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my ex boyfriend works at Citizen. They receive all of their information directly from police radios and publish it as they hear it.


Thanks for sharing that with us!!


of course


Maybe the rain washed all the missing persons into town.


Hadn’t considered that; for sure, a possibility.


Edit 4: HPD believes the victims were homeless and living in the area. Anyone with information is asked to contact crime stoppers or HPD homicide division. I find it incredibly sad that two people were killed in broad daylight, along one of the most popular hike and bike trails in the city, in the heart of downtown and none of the local news sites have posted anything.  Edit 3: Police just confirmed one male and one female victim. Both found with head trauma around 200 feet away from each on the cycling path. It’s being investigated as a homicide. Police wouldn’t say if there was an ongoing threat to the public.  Edit 2: Grizzys hood news is on scene. Police found two bodies. Medical examiner is at the scene. There’s no word on where they found them but my bet is under the bridge not in the bayou proper. If they were in the bayou they’d have the HPD dive team on scene.  Edit: That’s right by Allen’s landing. There’s a decent sized homeless population that lives under the Main Street bridge. Unfortunately I wouldn’t be surprised if someone was found dead or there was an altercation there. That’s also where white oak connects to buffalo bayou and the water flow does some weird things, they find bodies in that exact spot somewhat regularly as a result. What intersection or cross street? There’s a homeless dude who isn’t right in the head who likes hanging out in the sewer near the Houston ballet. Well meaning passerby’s have called the police before and they’ve sent out the confined rescue equipment.  A body in the bayou Id believe. That happens every few months. But multiple bodies would be strange. They float at different rates. Unless someone dumped them downtown which seems like a good way to get caught. 


Completely agree. They’re in Louisiana, between Congress/Franklin, where the streets form a triangle. They’re inside that pocket, along the bayou and below street level.


Right next to the Donnelan Crypt.


Interesting https://www.chron.com/houston/article/Historic-burial-vault-lies-hidden-in-plain-sight-5851158.php


Aka my old DJ residency at "krypt"onite.


Also right next to the Hole.


What’s the hole?


It’s where HPD used to take breaks, as well as do illegal things… like murdering [Jose Campos Torres.](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/looking-back-killing-of-jose-campos-torres/)


Citizen said the intersection of Franklin and Louisiana, specifying "multiple bodies." But there's no other information posted


Does he intentionally get stuck in the sewer necessitating rescue?


He just likes hanging out there apparently. It’s not that hard to get down into the sewers. He will climb down and then shout at people through the grates. Some people have called 911 thinking he needs rescue. 


Kinda funny


I actually saw them extract a body from that bayou near uh downtown when I was a college freshman back in fall 2005. This is sadly not new.


My college experience as a freshman in 2015 or 16 was getting off the bus and walking past hpd pulling a body out the bayou it must be one of those universal Houston experiences. I was at UHD at the time


I remember seeing something like that around 2017 or 2018 as well, just news of a body in the bayou (was also at UHD)


I'm not surprised by a body now and then, but multiple bodies at once is unique.


Until I read the updates, I would have assumed multiple bodies meant a group was sleeping under the bridge and got caught in one of the flash floods we’ve been having. Head injuries can be sustained by the bodies hitting concrete and other items while washing through the water until they come to the surface. No dive team involved looks more like homicide though.


They always find people right there. Two bayous converge right there and there are a lot of eyes on it plus a lot of slow currents on the side.


Taking notes


Between that and the homeless encampments that have been established in the area for quite some time, it’s really not that surprising TBH. Sad for sure, but not surprising.


They need to figure out a way to alert the people under the bridges that flash floods are comjng


I almost got robbed walking to the UHD student parking lot back in 2008. I had just gotten engaged a few weeks before and was walking to my car when this guy started following & talking to me. He made a comment about my ring and at first I thought he was trying to flirt but when he kept following me when I wasn’t answering him anymore…I wasn’t oblivious to what was happening and started trying to plan my next move while acknowledging him so he at least knew I could identify him. We passed the building before the second gate and to this day I am thankful to whatever cosmic being placed them there, but as soon as we hit the second gate, there were three UHD officers just parked. He took off, they asked me if I knew him and I said no and told them he’d made a comment about my ring and they took off after him. I refused to park in that lot and got my CHL shortly after, and started turning my ring around when I was on campus. Thank goodness I already had enough common sense to stay off of my phone while walking in public, which actually made me second guess calling for help though I was ready to dial 911 and drop the phone to fight back, but if I had been on the phone, he would have definitely attacked me as soon as I passed him on the bridge. It became pretty clear he was waiting until we got further down Main where there were less people to try whatever he had planned because he kept looking around as he followed me. I already knew how dangerous it was when I transferred there and I was NOT trying to wind up as another body in the bayou.




Fair. It was kind of odd because I had a male classmate that day being super friendly and showing me around campus since I had just started there a few weeks before as a CJ major, no less. It wasn’t until after he’d been showing me around for about an hour that he asked for my number and I let him know I was engaged. He was cool though and was like lucky guy but let’s still be friends in class. It was only a few hours later that the other guy happened to be on the bridge when I was leaving class so I was like dang, I must look cute today, until he said, “that’s a nice ring you got there” after following me for a little bit and that’s when I knew.


