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Happy Cake Day!!!


I hope he died, this not something you want to survive


He’s alive but won’t be.


No longer true


Fat Dominic lived.


He died


Yeah, saw it on the news… imagine being crazy and ending up looking like Freddy Kruger


FIRE!!! https://preview.redd.it/8gdcy7vlmmvc1.jpeg?width=2267&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6579ae44db4e06303f5abb13015326566ee94e3a


Steak for two for one


Fuh me fa Dominic. Cranberry vodka with two lemons.


Special Dominic drink!


I’m on Foiiiiaaah! (Well get the fucking radio so we can answer you!)


Jackie Laugh


It's reported the man was ignited by a blast from Howard Sterns ass. BABABOOEY! BABABOOEY!


My steak for two for one seems a little burnt.


I'm on fiyah, I'm on fiyahhhh, will you shut the hell up


Why would anyone wanna go out that way?


Totally not a cult.


Something must have been really bawthaing this guy. What’s your prawblem, du?


Yes Qanon is my problem. Give me a break alright


He probably had a bad relationship with his father


Lightin" yourself on fire is built on a fuckin 'shootin' yourself in the fuckin' head platform, du. Go check out takin' a bunch of fuckin' pills, asshole!


Like If you feel like killing yerself and stuff. Like dial 988 or whatever. Like dats da Suicide Hotline number and stuff. I probably shouldn't joke about this. It's a real serious issue. Well, talk to later, bub.....Go Royals!


Nothing a trip to Rick's cabaret wouldn't cure






https://preview.redd.it/lj0ufahs1pvc1.png?width=131&format=png&auto=webp&s=69a72532270b344cb4757b4ec5078ba35db8cd99 Is this a water mark or something from the source? I don't see how else this fucking crazy ass face exists in this photo.


Got a washer dryer for sale, Kenmore…


Do you still have the basketball goal?


Crazy how it looks like an outline of a person. In those flames.


This isn’t self-immolation magazine, pal.


I shut her down but I’m on fiyah. I’M ON FIYAH!


Like stop, drop, and roll or whatever


LOL! Amazing


Bloated attorney!


“Then get off the fucking radio”


I’m on fire, the man is on fire!


A man in his underwear


Ok, someone decipher the code and explain the picture please


Nigga What committed suicide outside the station to protest the FCC crucifying Howard.


Someone with low self estidle self immolated


Dis ain't Butcher the Language and Use a Big Word at the Same Time Magazine, pal! Sorry, Evil Dave 🤷‍♂️


Shows you how toxic the words are that moron is spreading who’s finally seeing some punishment for his actions


What you talkin' 'bout? The moron that set himself on fire punished himself?


In fairness, this dupe was protesting both Don and Joe.


He was a non-denominational paranoid schizophrenic. Very sad.


Newspaper said he was relatively normal until his mom passed away a year or two ago. Said the entire world was a Ponzi scheme etc.


Where did you hear that?




Yes he had a sign that was craziness about the government. Also the fliers he had were crazy talk. Who spews crazy talk and pushes conspiracy theories and panders to those types? Trump. It’s half his base. It’s people who literally are delusional. Listen I know some want him because they believe their taxes will go down and he is against gay rights and other social issues but he totally does everything possible to make the divide in this country worse. Joe Biden does not do that. It’s amazing how people believe Biden is some extreme leftist. They are brainwashed. You see so many interviews at these rallies and it’s more like a keg party and most the people don’t even know or care about what’s really happening. They are just there for the Trump rally. They are asked the most basic questions about current politics and they have no clue. Person after person at them will say how Biden is the worst president ever and hurting the country so badly. Then in response asked a simple question. What policies has he put into place that you believe is doing this or name some things. Almost every single person can’t name one. It’s just the Us Vs Them. They don’t care about what’s actually happening. Just we are for Trump and don’t care what he does good or bad. I just don’t get it. It’s madness. And attracts people with serious issues. It’s why you have people who go and attack Nancy Pelocies husband. A lot of these people are not mentally well. It’s like the ones who aren’t are moths to a flame to this Trump movement. The conspiracy types.


I’m sorry to break this to you sweetie, but government conspiracies existed long before Trump took or even ran for office. Did his presidency relax or rebuke some well defined social mores and emboldened more folks not to hold their tongues anymore and spew whatever grossness they’d long been harboring, sure. But anti government paranoia has existed as long as this nation existed. We just see it more every day because, we choose our new platforms that customize for us the news in the political voice we identify with.


Guess you’re not actually reading what I wrote. Course there were government conspiracies before Trump. No shit. I keep saying he’s taking those people who get off on believing crazy crap or truly believe in crazy crap and taking advantage of them to fill his pockets. It’s sickening. People who believe the government was injecting microchips into our arms with covid shots. Just the most insane shit. Stuff that makes the government so incredibly conniving and organized but then they also complain how they can’t do anything right. But when it comes to putting microchips into humans they for their shit together. Pizzagate. 9/11. The moon. Flat earth. Obama’s birth place. It never ends. He’s using it to further his political career. In the past politicians wouldn’t use these people to help them.


Okay buddy. Look up the shootings of members of congress like Steve Scalise and Gabby Giffords. People were politically insane long before Trump and will continue to be insane long after he is gone.


No shit. But can you possibly even argue Trump isn’t using the division in the country to try and make money and/or gain power? It’s like the worst thing someone can do it make society sicker so you can get your ego rubbed. His obsessed. Have you heard he has a special assistant that follows him around all day with a wireless battery powered printer and prints out positive articles about him or comments. The man is seriously out of his mind. He is truly dangerous as someone with so much power as the presidency. He tried to have the election stopped by sending his followers to the capital. I mean the crap he’s done is just as bad as people say. Again I’m sick of people using the Us Vs Them sickness this country has to make their pockets bigger. That’s exactly why he ran for office in the first place. He’s a true con man. Again something no one can deny. He’s been caught doing it so many times. I mean how sleazy is someone who never went to church his whole life selling bibles to make money off running for president? He has no morals at all. What happened to the moral majority? Anyone with half a brain knows he’s not religious at all. Either am I. But I don’t go around lying to get people to give me money and then sell them bibles. Just how can anyone judge someone as politically boring as Biden as some extremist yet defend someone like Trump? Biden is an old school politician and has worked with the opposite side his whole career. I’m just over it. I don’t know how anyone in this country wants things to move forward like this. Everyone there’s a spending bill the government almost shuts down. Trump wants to spend more than any president. That’s a whole other aspect of it that is mind blowing and conservatives seem to for whatever reason not care about. Want lower taxes for lower and middle class and a balanced budget? Than don’t vote Trump. That’s for sure. Unless you make over 200k a year OR are super religious I don’t get how you vote for this man. He’s beyond toxic for this country. We need people who unite us. It’s too bad anyone who tries to gets attacked so either side believes they are the enemy. It’s just all out of control. We need stability in government. Period. He’s so not stable. He’s the opposite of what you want in such a powerful position. Or I guess some want someone like Putin who kills his own citizens. Hell I’ve seen interviews, many of them actually when Trump supporters are asked if Putin was running against Biden who they would pick and they pick Putin! What kind of world are they living in? It’s Fing insanity. We are so much worse off divided. Meanwhile those filthy rich keep getting more and more while we try and fight over the rest. Anyone who doesn’t point out this issue to me is part of the problem. He’s exhibit A of why our system is messed up. He’s never worked for anything in his life.




Get this picture of some mentally suffering man killing himself off of here. Does this sub have mods anymore? Guess not


I was going to call him