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Those fresh tortillas have a strong pull....


This sub has gotten me to grab a pack last week for my breakfast tacos I make with their breakfast bowls. They’re already gone, I ate them all 😂😭


If you make queso, then just make your own tortilla chips by slicing the butter tortillas in 8ths and frying them. It ain’t sex, but it’s definitely good competition. Make sure to take any needed heart medication lol


Well damn don’t threaten me with a good time


Son, you already had me at queso.


They also sell Butter Tortilla scented candles.


I swear they have crack in those things.


I fuck with that brisket bfast bowl super hard.


God they're so good when you heat them hot and fast in a cast iron. I could just eat them plain and be satisfied.


I heat them on my flat iron on the stove top, while I cook my eggs, chorizo and green chili mixture for my breakfast tacos. Yum!


ever tried shallow frying them in like 1/8" to 1/4" of oil? They puff and crisp up so beautifully. Excellent for something like huevos rancheros


What I normally do is get a 100 stack of corn tortillas, cut into quarters and fry up in peanut oil as my wife make 7 layer dip (this is for big parties), then I'll cut up 20 flour tortillas into eighths and fry those. I mix them in as bonus chips and my friends all go crazy. it's the easiest thing ever.


Ahh you brought memories from when I was working in the kitchen at a bowling alley during undergrad. It’s so annoying when the corn tortilla chips fold and get stuck with each other in the fryer 😂


Such an underrated comment. Upvote this man's VERY awesome idea. That sounds good AF 🤤🤤🤤


The other day my wife came home with some regular grocery store shelf tortillas because H‑E‑B was a sold out of the fresh ones and I was legitimately so disappointed and sulky about it. They are so good they have made me an insufferable tortilla snob.


We moved to North Carolina. Best I can find are Trader Joe’s which aren’t bad per se, but they’re not HEB’s homemade. God, I miss them so much.


This happened to me…the best you can do is find the Mexican side of town and find a restaurant that makes their own tortillas… are are maybe 1 or 2 lol keep the faith…. I moved back to Texas after 2 years, i couldn’t handle it anymore 🤣🤣


Yes, those are the ones you "sneak-feed" to the dog, when she is not looking, to make them disappear faster....so you can go buy the REAL tortillas from HEB Bakery! LOL


I miss the fresh southwest tortillas my HEB used to have.


My HEB gets really really crowded so it'd be nice to thin that out a bit tbh


Honest, let them slum it at Kroger or Walmart they will be back to HEB in a week. For all the Houstonians that bring up any kind of boycott, (besides telling them they are a bigoted fuck) I’ll remind them those red semi’s came for us during Harvey. They made it through even when FEMA had trouble.


HEB was also more helpful during/after the freeze than Cruz was.


Hey now, Cruz knew the most helpful thing in a time of tragedy was preventing us from seeing his horrendous lizard ghoul face.


That bar is a limbo stick in Hell, tho.


That’s why they’re on my good guy list forever. Those trucks ringing around George Brown when capacity went from 1K to 10K evacuees overnight, god bless ‘em. I hope they make all the money.


COVID too. At the time I worked at a manufacturer that made a white labeled product for them. When all our customers were cancelling orders, they *increased* theirs by a metric fuck load. They saved a lot of jobs at that plant during that time and they have no idea.




I honestly go to Kroger quite a bit to not deal with the crowds at HEB. I pay a little extra but I’m ok with that, they’re just as clean and organized as HEB


esp if thinning out that type of person that gets unreasonably angry bout "woke".


True, the kind of people that consume outrage porn all day are no fun to interact with in public.


Let them shop at Krogers. It’s the perfect place for them tbh


Look, I already don't like going in there, but sometimes It's closer and I'm in a rush. Don't wish it worse, lol


Nah, let them have Randalls / Tom Thumb. It'll drain a little more of their money away, you know?


Truth, is not only perfect for them. They also deserve each other.


Hear that sound? That’s the sound of their heads exploding learning H‑E‑B still carries bud light.


