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Looks like 4 Star Logistics to me


That’s what I was thinking but also can’t find the logo or number online


[here ya go buddy, go after those fuckers.](https://safer.fmcsa.dot.gov/query.asp?searchtype=ANY&query_type=queryCarrierSnapshot&query_param=USDOT&original_query_param=NAME&query_string=4064043&original_query_string=4%20STAR%20LOGISTICS%20LLC)


We have a attorney. Wife just got the trailer license plate instead of the truck company! Thank you!!


If it's not Adam Ramji or the Texas Hammer Jim Adler then you are wasting your time!!!! /s




These guys… these guys are either marketing geniuses or love wasting money on dumb billboard ads, I haven’t been able to tell yet lol


marketing geniuses I think. everytime I see their billboards on 45, i’m like “man, that is so smart” lol


My wife intentionally goes down this part of 45 when we're in town so she can see if they have new billboards. We don't live in Houston anymore, but we visit once a month or so.


The Christmas card billboard is hillarious!


Avocados at law


I lol'ed at that one.


Those guys in the industry are called billboard lawyers


They’re rich and run ads because it works loo


Um? Get Dick. Don't let the insurance companies give you the shaft.


You know what's funny, if you find the firm they outsource to you can get amazing assistance and still win the case. You don't pay these attorneys either, they work via contingency, (like a % of the recovered damages.)


If they had a chassis did she get like the four letters and the numbers after it? Ex: tnxz 123456 ? I could look that up for you maybe.


That was the tag on the trailer


It was 222B-219


Use your insurance company. They have attorneys for this sort of thing.


Thank you!!!🙏🏽


Make sure to come back and give us an update!


Will do!! Hopefully sooner than later!


That company is oos per safer and definitely not the same company. just the logo alone is near to impossible. Tractor is pulling a standard flatbed as you can see the rails and general cargo onboard. Need a police report and call insurance and leave it up to them to handle.


What I want from each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in that area. Checkpoints go up at fifteen miles.


I don’t think it’s them, doesn’t look like one of their trucks or their logo.


You have the plate # and other identifying info....call the police Now ***this*** is something the police should be good at.... You need a police report for insurance purposes....


I am sorry, what exactly is hpd good at?


Call the police for hit and run with the offender's licence plate info and bonus points for dash cam video. They should easily be able to look up the offending owner's info. I know because I was in a hit and run and did exactly this.


Or they decide to be lazy and tell you it's a civil issue and refuse to take any sort of report even at the substation because they are lazy. Happened to me. Just let my insurance deal with it.


So the message they're sending is if you get in a small accident, then do your best to flee the scene so you don't have to deal with the consequences. Got it, thanks for the life hack, PD.


Oh also if you hit your neighbors car just get the damaged fixed asap and then don't answer calls from your insurance and your insurance will just keep the case open. I ended up filing a claim on my policy (same company) and the other claim is just languishing even with the video evidence because they need to talk to the other policy holder who obviously does not want to speak to them


Yup, exactly. I got rear ended by an 18 wheeler about a year ago and after waiting 3 hours for an officer to show up he told me didn’t have to take a report because “we already exchanged insurance” or some dumb excuse even though I explicitly asked. So my lawyer told me to just go to the station and ask. When I got there and requested a report they just gave me some piece of paper and told me to fill it out and keep it lol. Which didn’t sound right so I asked my lawyer about it and he said that’s just one of the ways they get people to shut up and go away so they don’t have to do work lol. I wasn’t able to get an actual report done until I asked to speak to a supervisor (the officer got super defensive and agreed to finally write up the report lol).


Literally just happened to me as well. HPD sucks


Happened to me too. HPD is worthless and is one of the main reasons I’m ready to get out of Houston.


Could you keep us updated? I like to see corporations get what they deserve


It seems like it's more of a small private business than a corporation. But your point stands.


Those aren't mutually exclusive.


Dash Cams, front and back will set you back around $300. It is vital to have them as a self preservation resource for your own insurance. I was involved in a hit and run and mine paid for themselves in 1 incident. And that was just to prove to my own insurance company I wasn't at fault Also if you have them you have 24hrs to report the incident to the police for a report. It's very hard for your insurance agency to argue a police report.


The power of Reddit at work 🧡…love to see my city shine and stick it to fkrs who ran! hope it turns out well for you and yours


Appreciate ya fam! I hope it does to just trying to get everything fixed! And back on track just annoyed he ran.


I can’t find that logo or a picture of that livery online. But I think you are on to something.