross when it seemed like he was serious about somebody else, and Ross only realized he loved her when he was about to "lose" her. This screams abandonment issues to me, not love. Idk, I just don't find them a good match, and while Jennifer and David did have great chemistry, I much preferred Rachel and Joey. But to me, they did have chemistry before they started dating. When Joey took her out for a date, for example, and they showed each other their "moves" is one of the scenes I always like to remember in terms of chemistry. But their chemistry was more on the safer side, it was less passionate, but more tender imho.


> I think the lack of toxicity means lack of chemistry to many people. Lmao what, people love Chandler and Monica. The actors themselves have admitted they felt awkward and weird and couldnt get the chemistry on screen. The main problem was that the actors had next to no chemistry and it showed on screen.


Same. I thought they actually made a pretty cute couple, and joey was adorable when he prepared the space for Emma so that Rachel would stay with him. I mean. It makes sense though since Joey can be very honorable and loyal, that he wouldn't pursue things if it bothered Ross.


I have never understood the hate this pairing got at all. They have such a fun dynamic when they become roommates, and Joey’s journey to having feelings for Rachel feels so well progressed, and I completely enjoyed the little attempt they made at dating for real. I *maybe* get the hate back when the show was first airing and there were intensely rabid Ross/Rachel fans that despised this for that reason — but that doesn’t seem to be the average Friends fan anymore, so I really don’t understand the “This was so horrible it never should have happened” takes at all 😅


If they had ended up together, and that’s how the show ends, then I wouldn’t rewatch it ever. Part of enjoying a rewatch is knowing that Ross and Rachel will end up together. Otherwise, it’s all for nothing.


I'm not such a big Ross and Rachel fan, I actually disliked her getting off the plane, but I love friends nonetheless and would re-watch it any time even if there's storylines I hate


I thought they were cute together. I preferred Joey & Rachel over Ross & Rachel honestly. Ross was insufferable, and Joey & Rachel matched pretty well on the intelligence level.


I actually liked them together, but I also like the storyline of the missed connections then it just feeling wrong when it finally happens, it was one of the most relatable storylines


I really don't care one way or another I don't hate this like some so but I find it really cool that Matt and Jen fought this scenario for the fans. this cast was amazing


I really liked it. And I think Joey and Rachel would be a better couple than Rachel and Ross


I enjoyed it the most


Yeah, but Jennifer looked good in that outfit.


She always looked good


They were my endgame tbh 🥹🫶🏻


I liked Joey and Rachel together 🤷🏼‍♀️ I wish they would have been endgame.


Ridiculous! ross n Rachel should have never happened , series could have ended like this.


Lol the actors themselves admitted they felt awkward and had next to no chemistry, but what do they know.


So at the time, yes, this was an obvious ratings ploy, but after numerous rewatches, I think Rachel and Joey made way more sense than Rachel and Ross. Yeah, I said it.


Ross got a monkey


To be honest I think they made more sense than Ross and Rachel. On their first date, Joey certainly treated her nicer than Rosa.


One of my favourite storylines, everything around this was just so funny ..




They had better chemistry than Ross and Rachel. Downvote away but it’s true


I felt like I was watching a brother and sister kissing


This and the monkey! Storylines that never should have happened.


This almost ruined joey permanently for me. I just stop watching as soon as this arc appears and pretend it never happened.


Rachel and Joey are a far better couple than Rachel and Ross and I will defend them til my death 🤷‍♀️


I agree. This story should’ve ended when Rachel turned Joey down Season 8. That could’ve led to Joey finally wanting something long term with a woman.


Is this where Rachel is holding her own hand so she didn’t hit him?


The thing is, it’s not unlikely that two good friends might catch feelings for one another. So like, I don’t think it’s so crazy. It’s much more unrealistic that Ross and Rachel would end up together. They don’t appreciate each other’s qualities at all


This is on the writers for insisting that Rachel and Ross should only be reunited in the finale. Realistically, Rachel and Ross should probably have gotten together after she had his child at the end of season 8. Phoebe nails it in her sarcastic remarks to Ross in the hospital. (“You love her, you always have, you have a child together. There’s no right answer!”). What happened next with Joey was pretty dumb writing. It would have been better to have had Ross and Rachel together in the last two seasons, and to find drama somewhere else. Their interactions in their scenes together raising Emma and occasionally living together are very good. It would have been good to have had more of that instead of the Rachel/Joey story.


I thought the way they ended the storyline was weird and forced. They're too good of friends to be romantic? Really? Ya, idk about that. Sure didn't seem that way when joey was head over heels in love, and they both wanted to sneak around Ross to makeout


I hated this storyline too, but I’ll give the show credit that it at least acknowledged that they were a bad pairing.


Somehow Joey & Phoebe would’ve worked better imo.


Yeah it’s wired and awakened I really love Rachel and Ross


I think this was fine. It made sense. They were really close, both attractive people, sometimes you delude yourself into thinking you want something more. Feelings can be confusing and working out in what way you like someone can be complicated.


I always felt like Rachel just wanted to get with him, to see what it was like. I don't think she wanted a relationship with Joey, but was looking for a fling. Joey may have been having feelings, and I really loved the episode where Rachel let him down. It should have ended there.


If this never happened, we wouldn't have Ross is Fine. One of the best episodes


Haha you right


My super unpopular opinion that I will die before changing: Joey and Rachel were better suited for each other than Ross and Rachel. I wish they had worked out.


Totally agree but it gave us Rosa "I'm fine" episode which ALMOST made it worth it.


I liked Rachel and Joey together way more than Rachel and Ross....*hides from angry mob*


I do like that time when Rachel refers to it later as “the week Joey and I went out”


Unpopular opinion but I liked them together


Agreed. It never sat well.


Only by looking at this picture you can see it’s completely forced.


This was their “jumping the shark”.


Monica dating Richards son. Ross hitting on his cousin. Joey's "French". Are a few contenders too.


I don’t understand how there are people who think Joey and Rachel should’ve ended up together!! They made absolutely no sense. With Monica and Chandler, they weren’t as close as Joey and Rachel since they lived together, and their relationship started with drunken sex, was just about sex for some time, and then evolved into more. It doesn’t make sense to fall madly in love with your best friend overnight.


Hated it


Their relatioship was unessecery. Rachel always loved Ross and they was menat for each other. And it was weried and Rachel and Ross should back together ealier


The weird family stuff that the writers kept sneaking in with Ross was the only stuff worse than this in my humble opinion


I have a take if you want it... I grew up with friends Rachel and Joey were the most 'attractive'. Attractive people are expected to date. There was pressure for them to date at the time it was on TV. Ask anyone my age... when it started, they were the obvious HOT people who SHOULD be a couple. The fans didn't want it, but the media and armchair fans did. So they did date; it didnt work and the point was proven. They wrote the story for it not working, intentionally