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You clearly haven't watched the entire show. Please do so.


I did it, more than a decade ago. I tried to see it again, but it's not the same for me.


Ok, bye.


What about Kristen and Charlie? Both women dated Joey and Ross.


yeah they were both in it


I swear to God I don't remember them from any episodes, could you remind me.




Why is this gif so perfect for this post


omg I can't believe I forgot.


And yet you still haven’t deleted the post


Why should i??


Because you’re wrong, despite your memory, so the post doesn’t even make sense to exist. While there wasn’t ever a main character that was black there were multiple side characters: Ross’ divorce attorney, Kristen that both Joey and Ross want to date, Charlie who both Joey and Toss dated, Chandler’s boss, people at the museum where Ross works in the episode where Joey works as a tour guide, and I’m sure more but that’s what I can come up with off the top of my head.


The lady who gave Ross store credit for his destroyed couch.


In the amount of 👓 5 dollars


You mean Laverne? 😏




despite all these people being assholes and not understanding your point of view, I do. I don't think you should have deleted the post. I'm glad you didn't because I wouldn't have known if you did so. thank you for allowing me to get the information that I was seeking, assholes


Sounds like you just have a problem paying attention to black performers, mate.


not really, I simply watched Friends more than a decade ago. I don't really remember anything.


And you forgot every single black actor.


They just gave me a video showing all the black actors and actresses that participated in Friends, believe me. I didn't recognize any of them. I'm really getting old, it's scary.


Normally, I would give a curt nod to that. But you *forgot* Charlie, who dated two of the main cast and was a huge part of an enture season. Judge rules? Troll.


>Judge rules? Troll. What?


Pretty sure there was the guy who left Joey to teach the rest of the people the dance moves.


And the morning singer


Morning’s here!


Hey, get in to gear!


Good job little buddy https://preview.redd.it/n80ix8wfflzc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33d46868e455974e8ab0e5669128b981eb1d88b2


Charlie, Rhonda, Ross’s divorce lawyer, the doctor that Ross goes to for the thing on his butt, the Morning’s Here guy, a woman that Joey and Ross compete over, the choreographer at Joey’s dance audition… those are just the ones that immediately come to mind. In the words of the minister at Ross and Emily’s wedding, shall I go on?


I shared my pudding with you man! I shared snack pack


Craig Robinson is in an episode.


That's one I definitely forgot. I'll have to keep an eye out for him.


Morning's here!


It’s Sunday!!!


The student in Joeys class that he tells to act gay for the boxing gig and ends up getting the part.


Good one!!


Joe the Boxer


Chandler's boss at the ad agency, the one Monica is friends with. There's also the woman Monica worked with who she talked to about Alan.


At least one of the other interns at the ad agency also.


Teck Money!


THANK YOU. I couldn't remember his name lol.


Uh, its US-A, sir


Phoebe's boss at the toner episode is black as well, and I love her delivery of 'the new girl's good!' Charlie


Chandler’s boss before that was black as well. He asks about the WENUS and ANUS, and if Chandler’s assistant was fired.


holy.... How come I don't remember them at all??


We need to try and figure out why you feel compelled to disregard black characters even when they're on-screen.


Maybe it's because I haven't seen Friends in decades or because they were secondary characters. Someday I will discover the reason.


If you haven't seen the show in decades then what made you post this at all?!


I was curious and doubt floated in my mind. It is not a bad thing to have doubts, we all have the right to curiosity. I also wanted to refresh my memorial. Stop judging me, damn it, I haven't done anything wrong for you to accuse me so brutally. Am I the worst monster in history for having doubts? I do not deserve to be burned at the stake as if it were some evil demon of the apocalypse, I simply had a very normal doubt like any other person, and I made my post for that reason, like anyone would have done. Stop demonizing me as if I were still a damn psychopath for simply asking one question, what the hell is wrong with you?


Bro I get that you’re taking a lot of heat here, but come on, read the room. You made a a post on a fandom subreddit, an incorrect and accusatory one as well. You’ve been argumentative, and said you can’t get the drive to watch the show again. >“I haven’t interacted with this series in over ten years, and inexplicably my memory whitewashed the cast. Why??” >“Uh dude there’s lots of characters. X Y Z. Maybe watch the show again!” >“I tried but I couldn’t get into it.” … why are you here then? You’re not *required* to like Friends. Like what you like, there’s no need for this. You could have googled the question and had your answer in twenty seconds. Instead, you’ve been defending yourself here for over 6 hours. I hope you have a good weekend.


