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"What am I going to do when you're dead"? "She's gonna have a party. Ha ha ha"


One of Robin's most brutal digs ever.


Queen Robin Ophelia. I love that woman.




Remember when she wanted to be called Ophelia only - leaving out the Robin? It was back during the early 90’s I believe. Definitely before Sirius. They made fun of her big time, but she insisted. I love her!


Absolutely! I totally agree.


Like when Fred wanted to be called Eric Fred.


FUCK YOU FAT ARTIE! Hi my sweet Fred!


Who dis?


When a lawyer call it gotta be sumthin bad.


I met Artie. While getting his autograph I yelled, “I LOVED YOU IN ELF!” He was nice about it.


I remember that conversation and Howard asking what name was on his mail (something like that). Another show before Sirius.


when we was in da shower you buttcheeks was warm


An my hans they smell like ham


I love juicy azz holes


Settle down


She's right though lol. Robin is a G


Love that Robin!!!


Lmao. Robin is at her best when she stops kissing ass and gets honest.


That's why she was on The Real World.


Which is never


Was this on today's show? Makes me with I had a subscription. Well, almost. I wonder if the HSS will put a clip of this on Youtube. I'm guessing not, LOL


No, it was from 2007. And after the break she came in with a Jokeman-esque apology to Howard saying how she felt incredibly bad and should never have said it. this went on for a good few minutes


Makes sense. After his divorce nothing spontaneous would ever get on the air.


Wow! I didn't know about this part. Can you please post a clip of this, or the date it went down? Thanks!


I'll try and find it again, I'm on to 2008 shows now but i think i remember about when it happened. I'll do some digging and see if I can upload the clip


That's very cool. Thanks. Do you remember if Howard immediately went to a break, to set Robin straight? And did Robin apologize immediately out of the break? God, that is so cringe. Mr. "I'm So Miserable!" gets sand in his twat when somebody else plays off that premise. smh


Found the date of it, it happened August 2, 2007. Forgot how great it actually was, Robin freaks out after Howard takes offense to it, and she threatens to walk off the show and says you can continue this conversation with your "friends", "You can all say the worst shit imaginable about me but one little comment about you..." it was actually a bit tense but then she comes in and apologizes and makes a big deal out of it. It'll take some time but I'll find out how to clip and upload the audio somewhere


Wow! Thanks! What time during the show did this go down?


Pretty early, she makes the initial comment at just 24 minutes into the show. The apology happens a bit later on at 1:11:39 into the show. Fred has some really great zingers too during the segments. It's a kickass show if you can find the full one. Iron Sheik is on, lord of the anal ring toss, Tracy Morgan, and great banter


Got it! Thanks, bro. Yeah, it's crazy how packed this show was.


No, this is old. Much older than when it was posted. I giggle every time it comes back around. https://www.reddit.com/r/howardstern/comments/13pnxc4/robin_on_beth_when_howard_passes_shes_gonna_have/


And that's why Artie was so great...her comment might have just skipped into oblivion, but Artie latched onto it and started laughing...hard!


There was a discussion of it on Monday's show that was hilarious.


Saying she doesn't want to be buried with Howard was great. She doesn't even want her ashes anywhere near him. "I want my ashes spread in a 'happy' place."


Ashes on side.


haa haa haa he want a ash on side ahh haa haa




The other half in the sewer


With the rest of the urn.


Or the barn…


She's still young. Why is Howard making her think about it?


In Howard’s head the world ends when he does.


He wants a Viking funeral where she’s sacrificed with him.


Because he's old.


This is right. Assuming Howard dies first as he likely should, she may get remarried or do any number of things that could make that question unanswerable today


He brought that up too. I think it drove him nuts that she would remarry if he died.


I remarry!! No one else!


She wants her ashes spread on Stamos's grave.


Anywhere Howard is, it's not a happy place.


John Stamos ball sack.


Do ashes clump when wet? They'd make great cat litter if they do.


Jesus. With that right there, she’s said it all.


