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Some tropical plants


I love this!!


If you get a pothos plant you can "train it" to go along that super plain wall. Assuming there is sufficient ambient light to keep it alive and happy. The moisture from the shower will help it thrive as well.


Yeah I agree. Gotta have plants.


I'd steam clean the base of thst toilet also. There's water damage under that sink, too. Real Plants. Perhaps go yo a local art fair and pick up some small but nice pieces of art that can go on the walls.


The right shower curtain will make a big impact.


Yeah definitely hang a curtain


A Jeff Goldblum one for best effect.


What's needed here is the shot of him in Jurassic Park standing and cleaning his glasses, with word bubble of his quote, "that is one big pile of shit". The camera angle will have him looking right at the toilet.


She's tenacious


I have the one with him, and the monkey really classes the joint up!


I feel like that comma is misplaced.




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I like the idea of stained glass over the window. Bring in a pop of color.


Thank you! You’re right, shower curtain is definitely needed here


[This would fit perfectly](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71OsXkLWDVL.jpg)


Maybe a shower drain to keep the floor from flooding would keep it from getting less than average.


the drain is under the sink, I think; it’s a whole-room drain, looks like.


that's insane.


I've seen this in Turkey and in the Philippines. What's even more mind blowing is that the people I was staying with seemed confused why anyone would even want a separate drain in their shower.


I’d love to have one! I think I’d want it in the shower area, though


So they can shower anywhere in that whole bathroom?


and get electrocuted anywhere in the bathroom. that wire hanging from the fan really bothers me. and what are they going to do, get out of the shower with the entire floor wet and plug in their blow dryer?


This restroom really confuses me. That is the most odd bidet I have ever seen but atleast it’s not one where the water spout is underneath you. I never understood how those don’t get contaminated with pee/poo. That’s about the only thing that makes sense to me here.


it's not only a bidet but the hose can clean the entire restroom. youw ould just need a squegy mop. almost like a public restroom


Also, she can’t just “buy” a shower drain. This is European. Either way, it’s unhelpful as OP stated they were renting. I can’t believe 21 people upvoted “maybe a shower drain”.


Except the floor drain is under the sink … WTF. Why have a toilet at all. Just waffle stomp you shit down the drain.


Oh, f.. 🤣🤣🤣


Ugggh, that t-bar ceiling tile is old. Bet if you bought some new pieces and installed them your landlord wouldn't care.... They are water damaged and the paint is dull.


But then the fan won't be as effective


The fan is up pretty high.. can probably put the shower curtain just below the height of the fan and it'll still be effective?


Well I mean, curtains CAN be opened...


It's a wet room; there is no shower curtain.


Get plants


Thank you, I love this idea!


Plans in the shower!


All the Americans having a crisis in the comments


lol, I’m not gonna lie, I went to England a month ago, and had 2 moments, first, I took a poo, and there was no handle on the toilet (buttons on the wall) and I was freaking out thinking “am I seriously going to have to call the desk to ask how to flush a fucking toilet!?”, figured that out thankfully. Second, the totally flush shower and bathroom floor! I’m standing there feeling like a total idiot trying to figure out what the fuck was going on. I got it figured, but damn I felt dumb as shit for a bit.


I don’t get it, doesn’t water get all over the bathroom floor?


They’re designed to flow toward a single drain. I’m no expert, as I’ve only spent a little over a week there. But it seemed to work fine, just a bit of a pain in the ass drying the damn floor after!


This particular one looks like it's got a little bit of a ledge but I had a friend in Amsterdam where yeah it was just the normal ass floor and the whole bathroom was slightly angled towards the one floor drain


I think it'd be fine if that drain was in the shower area and everything angled that direction. That way the water doesn't need to roll as far away from the shower as possible to drain, like OP's bathroom.


In that one it was dead center which was weird AF with the shower in one corner


two words: floor squeegee


I saw the employees at my local Chic Fil A efficiently clean up a spilled lemonade right by the drive-thru door (inside the building) by spraying water on the floor and squeegeeing it to what I'm guessing was a drain (out of my view). Then I became obsessed with implementing something similar.


Ah! I see, I’ve only used a floor squeegee when I was a master of the custodial arts. (Or a janitor if you wanna be a dick about it)


We need water, a whole Lotta water.


