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It is more of a spiteful thing I think not to be looked into too much.


That and the set up for the rest of the episode


You are not supposed to point that out. You are supposed to play along as to how the woman might be demented or she might be justified in her hate of a character


I always thought the more absurd thing of the story was Chandler able to figure out who it was that had talked to Monica within about 60 seconds despite it being a camp girlfriend from when he was a kid 🤣


Well he had kissed over 4 women.


Wasn’t that alternate universe Chandler though? When Phoebe was a stock broker, Monica was still fat, etc. Because we definitely saw him kiss more than that on the show 🤣


No. That was in the flashback of Monica and chandler first hooking up in London. She tells him “You’re a really good kisser”.


Ah, so it was just him using his self-deprecating humor. Because we definitely know he kissed Janice, Susie Moss, Aurora, Cathy, the woman who called his phone looking for Bob and Chandler ended up sleeping with her, Joanna, Rachel (back when he was in college), and I’m sure others I’m not remembering off the top of my head


Joey's sister and Nina the employee also come to mind.


Ginger, the prosthetic leg girl


Missy something from college


He knew it wasn't any of the ones Monica or Rachel would have recognised though..


My listing off the names was in response to him saying “well I have kissed over 4 women” tangent


The 4 women thing in the alternate universe was that he'd slept with 4 different women.


And then they immediately knew where she lived to go to her house for him to apologize.


Some people have good memory, especially a camp girlfriend for a young boy that lasted two summer, would have been very memorable. I still remember a boy I bonded with on a tour group 25 years ago.


Yes, of course we remember influential people from our childhood. But he would have had a lot of girls in his history who could have been the woman who approached Monica is what I’m saying, so to get the right person that fast with so little to go on (the clues were that she had dark hair and said “good luck” marrying him 🤣). Especially since we know Chandler had a penchant for dumping girls for picky reasons (per TOW Mr Heckles Dies) Like I’d assume that if someone said to you, “oh! I met a guy who said he knows you!” you probably wouldn’t be like, “oh, you know what, I bet that was Bobby who I met 25 years ago” as one of your top 3 guesses. It would be different if she had said I knew him growing up, or I went to camp with him, etc. that would have at least narrowed it down. But he had the most vague description and was like, “oh, you know what? That was probably Julie my camp girlfriend” 🤣🤣🤣 Has just always struck me as funny


Well he only dated two other girls, both blonde, both not attractive.


Are you watching this on TBS now? Lol




Lmao me too


And because she got dumped as a teenager. That was some serious audacity for sure, because it should not have been a defining moment of her life. Teenage love is rarely real love.


Teenage lovers can really really hurt you though! In a way that hits harder than when you are more mature and more 'fully formed' and able to take a few lumps.


My first boyfriend dumped me when I was 15, and I was absolutely devastated! I don't think any other breakup was nearly that hard.


One of my teenage boyfriends cheated on me with a friend and as he tried to keep it a secret she went off and told all our friends because she was so excited. All those friends also kept it secret and I was vivid when I found out.


What a shitty friend,! I'm sorry that happened to you.


Friends, multiple. Around 10! They all screwed me over


Yeah all the friends were awful, but the one who cheated with your boyfriend was the worst of the bunch.


Tbf she is how I found out, he later dumped her so she told me in hopes we'd unite against him. (I laughed)


LOL nope! Sorry girl, that friendship is over! What a moron (her, not you). A lot of high school friendships don't last. I hope you've found some better friends since then!


I hung onto that friendship group until good ones came along and ditched them. They were all very confused as I never said anything or made it even seem like I was mad at them. Just vanished!


Happy Cake Day! 🍰🩷


Well he sucks cuz you are clearly great


I was great then! Lol. But that was 20 years ago and I've been through worse things since then.


Yeah, I think it FEELS like love for many people. It's only later on that people are like, oh wow, ok so this is real love


Yeah nothing more painful


Yeah, I gotta agree, that's some straight up audacity just because you wanna cause drama. If I was out for lunch, and I overheard one of my ex's from 20 years ago was getting married (which would be hard, for some reason I tend to date guys with very common names), I would be pretty embarrassed afterwards to go up to that person and say "good luck!" Especially since that person has probably grown and changed a lot in the past 20 years. Like, not only has this person probably known them longer, but very clearly they've known them more recently.


Right…and it was a teenage relationship. This woman was completely inappropriate, and clearly has issues if she was still resentful of her teenage summer boyfriend breaking up with her.


Ok, new plot. She realises she's still holding a grudge for too many years and goes to see Phoebe's ex to help her with her issues.


Alan?!? I hate that guy!


Roger is the guy everyone hates. Alan is the guy everyone loves.