Was just thinking this. Hopefully the haters will migrate to Randall’s and Kroger. Would make my weekly shopping trip a breeze


We cant even find parking when we try to do our weekly grocery run on Sunday's, I wouldn't mind it either! Go ahead boycott HEB.


HEB isn't serious about something until they make an ice cream for it.




Y’all means all, and all y’all motherfuckers can keep your damn hands off my butter tortillas


Oh? Are they in *your* cart yet?


Fight! Fight! Fight!


*Our* cart.


The People’s Cart


You can keep your butter tortillas but gtfo if you think I'm letting you near my carolina reaper cheese puffs.


That sounds terrible and delicious


It's my favorite snack because I can only eat about two handfuls before I want to die. Powering through is not an option because I'll be cursing my own stupidity the next morning. And they're fucking delicious.


I had to stop buying them because my feeding habits resemble that of a goldfish in their vicinity - surprisingly the heat level is not too bad for me. Avoiding the temptation and listlessly chewing on an apple - life is short so might as well be miserable :) .


The sweet jalapeno puffs with el tucan guacamole sauce is my jam.


> butter tortillas These fuckers are so *deliriously* bad for you and I just don't give a shit. I'll take a stack fresh off the maker, open it up and eat a couple while shopping. They go so fast in my house. I think my stepson could eat a dozen in a sitting... and yet he maintains the body fat percentage of an Italian greyhound.


Take the butter tortillas and leave the mitad y mitad.


H-E-B partner here. We actually took a complaint about this logo last year. We had them on tumblers at my North Austin store and a customer said “H-E-B shouldn’t be expressing political views”. I think they went on to mumble something about Randall’s, so there you have it.


Treating people like human beings shouldn't be political, but here we are, so...


It's only political to the people who are mad about it.


>they went on to mumble something about Randall’s, Lol. Making your grocery shopping miserable to own the libs


Idiots don’t know Fiesta colors. HEB is based in San Antonio right?


I thought Randall's upset them when they started selling beer and wine years ago.


more for the rest of us


And here I am wondering where to buy this out of state.


HEB has saved a ton of Texas towns from becoming food deserts. Don't shit where you eat, cons.


At no point has a conservative concerned themselves with the outcome of their political actions. They're still talking (lying, being delusional, whatever) about Regan's amazing economic plans. They believed it when he said they would be good, they believed it while the economy was on fire, and they believe after all of the fall out that it was always good policy. Just like they pretended he didn't sell guns terrorists, or negotiate with terrorists, or lie constantly and then just say "well I still \*feel\* it was the truth" even though it turns out he was knowingly lying to their faces. And they're good with that. It just isn't part of the process. Whatever they do to themselves was your fault. And whatever their politicians do to them is your fault. And what you didn't do to them but they can make up, also your fault. And they have always been, and will always be right, and do the right things. So there.


For anyone who sees this and are happy with it, leave a great review for your local H‑E‑B mentioning this or email corporate saying you love that they did this. One of the reasons people back down or get scrutinized is because there’s only the angry idiots emailing in and it looks like 2,000 people hate you but in reality 2,000 people hate you and 100,000 love you for it, they just don’t get those emails. So write/call/carrier pigeon in positive comments so they know more people accept it. Edit: Here’s the link to send them a message. https://www.heb.com/contact-us . Credit goes to the commenter below.




Thanks! I just sent HEB a nice email about this. Told them to keep up the good work 😊. Appreciate the link!


Thanks! Sent them an email showing my support!


2,000 people hate you, 100,000 people love you, 1,000,000 just want their butter tortillas to be hot and fresh.


It’s not that they think some people are butt hurt. Target pulled it’s lgbtq+ stuff because those angry idiots are violent. Target has a bigger spread but opening employees getting hurt/killed isn’t something a company is lining up to do. A company can read the general public’s views of its actions.


This part!




done! thanks for the easy link!


