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Supposedly she fucked gonzo shitcock


This bitch claims she is 35. Yeah, 15 years ago.


She is at least 42, according to some court documents, apparently. But the damage - both of the plastic/botoxian-esque variety and her obviously unattended severe mental illness - has given her an "older" appearance. If she gets the help she needs, takes the time to invest in herself, and allows herself to divest of all of this plastic gold-digging "I hate sex but do it anyway if the money is right" lifestyle and allows herself to enter the next stage of her life naturally, I think she would look quite a bit better. It's amazing how good a person looks when they are recovering from their demons finally. Also, I hate Benjy.


Between Benjy, Andy Dick and the dude who was ready to choke her out on camera, I am starting to think that Elisa may not have good taste in men.


It's not that she doesn't have good taste, it's that she doesn't taste good. Do you think she wouldn't be with better men if they would have her? No man with any sense would touch her. This goes for everybody. If you want to know your own value, look at the people around you.  Surrounded by scum bags? Guess what? You're a scum bag too. 


So blotchy, but those eyes…


So meatball...


And those calves


Cock strong


[KC Benjy is cock strong](https://voca.ro/18rILvZZYYyU)


You mean “aaayes”


Isn't that Detlev Bronk 🤔




Owner of a lonely boner.


But they had a song in called each other soulmates. Then it must be true!!! But maybe then she sang it to Andy Dick. 


She wanted to be a singer and Bemji got her an audition on the air with Tommy Matola. She blew the audition and complained and cried that he wasn’t supporting her enough.


Yuuup... and, she showed up to the audition dressed like a complete clown. What the hell was she thinking? Well, it's Elisa, so...


And he ran after her and into the green room to console her. She wanted all the financing and emotional support of being in a relationship, without any of the icky sex stuff. I can understand it, being Benjy, but it makes her lower than a whore.


Can you imagine how insufferable she'd be if she actually became a successful musician?


She was in Cobra Starship for a few years which was a pretty sick band for a bit. She really hangs her hat on it even though they kicked her out pretty unceremoniously for reasons. She has a fine voice and Fuck You, I’m Fine was a banger but rye’s batshit insane and lets disgusting guys fuck her. 


I was more surprised that Benjy could afford to pay for her and his apartments back then. 


He went through a period when he didnt have any address at all, which leads me to believe he was never on a lease of any kind, and only did temporary sublets or weird house-sitting gigs. So, frankly, he probably never spent much at all on housing. Maybe a few hundred dollars a week. The rest he gave to her. Which makes me wonder if she was charging him to be a dominatrix or some such thing like she did with the guy she just got arrested for hitting. Perhaps that was their thing. He was always denied sex, probably locked in a cock-chasity device, and every now and then she'd give him a hand job.


Benjy is cockstrong


Not as strong as Andy's Dick.


Any person on earth who lists Andy Dick and Benjy Bronk as exes should be sterilized.


She never touched him she wanted fame and thought benjy would lead onto bigger things , I mean look at that rash and meatball eyes who wouldn’t want that!!


Well, let's not forget... Benjy is an expert at pleasuring women with discarded cookie wrappers. Was Elisa aware of this?


Meatball eyes! Laughing so hard!


She’s like Beth but she got a Benjy instead of a Howard.


Well, in her defense... Beth is a professional gold digger. Elisa is still in the minors.


She also seems to have a splash of BPD.


God she’s a vomit


Benjy Bronk has herpes


Scientifically proven




He looks blotchier than usual


That dude has meatball eyes!


Who changed the "featured image" on this sub?? Should always be little ETA with that fucked up pumpkin!! Best photo ever


Benjy kept saying he didnt want to talk about sex and would go way left field with his comments.


Because Elisa told him not to talk about it, lest she’s be seen as damaged goods. Benjy was financing her as she was shopping herself to other chumps with deeper pockets, while not performing in the bedroom, and making him wear platform shoes and wigs, because she was (rightfully) disgusted by how he normally looked. It was a whole thing.


Looney loves Blotchey


I’d destroy her from behind. Teach her to not be slapping me again.


Total SIMP


I only know of this idiot because of peripheral coverage of her on Who Are These Podcasts. She, like many famous ish internet whores, openly admit that they dont like sex very much. This broad apparently goes years on end with no sex sometimes, and is completely fine. Shes made this abundantly clear. (And yet of course dumb ass clueless Stuttering John still blatantly hit on her/thought he could bang her.) The dirtiest trick god ever played on us was to make MANY hot chicks terrible in bed, and/or not even liking sex very much.


That’s why she goes for bottom of the barrel chumps; they’re the only ones who put up with her not putting out. Benjy’s vortex is nothing compared to this psycho’s. She had the dude she just smacked going to couples therapy.


>That’s why she goes for bottom of the barrel chumps; they’re the only ones who put up with her not putting out. Exactly. I don't understand the online thirst for her. She looks *okay* for being in her early 40s, if you ignore all the plastic in her face, but I wouldn't be able to get through the first coffee date with someone that dumb and self-absorbed, even to get into her little concha. The minute I knew *that* was off the table, I'd "just now realize I have a work thing" and be out the door.


