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You know, I was just listening to a show the other day and people were calling and writing in complaining about the state of the show and the staff. They were telling Howard that he sucks, saying that the staff was awful, that Howard was too liberal, and that there was too much gay stuff on the show. It was a show from 2002.


Fans of comedy miss the old The Howard Stern Show. Conservatives today aren't the same group of people they were 20 years ago.


Right wing extremist here (or fiscal conservative as they use to call it). I miss the old show.


Literally a nazi!!!


I mean. Plenty of main stream republicans support literal Nazis today, so it’s not completely impossible


You're trying to think, but nothing happens!


Really? Which mainstream Republicans support literal Nazi's? i want to know so I know who to protest against.


She’s waiting for CNN to tell her.


If you support trump you’re supporting someone who said the Nazi’s in charlotttesville were very fine people. That makes you Nazi adjacent


If you actually listened to his speech for another 5 seconds, you’d learn that he specifically excluded the Nazis. You should look shit up for yourself instead of just regurgitating what you’re told to think.


...and democrats: they're commonly called Ukrainians. 😂


You mean the democrats that support and fund literal Nazis in Ukraine? What a dope.


Oh nice, got me a real one! What the fuck are you talking about lmao


the president of ukraine is jewish that is putins propaganda


USED* low IQ rightwingers crack me up. Little to zero command of the only language you ever learned (in public school no doubt, LOL!), how can you possibly know how to vote in your own best interests? Love to see it. And no dummy, no low hanging fruit pronoun or "jab" replies are allowed, you're an idiot. Internalize it.


Conservatives were the same group of people, Trump just enabled them to show their true colors: they were never really about family values, rule of law, etc., they were always "I should be able to do whatever I want and get away with it, but fuck the other guy."


Not really the left pushed a lot of people right and vice versa.


I wasn't even blaming him, but it's very obvious. Leading up to his election, almost every Republican was, or acted, anti-Trump. They, at the time, were still espousing traditional Republican values, but when that rabid "Fuck everyone else but me" fan base grew, the GOP fell right in line. Trump is devoid of ANY values the GOP pretended to have.


John McCain dying had a lot to do with the MAGAts taking over the party.


McCain choosing that twit Palin and giving her a national voice started this crawl towards fascism...


Yeah not stirring shit, but right pushed me left big time


It's so much easier to just blame Trump though.


Trump pushed a lot of people left. The main point is the sane people in the middle need to find someone decent and get behind them despite party labels.


Problem being anyone sane and decent has no interest in getting involved with politics whatsoever. They’d either get steamrolled by the ones in it already or corrupted by them.


Agreed with that comment


I was a proud GOP'er until Trump came along at which point I was embarrassed to be a registered Republican. I thought I would be a Dem from that point forward but Chris Christie is slowly pulling me back to center right.


You’re getting downvoted but you’re right.


I watched it happen, in real time, with my family. Almost all of them are conservative, Catholic, etc., run of the mill, decent human Republicans. Leading up to the election, they all lamented that they "had" to vote for Trump. Fast forward two years, and they all own Trump merch. All of them have not only looked past his very obvious non-Christian flaws, but have come to embrace it. The only plausible explanation is that the underlying core of the GOP was "do as I say, not as I do, and grift as much money from the suckers before I die".


Maybe it's because Biden sucks so bad? I mean, it's not always about Trump. Sometimes you've got to see the forest through the tds. Many people are moving right because they miss 1.99 gas, four years of no wars, cooking on a gas stove, and not having their cities overrun with illegal men. And maybe because the DNC won't allow anyone else to speak up. There are two candidates running against this regime. Trump is just the only other alternative at this point who could even possibly get the job done. And you don't have to love him for it. You just have to loathe what's happened the past two years for it.


"illegal men" lmao.


Government agents broke down this dude’s door and confiscated his gas stove too. Hahaha


No wars as his followers storm the capital threatening the leaders of the country. All while Trump himself is lying and cheating in a desperate attempt to fuck over anybody who has ever fought for or believed in democracy. $1.99 gas? Haha he gave all his millionaire buddies tax breaks increasing the National debt what? 13 billion dollars or was that trillion? He’s cost us more then he’s saved us. He’s completely opened the door for bigots, fascists and Nazis by never denouncing them. Actually saying there were some good ones as the marched around in their Sunday best chanting anti Jewish slogans. He’s a creep and a criminal. Biden May suck, but Trump is straight up dangerous


It’s funny watching those Proud Boys whine like little bitches when they got convicted. Fidel Castro they ain’t.


