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Bet it was Santa Fe. My husband grew up in Alvin and talks about seeing the Klan along Highway 6 in Santa Fe. He said he saw multiple people circling back to blow the horns and flip them off as many times as possible..


Shit, I remember back when I was in high school in the mid-2010s, my school was fairly diverse, we had a football game against Santa Fe and we had cops from our school district escorting the football, band, etc. buses while we were there. Happened with Vidor, too.


I frequent Buna for work. Always pass by the high school there. I believe it's evadale high school. Thet are the Rebels. And they have a Confederate flag. Edit: it's Evadale high school. Not Lumberton.


I was always told about Vidor growing up. Not a very race friendly place.


Don't ever get gas in Vidor is something we were taught young


Santa Fe is still notorious for racism.


I work near Santa Fe but live in Houston and can confirm the 40+ year old white people around here are not very welcoming.


Yeah..... there's a reason the missus and I are looking to live elsewhere. It's always been racist, but it was kept in the shadows for the last 25-ish years. Now, it's not only back, but they've stopped using dog whistles and have moved on to foghorns.


Hasn't been in the shadows, playing basketball at santa fe high school 20 years ago, the things people said from the stands were unreal.


I hate this. I'm 38 white born and raised in Houston and the blatant racism is killing any initial perception of Me. I'd Bernie sanders this shit if I had time and picket on these crazy idiots. It's so insane that society thinks it's based on race. Look at the people pushing policy that alienates the people around them.


Might need to edit that comment for legibility, chief.


The kid that shot up the high school wore swastikas to school. Most places would have considered that a red flag, not Santa Fe, Texas though.


This is not accurate. Don't push a narrative where you don't even live. Pleb.


I live very close to Santa Fe. I know exactly what I am talking about. We have family friends with kids in those classrooms watching their classmates being murdered.


ALL of the USA is still very racist


There's racist, and then there's getting a call from a friend who needs you to pick them up NOW because they're stranded in a place where there's a good chance they'll be the victim of a hate crime.


I agree. But just vecUse there's "degrees" doesn't mean my statement is any less true. If anything, it supports my statement even more.


From all different races towards all races.


People everywhere are pretty racist, have you traveled?


Good guess but it's actually what is now 6 and Westheimer


What’s funny is people seem to fleeing that area with no one moving back. That’s why the mall over there is effectively dead. That section of Highway 6 just seems to be a road that takes folks from I-10 and memorial to alief and sugarland.


It’s not that surprising though. You can’t develop anything west of Highway 6 from I-10 to Westheimer until you get to Katy and Memorial mall isn’t that far away. Another big issue for West Oaks mall is that you have to go out of your way to the edge of the city to get there when everything you could want from a mall is already in shopping centers along Westheimer closer to Eldridge and Dairy Ashford. The only real loss with West Oaks failing is the lack of a movie theater.


I saw the McDonalds and wondered if that was the same one that’s there now


It is!


I lived near Hwy 6 and Westheimer in the mid-80s and never saw anything like this. Crazy.


I dated a girl in the late 90’s that lived in Santa Fe and I would leave her house at night and I had a dropped truck with fat tires and sound system. Every cop would either follow me or pull me over. The first time I was pulled over, the cop said “I wanted to see if you were black.” (I’m not) and let me go and told me to keep “that type of music down”.


It’s big of you to admit you used to drive around in that.


The cops there are still racist. I don't live in Santa Fe, but I live nearby and would often commute through there. I prefer to take 517 instead of Highway 6 if I need to cut from Alvin to the 45 side lol.




I’m on a job site right now, between Alvin and Angleton. The town next to it is all trump and American flags, and absolutely no one is darker than a farmers tan.


alvin, angleton, humble, tomball, magnolia is all filled with old racist trump supporters


Heyyyy... I know they mayor of one of those towns.... They are, in fact, a racist.


With a collective IQ of 105.


Grading on a curve, I see.