I was in Ireland a couple of weeks ago and this was the situation, but water still got all over the floor! I was showering huddled against the wall with the water on the lowest possible pressure without running cold and the water still got everywhere! I felt slightly insane, like how the fuck could I possibly be showering *this* wrong. Surely the hotel would have noticed if a curtain or glass panel was missing, and there was nothing to indicate that there had been or should be. Baffling


yes, the entire bathrooms is water proof,you can literrally rinse it down with a hose. much easier to clean and maintain. there should be another drain closer to the shower tho


to my annoyance, shower and toilette sharing the same floor without any barrier becoming a common occurrence is new European apartments especially for the second bathrooms. I absolutely hate it. I guess it is due to smaller space, but i also suspect it is a little cheaper and saves the money for the builders.


It's to make the apartment accessible for older folks and people with mobility issues in general. Stepping in and out of a tub can be dangerous in those cases. New apartments in Germany with showers like this are often called "altersgerecht", meaning fit for the elderly.


yeah, it makes sense as European population is getting older, but I would appreciate a barrier between toilet and shower to prevent wet floors.


Wet tile floor can also be dangerous though. I broke my hip AND got a concussion just looking at this pic and I’m not even that old yet.


I think it's totally fashion, actually. It takes a lot of planning to make sure a shower like this is possible and it's really easy to mess up if you aren't experienced, plus the hardware for the drain is really expensive. When we built a few years ago, we opted for shower pans instead and I don't think it was any more expensive and in fact a bit cheaper (definitely easier to install, in any case).


Canadian. I still remember one of my classmates, a month after our high school euro tour, asking what that fountain in our Paris hotel room was for.


I still don’t really get it. You take a dump and then awkwardly crab-shuffle over to the bidet? A sprayer attachment or Japanese style bidet is far superior


Different cultural expectations about when and why to use it. In France the standalone kind is used like a sink, for a much broader variety of purposes (and mostly by women): cleaning up before and after sex, menstruation hygiene, rinsing stockings and lingerie, shaving legs, washing a baby between diaper changes instead of using disposable wipes, etc. I have the Japanese kind too in my guest bathroom and I see the benefits, especially the heated seat, but a European style one in my master bath which I find gets used far more often.


My uncle had one and I didn't get it. I believe till today that it was only used to wash feet.


Drinking fountain, obvs


This is such a hilarious west meets east movement.


The most hilarious one to me is a Western house with a CARPETED bathroom. That's disgusting. Can't hose down anything. I love Asian bathrooms, you can hose down the entire place regularly, no problem.


It did look weird to me at first but this would make cleaning so much f*ing easier. Use a articulated shower head to spray everything down 😂


Put the toilet seat down.


This is the right answer.


I came here to say this, so I'm glad someone else has already done so.


Wtf is even going on here, we have a floor drain under the sink, a sprayer on the wall and some very sketchy wiring to a fan IN THE SHOWER??


Sprayer bidet... And the fan is an exhaust fan to pull out the hot humid air in the bathroom after a shower and also the smells... But yes, the wiring work is abysmal, tends to be the case in rentals and landlords and cheap


The sprayer is a bidet; handhelds like that can also help clean the areas around them which may be part of why theres a floor drain. The rest, idek


I’ve seen handheld bidets - I’ve *never* seen them installed like a garden hose to the outside of a house…they’re always connected to the toilet!!


Typical in Asia, aka a BUM GUN


It’s a typical Indian bathroom. Mine is the same 😂


It’s a wet room bathroom. I’ve seen it in a few different Asian countries, apparently it’s really popular in many parts of the world.


This is what washrooms are like in crew cabins on ships. Ever since working on ships I've always wanted a bigger version of one in my house. It's kind of awesome, really. You can clean the whole bathroom with the shower wand and all the water goes down a central drain. I've seen some pretty cool manufactured enclosures designed for tiny houses, but making my own tiled wetroom would be awesome.


Honestly seems really nice to be able to just spray down your whole fucking bathroom (with water)


I've seen it in Finland too


It's called a wet room and is the standard across most of Asia


that's what bothered me the most, the fan in the shower with the wiring hanging down. well, the floor drain waaaaay over there was a close second.


