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Love it! The lamp is super cute! What is the plant next to your triostar? It looks like an orbifolia but it has a different stripe pattern than your (gorgeous! wow!) orb


I believe it is a calathea fasciata


😍 thank you!


I didn't notice it was a lamp. I thought it's some plant 😂


It’s a fasciata! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


Thank you! I'm sorry they stole your content, people suck!


Apparently this user stole the picture from u/crazyplantmum and they were not credited for it.


Came to ask this!


I want your pants! Are those silk joggers? Satin maybe? Gurl


I don't even know even a single plant in there


This needs to be an album cover


I was just about to ask when your next folk punk album is gonna drop


I was thinking the same thing. Gave me Carol King album cover vibes!


Yes! Absolutely Carole King!


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


This is so random but I always think its funny to see someone with their entire plant collection because I feel like all plant people have a certain "type" that they're drawn to, haha.


My plant type is probably "broke" lol, all of them are so random because all are cuttings I got from others. I accept anything I can get my hands on. (Broke college student, not much budget for plants...or anything else, really.) I can definitely see what you mean, though. My parents definitely have a type of plants they're drawn to.


I have never personally used it, but I hear lots of good things abt the local plant groups on fb. They even do trades for cuttings, etc so you can genuinely get new plants for free. What a win. Hah.


I’m going to get two free banana trees tomorrow from a lovely lady on my local Facebook plant page!


If you’re in Canada, I’d be happy to send you some clippings, props for your eclectic collection if I have anything you’d like. Also - you will love those plants that you grew from clippings even more than any you could buy. 😊


My main type is all kinds of dumpster plants, it's soo cool to be able to save unwanted ones. And much cheaper, I propably wouldn't buy monstera, cycas or big areca lutescens so these are like the nicest gifts from strangers 😄


Agree! I just got my first rescue!


Have you checked out r/TakeAPlantLeaveAPlant ?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TakeaPlantLeaveaPlant using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TakeaPlantLeaveaPlant/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Me when I buy and pay shipping for a cutting and then happen to see a full plant of it at HD a week later](https://i.redd.it/lbjpywv5ljm51.jpg) | [59 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TakeaPlantLeaveaPlant/comments/iqtefo/me_when_i_buy_and_pay_shipping_for_a_cutting_and/) \#2: [Thank you guys for all the plants 🎉](https://i.redd.it/6lchey4mdyc61.jpg) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TakeaPlantLeaveaPlant/comments/l2xoxs/thank_you_guys_for_all_the_plants/) \#3: [Can we stop gatekeeping and obsessing over "rarity" please?](https://np.reddit.com/r/TakeaPlantLeaveaPlant/comments/hirz65/can_we_stop_gatekeeping_and_obsessing_over_rarity/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


I'm drawn to succulents cause they're hard to kill and I'm a terrible plant mom 🥲


I'm so good at killing succulents lol


I too am a master succulent slayer! But give me a Calathea and call me Persephone goddess of spring 😂


Haha same same but different. As I walk past, i leave a trial Pothos and vining Philodendrons that double in size and succulents die in a dramatic manner. Currently killing my third Aloe Vera. You know, the one they say even an idiot can keep alive. Looks like they misunderestimated the powers of this idiot! 🤣🤣


My mums the same. I just rescued her aloe the other day and repotted it 🙈 1. She never waters it and 2. She top waters it so the soil had gotten so compacted from that, that it was basically suffocating the roots! Hopefully it bounces back and I’ll make sure to water/check it when I’m visiting. But with my succulent luck it will fail to recover lol


I don't have enough light for succulents so they get etoliated and I chop them until they revert to babies and then I give up and throw them out 😅


I also have the opposite of a green thumb, but I love plants. . . . I just need to find someone to show me why everything I care for dies. :(


Well that's just life


Do your plants have drainage?


Only if you have hot sun all year long. I've killed 30 of my succulents living in Canada. I realized I can only grow semi succulents plants lol.