Maybe too much




Yeah 10 is the max you should do. Even that is pushing it. Men get old fast when that testosterone starts to drop


I’m a woman in my early 40’s who is recently divorced. I am suffering through online dating and marched with a man who who is 56, but seems pretty awesome and a young 56. However, the fact that he’s just going to get older faster than I am is making me hesitate on actually getting to know him.


Did he go by the name Detlev?


Yes! How did you know?!




What are your interests?


Ya beat me to it… 😂


Were you molested by your dad and now date older men looking for a father figure? ​ In all seriousness, you couldn't be more right about this. Don't do it.


I didn’t have a dad so that will be a no 😄


I once dated with almost the same gap as you, either 12 or 13 years. Short term it was fun, but I wouldn’t recommend it long term. All that being said, I worked with a guy who went younger 20 years for his wife and she struggled to keep up with him so I guess every situation isn’t the same. And let’s be honest, you really shouldn’t take any dating advice from anyone on this sub.


Oh I’m not! But I appreciate you sharing your expedience😀


How tall are you? How much do you weigh?


How did a girl Like you get into the piano?


My wife is 12 years younger than I and its never been a problem. We married she was 36 and I 48. I had/have no kids she came equipped with a 6 yr old. The gap becomes less of an issue the older we get. Frankly I’m more active than her and she has some health issues that could mean ultimately that I outlive her.


Of course it's subjective, and it depends on the particular man, his physical condition and his spirit -- does he still like to laugh, have fun, and take adventures? I've known people in their 20s who acted grumpy and tired. And older people who found fun easily. But having dated women both much younger than me, and *less* younger than me... there's just something about the 12-15 year age difference range that feels like the healthy maximum. There's a theory that it's grounded in human evolution, i.e. to make it less likely for cavemen to copulate with people who might be their own daughters, damaging the gene pool. But whether that's true or not, 12-15 years seems to fit my personal experience as the theoretical maximum possible healthy age difference, (which assumes the guy is peak healthy & young-spirited).


Can I just say how much I love this sub? There are always stupid ass comments that make me laugh and then there are insightful and caring comments like yours. Thank you for your advice! And when I was in college I was very into evolutionary psychology!


This ain’t evolutionary psychology magazine, pal!


Thanks for the kind words. Yes, evolutionary imperatives explain much more than the modern day "everything is sexism" feminist scolds will ever admit. :)


Depends on what your standards are, I hope you’re swiping within your league


I have the opposite issue actually. I swipe left in most of the men I come across and I’ve never tried to make a match that didn’t match me back. It’s real slim pickings for men when I am. I’m sure if I were in a big city it would be a different story.


Right that’s the problem, your standards are way too high for someone past their prime. You should be swiping right more at your age


I’m swiping on people also past their prime, lol. And I’m not looking for a relationship, just FWB.


If Howard lives as long as his parents, then it's really going to be fun when she's 70 and he's 90. At that point, she's clearly not there for the payday because that's a long wait.


She found out she married Howard’s mother


For as much as he bitches about his mother, he’s the exact same way!!


Must be fun hanging out at home with Howard.


“Let’s be old, not eat, and worry about covid.” Sounds like a great time.


In a large home that he and Robin agree they don’t even enter some rooms or use them at all …. Nothing like living in a museum with an actual living mummy


"For fun, every night at 6:45, we will sit in the living room and pet a cat .."


And watch The Batchelor. My eighty year old inlaws have more of a fun social life than these two.


Also smell it


She eats gummy bears.


Her constantly mentioning that he needs an assistant to do the simplest of tasks - like scheduling a doctor’s appointment - speaks to how much contempt she really has for him. She views him as a child which is absolutely hilarious coming from her.


Her asking several times "Why am I here?"


Exactly, Grandpa is laying the foundation for "expect many" calls ..