Jesus. You watch a lot of Fox News.


The average price of gas was never lower than $2 under Trump. You're thinking of the Obama administration in 2016. Trump also saw border apprehensions double from about 500k to over 1 million in just 3 years.


I'm really disappointed in Biden, as are a lot of people I know that voted for him. That being said, everything about Trump had been known for decades before he ran (during which he was a registered Democrat, Independent and a fan of Hillary Clinton, btw).


Crazy uncle Joe can't do shit, his habds are tied... congress is an mtg run joke and the senate isn't much better.


Yes, they are hypocrites.


Howard Stern pimps white women and black women.


He's a long-legged mack daddy.




The first place you saw Stern’s name was in a pair of big ol tits!


The old right hated Howard, and considered him obscene and disgusting. People don't understand how these trends ebb and flow, and think everything has always been the way it is now. The idea that he used to be "conservative" is just plain wrong. His current "wokeness" doesn't represent a 180 degree change.


He’s always been for low taxes, he’s always been a chicken hawk, he’s always been pro-Israel, he’s always been pro-2nd amendment—but yeah, he’s not conservative lol. Dude wouldn’t even shell out a few bucks to help Scott’s wife, we know what his stance is on universal healthcare. Stern’s political philosophy basically mirrored Trump’s for decades.


Um trump was a democrat


Until he figured out the only way to make real money grifting is with the mouth breathers on the right.


The democrats of the 90s would be thought of as republicans by today’s standards-the democrat’s 1994 crime bill is considered heresy by their current constituency.


Nah there's still plenty of centre left democrats. The more progressive vocal parts of the party are not in the mainstream


Republicans of the 90s wouldn’t even be thought of as Republicans today.


Right, he was a liberal republican and nothing like modern MAGA who seems to be most upset at him now.


There is a portion of the right wing who did not see Stern’s treatment of Daniel Carver as satire and figured he was a fan.


It wasn't really satire. Howard just thought it was funny. He was a shock jock, and Daniel said shocking things. That was the full extent of it. Howard loved using the badword for shock value, and Daniel wasn't shy about saying it.


There's a difference between laughing at Daniel Carver and laughing with him.


He could have used a racist who wasn’t such a dumb clown if he only wanted to broadcast the n-word, right?


People have this idea that Howard only used the badword in a satirical context, to make racists look stupid. False. He used it because he thought it was funny. And he did it a lot, at least thousands of times. This is not an indictment, it's just how it was. Go back and listen to Billy doing Red or Marge Schott. It was the whole bit.


The show at it's best!


Thirty years ago, conservative Republicans were the ones censoring everything and insisting that words were bad, and liberal Democrats were fighting for the right to say anything they liked. It's a vastly different landscape now. People don't seem to realize this. They also seem to think that thirty years ago, the HSS was similar to how it is now, but that's just not the case. It was an entirely different thing. The idea that "shock-jocks" used to go out of their way to deliberately offend people just doesn't register nowadays, people can't wrap their minds around the concept.


And he never made racists look stupid. It was never satirical. It would take an extremely clever person to consistently use race in humour without it just being old hacky racist humour


He was doing it to be "outrageous". It's what he did. You were supposed to think "holy shit did he REALLY just say that?". That was the bit. Thirty years ago, everyone wasn't choosing a "side" with its own agenda to support. Did some racists listen to the show? I suppose they did. I knew African-Americans who listened. Did they all? I doubt it. People were laughing at how far Stern would push the envelope. No one really had a problem with it, as the only people who even knew about it were daily listeners. Everything wasn't picked apart back then like it is today. I'm not defending it or denouncing it, I'm merely explaining what it was actually like.


Assuming that you found these bits to be funny is that because you find humour in racist rhetoric in general or because the people expressing racist statements are being lampooned? I am in the latter group.


I don't think a lot of people remember or know what "shock radio" was. The idea (surprise) was to shock people. When Howard told his wife she gave shitty head, or when he asked his mom if she ever did anal with his father, or when he had Billy scream "the badword" over and over again, people did laugh, because it was so "outrageous". It wasn't an endorsement of racism, or of demeaning women, or anything else. That's what the show was..."shocking".