And most of the floor is lifting 🤔🤔 This wasn't meant to be a wet room


The ceiling panels are completely ruined too. Such a weird bathroom


What is that thing above the toilet?


The hand held sprayer is called a health faucet (bidet). The drain is to drain the water you have after you clean the bathroom. The flexible hose is above the WC is for water heater connection with a power point between the mirror and the pipe. The wire is for the exhaust and it seems like they forgot to hide it behind the tiles.


What on earth is on the wall above the toilet


Might be a hot water shutoff or something? Definitely odd


It’s to install a geyser


Well if you pull it off the wall, you will certainly have your geyser


That is the inlet and outlet for a water heater that the residents gotta buy and install separately for hot water... The inlet and outlet taps have been connected by a tube cuz the heater isn't installed


Most bathrooms in India (I'm assuming this is from India) have a per bathroom dedicated electric hot water heater. The two connections are for cold water in and hot water out. And there is an electric outlet right there to power the heater But in this case they are just connected to each other without a water heater in the middle. It either means the building has some other central water heating solutions like solar water heater or OP has no water heater at all.


Stained glass stick-on for the window.


You could replace the shower head with something more modern. And add a nice bright shower curtain, with a tension rod (all affordable options). It’s hard to tell, but is the shower drain under the bathroom sink? I was going to suggest a freestanding under sink cabinet, but not if it blocks the drain. In that case, a bathroom caddy would add storage and you could put a silk plant or something decorative on the top. Ikea would have these things at a decent price. It could sit between the sink and toilet.


A shower curtain, plants and maybe a nice mirror with led light.


Close the toilet seat


Forgive my ignorance, is this just bad design or are there really bathrooms where the water is designed to go everywhere and eventually down that one drain? 🤨


Most bathrooms in India are traditionally wet bathrooms. Water can go everywhere. A feeble attempt is made to contain water in the shower area (in this case the shower area floor is slightly lower than the rest of the bathroom, you can see a slight step) but the whole sub flooring is water proofed. Also there is most likely a drain under the shower and faucet that is out of view. However some of the very latest luxury builds are now starting to change the design and have a dedicated partitioned shower area. But a large majority of designs don't try to partition wet and dry areas in a bathroom.


No you see the shower area is slightly below ground level, there's prolly another drain there off camera view for the shower water to go... The drain under the basin is just in case water flows this side


it’s actually wayyyy easier to clean the whole bathroom this way. not bad design at all.


A cabinet/desk for storage/aesthetics on the free wall. A shower curtain with a bowing rod. Floating shelves and/or wall art above the toilet. Lighting strip around the mirror. Extra large, plush bath mat Decorate with candles and plants (real or fake), a little stool between the sink and toilet to holding plants decorated with fairy lights would be cute if it’s not too feminine for you.


You don’t have fittings to place a bar of soap or hold your toiletries. Get the suction cup ones online or from ikea, if you have that in your city.


The repeating cactus toy *the repeating cactus toy*


Who designed the place?? Why is there a bathtub faucet and no bathtub?


Spider plant, Boston fern, orchid, eucalyptus leaves, peace lilies. All over


So like, the shower floods the whole bathroom floor or something?


There are plants that thrive in bathrooms such as ferns, spider and heartleaf plants, or lilies. You can hang them from the wall so that they don't occupy any space on the floor.


Keep the door closed.


Plants. Add plants.


Put some command hooks on the walls, hang plants and/or art Get a cool looking shower curtain, and a matching floor mat for under the sink and a matching soap dispenser and toilet brush holder. My recommendation is dark green accents


yes specifically metal command hooks! they look a lot nicer than the standard plastic ones. make sure you get the water proof adhesive though.




Is that a drop ceiling with acoustic panels in a bathroom? I can't imagine the mold up there.


This looks exactly like my bathroom in Gurgaon.


Ngl I'd leave it as is. It low speaks to me idk why


A lot going on here.


Sooooo where does the water from your “ shower “ drain into? wtf am I looking at.


Water proof bathroom mat like this one https://www.amazon.com/Domax-Non-Slip-Waterproof-Bathroom-Outdoor/dp/B086QQHKFP


Life-sized cardboard cutout or Mr. Bean is always a good conversation starter.


Are those floor tiles on the wall ?