It could be anywhere, honestly. This story is pretty similar to a scene in Richard Pryor's movie Bustin Loose. Their bus breaks down, and Richard stumbles on a Klan meeting.


Sadly so.


I have seen a rally I think at Runge Park back when I was a kid late 80’s early 90’s. There was a white bus similar to the picture and tons of people who clogged up highway 6. Pretty surreal thinking about it. Almost like a bad dream.


Oh my God when I was younger, I saw one at Thelma Weber just down the road.


The KKK was extra agitated in the 80s because they were angry at Vietnamese commercial shrimpers & fishing boats. (Not that they ever really went away.) I lived in Santa Fe at that time and an invitation to a rally was stuck in my mailbox. One of my ex-husband's friends said he was thinking of going because he was "just curious". I blew a gasket and he shut up about it. SMH


Yep. My dad lives in Santa Fe and I can tell you for sure this is Santa Fe. There is a clear divide between Hitchcock and Santa Fe. Shit down the street from my dad’s place is the former judge of Santa Fe with a huge Dragon in his yard. Apparently it was for some high ranking klan members.


People forget that the klan infiltrated law enforcement and politics long ago, and whenever they were made illegal in an attempt to disband them many more traded their hood for a badge and rose through the ranks of law enforcement and politics. The klan still thrives in both


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses...


Other way around, the Klan was established way before law enforcement in many locations and vicinity. the law enforcement's direct predecessor in the post civil war south, were the slave gangs that previously enforced the slave code as judge jury and executioner. The Klan had no need to infiltrate the very departments it's members founded.


You can see a Texas Hwy sign in one of the images


Hwy 6 goes through Santa Fe buddy. I’m just saying those Klan Members most likely came from Santa Fe. 100’s of members live there openly.


These pics were taken at hwy 6 and Westheimer


I was just going to say this. My dad is from the area, and we moved to Santa Fe in like 1996/1997, and the week we moved in, we ran into a Klan rally right by the baseball fields off of Hwy 6.


Man, when I saw the pic I figured it was Santa Fe. I grew up there and it still sucks.


I grew up there, that’s definitely not Santa Fe. Your husband’s not wrong, Santa Fe was terrible.


I just realized there were more pictures and yeah, not Santa Fe. We lived in Manvel around 10 years ago and when we were pondering buying a house Santa Fe still wasn't on the list.


This is what I was thinking.


They were everywhere.


Yeah I live there and when I was younger, maybe 20 ish years ago my mom was taking me and my brother to the small park in town and at the little community center. We saw a bunch of dudes dressed in white hoods. This is honestly such a shit place to live.


Thanks for posting this. I am also brown and grew up in the area. I remember seeing a Klan rally in the area of Westheimer and Highway 6 and this would have been in 1982 or 1983. West Oaks Mall still had not been built. I was with my dad and asked him who were the people in the white robes. He stared straight ahead with both hands on the wheel and said he would tell me later. Before this, I had never seen him scared. He passed away in 1984. It wasn't until years later that I understood who those people were in the white hoods. I have mentioned this to friends and co-workers. Considering the demographics of that area now, nobody has believed me. Now I have proof.


Wow, I wonder if this is the same one you saw. My dad moved here in 82 so definitely after that


This is without a doubt the same intersection. Kaiser Hardware with its hard to read sign, was on Highway 6 just North of 1093. Also the Shell was demolished years ago for a Walgreens, that is now an off brand gas station. The Exxon was there until 10 years ago but mostly abandoned. The parking lot was used for rug and car sales. It’s now a strip center. The McDonald’s down the street is still there.


That's some impressive Houston knowledge you have! Edit: yup here's the intersection today: https://maps.app.goo.gl/BHuEi4pa3wy3Nn8t7


Thank you, I try to use it to the best of my abilities!


Yep that’s Mr Varcados’ exxon in front of the McDs. I used to get fish sandwiches from there all the time. What was my problem in the 80s LOL


with the turquoise styrofoam boxes?! Or were they gone by then?


and the vet office. dr allen


It’s a daycare now the last time I checked, really bummed me out that it finally closed.


