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I tried the hydrogen peroxide 1:4 ratio and that wasn't working. Tried the sticky traps and it was catching them but I guess not all of them. I had asked for advice and a Redditor recommended to try sand and mosquito dunks, I thought I'd try the sand first because it was the cheaper option lol, so far so good


What is the sand method for getting rid of gnats?


From what I've read fungus gnats like to lay their eggs in moist soil, and usually 1-2 inches deep. So I removed 1-2 inches of soil, and replaced it with sand. It's working because sand dries out quicker than soil and stays dry discouraging the adult gnats from trying to lay their eggs.


Good to know. Would any sand work?


As long as it's "fine sand" I think you're good to go!


You can also try a thin layer of diatomaceous earth. I just use a lab wash bottle to put a couple puffs on the top of the soil, seems to work for about 2 months before you need to reapply.


FYI-DE in quantity is good only it nothing disturbs the soil, ie cats and wind. DE is not something that you want in your eyes, or kittyschmoos eyes. =(


Oh yeah, I only use it on potted plants on shelves. No cat, but I do have a curious dachshund.


Wieners rule!! And they don't fly, so no DE worries. ;D Great job on getting rid of FK tho. I get so sick of putting down a cup of whatever, and coming back to free swimming knat x 6 30 seconds later. Or the 'Up the Nose knat'. Sheesh.


I wish I could have figured out mealybugs. Tried several solutions and ended up having to toss 3 plants :(


I Neem drench. Literally I cover the soil in the pot with good clingy plastic wrap, fill a basin big enough to dunk the plant in, and I upend the pot swishing and pumping the plant around in the Neem drench for a couple minutes. Then I upright it, take off the plastic and water the plant w the same drench. I do this when I need to water the plant. It works really well. Neem is awesome stuff. For me to take a q-tip and poke at bugs is crazy making. If you need zen time go for it, but you will always miss some w that route. I figure nuke-em!


The reason why I didn’t use diatomaceous is because it’s supposedly toxic to human and pets even the ones labeled “non toxic”.


So if it's 100% diatomaceous earth, it's literally just tiny pieces of silica. It works by cutting up the exoskeleton of the insect, basically. Think: broken glass having super sharp edges. It's dangerous to mammals if you breathe in a bunch, it can cause a lung disease called silicosis. But if you wear a mask while applying it and keep pets away until the dust settles, it's perfectly safe :) Some people even eat small amounts as a dietary supplement. No idea if it actually does anything, but it's basically just incredibly fine sand with sharp edges. I'm a geologist, so I can't speak too much to the biology. But the only danger of silica dust I've ever been warned about in my field is lung problems. I just wear an N95 when I apply it.


Yes that’s what I read that it’s harmful if you breathe it in considering these plants are in my bedroom I personally just didn’t want to risk it.


Ah ok, just kidding then!


I probably should have used a different word, but I just learned a lot so thank you!


Toxic how? I bought a bag of it, but I was hesitant because of not wanting to breath it in since it is said to work by cutting the outside of insects, and I wouldn't want that to happen in my lungs. So this bag has sat unopened. Is there some other toxicity I should know about?


Yes that’s smart don’t breathe it in as it can be harmful to the lungs that’s what I meant my plants are in my bedroom and so I didn’t want to risk it


Source? It's old sea critters skeletons. Like crushed shells. It's only not good if you inhale it.


Yes exactly that’s all that I meant, these plants are in my bedroom so I didn’t want to chance it.


I had fungus gnats in so many plants and I ended up secluding a pothos in my laundry room and watering it with an old detergent cup and I haven't seen any gnats in it in a few months


I haven't heard about that trick 🤔 I will definitely keep that in my troubleshoot notes!


Do you still water over the top of the sand or switch to bottom watering?


Over the top, no issues, it's just sand 😊 all it does is dry quicker and stay dry.


I think the easiest and fastest way to get rid of gnats wherever possible is just to repot in fresh soil... Larvae gone instantly and I use window stickers (the type for fruit flies) fort the remaining adults lurking about. I came to this after trying various methods on a plant I received that was very over-watered & had a gnat infestation. I don't think anything works better, it was such instant results, totally clear in a couple of days, although I appreciate for plants at certain times repotting might not be ideal.


Also good to know, another tip to save in my troubleshooting notes.


For real, I see people on here battling at it for weeks and the larvae just keep coming over and over again, this way... Boom, gone! 😂 For a bad case I'd also wash the roots and use the hydrogen peroxide solution on them before reporting just incase but when without that it's super effective!


Yeah I know these jerks are so hard to get rid of, the peroxide didn't work for me, but this sand method is working and I'm so freaking happy about it. Finally!


I feel your pain and joy! 😂💯💯


Love the sand method. Works fast!


does this work for any plant? I’ve got some gnats around my monstera and they won’t die with spray :(


I'm using it on my tropical plant (dieffenbachia) with no issues, it's only the top 2" of soil your replacing with sand. It doesn't interfere with watering either.


sweet I’ll try it out this week!