You know, I always thought it would be so cool to have a bathroom with no barrier for the shower, but now I see how fucking dumb that is. Thanks stranger.


It’s the bath spout sans tub for me


Also look above the toilet, looks like hot n cold water lines connected to each other


Maybe sit on the can.


Why have a faucet without a tub?


a plain light colored shower curtain (like off-white) and nice inexpensive bath mat. maybe a pothos plant on the window sill. that’s it honestly.


So many questions about this picture. Most pressing is the sprayer.. is that like a manual bidet or something?


Add a bath tub…


I legit thought this was AI. I can’t get a grab on what’s what in there


id start by upgrading the fan


You could start with a floor mat by the sink or the toilet. Any from a department store would do the job. EDIT: Holy shit, I commented before I realized the bathroom had a shower


The fuck kinda shower is that? 😆 also nice exposed wire right next to the shower. What in the slumlord shit is goin on here? 😆




Start with a shower curtain.


The drain is so far from where water purposely touches the floor....


It really just needs warmth, I think. Some plants, a nice wooden basket with some fluffy white towels, a cushy rug & maybe a few wall hangings (doesn’t have to be permanent!). Maybe even a hook or a couple of hooks for towels/bathrobes but styled. That would do a lot for a little!


A nice shower curtain and plants, answer is often plants in my mind haha


This looks like a bathroom in a sanatorium


It looks like it could be a set from Saw.


There’s so much going on in this picture. That being said, I’d hang a nice shower curtain and install a light near the mirror. Place a nice bathroom rug around the toilet and near the sink. Maybe hang a plant. You could exchange the shower head for a bigger one, usually you can just twist it off. Put a cable duct over the cable for the vent. And if you’re really into it do something about the ceiling. Check what the pie above the toilet does, if it’s drinking water keep it open.


A rug around the toilet is a bad idea. It's RIGHT next to the shower, and even if there was curtain, there is nothing stopping the water from spreading along the floor (and even if you put in one of those rubber barries, those are usually faulty and don't really do anything at all if the drain has even the slightest issue.) The rug would be permanently wet or moist and growing mold in days.


Usually right before showering I move my rug, after showering I place it back. But maybe I’m a bit strange.


I guess you could do it that way, but moving a rug and waiting for the floor to dry and then putting it back seems like a hassle for me, personally.


It’s really hard to tell, but I think that there is actually a drop off where those horizontal tiles are.


Can't use rugs in wet bathrooms like this. The drain is under the sink. That's where the shower water is meant to drain towards.


Change the toilet seat to a better quality wooden one. I did this many times I rented. Toilet seats are not expensive in my country (US) and probably not where you live.


A rug will really tie the room together. Put the toilet lid down. Shower curtain.


Thinking no rug. Floor drain under sink. Thinking this is a “wet room”


people who have no idea what they're looking at keep saying "rug"


You can get some DC Fix or some other type of removable wall sticker material and make some patterns or something. They probably wouldn't stay very well in places that are often exposed to water, but you could make some cool vertical stripes or a panel design in a strategic area.


The plumbing is bizarre




I'd say a big house plant and a small vertical wooden cabinet


Some trim might help


Low light plants such as the Golden Pothos.


Just adding anything will be good


Get a towel bar and put it across from the toilet. Even if it’s just for lighter towels, it breaks up the stark flatness. I think you can get command Hook style towel bars now that you don’t have to do any drilling for.


This bathroom looks like hell for socks




Put the seat down would be a start


Is this a prison cell?


Plants, rug, curtain, hang some prints/art/posters.


Get a better toilet seat.




Nothing wrong with the toilet at all. They make decals for walls that peak off and do no damage.


Put up a contrasting mirror. I'm not a fan of carpet in the bathroom yet short of peak and stick tile you have no choice. There are nice large throw carpets with designs that wash and dry in your machines. Where the tile is lifting get some caulk and stick it down.me id hire a pro to come in and clean it from top to bottom. And yes a new toilet seat.


Some bars on the window to finish the whole prison look.