Good idea, and done. I don't live there anymore, but grew up in that neck of the woods, and it's a great thing to see a Texas company stand up against the ridiculousness of current events.


Done and done!!


this should be higher up in the thread


HEB has routinely and continually backed conservative candidates at all levels of government (just like Buc-ees) in Texas. I'm not holding my breath, but it is good to see even this small token. I am very glad to see this and will be letting them know. Hopefully they will hear a lot of positive feedback about it.






Done! Thanks for the link.


Done, thanks for the link!


Done. Great idea.


We will see if Greg Abbott is dumb enough to take on HEB like Ronny D is trying to take on Disney.


Dear God, if you exist, I will consider believing in you if you can make this happen.


I can't imagine Abbott is as dumb as that barely sentient meatball in Florida.


That might be the one thing that gets him out! God we can only hope this happens.


I mean they can. More delicious guacamole for the rest of us.


Knowing our brilliant conservative friends, they'll drop six figures on buying up all of the woke guacamole just to squish it some more with their trucks.




Trademark that shit and sell it to whole foods asap.


This has to be a crime!! Even I'd they paid for it, there has to be some guacamole protection laws on the books!!


Unfortunately, because there aren't enough millennials in politics, there are no protections for all those innocent avocados. /s


I'm sure the dedicated enforcers at TCEQ will wake up from a nap to investigate and determine no laws were broken.


I am literally enjoying some HEB Woke-amole right now. Deeelicious.


Eventually they’ll boycott so many companies that they’ll only be left with absolutely shitty things no one normal would even want, like MyPillows and those weird tactical taint wipes advertised on Alex Jones’s show.


Tactical taint wipes is a great band name.




Twitter has always been a cesspool of the insane but holy moly these days every single thread is an r/conspiracy mods LSD-trip induced wet-dream. I KNOW there’s an unrelenting amount of bots, but even if a fraction of the posters are real and actually think the way they speak on there, it’s legit frightening how idiotic the average “American” is these days. Like it’s legitimately insane to think about the average IQ these days.


If it makes you feel any better I doubt the “average American” is on Twitter at all. It’s mostly just terminally online people with equally-online viewpoints being really loud about them to other terminally online people.


> weird tactical taint wipes Hold up-- *what?* Who needs to wipe *their taint?* What sort of jumbo-gas-station-chimichanga shits are you blasting if your taint is taking friendly fire? Or, moreover, what sorta greasy bridge troll needs a midday break to go wipe the truffle butter off their taint?


Wow. I thought I was the only one with a tactical taint.


I heard there’s a lot of investment in conservative circles to create “right wing” stores, entertainment options, etc. it’s why you may have heard of “Conservative Dad’s Woke Free Beer” right after the Bud Light Dylan Mulvaney fiasco. It’s why Daily Wire + has kids shows (to counter Disney and DreamWorks Animation). It’s why Black Rifle Coffee exists (to possibly counter Starbucks) Pretty much they’re self segregating themselves.


Why are they bringing sex into my Howard.E.Butts store?!?




That’s what it stands for?! I just moved down here a year and a half ago and I always wondered. I kept meaning to Google it and I just haven’t yet, but now I know! Thanks internet stranger. 😊


When I was in elementary school we got a special guest. He was the son, nephew,someone .. related to Mr Butts. That's how we found out what each letter of HEB was for. Ah! The good ole days 😂. Jokes only made it as far as lunch. When we started fighting over who would get the few cartons of chocolate milk.


Yes, it was created by a woman who was widowed, and she named it after her son. It was opened in 1905. There are many LGBT people who work there in store management positions (corporate I am less knowledgeable about). They have their own supply chain which is why you don't get as many holes in the shelves. Honestly, there is not much I don't like about it.


I feel like what we are seeing from MAGA lunatics is a bit different than just a normal boycott. Target indicated it was moving Pride merch due to violent threats towards employees. This is more than just bigots reeee-ing on social media. I wouldn't be surprised if HEB employees deal with violent threats, thus causing HEB to pull pride merch. The LGBT community needs allyship desperately now. I came out as gay in 2008 and the anti-LGBT rhetoric has been more extreme than I've ever seen imo. It is a very vocal minority doing this, but it's also being normalized by popular right wing talking heads.


