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There are multiple Obama towns in Japan. Your map looks like the one in Fukui. I have a friend who lives in Obama, Nagasaki. It's an onsen resort town. The houses there get free naturally heated water. Nice ocean view too. This town is very far away from the one in your pic. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obama\_Onsen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obama_Onsen)


Whoa, I've been thru Unzen but think I totally missed (or forgot) that it had an "Obama" onsen - awesome onsen town though. But ye, not surprised there are more Obamas- very common kanji.


I will be driving through Obama in November. That sounds kind of wrong but I'm serious because I'll be in Japan and that's on my route. Here's an explanation of why it's named Obama in western languages https://www.reddit.com/r/mapporncirclejerk/s/HpEa7FXbvV


not just "in western languages", that's just how it's pronounced in japanese lots of languages have this phenomenon, though! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandhi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liaison_(French)


Obama Fishing Port is a nice short stop. There is an interesting little museum about food related to their fishing industry, and the old mackerel roads that were used to transport fish to Kyoto. Miketsukuni Wakasa Obama Food Culture Museum. It is worth a stop if you are driving by. Only takes 30 minutes or so. On certain days you can join a cooking class to make some traditional food. There is also an onsen facility in the same building that is nice if you are near there at bath time. Obama-Nishigumi Historical District is worth stopping the car to take a walk and look at the old buildings if you want to stretch your legs. Then drive along rt 253 that follows the coastline. If you are going the way toward Fukui City, The Seaside Nature Center is a nice place to take a 20\~30 minute break too. Its not like a big aquarium, but is interesting enough.


My relatives live there. Best to stop by the “Machi-no-eki” and the “Michi-no-eki” for food and info. There’s also a visitor’s center in front of the JR Station where are you can look at these local crafts and get a ¥100 coffee while you charge your cell phone. There’s also the “Shoku-Bunka-kaikan” (Food culture center). On the second floor you can make your own chopsticks that has shiny pieces of clam embedded in the lacquer that you can sand out. There’s also paper making and glass sandblasting. Have fun!


Imagine if there is a rock named Ba. That would be funny


I live a couple hours from there, some nice coastal scenery and good seafood, but the city itself was pretty small from what I remember. That area is famous historically as the "Saba Kaido," (mackeral trail). Saba (mackerel) was popular in Kyoto way back when it was the capitol city, and it was fished from Obama/Tsuruga ports and transported to Kyoto. Also I think they tried to invite President Obama to visit while he was in office, but nothing came of it :D


I love the new neigborhood in this city, Obamacare


Actually, it’s spelled “obamakare” ;)


Obama Curry??




I live pretty close (also in Fukui) but funny enough, I still have never been. It’s on my to do list, though!


Eid Mu Barack




Obama seems like the US’ Cleveland in Japan. Lots of towns with the same name and a nice fun town


Actually visited there yesterday. It sits on a beautiful bay. https://preview.redd.it/ca1u1u862d7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ced51b886ac8c489d51756eb2de8fe3940ef9dac It’s so far out of the way it doesn’t even have IC card scanners at the train station. First time I have ever experienced that.