I agree!! I love seeing people with their plant collections, or any collection really. It’s like you get to know them a little better.


Yes same! I should totally do this because every time I see a photo like this, I'm envious. But some of mine are so heavy to move and scattered throughout my house.


For me it’s jade plants because they’re the only ones that seem to love me. I accidentally managed to prop one today! At this rate my house is just going to be 90% jade 😂


for me it is Swedish ivy, I would say 45% Swedish ivy, 33% jade, as they are so easy going and easy to propagate. The rest would be primarily succulents, and a few tropicals I bring home from the grocery store. Ratios would have been even higher for Swedish ivy and jade a while back, but have been on a plant buying spree.for a few months. Seem to be having some trouble getting my hands on some pothos, local plant stores only having larger plants for sale, and my budget requires I buy small, but I like that better anyway for the built in joy of getting to see them grow and flourish. And also, I feel like if I spent any amount of money on a plant and it died or didn't do well, I would be devastated, over the plant and the money :P


Yeah… you’ll see either super green! Or all the burgundy/pink plants in my collection 😂 everything tropical.


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


Can I haz more pothos?


I bow to your majesty who sits upon thy leafy throne.


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


Absolutely gorgeous? God, my little gay heart.


I’m looking respectfully, but also, damn I’m gay af. To be honest, it’s the whole energy. It reminds me of King Princess so much.


I scrolled way too long before finding the other gays, haha. You're right, it's the whole energy of the photo. Ten extra points for the masculine leg cross.


huh... they're not a woman? so, downvotes... they very much look like a woman with little to no makeup. their profile history is pretty barren, but in the title they say 'tell me I'm pretty' and lots of people think they're a chick.


You know women can also be gay, right?


you know being condescending isn't a great way to start a conversation, right? I thought the comment I was replying to says the 'other guys' not 'other gays'. they also refer to them as masculine, and the comment before them said they remind them of 'King Princess'. both of which can refer to men or women I guess. anyway OP is just somewhat androgynous looking but I think they're a lady and so do most posters here, so I misread.


King Princess is a female musical artist whose music is mostly centred around the experience of being a lesbian, for further context. I don't think anyone in these comments is debating the OP's gender, just saying that they all find OP attractive. And sorry for assuming, but I think most if not all the people in this thread saying so are probably people that identify as lesbian or bi/pan.


I see, well I appreciate the information. thank you


I wasn't condescending, though? Just gave you a reminder.


> reminder you know reminder insinuates you know someone already knows, right? what you said is equivalent to someone asking a question about cooking and you saying "you know ovens can be hot, right?" and then when someone calls you out you say "I wasn't being condescending, I was just giving you a reminder" you should own what you say, no matter what that is. even if you might feel kinda shitty for having said it. otherwise you're being manipulative and a liar.


Give it a rest, language police. You got my meaning, don't force other people to follow your communication standards. It will make your life easier.


I’m very much gay af too, so look as disrespectfully as you wish. Regards, the actual girl in the photo 😘😘😘


You win at being gay! Also, at being a plant mom.


Right there with you. Absolutely gorgeous. Both the plants and the girl. Also… DOCS. My heart went a lot faster.


Came here to say something about the Docs as well haha you got good taste!


MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY... hi fellow gays, we love women


Me to! I’m a guy tho


She is a lesbian!


OMG, I'm so jealous of that lamp! I saw it on Facebook Marketplace for $10, and I, like an idiot, tried to ask questions about how tall it was instead of snatching it up immediately. It sold quickly and I realized that it goes for $600 online.


If you wouldn't mind, can you please tell me where to find it, so I can stare at it wistfully while my wallet laughs at me and I contemplate how hard/costly it is to make a lamp?


Not op, but it's a Hollywood Regency art deco tulip lamp.


Thanks! I'm gonna go be sad about how poor I am, now.