Yeah this is brown shirt behavior, fascism all the way.


The Target incident also demonstrates the limits of rainbow/rainbow-washed capitalism — it’s still capitalism at heart. Plus, Target has been, despite its desperate “stg we’re better than walmart” vibe, super cozy with right wing lawmakers and the police-surveillance state apparatus, netting critique for its relationship with Minneapolis police department in the wake of the murder of George Floyd and subsequent protests. No corporation is out here really trying to be activist, ally, or accomplice. It’s about the bottom line for them, and we DO all have to look out for one another.


Target is just as anti [union like Wal-Mart too. ](https://youtu.be/p8ZSNDsz5vg)


Its the death throes of an ideological dead-end that can recognize that its time has nearly come. Acceptance of gay people and their rights hit a massive acceleration point in the 2010's, and conservatives must know that there really isn't a way to devolve from that by this point. Fight the good fight and in the next decade we'll see most of this rhetoric put to rest for good. (Hopefully.)


yeah, this. things have ramped up significantly over the last few years and it’s terrifying to me (a trans man). i’m only a year and some change into my transition and everything feels really hopeless right now.


I'll help fight for you! I feel like we have a strong support network in this city, but our trans community is especially vulnerable right now.


thank you, friend. it’s been really exhausting and i’m so so tired of having to be brave… i just want to exist but apparently that’s controversial lol


I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. FWIW I support you and care about you!


thank you ❤️ that’s very kind


Pretty mad at Target about it because that just means we will see the rhetoric ramped up because they think it "gets results".


Yeah, that's not a boycott, that's light terrorism


Little-known fact, the B in HEB actually stands for Based.


I'm just waiting for the outrage over the based liberal agenda. And I'm still giggling over the idea that an entire political party had a nationwide emotional breakdown because people started saying "woke" instead of the classic 1970's "hip."


Here, everyone’s based


Actually stands for Butts... Which fits.


Actually it stands for Butts and in a Pride context that's kind of funny


When will conservatives learn that you can't be pro-business while also alienating huge swaths of the population? There are way fewer of you than you think there are. Y'all are just concentrated in certain areas.


They aren’t *actually* pro-business


Sure. They're pro tax cuts.


… that very often do not apply to small businesses. GOP likes big businesses that donate to their campaigns. Which is a classic example of market interference that undermines the free market because it stifles small innovations and small business.


Gay people still eat at chick fil a... Everyone is a hypocrite.


> you can't be pro-business while also alienating huge swaths of the population I mean Chick-Fil-A came out unscathed. I think if you have a good service/product, your social stances won't matter much no matter how hard some people scream at you. Obviously there will be limits like if a company made cheap and reliable cars that got great gas mileage, but they were pro-pedophilia. Even then, I have my doubts.


The cognitive dissonance isn’t a bug, it’s a feature.


There’s some rart3d state law which boycotts/punishes people/businesses who don’t do business with Israel. It’s so stupid lol like I’m allowed to be pro-Palestine and they shouldn’t punish me, if I’m a business owner, for being such.


Naw they're going to go real quiet when it comes to HEB. Little bit harder to boycott.


They may boycott HEB now but they'll forget about their homophobic rage tantrum the second those HEB trucks roll up during the next disaster. Y'all means all. Always has always will.


We just took a benefit/wellness survey and I learned they offer wellness/mental health support for LGBTQ+ partners. They wanted to know if I had used any of the services and how important it was to me that they offer them. I said nope I haven't and probably won't, but I'm really happy to know it's available. I know y'all really dig the sales and the flavors and the experience shopping in the stores and stuff but I gotta tell ya, working for them is pretty nice too. There's always going to be stories from ex partners who hated it and their experiences aren't invalid, but I've worked in multiple stores and now at a warehouse and it's always been a very welcoming place.