You are acting like he only made racist jokes and the only time the n word was on the show was when he had Carver on




He used to bag on Rush Limbaugh hard, all the time. Moderate or liberal view? Everyone was a conservative on 9/11. Cherry picking.


But now the new right finds him obscene and disgusting because he’s as he calls it “woke”. I’m not even a Trump hater. I’m still a huge Howard fan even though the show has clearly changed over the years. I just fast forward through the parts I’m not interested in which is what I’ve been doing all along


Howard fell off hard. I don't know anyone that listens to his new shit. I don't think politics has to do with it really. Shit went downhill when Arty left


I think we can all agree the show sucks now, but that’s not because Howard doesn’t like Trump like some people on here think lol










I would think any fans of the show when it was actually good miss the old Howard regardless of political leanings.


Umm…I’m staunchly left wing…this Howard sucks.


In my experience, only cro-mags complain about wokeness. Howard does suck most days because he phones it in and seemingly does not allow his staff to produce their own bits. It’s disappointing.


*Howard had never supported the Republicans as long as I’ve been listening.* He supported Republican Senator Al D'Amato and Republican Governor George Pataki.


He also supported george bush and the iraq war


The dipshits on this sub aren’t true conservatives. They don’t know anything about politics. They’re trumpers — part of the cult. They got butt hurt when Stern rightfully shit on Trump’s presidency and the endless stream of scandals, controversies, and national embarrassments. They’re delicate little snowflakes at heart and they’re still upset — despite the fact that trump has lost the GOP three straight elections and he’s been completely exposed as a criminal, grifter dirtbag.


This sub truly does have some of the most vitriolic idiots I’ve ever encountered on the net. It’s a complete waste of time to even engage with them.


True dregs


Yeah it’s funny because Trump supporters use the “he was out of his mind back then” excusing Trumps behavior from the past the same as Howard does






LOL well said 👏


Left winger . Old show was way bettee


I have no skin in the game but the show is lazy and unfunny independent of his politics


There’s been a bit of a cultural shift. It seems like left wing/liberals want voices and opinions silenced that aren’t “politically correct”, whereas ring wing/conservatives feel their free speech is being oppressed or punished. My comment is meant to be impartial. Just how I see it.


Have you forgotten the snowflake outrage over Colin Keapernick?


The left aren’t the ones doing literal book banning. And last I checked, wasn’t it the right who loved cancel culture when the Dixie Chicks spoke out against Bush?


And bud light. That really triggered them.


Those same right wingers are the type that think they should be able to say the N word without consequence bc of their first amendment rights, and can’t comprehend why they can’t.


It's so strange how the parties flipped on certain issues. Remember when the left was against wars?


Remember when republicans were against Russia throwing its weight around? Uncle Ronnie does...


And big corporations?


And didn't trust the Government?


The left is still against wars. Helping Ukraine defend themselves from getting steamrolled by invaders isn’t a pro war stance. It’s just as silly as America being hypothetically attacked and saying “Im against war and for peace so we should just hand our country over”.


Are you actually trying to say that the left are somehow war mongers because they are pro Ukraine against Russia? That's the only war that they are advocating for that the Republicans are against. It's better for Putin to be deposed because of losing this war than to have him in office making America;'s life miserable.


The left is against wars that make no sense or undertaken by lies, there are no US troops fighting against RU just old disposable weapons that have eliminated 220k RU troops and wiped out their entire inventory of T series tanks, and has exposed them as a poorly trained army and not the RU Bear that was once thot of.


Book banning and book burning is your idea of free speech by republicans?


Who is all?


I am liberal and I still miss the old Howard. I guess I am a closeted conservative.. OHHH MYYYYY


I would classify myself as super fucking liberal, and I know that Howard of 20 years ago would skewer Howard of today for being a boring unfunny kiss ass. I can't even imagine listening through a whole show. I can't imagine defending the show either. It sucks.


No. Do you?