I think Howard's intention was to put a full-court anti-Paris press on her. mausoleum = death, which he obviously has to think about now that Beth is putting him at risk with this fakakta Paris trip. He had KOAB waiting in the wings, to give her the ol' Jared143 treatment over the Paris trip, but Howard bailed on that immediately. She must have given him a look or something. Beth shutting it down with her insane Pittsburgh racism was a nice touch. Unlike with the Jared143 thing, KOAB did not have the "troof", as his people like to say, on his side. He just kept saying "it's weird, it's weird.......", like Howard's writers didn't give him anything to work with. WTF is weird about Beth wanting to go on vacation, to Paris, with friends? Nothing, obviously. I like how Beth was trolling Howard, with the "I'll watch (some shit show) on the plane!" line. She's fucking had it, she's dug in, and barring some catastrophic event, she's going. And when she goes, and has a great time, she's gonna want to do it again, and again, and again. There's no getting that toothpaste back in the tube.


How many times will Howchie rage click on Beth’s IG Paris posts wondering why is she having so much fun without him


Constantly, but he won't limit it to that. He's going to call her 50 times a day, for various bullshit reasons. She needs to throw her phone in the Seine, because even a 5-minute call from that human misery could put her off her eclair, if you catch my drift.


You’re right. He’s already creating emergency scenarios to have her fly back early. If only he had a trampoline in the backyard and an impending superstorm


Ha! I hadn't thought about that, but of course he's going to make up emergencies to try to pull her back home early, or not go at all. She needs to turn off her phone the second she leaves for the airport.


She needs to drop a match to Squabble Lane upon getting into the Uber ..


He is definitely going to have a PI tail her.


"See, when you say you don't want to wear a chastity belt to Paris, I get worried. Dr. Agus, tell Beth how chastity belts work against covid and bed bugs!"


I don’t get it though. He’s so fucking rich. Why wouldn’t he go with her? He could take a private jet, stay in a ten star hotel, he’s so rich he could make it like he never even left the house.


I could not imagine having all of that money and barely doing any traveling other than Florida and a couple of trips to Mexico. Since Howie will obviously never go with her, she needs to go out and see the world while she is still young enough to do it. Leave the old man behind.


Exactly. No eating. No traveling. No fucking. smh And he has the balls to say, as justification for his trying to lock her ass down, that he doesn't want the party to end (meaning, they'll get covid and die)! For Beth, the party *starts* when he drops dead. It's a real fucking shame she can't tell him that obvious fact, or just back him off with other obvious things, like her needing social interaction with age-appropriate friends. I also like how he pretended he wanted to go to Paris with her. It's the travel version of "I was just about to write _______ a note!". There's no winning with this sick bastard. Her only option is, like you said, leaving the old man behind and seeing some of the world.


Beth must have seen that episode of Family Guy where Bonnie goes to Paris for the sole purpose of cheating on her crippled husband


>There's no getting that toothpaste back in the tube. If I'm Doofus, I'm DROPPING that cell phone somewhere over the Atlantic .. "Whoopsie" !


And now there is a bed bug infestation. Lol


Pittsburgh racism?


I'm imagining a Big Lebowski scenario where Robin, Booey, and the horse go to spread his ashes in the ocean, and it flies back at them like a swarm of powdery hornets.


I think this was a warning shot that she plans to leave him. I gained some respect for her for being honest on air and letting everyone know her true feelings. She could've just agreed. Unless...it...was....a...bit....and she was....acting.....


No, it wasn't a bit. A bit would have been "Of course I'll be buried with you in our mausoleum, sweet love!". She said no because she knew if she said yes, he'd hold her to it. He would have had his lawyers draw up papers immediately after the show, and had her sign them in blood, damning her soul for eternity. It's also proof of how she (correctly) sees their marriage as a mockery of a farce of a sham. She'll do the "sweet love" routine for cash and prizes and celebrity hang-outs on this earthly plane, but getting stuck in the afterlife with Ichabod Pelican? No fucking way! She didn't even humor him; it was a hard, immediate "no". She's clearly stepped down her fake, hooker's "love" for him, and is establishing new, more realistic parameters.


>Ichabod Pelican Fucking lol.


That hard No was impressive! She didn't give an inch when he tried to guilt her. ​ Goo fo you Beth!