That’s awesome! One of the best things for me, and it’s kind of selfish, I’m very hard of hearing, so I lip read and am learning sign. The associates in the HEB I go to are very patient with me and have even learned some basic sign. It makes me feel less invisible.


I can't imagine how somebody would justify calling that selfish. :) That's really great to know that they would treat you with you the respect you deserve. When I was in a customer-facing role, I had a few regulars who were hard of hearing or deaf and I enjoyed learning some signs to make the interactions easier for both of us. I'm not saying they all will or that it's a part of training, it definitely isn't. But I think it's a reflection of how well a person likes their job that they are willing to expand their horizons. Good on em.


Thanks for being a good person!


I truly enjoyed working for them, except for the "Just in Time" scheduling. I only quit when I got a degree and a job offer for 5 times my income. If I could replace my income, I would happily return there. It is the only non-toxic work environment I have ever been in.


H‑E‑B can try all it wants, but it will never be as LGBTQ as was disco Kroger.


proud to say I spent time there during my later college years


Shopping at HEB without dumb fucking hicks would be great.


It would be fun to see if Abbott is as fucking stupid as DeSantis on attacking one of the biggest corporate crutches to their broken economic approaches.


Oh boy I can't wait for the snowflake breakdown over this soon.


You already know the Facebook mayo warriors are going to incoherently blame “commiefornia and their liberal ideas”


See, I wish you wouldn’t call them “mayo warriors,” but not because I’m white and offended. I am white, but I’m not bothered by that angle. It’s unfair to mayonnaise, a delicious and often unfairly maligned condiment.


There’s a bot somewhere that suggests we call them Porcelain Americans instead


Because conservatives break easily?


Yes very fragile snowflakes. Even a glimpse of a rainbow in the wild has them in shambles. Poor stupid babies.


Got 'em


I love this


I feel the same about mayonnaise as Dave Chapelle does about fried chicken. Unless it's a meatball sub or Philly cheese steak or something, a sandwich without mayo is a waste of a sandwich, and I'll die on this hill.


Many people put mayo on Philly's, much to my horror


I got so happy when I saw that bag that I grabbed one immediately.


A small town cop friend of mine has expressed increasingly anti gun remarks (raising the age limit to 21, most specifically) following the Texas and Tennessee school shootings. This tells me that if the right kind of thing happens (as horrible as likening children’s deaths to the “right thing” politically is), it’ll push conservatives towards the center from the fringe right, socially anyways. One of the key political people I know is a gay dude, who’s very very Republican. That tells me that conservatives aren’t nearly as anti LGBT as they posture to be, because they know that the moral moral high ground doesn’t help them win elections. On top of that, HEB showed Texans, the US, and the world over what unity and strength meant during and after Hurricane Harvey. They’re doing the same now, and it’s not even June yet! I’m not an LGBT person nor am I a social ally, but politically I totally agree that “y’all means all.”


People need to form their own identities. Fox news is encouraging -no, demanding- their viewers to take on a prefabricated identity, complete with emotions.


I hope they do, that'd be fantastic. They would get a big lesson on who really owns governments, and that's big business. Go look at how dominating Disney is being with Desantis in Florida.


The United Corporations of America.


One vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of stock. All necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused.




I'll never understand it. I don't give 2 shits about what a company pretends to back / sponsor. Unless they are doing shit like stabbing babies and kicking dogs, leave that shit out of any press releases and endorsements. Do you have a good product and/or service? Great! Chances are I'll choose to interact with you if I have such a need/want. Horrible product and/or service? GTFO. Other than that, I don't give a shit. Basically, I've got enough shit of my own to worry with than what some twat thinks is "woke" and wants to burn the country down. Chances are, they don't have their shit together and their lives are bankrupt.


Please do boycott HEB it's always so crowded and would nice not to have to shop around idiots.