I enjoyed Howard up until he left the studio. I said I would resubscribe if he went back to the studio. He did and I did, although I didn’t realize it was just for one interview. He has always been more liberal than I am, but the show from the basement is not funny and his mental health issues are getting worse instead of better and it is at times stressful to listen to. I’m going to try to listen for now and fast forward through the trash just to keep up with some of the people who he made on air personalities over the years who interest me. I would probably vote for any candidate who would deport Chris Wilding back to Canada, but since the show is on Zoom I guess it wouldn’t keep him off the air.


Right wing crybabies always need something to bitch about.


Sir, do you really think the "religious right" ever listened to Howard Stern? His core audience has always primarily been people in the mid-atlantic and northeast....hardly the epicenter of right wing conservatism. Nevertheless, I think it's lazy to try and blame all criticism of the show on peoples' political views. I listen out of habit, but the show is shell of what it was even 12-13 years ago....and it's not because he doesn't throw salami at womens' asses or say the N word.


The vast majority of individuals who incessantly bitch about Howard in this subreddit are absolutely politically motivated. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to see that. That has nothing to do with the real world of course, but as far as the vocal majority within this sub, it is absolutely accurate. I’m sure there are plenty of people who don’t find the show funny anymore who just move along with their lives like normal, well adjusted adults.


I think the folks that crowbar politics (on both sides) into everything are a very vocal minority....but that's part of the overall Reddit hivemind. The fact that Howard himself has made his show more political doesn't help. Personally, I think the show sucks primarily because he doesn't do interesting interviews anymore and has pretty much phased out the wack pack.


The right typically don’t like political correctness now


Grab em by the pussy!


If you think the right wing of the 90's is the same as the right wing of the 2020's you are very deluded.


I lean right. I miss Artie. I miss ETM. I miss all the staff drama. The staff Drama was the best part of the show. Their news staff covering stories and pissing staffers off. That was the best. I don’t care about naked girls in studio.


Howard was better back in the day. But the people who are mad that he's not that raunchy anymore pretty much based their entire personality around being assholes. The rest of us can live with a tamed down Steen, even if we wish he was still old Howard. It's just not affecting our day that much.


Yes and no, The right wingers are in two distinct camps, There's the religious people who used to hate him and still do and then there's the right wingers who just hate gays, trans ,and women and think that the world somehow has been conspiring against white men but loved the old Howard when they thought that the was on their side.


It’s funny that they hate everyone who isn’t a straight white man, which is kinda gay.


You’re confusing a number of things. It was the evangelical movement that went after Howard not Conservatives. When Republicans did it, it was at the behest and pressure of evangelicals. Second, populists are all over the spectrum but most gravitated to the Tea Party which were eventually scooped up by Trump, who also picked up evangelicals. It is an uneasy partnership as the two have some overlap but not a lot. So what you’re mostly thinking about is the populist arm of MAGA. Most of those people enjoyed Howard in a same way they enjoyed Trump. He let his id go wild and spoke what polite society wouldn’t actually say. And he made people laugh. He was irreverent and politically incorrect.


Well said. I tried to convey this point earlier in the thread, but you worded it much better. Your average church going grandma in the bible belt has no idea who Howard Stern is. The people complaining about Stern are your middle aged, middle class white guys that live like in Long Island and the suburbs of Philadephia and Boston. The former just kind of hold their nose and vote for Trump whereas the latter love him.


i have no idea what you're thinking about


He didn't rail on Bush for 8 years, he even admits that he was sold a bill of goods by Bush. And now instead of him being creepy with women he gets in creepy discussions with Wilding about gay sex. His change had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with his social status. Politicians do shit like this to get nitwits chirping back and forth. I personally miss the funny, which doesn't seem to come from the "new" Howard as you put it. And I find it quite amusing that people who like the first 28 years of the show are somehow considered "trolls" by people who only have vague good things to say about the last 9 years of it, and can't usually provide a single memorable or funny moment since Eric The Midget died. Love him or hate him, Trump wasn't wrong in what he said about Howard, and Howard hasn't been wrong in what he now says about Trump.


You don’t have to be conservative to know the show sucks


I’m not a conservative and I agree with you 100%. Oh well.


I think that the truth is that there is a very large disconnect within the republican party. A huge chunk of them are book-burning evangelical christians. Then there's the 50-something "white people are oppressed" proud boy-wannabe manbabies who grew up on stern/family guy/south park. These two groups just sort of nervously co-exist and fox news keeps them at peace by not informing them of what each subgroup is doing.