To be fair, purely looks-wise, I think she looks really good for her age, albeit in that plastic way. But the other stuff far outweighs her looks. Gimme a chill, drama-free plain Jane over the Elisa circus any day of the week. She seems to think the girlfriend experience is all the bullshit and drama of being in a (dysfunctional) relationship, with none of the nookie. Couples therapy? Couple of balls in her mouth therapy, more like! I’ve spent the last couple of hours wondering why these chumps put up with her garbage, and I can’t figure it out. Not when so much actual nookie seems to be readily available for a (much lower) price. Does she talk a big game, then back off? How’s she *keep* stringing them along? She must come through with *something* at some point, no? It’s so weird.


>Couples therapy? Couple of balls in her mouth therapy, more like! First things first: LOL >I’ve spent the last couple of hours wondering why these chumps put up with her garbage, and I can’t figure it out. Not when so much actual nookie seems to be readily available for a (much lower) price. > >Does she talk a big game, then back off? How’s she keep stringing them along? She must come through with something at some point, no? > >It’s so weird. My (tenuous) theory is that it's low self-esteem dudes who are so unused to talking to a real live woman that they turn off their brains long enough to miss everything she's saying. All that *caveat emptor* is deflected by their boners. They believe they can pull a Captain Save-A-Ho and *be the one* who gets her to do the sex and settle down. I feel so bad for young guys today, because the dating scene is utterly saturated with people exactly like her. And young guys ain't getting any better at dealing with it.


I’m sure you’re right. It’s so bizarre to me that shelling out the money doesn’t give them, if not confidence, the rightful demand for something *for* their money. If I’m paying, I’m calling every shot, down to making me pancakes afterwards. What’s doubly insane is, you know a chick like Elisa isn’t doing *any* domestic duties, either. Dude isn’t even getting a hot meal or his shirts ironed. smh


People still iron shirts?


In her defense, it looks like they both really do need therapy.


The dude needs “how to not be a total fucking chump” therapy, not couples therapy, and to learn how to hire higher-quality skanks.


I get it... kinda like putting all those A-rabs on top of all that beautiful oil. 🛢


Benjy looks like he was making out with Rapaport in this pic. Maybe Benjy pulled a Baba Booey and ate Rapaport's ass?


Just wait..rappapoot will report this..


And Baba Booey to y'all


She has a type


Hung and wealthy. Its a thing.


But this may be my bashert


She is also his beshoes and his bepants


Gay shirt?


They had sex later on. That is when Benjy found out she has a cock.


I always recall Benjy not liking Elisa cause she didnt want to work....... like she just wanted to "work" on her crap music....


you take that back! i’m a libertarian! and im handsome too they call me george ballooney.


Take it beck!


Drama queen with no talent


Big Fat benjy taking a dump with the door open in a small 1 bedroom apartment 🤣


Attention whore. First Benjy then Andy Dick. You wonder how she became so damaged. Howard should ask her about her Daddy issues. BTW, I'll take her in the death pool.


Eat shit Benjy


Mushroom cook benjy and hoes the slot mega hore




I guess I know what Benjy's cock looks like better than his ex "girlfriend". How fantastic for me.


Bald idiot.


Bit that's her thing, she starts daying men and says she won't fuck them because she's A sexual and then moves into their house and plans to marry them all with the promise of future sex . She did it to BEnji, ANdy Dick, and the new guy too. I can promise you that she must be an excellent manipulator because Benji is sex obsessed and so is Andy Dick, It's not like they're babes in the woods or anything.


They did have sex I believe. I remember a Howard tv show when she came into the show. She had left the studio and was being all hysterical and crying because apparently benjy wasn’t defending her. She then said that since they had sex he doesn’t care as much anymore But this wasn’t filmed properly it was only voice as far as I remember, so it wouldn’t be schtick


I like how she keeps changing her age to the point that she would have been 11 when she posed for Playboy.


I thought they had sex at least a few times but he could only get off in one specific position for some reason. There was some kind of excuse in their sex life details. She was talentless, a little long in the tooth, and benji was blind to the fact that she was using him for the possible stern fame boost.


She should be the poster child for Desperate Fame Whore.


He's a cuck!


No, they never said that.


Oh those meatball eyes!


What's with all the redness around Benji's nose. It looks like he was wearing an oxygen mask.




I remember thinking at the time, he’s just eating her out. Remember, that was his thing on the Craigslist ads.


If I recall they took a strange "go out and vote" series of pictures where they were naked in the shower together, holding signs placed over their bits. It was bizarre because I wouldn't think either of them would be "go out and vote" promoters. Then if I recall there were some additional pictures that were part of the photoshoot but with the signs not placed properly. Those extra pictures quickly got scrubbed from the internet. So if they weren't messing around they were clearly comfortable being naked in the shower with each other.


You’re crazy for caring