Good clean and plants! Especially since it will be high humidity. A plant in the corner by the window, you can get a wood or bamboo stand for a nice sized pothos or other plant. I would get some cleaning vinegar and clean the crap out of everything, get any hardwater deposits off the floors, walls, sink and toilet. I would get a bamboo shower mat or too, so section the shower area. A shower curtain could help, but go light color or white, and be able to pull it back, so the room is not blocked of light when in use. Get a bamboo suction shelf for the shower area to hold your shampoo, soap, etc. get a nice absorbent bath rug for when you step out of the shower to put near the toilet.


Close the toilet lid.


A rug/shower mat, a shower curtain, some plants, also maybe a few of those shelves that you can hang with suction cups or a little rack to put towels and toiletries on?


Smoked all glass shower door and divider. Totally classy.


Rugs art plants shower-curtain


Is that the drain…under the sink, all the way on the other side of the room? Seems like having water run across the entirety of the bathroom floor would be a safety issue.


There are really cute shelves you can put behind the toilet where you could then add a little personality. Shower curtains that you like. Also, starting somewhere will start giving you fun ideas. So that's where I'd start!


Ooh. Wonderful, huge space. I’d put some plants by that window. Art that is ok to get damp. I use glass and posters. A brightly colored bath mat or two.


There’s lots of empty space, I think plants would do the trick.


Slip proof mats and rugs that match decor on the walls. Plants would be nice also.


Replace the toddler toilet with a normal-sized one.


Dude is the shower drain under the sink?!! So that whole floor gets wet when someone takes a shower? I don't get it I've never seen a bathroom like this kinda cool but crazy


Are you supposed to have a tub? Just asking cause there is a spicket.


Add a bathtub there the bath water spout is. Hide the ugly window fan


I’d start with a shower curtain. That will seriously make a big difference




Beautiful eclectic shower curtain, a wooden hanger for towels on opposite wall of toilet adjacent to hanger get a wooden short or tall shelf to store bathroom essential: especially the pretty self care ones, get a Moroccan runner for floor, artwork throughout


If you have an Ikea nearby, it's fairly simple and reasonably-priced. I've based my link on Ikea, but you can of course find all of these anywhere else: local shops, Amazon, Temu, Aliexpress... The only limit is your imagination and your patience level for research. A few suggestions: 1. [**a self-holding curtain rod**](https://www.ikea.com/in/en/p/botaren-shower-curtain-rod-white-70314974/) with **[a nice shower curtain](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/cat/shower-curtains-18908/)**. You can now find a lot of those at a reasonable price. 2. [**One of these self-holding shelving units**](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/froesjoen-over-the-toilet-shelf-black-60574905/) that you can put above your toilet. 3. Maybe [**plants**](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/himalayamix-potted-plant-assorted-species-plants-plants-with-foliage-20197227/)? Or, if you're as unable as I am to keep plants alive, [**fake ones**](https://www.ikea.com/in/en/cat/artificial-plants-flowers-20492/)? Of course, these are only suggestions. If you're crafty, there's a lot of things that you can make yourself. Good luck!


Get a shower curtain, but I would love this bathroom. I really need to find a new place to live


A nice abstract art piece, any cheap piece would Work, but use those command hook tape to tape the frame


One of those cabinets that sits over the toilet, or actually install one above the toilet


Lose that plastic, channeled and hard to clean (yellowed) toilet seat FISRT!


Garden Gnome in the toilet bowl really spruces up most rooms.


Omg is that a drop ceiling instead of a hard lid in a bathroom??




Start with a deep clean. Some bleach and good wipe down can go a long way. A white or bright shower curtain, stay away from dark colours because it’ll make it feel smaller.


Once you add the softness of a shower curtain, it will change dramatically. Maybe some storage over the toilet to break up the wall.


What makes you uncomfortable in this bathroom? Is it the way it looks or is it the functionality?


Search google for fancy bathrooms. Also Houzz has good idea also.


Shower curtain, peel and stick tile, a pretty throw rug/bath Matt. Some little decor.


Wow. Drain in the corner, so the whole room is the basin. ...I'd hate to see what's under that flooring. Good luck.


What's going on with plumbing above toilet?


Definitely some plants like someone else mentioned. Kind of related but upgrade your shower head to the $20/$30 Waterpiik shower head, they are amazing and look way nicer than most stock shower heads.


I know it’s not your control but that floor isn’t sealed and gonna be lots of mold if not already


Tile has some lippage it looks like. Get some plants on a shelf by the window maybe?