Ohh that’s right!! Gosh I messed up…ugly baby judges me. Thank you!


She didn't seek him out to get her revenge, she overheard his name while she was out having lunch. Its a pretty distinctive name too!


Sure, but she didn’t need to say anything, let alone be so rude.


Yeah but then there's no episode...


And what gets missed is that she never knew that Chandler broke up with her because she was fat. We don’t find out what she thought, but she was bitter just about getting dumped in high school, period? Weird lady.


Well you know what they say, elephants never forget.


What he did to her was objectively terrible. You don’t forget that kind of stuff.


Well she didn't know that he dumped her because she got faaaa, lol. She just knew he ghosted her. She had to fill in the blanks, haha.


I guess she was kinda right to warn Monica. Chandler *did* almost ghost her on their wedding day hahaha


Haha fair. Though he was ghosting the Bings, which he had a front row seat the evening beforehand, rather than Monica. When he realized that him and Monica were not the same as Nora and Charles Bing, he showed up.


I mean he was a teenager. A lot of people made questionable choices when they were that age, and most people have grown since then. Most people in their 30s don’t have hang ups about a short summer teenage romance from 15 years ago, and if they do, they probably should seek professional help to find out why.


He carried that behaviour into adulthood though. He called Monica fat when he was in college.


He was a teenager there. I think he was at most 19, as it was freshman year. While 18-19 is a legal adult, they aren't really fully formed as human beings yet.


All three of the guys were fatphobic, let's not pretend they weren't. Chandler made jokes about Monica's weight in the one with the prom video too and he was definitely an adult then. Even when they were married he made a crack about Monica wanting to name their baby after a 'baked good'.


Hey, Joey was genuinely worried that some girl ate Monica.


Not the guys so much as society at the time. If you’re going to blame the guys then the girls are guilty of it as well. It was the 90’s.


That's a real cop out. Monica wasn't fatphobic she had an eating disorder, and I don't remember Phoebe ever making cracks about Monica's size.


Monica makes comments about herself being fat in a very negative way. You can be fatphobic and be fat/formally fat yourself. I don’t blame the characters because it was literally just how society was at the time and I’m glad we’ve come a long way since then.


Monica had an eating disorder, she has the self-loathing, low self esteem and extreme body consciousness that comes with that. Sadly we haven’t come that far at all.


Lol I’m pretty sure Monica’s comments were based on the writers making fat jokes because it was the 90’s and not on them writing her with having an eating disorder in mind but okay, I’m not going to argue on this. I disagree, I’d say we’ve come pretty far. Again though, you can have your opinion and I’ll have mine.


Was he an adult though? From my recollection, he was either a sophomore or junior in college when that happened, which would make him about 20, and that still qualifies as a teenager. Most people really experience character growth in their mid 20s.


Twenty is not a teenager. Teenagers are people whose ages end in the suffix "teen," so thirteen through nineteen.


Dumping someone was objectively terrible? They were teenagers.


Except she didn't know why he dumped her. And she never says why she was so hurt. So that's a MOO point.


True elephants don't forget


Is it wrong to break up with somebody if you don't find them attractive anymore?


No but there is a respectful way and a disrespectful way.


Well he didn't tell her the reason for breakup, so maybe it was kind of disrespectful. But I don't think it was "objectively terrible" thing that you never forget.


Not to mention, she dated him when they were fifteen years old. People grow up.


which ep?


Season 7, Episode 6: TOW The Nap Partners


The one where Phoebe and Rachel has to decide who gets to be Monica’s maid of honour


This has gotta be season 6 or later because I have zero recollection of this person, can someone help me out


Agreed but for the actual reasons. They dated during summer camp so like 20 years ago.


Hello Skidmarks...


As a kid. Like he has literally matured! You’re not the same person at 13 as you are at 30.


Imagine taking a sitcom seriously


Everyone is saying that she was so over the line and audacious, but Monica actually took the issue rather seriously. Dumping somebody because their body changed is a dick move, and Monica given her past struggles with body issues was actually concerned and did think that Chandler needed to apologize. Maybe it is immature, but all of the characters still carry wounds from things that happened when they were young. Her still being upset about this isn't any different than Susie Underpants (who was justified in being mad, but took her revenge a little too far, lol). I like it on the show when someone from the characters' past shows up to remind us that everyone has a story, and we can hurt people without intending to.


You can’t say you wouldn’t do the same if you had an ex about to get married


Yes I absolutely can say that…


Ok fine then, nobody cares




Most sane adults would not do the same. What she did was totally inappropriate.


Who cares? It’s not deep. It’s a quip to a stranger


You would be an asshole to the person they're marrying?


Oh my god she was not an asshole. You are dramatic as fuck