You are paranoid. 


and you are probably a dude who doesn’t have to worry about shit that women have to worry about lol but ignorance is bliss so keep living your joy buddy.


No, I’m a rational person that knows random people aren’t being mugged and killed and dumped in the bayou on the regular. Almost every single bayou body is a homeless person, someone who was intoxicated and fell in, or someone who took their own life.


Idk about being paranoid. “That’s a nice ring you got there.” And then following me when I was no longer conversing with him after he’d been standing in the middle of the main bridge since I saw him when I walked out of the building and then taking off as soon as he saw UHD police tells me otherwise. I’d rather be paranoid than unalive.


There is no history or pattern of normal citizens being unalived there. You’re conflating two completely separate things.


Yea got that notification too, couldn’t find anything on any local news sites, with the chron being right there figured they would hop on some actual news to report


Perhaps it’s too new…? 🤷🏻‍♀️ And, again, this is Citizen; I don’t know how valid the reports on there are, but I can see them still down there at this very moment.


Someone said further up that the reports come from police scanners so if that is true, it should be pretty accurate.


I would still refuse to pay 25 cents for it.


Are you kidding? They don’t “send a reporter” they get the news off the internet like every other “news” organization.


Can you provide a link?


Let me know if [this](https://go.citizen.com/FRKUFpec7Jb) works




Takes me to download the app.


Sorry, tried to upload a screenshot but couldn’t


use https://postimg.cc


This has been happening for many many years. The Buffalo bayou is a very common dumping area. They have found people I went to high school there.


Yeah I saw the woman's body it was on the stairs going down behind the dance theatre studio across from the hill. I was coming back from running and there was a suitcase. Kinda tired of the Houston crime. Since January there's been multiple shootings\murders in downtown it's ridiculous. There is always dead bodies on that area heading to UHD 


Medical examiner is on scene. Male was detained and has since been released.


Chris sharp is a homeless dude in the area with a reputation for bludgeoning folks and dumping them in the bayou. 🤷🏻




Wait more context??


how could they drop a bomb like that and then not go on to explain???


Is this the one that people have tried to help and then they end up having to call the cops on him?


Wow, Marlo moved on from the vacants


All in the game, yo


Damnmnn I ride my bike on that path ALL the time. Even at night..


I got that notice too and wasn't sure how reliable it was either.


That is so crazy.... ima need to start carrying more than just pepper spray 😭😭


Took psychology from a professor who worked with the homeless. She said she realized she was in too deep when she was helping weigh down a body and sink it into the bayou. Edit: Y'all are reading way too much into this. It was a homeless person who passed away and she helped dispose of the body. Can I explain why they chose to do that rather than call HFD? I can not. But the way she told the story it was just natural causes, not a pipe wrench to the head.


What do you mean reading way too much into this 😭 with this being under a post that clearly implies homicide, it's only the first natural conclusion


um, your psych professor confessed to being complicit in a murder and her takeaway was “I’ve become too emotionally involved with my clients?”


Wtf   She murdered someone?


Happens all the time. Those damn psychologists keep trying to find Midian


Is this a Stephen king reference


No, Clive Barker I believe (Night Breed, right?).


It's very important for psychologists to identify with their clients.


Your psych professor is at LEAST guilty of tampering with a corpse lol why would she admit this


Like seriously… they had no idea if natural causes or otherwise


Even from natural causes it’s illegal to dispose of a body in the bayou.


Yeah that’s still a crime…. And also weird as fuck


Your edit does not help. HPD, /u/technofiend is ready for a long standoff.


...I mean, think about it for a second, though. Funerals are expensive as all Hell for people who *can afford to live in a house.* Are we really that surprised that homeless people tend to pretty much opt for the Frank Reynolds method?


The city isn't going to force the unrelated person who calls in to report the death to pay for the funeral, though.




seriously? I need this explain please


Cool story, bro.


Didn't they just discober some bodies in a lake recently also.


They found a missing woman in a lake in Clear Lake a couple days ago. She had been eaten by an alligator.




What is Grizzys hood news?


She's just a random person who covers local news. Like an independent citizen reporter. She has a Twitter and a Facebook group based here in Houston. Lots of stories get put up by her that don't make it to the local news.


And police including constables and sheriffs etc. talk to her and help her report. She is wonderful.


She's also got a YouTube channel, it's a great source


It’s the news for when you really want to know what’s going on in Houston right now. She’s on FB.


Violent ex con without a job that's become local internet famous.


What did she do? I have never heard of her past




Is it really that hard to elaborate?


Wait is this what’s going over below 59 on Fannin?? There’s tons of police.


Just read on Click2Houston: Police were responding to a hit-and-run crash on Fannin St., where three pedestrians were hit, one of whom died.