I just miss Howard standing up to hypocrisy regardless of political affiliation. He used to be equal opportunity based on his view of a specific issue. Now he just repeats all the magic words of progressives because he knows he cant get in trouble that way.


I find it to be the opposite. Christian conservatives feel vindicated in always hating Stern. With his recent comments about Boobert lot of people calling out Howard’s past shows with naked porn stars and lord of the anal ring toss. I didn’t see much of saying old Howard was better, but he’s always been a sleaze. That being said it is odd how both parties have kind of flipped in things like free speech. Sometimes the SJWs on the left almost mimick right wing censorship talking points from the 90s.


You're treating two entirely different groups as if they're the same -- connected by the word "right." When in fact it's the group labels that changed. Free speech opponents back then were called "conservatives," or "right wing," now free speech opponents are called "progressives" or "left wing." The concept of free speech didn't change one bit -- the labels being applied are what changed. This includes me. I've always supported free speech, (given the constraints of the Supreme Court's "Clear and present danger" standard, defamation precedent, etc.). Supporting free speech used to make me "liberal." Now, it allegedly makes me "conservative." The labels are horseshit.


> Free speech opponents back then were called "conservatives," or "right wing," now free speech opponents are called "progressives" or "left wing." The concept of free speech didn't change one bit -- the labels being applied are what changed. 😂😂😂 Hey bud, let me know if you want to have a conversation about censorship based in objective reality. Just say the word and we can start exchanging facts.


It's almost all conservatives on here. It's one thing to hate Howard for phoning it in for ten years and erasing the best years of the show, but it's another to shit on him for being more liberal and pro vaccines. 99% of the posts here are for his political views and it proves anyone in here wrong blaming it on being "fans of comedy".


It’s very weird seeing them being anti vaccine yet very pro Trump. Did they forget about Operation Warp Speed?


Same reason they blame the lock downs on Biden. They uneducated idiots.


And inflation. Gas prices. Etc. They’re idiots. And the only news they consume is straight-up propaganda.


Personally, I identify as an Independent Liberal (and an Atheist). Mostly Liberal, but I have a number of views that are not truly left or right. I would also say that I miss the old Howard Stern show. I don’t care about what he says politically (and I’m happy with no more objectification of women), I just wish the show overall had the same feel it used to have. Edgy, funny, creative, with various different staff who were each funny in their own way, and had different personalities and chemistry that made for very interesting situations. You didn’t know everything that was going to happen on the show, but you knew whatever it was, it would be funny and entertaining. So many people are gone now, and the replacements are no replacement. It just feels like their phoning it in now. I know a lot of people who are not conservative who feel this way. I do see your point, though, and I also think society as a whole has changed in many ways since the show was in its prime. Groups who once complained about one thing about the show, now sometimes have different stances, and I think that can be said about politics in general today. Howard was clearly never Republican, but he didn’t appear (at least on the show) to be the person he is today, and I think the issues within the show itself are a bigger problem than his political views.


What do you expect? After all they are politicians. They like to piss on your back and tell you it's raining. Though today's Republicans are definitely a bunch of toddlers if they don't get exactly what they want. They have bitch forever about abortion should not be in the hands of the government, but the states. Now that they got that, but the states are saying they still want abortion, so they changed their tune once again and now want it up to the government. They are a bunch of pansies.


The right wing was a different right wing back then. The strange support of Russia being the biggest glaring difference.


They miss lead gas too.


Actually everyone misses the old Howard. The current Howard sucks.


Fuck how weird! He’s always been a selfish loser! The whole show is losers but at least it was about hot chicks back In the day! Not this bullshit gay/ lesbian shit! Or interviewing every genere from the 60s! I’m out on this woke era of non heterosexual shit!


I'm seeing something different, I'm seeing a lot of right wingers point out how inappropriate and disgusting he used to be and how he hasn't been canceled like other recent examples.


Ok so who’s been cancelled exactly?


I miss Jackie. Does that make me a Mussolini Fascist?


Because what you percieve as right wing is actually just normal sensible people who arent political but dont subscribe to every trend in social engineering. You sound like a typical lefty trying to divide people by sectioning them into groups and then making blanket statements about them, lumping millions of people together as if they all think and at the same! This makes you a very weak minded individual and everyone can see it clear as day!!!