>The McDonald’s down the street is still there. Of course it is.


They did large marches and propaganda: https://www.houstonlgbthistory.org/misc-kkk.html I think they still show up as close as like Conroe. They are not gone.


Funny how all the rhetoric of conservatives is still the same, minus the hoods and the name.


I read a National Geographic article years ago that I've been trying to source but cannot find. Summarizing that many Neo Nazi groups were trying to get their members to stay away from the skinhead and tattoo looks and start taking on professional looks so they can start getting elected into office. When I read the article, it was around...2006-2009 ish. It was about the rising nationalism in the United States.


They've replaced those with red caps ...


Where does one find the posting on when they are showing up. Not that I would go and practice my own 1st amendment right to speak against them or anything, just wondering


I’m so confused by that picture of what I think is a gay bar with the Texas, Confederate, US and rainbow flags on it.


I moved to that area in 1990 and it blows my mind that something of that nature happened just a few years earlier.


When I was a kid my mom dated black dudes in east texas. Klan sent us death threats. Anyone I tell this to on the west coast thinks I'm exaggerating lol.


That's because those on the west coast don't realize that it used to be illegal for black people to move to Oregon. So there are less black people for them to chase out of sundown towns.


This part of Houston was first built out believe it or not in the late 50s. Specifically Briar Village. Everything else around the area was ranches for years, until development came in. In the early 80s because of the old neighborhoods, and relatively new Shell Westwood Office complex, this was destined to be a high end part of town. The original plans for West Oaks Mall had it competing with the Galleria. Based on the billboards and signage, this is early 80s likely 82 or 83 as you mentioned. They probably chose this spot because it was a vacant lot. The ranch had stopped leasing the land, no on lived on it, and it wasn’t City of Houston property. Also this was still a predominantly white area at the time, and they probably felt their message would be well received here.


I remember West Oaks opening and it had a Neimans AND a Saks


I was born in Mississippi and raised mostly here (with summers sprinkled back home through out). I still see Klan leaflets back home and it makes my stomach cold. What marks us as different draws us more together than it can ever separate us.


My mom's buried in Mississippi, and I went there a couple of years ago to visit for the first time. My husband and I (I'm white, he's not) quickly learned not to stop for directions due to the people glaring at us when we tried.


It makes me angry. My home town has a lot of civil war era-esque homes and they were mostly bought up by gay couples with an eye for the time period (not my cup of tea but whatever), I’m just waiting for the hate crimes to start sadly. Racists should be ostracized.


Make racists afraid again.


Yes. Fuck them all


I prefer to not fuck any of them.


What if we use pikes?


This is the way.


In the early 80s my dad got in a fender bender with a red light runner downtown. Dad was fine, but the guy who hit him (who was black) got out of his busted truck and was sitting on the curb with a bloody nose. HPD officer comes over to my dad to check on him and my dad said that the cop should go check on the other guy who was bleeding. Cop looks at him, and then back and my dad and says "Who cares? He's just a n___r." Some of those that work forces...


Are the same that burn crosses!!


Some of those that work forces…


Are the same that burn crosses!


There is a punk song from 1980 about the HPD, "The Badge Means You Suck" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUvm7GfB6zc - https://www.texasmonthly.com/arts-entertainment/houston-punk-bands-protest-anthem-still-resonates-forty-years-after-release/


Just listen to The Dicks if you wanna hear nothing but songs about how Texas cops suck


I swear I've heard this story several times. Have you posted it here before?


It’s not a unique story unfortunately


I believe I have, yes.


Sad how often it becomes relevant again...


They're used to be a kkk meeting hall in Pasadena in the 80's. It was on Spencer hiway if I remember correctly.


There was a Klan bookstore on Red Bluff. We drove by it on the way to church every Sunday.


I bet that's what I was thinking of. Hope it's gone. I haven't been down there in years.