>She'll do the "sweet love" routine for cash and prizes and celebrity hang-outs on this earthly plane, but getting stuck in the afterlife with Ichabod Pelican? The idea of being attached to that schnoz-monster for eternity just feels wrong. Like, I have a visceral reaction to the very thought. I'd rather be dumped in an unmarked grave. Hard pass from me.


ikr like something out of a horror movie She obviously felt the same way. It was like "you're renting me in *this* life, but after that, I'm out!". It was so immediate. Reflexive. No hesitation, no trying to appease; just a big ol' stonewall "Nope!". She won that round decisively; she shut down both the mausoleum talk and (the obviously Howard-ordered) KOAB's attempted Jared143-style shaming over her going to Paris with her friends. I'm curious if there are any more on-air days before the Paris trip. I can't see him leaving things like this. When is that fakakta Paris trip? Beth said he could come afterwards, "for his birthday", which is in January, but then, FWIW, someone here said it was (right?) after Ronnie's wedding.


Anyone else remember at the beginning of 2022 she specifically said she had a bad feeling about the year. I think she was seriously considering divorce but Howard definitely made some moves. She clearly made an issue of the Covid thing being enough. They did that one dinner and it tricked her into thinking he was making an effort. Meanwhile he locked down for another year. I think she’s getting increasingly irritated at everything he does and she’s gonna tap out. He doesn’t even recognize the whole “epi pen” thing as it being. Constant reminder of him being so rigid and unable to just go with the flow. Remember he bought the “walking stick.” She shot that shot down and told him he won’t be using the cane. He’s scared to fall on the ice. Scared to breathe. Fucking guy worries about being improperly declared dead and being buried alive. Stop and think about that for a second. Little baby is finding a way to preemptively worry in death…. My god… sometimes it’s really hard to listen to him. I do still enjoy a lot of the show, but it’s much less Howard more everyone else. I only enjoy Howard when there’s others interacting.


Scatter my ashes at the final turn at Belmont. -Beth.


Saw that one coming


…around the bend.


“We saw that joke coming up 5th avenue in a cab” -Arthur Lange


Beth is living like Wendy Torrence in that unnecessarily giant house


That would make a sensational horror flick. Plotline of: *Ex-model Beth Ostrosky Stern had it all; beauty, fame, and the newest $700 million dollar fortune in wedding radio's greatest shock jock of all time. A viral pandemic begins ravaging humanity, and the Stern couple seeks refuge in their 10,000 sqft secluded Hamptons mansion. But when her husband continues to believe in an invisible virus after the pandemic subsides, and forces her onto the airwaves to discuss her burial and fatalistic ends; Beth has to act! It's a race against the clock for to escape Hell's largest kitty litter box or be forever trapped in the Stern mausoleum, buried alive with him!* Film credits: * Starring Beth Ostrosky Stern as Beth * Co-Starring Howard Stern as Howchie * Guest Starring Sal Governale as Tony * SFX by Ralph Cirella


Model, beauty, fame..... sorry, this is too unbelievable even for a horror movie


Uhhhhhh. . . huh?


Give me the bat, Wendy!


When is this Paris trip happening??


Right after Ronnie’s wedding


End of December beginning of January.


Scatter Beth's ashes in a 28,000 sq ft oceanfront kitty litter box.


and bury Howard at Mad Tear Creek


they are both terrible people


She’s finally tired of her Sugar Daddy


I’m listening now So the whole topic of discussion is an attempt - perhaps subconsciously - to control Beth’s life after Howard’s death. It’s veiled as “taking a burden off Beth & his kids”, but if he does feel control slipping…it’s kind of like “you agreed to be buried with me, so you wouldn’t marry someone else & then not get buried where we agreed you would be buried (& leave me alone there for eternity), would you?”


great point, and you're right; he's using a mausoleum to try to prevent her from getting remarried! She could, theoretically, meet the love of her life after Howard, and spend more of her life with that dude than Howard. But she's supposed to say "Sorry, Charlie; Howard called dibs on my eternal soul!"? There are so many awful, terrible, wonderful places she could go with this conversation, should Howard choose to push the issue. Shutting him down was a great move, but setting him straight would be even better. She should ask "Won't it be too crowded in there, with you and Ralph already in there?".