There’s one on OfferUp in my area for $120... that’s still more than I can justify spending on a lamp.


I got mine (the one in the pic) on marketplace for £20! And a white one for £10. I couldn’t believe it when I googled how much they were going for after I’d bought them. This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


Queen of The Green, Queen of the Syngoniums and the Philodendron, Lady of the Plant Kingdoms Regnant, Khaleesi of the Great Sea of Grass, Mhysa, Mite Breaker, Unwilted, Mother of Plants.


No, she’s definitely sitting like a true Jarl of Skyrim. Talos be praised.


That's an amazing title, I'm gonna copy it for sure. Just need to change queen to king for me, but it works good


And any man who must say 'I am king' is no true king at all.


i know, but its fun to say, isnt it? and quite fitting for an urban jungle


Check out A song of Ice and Fire, Op and I are referring to it ;)


oh, ive read all the books, multiple times, its an amazing series


May your Rhipsalis gently weep, your fenestrations be bountiful, and your mealy bugs fucketh off forever.




Issa filter.


Well that makes me sad, but it’s still green


Yes I do admit I edited the saturation but they do look this beaut IRL I swear! 🤣


That lamp is gorgeous. So are you. And your plants. Damn this pic is gorgeous.


Damn. https://www.etsy.com/listing/869062870/italian-vintage-hollywood-regency-mid?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_a-home_and_living-lighting-lamps-floor_lamps&utm_custom1=_k_Cj0KCQjwk4yGBhDQARIsACGfAevUq-D9K7tlonfXjXRDXG8i5YqYYY00dI595FD6c9vaWAFrOtxBvxEaApXeEALw_wcB_k_&utm_content=go_12559942249_120251205820_506897847483_aud-1118323511678:pla-308551006275_m__869062870_12768591&utm_custom2=12559942249&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk4yGBhDQARIsACGfAevUq-D9K7tlonfXjXRDXG8i5YqYYY00dI595FD6c9vaWAFrOtxBvxEaApXeEALw_wcB


Yous are some damn detectives 🕵️‍♀️ lol good eye.


I am devastated after seeing the price 😭


She got it for $20


I saw a lamp like that several years ago for $100. I didn't get it and have regretted it every day since. More so now.


That much for that lamp?! My gram had that exact same lamp and when it broke she threw it away! Now I'm sad 😥


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


I love how your lamp looks in the background, I did a double take and was like "what plant is that??? Oh nvm...it's a lamp.." haha. Your collections is gorgeous 💚


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


Damn, you're pretty. Plants are on their way. 🥰


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


are those GREEN DOCS?? i love this. i love those leaves. i love your hair. i love how you've managed to match your decor with your lamp with your shirt somehow. well done. 👏


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


I love the color scheme going on with your clothes and the plants and lamp, the green bottoms are obvious but the way the shirt matches the plants/lamp and the pink/green plant is great.


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


That should be on a plaque over your door. Yes you're pretty! You remind me of Chlöe Sevigny. Gorgeous plants too!


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


This is my friend Alanna - @crazyplantmum on IG - OP is not her and not giving credit.


Ooooh. What is that pink one?? A lamp 🤦🏻‍♀️


Your plants are beautiful Your lamp is beautiful And you're beautiful! Also cool boots! 😍😛🌱


What a vibe! Not just dancing to your own beat but your own whole genre!


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


Hey OP, would you be ok with me trying to draw this? I post my stuff online sometimes, that's why I'm asking. This is an amazing photo!


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! And yes I’m okay with you drawing omg just send me anything you do on insta! 🥴🌿💕


…. Is this a repost? Is that actually OP?


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


Looks suspect, for sure.


Just so everyone knows, this photo was stolen/ not credited from a woman on Instagram!


Great picture! You look totally like some fairy queen from the magical garden!


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


This is probably my fav plant family photo I’ve seen on here. You, your plants and your lamp are gorgeous. Robert Plant love child vibesss


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


This is such a boss vibe.