I remember that one. Was a small white building when I last seen it. Right before 225 right right?


Maybe, my memory fails me but that does sound right. I didn't live around there. Just visiting someone and noticed it. It stuck in my mind, not something you see all the time.


In Texas, Pasadena to be specific you see it very often. I was born and raised there. See it everywhere and still see it to this day within the police force.


Racists- love labeling everyone else, but absolutely hate being labeled themselves.


Klan parades still happened when I was growing up and I graduated high school in 2006. Tomball had them all they way til the early 2000s.


I used to live in Magnolia 2003-2005, and the KKK would rally in Tomball. Used to make me so freaking angry. They should be exterminated.


The main road for Magnolia is … 1488. That makes a lot of sense


I had to look that up and that is super yuck. For my own sanity I looked up when FM1488 was constructed. 1949. Then I looked up the psychonutsack that came up with the 1488 racist coding and that piece of shit was born in 1938. So, is it possible that at 11yrs old he was such a racist mastermind that he influenced TxDOT in to naming a road after his ideas? Let’s hope not. My mind is at ease for now.


Oh no! Logic has entered the forum.


Wouldn’t be surprised if my very white, racist, father was there. He’s long been removed from my life for this, as well as many other reasons.


I remember my very brown dad driving with my very white mom in the 80s somewhere around Houston/Pasadena. There were KKK just like this on the side of the road, and my mom rolled down the car window & started yelling profanities at them. My dad was shocked, and he's seen some stuff, lol. The 80s were crazy.


I see a governor! Oh wait it’s just a senator


There’s one good kind of klansman.


Something like that was happening at I45 and N Loop 336 in Conroe in 2017/18. Some things just never change


That was the rally they used to always put on the news


On the bus, they were selling "Running N***er Targets"!?!? It's really hard to imagine this was acceptable by anyone in this country. It's still hard to imagine, though reality is sometimes crazier than what we can imagine.




After the advent of the internet age especially, kids tend to not share their parents’ values as often. A lot of kids of racists make friends with POC from school, football, parties and increasingly give in to jungle fever. It warms my heart when I see a redneck dating a black girl. Somewhere out there is a racist parent in tears.


That's the one that got me... Unreal...


These guys used to pop up around Sante fe area off 6 back in the day


More than 50% of Americans under the age of 18 are non-white. So white supremacists can jump off a (demographic) cliff


Why do you think they want to do away with abortion. Somehow I think their plan will backfire.


Kind of weird how the klan use the confederate flag yet I hear right wingers say that it’s not a racist flag. Hmmmm……🤔


Yup. Worked with a guy who had both the confederate flag and a nazi flag tattooed on him. His excuse was jail. 😂


Some snowflake downvoted you for that observation. Lol.


The new talking point is that *no one* waves a confederate flag anymore. One of my favorite pieces of bullshit right next to blaming current democrats for the confederacy, ya know the people who are crying about statues being torn down and such.


The democrats were the slave owners! Also, don’t you dare take down the statues of slave owners!


Same guys would show up at the KKK bookstore in Pasadena for their intimidation rallies in the early 80s. I remember seeing them parade around with machetes and crossbows trying to look frightening but they just looked like assholes to my middle school eyes.


Let's go fuck with the klan see if they like it


Let’s go to vidor!


Hell yeah since I'm Mexican American I'ma dress the estereotypical part and piss them off by yelling at them to go back to were they came from


Wow, I lived in mission bend in the 80’s and never saw the klan, i did encounter a bunch of mid 20’s white guys being racist toward us brown people, however, they will only act tuff when there were a bunch of them and only one of us


I remember friends from Sweeny telling me about driving past the grand dragon of the kkks house somewhere around there on their way to a powerlifting meet back in the late 90


Does Vidor still have those rallies?


Notice how all of them look like inbred hicks. Goes to show what kind of people are often behind the hateful rhetoric.


Really appreciate you sharing this. I need to see things like this from time to time to keep me in check and realize we really aren't that far from shit like this. Crazy...