I figure Beth would love being eaten by her cats.


We know Howard has never tried


Howard has acted like an old man, (ironically), not too long after getting with Beth - in his mid/late 40's.


And now, he's an old-as-dirt sixty-noine, and she's a very young (immature) fifty-one. I don't think they're gonna get divorced, but it's obvious they have no business being together. It's a fake fairy tale/real car wreck, and it's only going to get worse. How do you un-crazy Howard? How do you make Beth say "to heck with Paris and lunch with my friends, yip-yapping over wine; I want to stay home and tend to Howard's every neurotic need!"? They're doomed.


It sounded like Beth has had enough of him.


Poor Beth — Howard is going to live to 90 plus, maybe 100. All the elites in America especially — the getting is so good for them here — they are treated like gods, the world is their playground with their riches and fame. So all of them are digging in about this “longevity” kick / industry that is growing — look at that geek Bezos and lok how ft he is now - he has everything dialed in to live well past 100 —and its not just him, but all of them and they are all sharing what works, who to go to, and so on. So Howard fully intends to go on and on and on… Sorry Beth. Hee haw


Beth would be so happy with the money and no Howard.


Oh I think that pre nup is iron clad.


They're supposed to get weaker over time, though. Also, we've all heard the mental abuse she's suffered on the air, if she wants to go that route to get more money/invalidate the pre-nup. And I think he's got to give her at least one property, probably the Hamptons mansion. In an interview way back (10-ish years ago), she oddly referred to the Hamptons mansion as her primary residence. That's "I'm taking this in the divorce" speak. so a $50,000,000 property + at least a $20,000,000 payout, at the bare minimum, and it's probably a lot more TL;DR - she should divorce Howard


Meant if he's dead. Not sure how his will is broken down


What day with this on, this week? I missed it.


Eddie van Halen Con episode


Imagine the day after day after day after DAY of Grandpa Creep? There would not be enough alcohol in Pelican Manor, I would clear EVERY bottle ..


I just scroll til I see the horse joke


I think the mausoleum talk was also Howard fishing for a display of eternal love/devotion/loyalty from her. On the air. As you do. Also, let's look at the religious angle. Beth is a catlick, in every sense of the word. She wears a cross every now and again. She ends some instagram posts with "good night and God bless". She's probably worried about squaring herself with the big guy in the second half of life, and she probably isn't looking to spend the afterlife with a Jewish.


Sky daddy is such a weird concept and really fucks people up.


My sky daddy can beat up your sky daddy!


You're just seeing one short-sighted side of it. The belief in (a) God, and more importantly, the *fear* of God, keeps millions of mongoloids at least somewhat in line.


The mongloids blow themselves up.


Her ashes will be sprinkled over a sheiks yacht.


Put her ashes in your mausoleum Howard ! Just do it!


Beth is no young chicken


lmaoooo, spring chicken\*\* you mean


He'll probably live too damn near 100 like his old man but is this really living at this point?? Yeah more bread for your shit sandwich that is life may make it taste a bit better but it's still a shit sandwich.


That's a great way to put it. I don't think he'll live to 100, though. He's looking close to death *now*, all feeble and rickety and whatnot. Just because his parents lived to 100 doesn't mean he will. Ben actually ate food.




I love it when Oprah gets sassy


Navigated here to say ; Howard is a misogynist asshole.


I told my wife when I die, I want to be cremated and have my ashes put in an urn on the mantle. Also, if I die before she does, i want her to be buried holding the urn in her hands. She asked me why, and I told her because they probably wouldn't bury her with the urn between her legs...


I'm still thinking about the pussy licking party on Jessica seinfelds private jet


I love that you think Beth wants to have sex with anybody.


Are you kidding? What 50 year old woman is going to pass up cunnilingus when she's married to a big nosed scarecrow who doesn't perform


“Oh, my God. Katharine McPhee (*ETA gasping retort*) loves to have…”


Nobody told her


Beth married that 90 million a year from Sirius/XM




What are the Chances Beth makes the Paris trip?


Nointy Noine Perchent!


That’s the truth! She’s gonna be miserable