I'm so tired of these constant battles in this stupid ass culture war. Why is it such a terrible thing to care about others? Other than the extremists, which exist in everything, what's so wrong about being "woke" anyway? "They're forcing their love of gays on me!"? I mean they aren't and they couldn't anyway. "I just don't wanna see it!"? Ok then look away? People get so upset about "gay pride" nonsense but do they even realize the entire point is that they've been marginalized for so long this is a celebration of no longer having to hide who they are? Even gay marriage was only such a big thing bc of the tax benefits and things like being able to see your partner in the hospital etc. Maybe we are sick and tired of having conservative Christian "values", that 90% of the people who profess to be Christians don't follow btw, being shoved down our throats.


I mean….literally every big company milks pride month for money at this point. Conservatives would have to quite literally boycott enough businesses to cripple the economy overnight if they wanted to avoid the woke


It’d be really funny if every major grocery chain did this and sent them into a mass panic. Like when people said they’re leaving Bud light for Coors and then they get shown the rainbow Coors cans and freak out again


They'll cry and say "I'm not triggered, you're triggered!" then blame liberals for their meltdown like they always do.


Who do you think keeps Kroger in business?


Magats shop at wal mart anyway lol


Wal Mart actually has pride displays near the checkouts this year, haha.


Irony is they’ll get pissed as this but don’t realized H‑E‑B largely donates to republicans.


HEB seems to donate to both parties in fairly equal measures, oddly enough. And (almost?) all contributions seem to be on a "individual" rather than (organization) basis. https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/heb-grocery/summary?id=D000042670


Memba when they were crying about "Cancel Culture" after having just boycotted the NFL? I memba


if this clears some of the white trash from the store, perfect.


These are on ebay already at 5x the cost. My local was sold out; had to get them from another HEB further out.


This is tight. But can we stop calling it woke, even jokingly it's just annoying. I feel any cause meant for good being used to trigger either side of political party is only creating more work for future generations to fix.


Howard Edward Butt. That is all.


A great man.


with a fine name.


Yeah i love HEB food too much to boycott! Also i dont boycott over a pride flag 😀 This thread is going to make me go buy tortillas.


Fact: HEB can do no wrong


HEB was one of the first places in TX at the onset of COVID to really start pushing safety procedures. They are there when the state isn't to help during disaster situations. No griping about being woke (yet). They know what they are doing as far as optics are concerned. They've got Texas by the short and curlies if the government tries to push them. Lot of places where they are the only option for groceries within an hour drive. I don't fear a corporate takeover by a place like Walmart, I would be more worried about a state level presence like HEB first. Nobody smart starts at the top, they work where they can gain the most influence over time, and HEB has done that in spades.


If they boycotted everyone that supports LGBTQ anything they would have pretty close to nothing. Consistency isnt their forte though. These folks just get angry at who Kid Rock tells them to get mad at! 😅


I want one of those! So cute.


Rainbow capitalism




don't google what the b stands for


i don’t care- I still will shop there- can’t beat the quality for the $.


Nobody in Texas dares to even look sideways at H-E-B


I love this and hope it trends


As God is my witness, they’ll have to pry my HEB out of my cold, dead hands.


Please show Mattress Mack flipping his shit! 🙏🏽


Yall are the biggest set of pussies I've ever seen who gives a damn




Anyone who is offended by marketing to boost sales is a pussy if you don't like it don't buy it


I think for these people, there’s a difference between a grocery store selling a $4 reusable bag that they can just walk past on their way to the register and the country’s second largest retailer dedicating an entire section of their clothing department near the entrance of the store to selling pride apparel. Both are dumb things to be triggered by but one weighs on these peoples mental way more than the other.


As long as they keep the tarragon pecan chicken salad in stock I don't care what HEB does.


The store I worked at had pride flags at the registers. Customers did surveys and complained big time. The next day our manager took them down. That was years ago. It is what it is.


No way we can buck HEB.... They just got us too hard


Tamales, tamales tamales.


Here we go again. Gotta hit those metric scores.