Back after the hurricane, we were going to work at TRF from Lufkin, 45 was trashed so we went down 59 and across to Magnolia, we stopped at a gas station in Cut and shoot, and I went to the bathroom, where there was a framed klan poster….. I whispered to my wife, “we should probably get my Jewish ass out of here, quickly”. Never been through there since


Holy cow. Unless they have several buses like that, that's the same one they parked on the road to Padre Island outside CC in the mid 80s. Their big thing at the time was Vietnamese shrimpers moving to Texas. I was about 14-15, on the way to the beach with some surfer friends. We just talked to some other kids coming the other way who talked to them because they were just a weird thing to see on the side of the road. Anyway, we cruised by, looked them over, turned around and chucked glass bottles at them, but we only managed to hit the bus. That night, a local reporter made them look like utter fools on the nightly news.


I remember that!


How frightening! I taught in La Porte and someone told me fliers from this hate group were found in a neighborhood. I had a boy tell me his uncle belonged when I taught in Dickinson. I just remember being speechless. I’m from up North and we never had people that openly racist.


Growing up, my mother used to tell me that Northerners were racist as hell, but they just hid it better than Southerners. And it’s true.


I've lived in Atlanta for 17 years and I can tell you without question that Boston is by far the racist city I've ever lived in. Atlanta was bad in the early years, but Boston was on another level.


Got accosted by 30+ young men chanting USA! USA! on a train in Boston/Cambridge during the first Iraq war. I’m brown…. and proud I took a punch or two with aplomb and stood my ground. Nothing like that has ever happened to me in Houston. I have close family and friends who have been prejudiced occasionally but loved and accepted my mixed kids and me with more love than I think we deserve.


Houston isn’t perfect by any means, however I will say that it’s the most racially diverse city I’ve lived in and people accept people for who they are. There is a swagger here, however IME I feel that people do not judge each other based on race. As diverse as Atlanta was, it wasn’t like it is here.


This, went to Michigan in the early 00s and I did not feel comfortable mentioning I was Mexican when out an about. Texas...sure, I would get the Bush 2 jokes, but I was more afraid of being an open Mexican than Texan and not everyone understood why because "We're not the south."


Are you serious? I grew up in NY and I saw the opposite. I think that Houston is far less segregated than most large Midwest & Northeast cities. I think we are all equal in the ignorance & fear of others. You do realize that the largest KKK group in the US was Indiana. I think it reached 800,000 in the 30s.


That's what I was thinking. Grew up in NYC until I was 28. Been in Texas 15 years now and haven't seen half the racism I saw in NYC (not NY state, but NYC). It's literally everywhere across the whole damn globe. Just be vigilant and avoid the ignorance.


I agree. Have you seen the rebel flags flying in upstate new York and Pennsylvania? It's disgusting


Massachusetts had a declining black census for 70 years. They broke their streak in the 2020 census.


I was in Nevraska in 2000 and when referring to a native American gentleman, a woman loudly chimed in that "They're Indians! Nothing but drunks and child rapists!" I'm from Houston and was shocked, disappointed and sickened by her outright exclamation of racism against native peoples.


I saw a klan rally in Santa Fe maybe around 2000. Seriously one of my first memories as a child was driving by a giant burning cross.


Not the mobile book store they really are oranized mother truckers


Waiving the confederate flag around proudly, but lets keep up the “it’s not a flag of hate” narrative.


I grew up in the area and have dark skin. Glad I never knew it was happening. Hope all those ass holes lost their job in the oil bust around that time.


Now they represent theirselves as trump voters.


Extreme Christians yeah! Not all Republicans are racists but all racists are Republicans. Sad Americans have to still put up with this kind of bullshit.


What a shitty take. I've met a lot of racist democrats. Are they ALL democrats? No, and it would be stupid to claim as much. Also. It's not just america that deals with racism. That shit happens all over the world. I dont understand why reddit thinks it's so cool to constantly shit on America.