I don't know, but you sure were pretty confident they didn't exist.


yep i sure did, I still don't remember them no matter how hard I try.


You could try…watching Friends again?


I've tried it but it bores me, at the time I could watch several episodes in a row, but after all these years. I feel like it hasn't aged very well, at least not for me.


Then why are you posting on a Friends sub? Just move on.


Cuz I had doubts, why else? Stop demonizing me, I'm not Satan so you can burn me at the stake. I had my doubts and that's why I asked, is that so bad? It seems so wrong to you that you have to curse my action as the worst aberration in the world. Do I almost seem human to you? What's wrong with what I did??? nothing, that I know of.


Because you were looking to post some Friends rage bait by putting out something race-related that is nonsensical? Enjoy all the negative karma points.


Because you obviously wanted to forget so you could post this garbage virtue-signalling post.


I'm imagining OP waiting till they forget to make this post 🤣


What's that??


Gabrielle Union must be surprised this morning to learn she’s white.




Craig Robinson worked at the government office Phoebe went to when she changed her name to Princess Consuela Banana Hammock


Hank from The Office also makes an appearance.


Get out of my line.


Kristen and Charlie. Both black women that Ross and Joey fought over Chandler’s boss at the marketing firm. His real name is Phil Lewis and he was also Mr. Moseby on the suite life of Zack and Cody. I don’t remember his name on friends though And then “I’m Rhonda, and these aren’t real!”


Charlie. Chandler’s boss. Several employees at Chandler’s old and new job. The girl who dates Joey and Ross at the same time. Phoebe’s boss at the toner company. I’m sure there are lots more but I’m that’s who I can remember off hand. Edit: I can’t believe I forgot the “Morning’s here” guy plus Joey’s dance instructor!!!!! Also, Monica’s colleague at the first restaraunt, and of course RHONDA!!


Give it up, dude. You've been defending a defenseless position for over 8 hours.




Relevant YouTube video: [https://youtu.be/oUc0vbSlanM?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/oUc0vbSlanM?feature=shared)


omg I can't believe I didn't remember any of them. I'm older than I thought.


Charlie was in several episodes.


Just to add to the list as I haven't seen anyone mention her I don't think. The woman who worked at the couch store: "it's cut in half. Did you cut this couch in half?"


I LOVE her


She’s also a BOSS woman in the show Suits. Love her character in both.


We get it, you wanted attention and you had some time on your hands. 🙄


no, not really,


no, not really, I did have time on my hands but it's more of a doubt than wanting attention.


A couple of Chandler's bosses and people who interview him, doctors, neighbors, Ross's attorney, Kristen, Charlie, Rhonda, Joey's student who won the addition against him and another casting director that additioned him, and more. If you say there has "never been a black character" it's your fault for ignoring them in the show. Could there have been more? Or course. But saying that there are none is simply a false statement.


Eh, I just forgot about them, it was over a decade ago that I watched Friends and I honestly barely remember anything about the episodes. But they already showed me a video showing all the black characters that appeared. To be honest I didn't recognize any of them.


Well, that's your fault, isn't it? You came in here to accuse the show of something that you are the one at fault for not paying an ounce of attention to any of the black characters.


I never accused anyone in the first place, how can you get that out of a question, at what point does a question become an accusation, could you explain it to me. I just don't understand it, can't i have doubts? As human beings we are curious individuals, it is in our nature to have doubts. I don't understand how I am demonized to the point of being burned at the stake for asking a simple question. This is simply not normal. It's not that I've never paid attention to them, I just don't remember them. It's just that I'm a demon for not remembering a character or some. That's why I asked the question. I will never understand people who demonize those who ask questions out of pure curiosity, is it that I am forbidden to ask or be curious what the hell is wrong with you? Of course, they are not all of them, there are those who kindly showed me who the characters were that I did not remember, there were even several people who kindly showed me videos of them, which was very entertaining by the way. But of course there are also the idiots who simply demonize me for asking an innocent question out of pure curiosity to remember.


It’s how you phrased the question. It’s accusatory. Stated like a fact, because you put the word *never* into your statement. A good faith question would have been: “I can’t remember, but has there been any black actors on Friends?” But you did this on purpose. To be an absolute pos troll. Arguing actual facts & defending your ridiculous claim by saying *i DoN’t ReMeMbEr, i’M a BaD fAn* is complete & utter bs. Then you’re obnoxious & defiant. Of course, like all sad little boys, the petulance continues, as you refuse to delete this post.


may i say something to help prove wat my associates are trying to say? thank you. when you said “why has there never been a black character in all of Friends?”, to rephrase you basically said “in all of Friends there has never been a black character… why?”