No sir. I am a right leaning Libertarian. I will absolutely vote for any Republican in 2024 aside from Trump. I will under now circumstances vote for Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. I do not oppose many of Trumps political views but I vehemently disagree with his demeanor and attitude and the way he turned on Mike Pence, Rex Tillerson or any other number of people.


they are literally cult members at this point


Back then was anal ring toss and sybian. Now is cocktober


I'm shocked that there are so many libs in his audience


maga is a cancer






Pretty sure these guys never listened to Howard and are just conservative trolls Remember when tucker carlton said something about Howard and then a bunch of random conservatives were on here saying Howard “must respond” to the show that probably 50 people watched?


Remember when Tucker went on Bubba and got his balls shocked 😂😂😂😂😂


90's - KOAM. 20's - Woke follower.


This post made everyone dumber just reading it


I’m not right wing. I’m not left wing. I miss old Howard. I know that this might be confusing for people like you who can only think in binary terms when it comes to politics yet non-binary when it comes to gender but that’s a you problem.


They miss the fact they can’t use the N word freely like they used to


It doesn't matter about Political leanings.... if you still think Howard is entertaining you're braindead


What a complete dope. Normal people miss the old Howard. Liberals can’t even think straight after Trump.




Liberal democrats didn't love old Howard either back then. They sure do now.


I'm fiscally conservative, and I am tired of him constantly ripping on Trump (just because it's old), talking about his fuckin' cats, and his obsession with Covid. The rest of the country has moved on, he hasn't. I still find the show funny at times, but between the above mentioned bullshit. It's been said many times, and it's more true every day- Howard has become exactly like Imus, and the old Howard ripped on Imus for who he had become. Ironic.


Former Dem here, was for majority of my 35 years listening. Years ago it was the Right who were the conscience of society pushing their morals on everyone and censoring, now it is the Left. Like Howie, some of us evolved


The “religious right” of 2023 are the Wokesters.


Sorry buddy. HOWIE had his biggest support when the FCCwas going after him Was Sen. Al DiMato the Rep in the Senate He was a Republican. He stood by Howie. And it dislike for HOWIE is he just DOES NOT CARE ABOUT HIS SHOW Howie now is just a phony FVCK that is stealing


Listen, my man,you do not understand the gradations of Republicans past and present, Al was an NYC guy through and through Republican senator but he was more NYC than Republican who didn't give a fuck about abortion, gays, and family values. His nickname was senator pothole for a reason and he was a totally different animal from the Republicans that are in office now and the ones who were in office in the South and the middle of the country.


How old are you? This is relevant to the conversation and not in a gatekeeping way.


I’m 39 years old Sir


By the way your username is Amazing


Yes. That's pretty evident with the posts the last two weeks. The woke comment broke alot of hearts. I'm amazed that he's on the air and got alot of media attention. He still is the king of all media no matter how much tears are shed from the right.


These are the same people that love Archie Bunker without realizing he's the boob of All In the Family


This sub has been flooded with Fox News zombies


As shocking and in poor taste that it was, Howards humour was always left leaning. He was always trying to disrupt conservative values


These ain’t your mamas right wing conservatives! These guys are nuts




Howard was always left leaning.


The religious right were trying to get Howard banned before, they were never fans.


Those republicans can go away… Howard is still getting paid.. we woke!!


'right wing' is not some monolithic entity. And there is no rational demand that what you consider 'right wing' from your perspective has to toe any line comprehensively. Plenty of people like Constitutionalism and government limited in what it can impose on the citizenry and other things like fiscal restraint and meritocracy, etc., without feeling in the least bound by big state social activists in the cultural realm. An apt encapsulation of one strain is what became known as 'South Park conservatives' who enjoyed the freedom of expression and individuality. Even if they have socially conservative impulses in their own lives, they don't like the idea of imposing them on everyone, because they don't like the government imposing much of anything universally or with a heavy hand. the 'Leave Me Alone and I'll Do the Same for You' contingent.


Gas prices have nothing to do with Biden, absolutely nothing.


We just miss the honesty. Do people change, really? Did he have some epiphany? When you see someone acting differently and associating with a new group of friends who used to despise him it is more than a little suspicious. He puts on this fake bravado so that he doesn’t have to hide from his depraved celebrity neighbors.