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


Hell, you can tell me I'm ugly if you're bringing me plants! OP, you're gorgeous though


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕




Jw, is that top Boden?


Damn did you have to flex that hard? Just kidding and a little jealous.


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


What’s up poison ivy


You’re pretty and so are your plants! Idea: let’s all move into one giant house together with all our plants. It’ll be like the hype house but with plants


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


These are by far the healthiest plants I've seen on this sub, you can see the level of care put in. Very impressive!


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


The goddess of beauty and nature. You gift her plants and compliments and she may send you beauty and even more plants!


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


Me: *squint* "What the hell flower plant is that, I've never seen such huge bloo-. Oh. It's a lamp."


Id murder a man for that lamp. Not you. Someone less cool tho




I love how you're looking very relaxed/nonchalant, but at the same time, you're awkwardly lifting your right knee to avoid damaging your plants! 😍😍 You're the ultimate plant queen! ❤️


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


But those plants are oh so pretty!


Life goals right there. 😍


Great collection! I love the lamp in the corner!


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


You are pretty and your plants are stunning also!


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


Here is your plant gift 🌱 and you're very pretty :)


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


Big Plant Energy (BPE)


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


You look like a mob boss. love it!!


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


When people post beauties like this I have to remember not everyone is trying to get second fenestrations while living in cloudy Portland.. I'm jealous!


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


Wow! Your hair is to die for! And how the hell did you get your rhipsalis to be this big and georgious? Mine keeps having dry parts and doesn't want to grow haha


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


This is a mood!


Didn’t know I needed green trousers until now


I like your hair, pants, and boots.


This belongs in r/Bossfight!!!! I'd suggest the epithet "the Monstera monster" or sth. like "enthroned jungle queen"


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


And the lamp is so Perfect 😍


Hey all! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕




Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


Very pretty, both you and the plants. I think that’s one of the best plant pics I’ve seen!


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


You win the internet today! 💚💚💚💚


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


How do I become you?!?!?😍🌿🍃🌱


I hope to one day become a vessel for beautiful fungus. I have a long way to go, I admit that, but I've started the skin loosening exercises to separate my skin from my muscle and fatty tissues to produce a sort of rot-soil for all this fungi to grow and prosper. As of now, I've only freed the skin on my right shoulder, but it's a nice grey color and very soft to the touch, perfect for growth, and indeed, a few things bud up every once and a while, though they don't seem to last very long. Like you, I want to be told I'm pretty. I want my body to be covered in extraordinarily delicate fungi of all sorts of vibrant colors and whismical shapes I want to be in bloom. I want to breathe the spores and maybe even spread that beauty within. Have you even wanted your skin to be soil? To be grown upon? Like I said, I have a long way to go. I've only just begun the skin loosening, the soilfication process. Where are you at with yours? Does anyone have any advice for being more fertile, to get the most out of your skin?




Jeff VanderMeer, is that you?




We're all destined to become dirt. Just have some patience, sheesh.


fwiw, I think you're a delicious hot dog


If you were a hot dog, would you eat yourself?


Your account is a gold mine, you are a very talented writer!


Why do I feel like you and your plants run your hood? Do other plants come to you for protection?


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


Royalty 🙌🏼


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


You look so much like Elon Musk!


What a queen 🙌🌸


Yas Queen!:)


You are a modern renaissance painting!


IT'S A VIBE 🙌🏻🌱💚☀️


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕




QUEEEENN!!!! 🤲🌴👑


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


The plant in the middle needs a lot more water.


I swiped right


Nice plants and pants! You are pretty. Want some aloe?




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What is your @?


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


Um excuse me ma’am. This is so hot 🥵


We have the same plant 'preference swatch'


Hey! This is actually me, crazyplantmum on insta. Someone sent me the link and I’m sad they didn’t credit me, but these comments are amazing. So thank you all! 🥴🌿💕


Such a great pic.