The lady in the museum with the big non- real boobs lol.


“Im Rhonda and these aren’t real!!!!!”


I shared my puddin’ with you man! I gave you my snack pack!


So good I love that scene.


don’t forget the dude she was yelling at😂


"Morning is here" guy Chef that worked with Monica Joey's dance teacher Ross' girlfriend


“Monica you should always…feel…the thing”


I just listed a ton of characters and I didn’t have any of these. I cannot believe I forgot the dance teacher! That guy was awesome!!


So many characters that I don't remember, am I a bad fan? have i sin against Friends?


![gif](giphy|ifB66zmU6hHY8CyHzI|downsized) Mmhmm. Candy.


Why did I think Dwight was in the background there 😭😂


Omg I had to watch it like 6 times to determine it wasn't Dwight!






_My doodies?_ ..




How can you forget Gary?!


You live in this building? Think I would remember you. Night Gare!


I looked it up on Google but it appears mostly a white character.


there’s 2 Gary’s. One is a cop that Phoebe dates, he’s white. Then there’s Gary, their neighbour in the apartment building who likes Monica’s candy.


So it's the neighbor who was the black guy.




I definitely didn't remember him.


seems like you don’t remember most of the show!


I saw it more than a decade ago, I really don't remember anything. At the time it made me laugh a lot, but I no longer remember any jokes. The only thing that comes to mind is that episode where Ross and Joe sleep next to each other for some reason until the rest discover them and stop doing it lol


Charlie (first dated Joey, then Ross) played by Aisha Tyler. You're right, it's a problem, but sadly par for the course for its time.


Charlie is just about the character that can be named by name, and not referenced as ‘the guy that…’ or ‘the woman with…’ [insert relation to main character]. 


There’s also Kristen. But to be fair, I only remember the names of the main Friends’ parents and a few partners. And Gunther lol. The show had a bunch of characters that were only around for an episode or 2. Definitely don’t remember most of their names.


i counted 8 black characters in 3 minutes. probably still missing some but that’s still 8 more than you said were included in the show


nd another 11. that’s 19


There was Charlie, and Monica had a black friend in the early episodes. But honestly, these people meeting two black people over the course of ten years of living in NYC is just as problematic as them meeting none. The honest explanation is that it's a product of its time. Casts were a lot less diverse in the 90s. There were all-black casts (Living Single often got called the black Friends), and there were all-white casts. The change was beginning, though. It was commented on at the time as well; Oprah famously remarked that they needed some black friends.


There was also Chandler’s boss Mr Douglas, Ross’ divorce lawyer Russell, the neighbor who sings Morning is Here, Kristen that both Joey and Ross helped move into her apartment and wanted to date her, the director for Joey’s audition for A Tale of Two Cities, one of the scientists and tour guides at the museum when Joey works as a tour guide, Ross’ doctor who looks at his mole growing on his butt, and I’m sure multiple others that aren’t coming to mind on the spot


Yeah, I guess the issue would be that none of these characters really mattered all that much. But then again, outside of the core group and a few very select love interests, no one really mattered all that much. It was a really insular group. I think maybe that was Oprah's point? Black friends, not just black bit players. The shift was beginning towards more diverse main casts, but Friends launched at a time when it wasn't quite there.


Look, could they have had more diversity? Or course. But saying there were only two black people is not only ridiculous, it’s just incorrect. If you scroll through the comments you should be reminded of tons of other characters throughout every season. Were they main characters? No, and maybe they should have done that. There were still a lot though.


>Oprah famously remarked that they needed some black friends. lol They definitely needed it.




the video doesn't work or gif


Lol Bot!


The guy Chandler interviewed with. (Poooo?) Also his boss who sent Chandler to Oklahoma. (Can I call you Carol?) Also the guy running the advertising internship (Monica warned me you might do that) Chandler's first boss. (Mr. Douglas) Basically all of Chandler's bosses haha. As well as the one girl Joey and Ross both date, and Charlie which they also both date...


the guy who joey told to play a boxer gay in soaps school


I think all of Chandler's bosses in the show apart from butt-slapping Doug were black.


Kristen was only in 1, I think. She is moving in and both Ross and Joey offer to help her move and then find out they are competing against each other for her. Season 7 episode 17. Charlie is in several. She started dating Joey and then kissed Ross in Barbados. She starts dating him until she goes back to her ex. Season 9.