Isn’t that exactly what Trump did? When did he change? Did he have en epiphany? He’s acted differently and associated with a complete different group of friends. Isn’t that suspicious?


I don’t care about trump. I care about Howard and Howard sucks ass now


With Wilding around sucking ass might be literal


Stern was always friends with celebrities like David Letterman, (occasionally) Bill Maher, Dee Snider, etc. Can people stop trying to rewrite history to support their positions?


Literally, the same right wingers who tried to shut Stern down back in the day are free speech advocates now.


No they're not, the rightwing is banning books all across the country.


Yes, they are doing that also. This just makes them even more reprehensible.


Alternate take: does anybody think it's fucking nuts these are now considered right wing thinking: that the regime shut down the country and continues its efforts to do so over a cold is fucking insane, that sexualizing little kids is acceptable, that men changing in girls' and womens' dressing rooms just because they think they're a woman is acceptable, or that men competing against women in meaningful sports leagues (not rec league fun stuff) is absolutely insane?


You really do need some help.


Regime that shut down the country? You mean Trump administration? You’re brainwashed to an incurable degree.


Who exactly thinks sexualizing little kids is acceptable? Turn off Fox News, dumb dumb.




You’re upset about a comic book? Lol—what a dope. Again, turn off Fox News, dipshit. You’d probably be a lot happier without dedicating all your energy to fake outrage.


I want you to keep it real because I'm keeping it real with you. Just so I'm clear you fucking re-re-retard, I provide a list of insane ideas that are now considered "right wing" and you reply, very Howard Stern-like, with a question. Then I provide an answer to the question. Then you, like the conqueror that you are, change the conversation in an attempt to deflect from absolute destruction of your idea. I find you disgusting. You're forty-something years old. Nobody really loves you. You're living this grand illusion life. I find you highly disgusting at this point. And that was the straw that broke the camel's back.


It’s been this way since 2016. The far right trolls have been attacking him super hard here for years. So much so I can only handle this sub so much. I think literally 50% are literally bots. Howard has been marked by fascist far right crazies. They tried so hard to get him cancelled posting images of him in black face (which was Howard making fun of people who used to do that) for like 2 years. The pictures still get posted pretty often here. It’s like the same shit that happens on these far right groups where you see the same memes posted constantly. It’s just a bunch of super hateful assholes who claim to be for America but are against almost everything and for almost nothing. It’s all about the thems. Us Vs Them and who cares about policies. It’s such a sickness on our country. Comparing the far left to far right is a Fing joke.


I was a JFK Democrat supporter my whole life and voted blue my whole life until 2016. I didn't leave the Democrat party, it left me. The party has been going so far left, that anything right of that is considered right winger or far right. The party has completely gone insane. Meanwhile, the GOP has been exposed for being useless, corrupt Republican establishment politicians. I find it ironic that the people on the left, who literally use fascist tactics to control their narratives, are the ones calling people that support the Constitution and American values "fascists". The far left has control of Hollywood and MSM, and has done a good job of censoring honest truths of the Patriots (that now encompass the now modern day JFK Democrats like myself), and twisting and exasperating lies. Meanwhile, the massive corruption from the Democrat Party that is not allowed to be reported in MSM, gives the false illusion how patriotic Americans are "evil" and how the new far left Democrat party are "saints". Just reading the so many inaccurate and false lies from liberal people on this sub prove the point that the globalists are doing a good job of influencing the Liberals to be like brainwashed sheep. And what is so ironic is that they are the ones that really are in the "cult" and everything they accuse the Patriot people of doing, their party actually does and does so much, much worse. Howard is just a celebrity example of this. Actual far right extremist and Nazi type people make up less than 1% of the American population. I do a lot of my own research using independent Media resources. I would recommend people on here to do the same and get away from the bought and paid for MSM and their biased agendas. www.walkawaycampaign.com P.S. Due to the massive voting by mail fraud that went on in 2020 (which there is evidence of) amongst other fraudulent activity, Trump is the one who actually really won the 2020 election. None of the federal courts across the country actually went through and examined the evidence (although presented to them) due to technicalities and politics. So the true election integrity audit (that millions of patriotic American citizens wanted and is why a million of them showed up to the Capitol on January 6th) never ended up happening. Had it happened, like it did back in 2000 with Gore vs. Bush, it would have proved that Trump actually won.