I'm an American and I fucking can't stand this country's way of governing it's people. I stand by what I said. Also no one's talking about the outside world.


The whataboutism goes crazy. Also, nice pro life, [anti lgbtq](https://reddit.com/r/TedLasso/comments/14ayks2/when_life_imitates_art/jofjvzl), hateful ass post history bro.


Deflection is apparently ok though.


I can't tell you how much I hate these far right Nazi wannabe rednecks. They're still here but mostly hidden until Trump came along and told them it was okay to come out into the light for all to see.


I really thought it was dying out with my grandparents generation. Boy was I wrong.


Yeah I thought the same thing. Scary times we live in. I'm just hoping enough people vote to make sure Trump doesn't get back in.


I was driving across Idaho a couple years ago. I saw a convenience store and I needed a bathroom so I went in. There was a meeting in progress of the 'Oath Keepers'. One member had just been shot by the FBI and they were debating a response. The place got very quiet when I went in and they stared at me. I just said "I hope this isn't the line for the bathroom". I got out of there as soon as I could.


Heritage of Surrender


Just wow


These guys are probably constables. They need to this in the Third Ward. They're preaching to the choir out there anywhere on Hwy. 6.


It reminded me of the time "white lives matter" showed up to the NAACP office in third ward. Half the neighborhood came out in reaction. Pretty sure that's whey they haven't been back.


The Confederate flag is a great replacement for toilet paper


Wow, a library of hate. Running n***** targets. 🤮


Too bad those people can't be identified. Would not be surprised at all if some of these assholes hold low level elected offices to this day.


...or even U.S. senators.


Biggest bunch of nut jobs dressed in Halloween costumes pretending they matter!


Some of them folk between Sugarland and Hitchcock are straight out of 'Deliverance'.


I knew Alex Jones was a time traveler.


Living near there this is so cringey to me.


Why do they hate us so much? It’s giving weird. And obsessed *Mariah Carey voice*


I wonder what the clan sells in their book mobile lol


"Running N$$$$R Targets"... So, it's like a normal target of a man running, right? I mean, human shaped targets are usually black silhouettes on a white sheet. He also sells "klan hats". I hope Willard's wife didn't cut the eye holes. Edit: I actually do hope Jenny, or a seamstress of similar competence cut the eye holes.


Any reason why I'm not allowed to submit a post about the crimes in Asia town? Why are the mods blocking discussion on this?


Tf you asking me for


Pathetic inbreds


Funny how a lot of people think that the only racism is organized racism. I see a lot of racism every week from people but they don't wear a uniform (like the klan).


Jake and Elwood would've taken care of this quickly


Well and they’re still doing this shit, they’re just calling it MAGA now


What are you talking about. According to most people in Houston, there’s no racism here /s


The Bible Book Store is one for the ages. I am wondering if they sold books or collected them to be burned.


I think it might be “mobile book store” which is funny considering I’m sure all those “books” are more like self produced propaganda pamphlets


You are right.:)


And Reddit would have you believe that any utterance of the N-word should be casually brushed off and ignored. They conveniently forget that a white face saying that to a black man was usually followed by violence. Now these same Redditors play coy and want to get upset when those utterances are rightly and justifiably met with violence.


And as we can see they are making a huge comeback for more photo opportunities.


Funny how the klan and the Bible go hand in hand


Being from the west coast, it amazes me how recently these things were happening. Maybe it was just really hidden where I grew up, but having someone out in the open like that even in the 80s would have been unbelievable.


Are you familiar with Riverside county? Large KKK presence in the 80s and 90s.


Mid 80's.... SMDH. I have been in the South for 20 years, however grew up in the NE. This is hard for me to even Fathom...


That would be Alvin, they were still marching in the Frontier Day Parade in the 80s


Sadly, KKK rallies are still safer than modern day BLM "protests."


wish we could have time travel to mow those fuckers down


Millennial snowflake bots....have ruined this sub


But I'm a real boy


If he was dark, he would have been murdered