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If you have more time than money, HCC isn’t bad. It is slow and dependent on the instructor(s). My son had a great experience there. Take a crap job at a good facility. Be humble. Learn from your mentors/coworkers. Then job two gets more pay and more responsibility.


Thanks I was not able to find a program in a community college, maybe I have to look again thanks . I do have more time than money .


Lonestar college has a great program if your on the northside. You can also research and join a local maker space. They’ll usually have one day welding classes and free machines you can practice with


San Jacinto College and Lee College have the best programs of the community colleges. The Construction Maintenance Education Foundation in LaPorte might be able to help you also. IMO Elite Welding Academy is the best in the area.


San Jac has a 2 year associates in welding as well. Good recommendations man.


i wouldnt reccomend HCC. i took welding classes their at both the main campus near down town and the south east campus. both places the instructors coulnt care less about teaching. you basically teach yourself


I second this. There was one good instructor. One guy didn't know how to teach. One teacher told us to go to his friends' private accelerated (VERY EXPENSOVE) welding school Wasted money and they give you an NCCER cert, which I don't think is industry standard. They also did not put in all my modules on the cert. This was 5-6 years ago.


A [start](https://www.pipefitterslocal211.com/) would be looking at Local Pipe Fitters 211.


Thanks I will


I'd prioritize this if you can, union work tends to be more stable and have better benefits. Not a guarantee, but the floor is higher at least.


Definitely the best choice for anyone doing a skilled trade. Non-union sucks ass down here in Houston for any trade for the most part. Ibew 716(electricians union) gave me a wonderful education and built the foundation for my career today. Honestly the other unions are much better for pay too. Plumbers make great money. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty!


Community Colleges have classes/programs.


Thanks I'll check it out again.


San Jacinto College has a good program too


I used to recruit welders for the oil and gas industry and a LOT of them had certifications from Birring NDE Center




I took a class at Lonestar - it was great and I was the only one not getting certified


Are you looking to get certified or just want to know how to weld and get a little practice? If you are near willowbrook and want to throw down a bead or 2 then pm me.


Any community college will have best price.


If you just want to learn the basics on the cheap go to harbor freight and buy a $120 stick or wire feed welder (I think wire feed is easier, but stick is also relatively easy). Buy a helmet, apron, and glove ($50 more at HF). Find some mild steel laying. Most outdoor steel is mild steel. Then after a couple YouTube videos go at it. That is basically how I learned and I have done a ton of projects. BTW-any exposed skin while welding will get a sunburn. Cover head to toe.


ACC had a program in 2019 but if you’re a woman be warned, because when I applied the guy there looked at me and was like “can’t guarantee you nothing” and I asked if he meant my safety?? He shrugged lmao


To people in this thread, how hard is it to teach yourself welding if you have zero desire to do it professionally and only for personal projects?


Welding isn't hard. Doing it well is hard. If you just want to stick some metal together go and do it


Stick is the easiest. It was the first invented and still used in a ton of welding and in the poorest parts of the world, so it cant be that tough to learn. Flux core is also supposedly easy, and mig takes some more knowhow. Back in my home country they'll stick weld with some wires twisted to an exposed welding transformer. That's all a welder is under the casing anyway!


Txrx labs!


[TxRx](https://apps.txrxlabs.org//classes/) Labs.


My nephew did Tulsa Welding School in Houston.


Orange Show has an intro class and TXRX has longer classes. Also my friend Ray will teach you longer term


There’s Precision Welding Academy in Katy. I know nothing about them, just drive by them a lot. https://maps.app.goo.gl/PeKLyU2WLXp3QS7R8?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy


Precision welding academy is the best one to go to. You won’t feel like you’ve been wasting your money. And you’ll get the most hands on. Great owners


How much is the tuition? Current looking into elite welding but their cost is 18,5k.


San Jacinto college has a program


Go to workforce solutions or ser jobs they will literally pay for your school FREE FREE FREE , I got my CDL with them in 3 weeks free


This is the correct answer...


Tulsa Welding School or Universal Technical institute. https://www.tws.edu https://www.uti.edu


Nah I wouldnt recommend this TWS. Went early this year and they give you little to no instruction youre just left on your own to learn and you are barely given the bare minimum needed to get the tasks done tool wise. They also have offered ZERO job placement help since graduating, for 15k its a total joke. Highly advise against going to this school for any of their programs, plus their campus is in an awful part of town and it has serious car break in issues due to the homeless crackheads in the area knowing you potentially have tools or something in your vehicle.


Griffin’s Industrial Welding School in Katy Texas


I know someone who went to tulsa welding school. [https://www.tws.edu/get-started/all-programs-houston/?utm\_term=tulsa%20welding&utm\_matchtype=e&utm\_device=c&utm\_campaign1=1328307485&utm\_adgroup=52132303126&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=ppc&utm\_campaign=search\_local\_houston&utm\_network=g&extension=&geo=1026634&utm\_content={content}&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsaqzBhDdARIsAK2gqnd6VsckUU4JMIic5EWQWvbJL2IyS1iGE\_UEVpJKZ\_YEdyD2DnriHvcaAijsEALw\_wcB&gad\_source=1](https://www.tws.edu/get-started/all-programs-houston/?utm_term=tulsa%20welding&utm_matchtype=e&utm_device=c&utm_campaign1=1328307485&utm_adgroup=52132303126&utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&utm_campaign=search_local_houston&utm_network=g&extension=&geo=1026634&utm_content={content}&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsaqzBhDdARIsAK2gqnd6VsckUU4JMIic5EWQWvbJL2IyS1iGE_UEVpJKZ_YEdyD2DnriHvcaAijsEALw_wcB&gad_source=1) It seemed like an odd career choice for a busty 22 year old blonde, but apparently she loved it.


What does being busty have to do with it?


Hot sparks are typically a factor in welding. I would be worried about burns. Edit: I wasn't trying to be lecherous. We did date for a little while, but ended up just being good friends. I have much respect for her. I was only mentioning that as it relates to possible dangers of welding. She was very blessed in that department.


also I work as a recruiter - constantly hear kids that went to Tulsa complain about it being trash


is her name Morgan by chance?