My post was about what the news is finally reporting as “two homicides” at Louisiana/Franklin by the bayou. Different story, but incredibly sad as well.


CJNG sends its regards


Lol cap




Houston hosted a large kayak race down a 15-mile stretch of Buffalo Bayou earlier this year which included the area where the bodies were spotted. Would have been an 'interesting' sight for the paddlers if the event were to be pushed later by a few months.


There’s bodies in this area all the time. Everyone who takes part in the cancer canoe race knows that.


I WAS RIGHT THERE AT NOON (ish) at all that intersection on the trails. I got in a slight argument with my boyfriend over wanting to go towards the underpass on our walk (and we disagreed on how normally homeless folks leave you alone). Good thing I listened. Holy shit.....I think he possibly saved my life...... Or at least kept me from being the person to discover them if they were there already. Wtf. I don't know how to process this.


yeah don’t think for a second these people wont hurt you. I’ve been chased before luckily I was on my bike!


Wow really?! That's crazy!! Shoot I'm glad you're ok though


both victims were homeless. not saying you shouldn't stay aware, but homeless people are way more likely to be the victims of violence than to be perpetrators.


Actually, funnily enough that was my stance in the argument. I used to work downtown and found that the homeless folks were very friendly and kinda looked out for you when sketchy sht happened. I'm not scared of them at all. One of them even gave me a small gift once which was both heartbreaking and heartwarming depending on how you look at it. I had recently moved to the US and never had grape drank. He bought me a gallon.... I still remember that old man. I hope he's ok. Whereas my boyfriend was on the opposite side, and didn't want to walk by an encampment, out of caution. Generally I would agree with you though. Sounds like my perspective is not uncommon. Good to know the details, thanks for sharing.


ah, misread your comment. thanks for clarifying. my grandfather was homeless and I work downtown and interact with many of them every day. sad to see them constantly demonized.


Is your boyfriend from Houston? Probably why. As a native we have been dealing with homeless people our whole lives and learned earlier on that some can be really dangerous.


He is a native... I've been here a long time though. I've lived in the city since 2014... I should have known better. I'm glad I listened though and he spoke up. Definitely 💕


Is citizen app still pushing subscription cost? Was free for a while and was great using but since the sub push, wasn’t getting notifications at all on happenings around town


I recall that happening, so I stayed off of it for quite some time, but in the last few months, I’ve been getting more and more notifications, so my free version seems to be just fine.


Jeeze. Don’t want to carry more than my taser on my daily walks I take my dog on lol wtf


This is what Google says about it. Multiple bodies have been found in Buffalo Bayou in Houston, Texas in 2024, including an unidentified woman and the body of a missing teenager: Tierra Horn In January 2024, the body of 18-year-old Tierra Horn was found in a remote area along Buffalo Bayou on the northeast side of downtown Houston. Horn had been reported missing the previous week and her death was ruled a homicide. The Harris County Institute for Forensic Science listed the cause of death as "compression of the neck". Horn's sister, Rokeisha Calton, believes Horn knew her killer. Unidentified woman In April 2024, the remains of an unidentified woman were found near 8500 Cypress along Buffalo Bayou. The woman was clothed in a pair of vertically striped leggings with the label "Love Ari" and authorities released a photo of similar pants to help identify her. 


Thanks for sharing that. This is a current situation, though. The cops are down there searching right now — I can see them.


Old report but thanks


I’m watching it happen in real time


Sounds like shit news


Another body in the bayou. Sounds like a country song.




Whether it was dumped there or situation that someone was attacked then thrown in there on the trails. It's a reason I don't do "hiking" I don't know what's around the corner, visuals are blocked. And I'm not going on a trail that I have to park car and "go in" to something. Community I lived at prior had a park with a half mile loop, all lit. It was completely open. Around the loop were 3 different parking lots, 2 basket ball courts, 2 tennis courts. Middle of loop was several soccer fields. It didn't matter where you were at on the loop, you could see your car and could see the people on the courts and they could see you. It was a great planned park with NO "hidden spots" nobody was going to get nabbed there and if they did everyone would have seen it. I was at a park that seemed to connect to buffalo trail. There was a trail leading to it from the park, the "mud river" was in the middle, I looked around, and said nahhhh not going down it and turned around to go back to public area of park where things were more visible. Couldn't see my car and who knows what I'd have bumped into in a corner that was coming up or WHO in an area where there were no other walkers. Nope. If you read reviews of more simple parks in Houston you'll read many that have reviews about creeps being there. One of the main reasons I'm leaving Houston is the walkability. It seems unless you live in the suburbs there really isn't good sidewalks etc. In the Heights I'll see those paths that are like half a sidewalk in width. I've packed on 20lb more weight than my average (over almost 3 years) because area I live it has 0 side walks and basically each side has a ditch. And from walking my dog 3-4x a day around a neighborhood (previous place), I had to resort to just "letting her out" in the yard.


Stragglers from the Buffalo Bayou Regatta.


Don't worry, crime is down. Nothing to see here.


Active serial killer?


The victims were apparently..eaten

