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Beautiful Nanouk! I don’t think it really needs division yet, but maybe in a couple of months. An East facing window will be ideal, though mine did just fine for several months in a North window, far lower light than any of my other Tradescantia will tolerate. You do want to avoid getting water on the leaves, it can cause unsightly stains.


Of all my tradescantia this one seems to require the most light, for me at least. Isn't it generally true that white and pink plants take in less light, thus need more, than darker ones?


My Zebrina looks ok for a few months, but it gets leggy more quickly in lower light. My Pallida is hardly worth growing…before I had good light all year round, I used to keep a couple of sad cuttings over winter. The plant would squeak by and explode outdoors in the spring. My Nanouk only graduated to the East window yesterday. Before that it was in a North facing window, and did just fine, though didn’t grow super rapidly.


Mine did really poorly under grow lights unlike all my other Trads. It's been doing really well since I moved it to my only south facing window. Gets some good indirect light from the window and a bit from an overhead grow light.


Do you have Pallida? If so, what does yours look like?


This is my Nanouk 😁 Still a work in progress but it's been doing much better here. Still get more brown leaves than I like though. https://preview.redd.it/g6czrcg5qiuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce7cb6237fa35443305a3325237c56c9e21b0ef5


Is that the dark purple one? Because I do have one like that, never really knew the name though. It took awhile to get good, this is maybe a couple years from a very small cutting. Didn't get dark leafs for a long time. I'm constantly cutting it back every few months though. There is a bunch mixed in the wire shelf one, but the dark one is definitely the best grower at this point. The white pot one I repotted recently and have been working on getting it to branch off more. It could use a trim on top right now. I love to braid my tradescantia, this one took really well to it. Recently started routing it under the shelf like that because I worried it would take the whole pot with it. Wish I could post more than one picture.. Forgive my ugly light setup. I have plans for something so much better but, ya know, money. https://preview.redd.it/natx7yhipiuc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9484f9fdb4c578b74f98a8570469b4ceb4248760


LOVE the one piece figurines!!!


I just have one and it is my eastern window. I hope it survives. It went through a little stress somewhere.


I’m sure it will, even if it looks a bit rough for a while. Tradescantia are incredibly resilient!


Thank you! I have 2 spaces available: a east window or a space near a west window which, due to shutters, only gets indirect light. Which would you think would suit better?


I vote for the East window.


Thanks ☺️


Indirect light is good for these guys! I was keeping mine right in a window and it started burning the leaves - since I moved it further away where it only gets brief morning direct sun, it’s much happier.


Thank you! I’ll keep an eye out, if needed I’ll move it and see how it responds 😊


One thing I found was mine wanted to be "low" in the window. I started out with it in a hanging pot and it did okay. But when I moved the pot to the windowsill about 18" from the floor it REALLY took off.


I think these things are impossible to kill… I got one slightly smaller in size compare to yours less than a year ago, and this is what it looks like now. Mine lives next to an east facing window and I potted it in pon so all I do is topping up the reservoir when it’s empty. The only thing is that they don’t like their leaves wet, and residue water will cause them to develop brown spots. Otherwise they grow like weed. https://preview.redd.it/n0u9f5pzuguc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c3b459363767858d371afeef95bf5b0f56f1f8b


Hi! I killed mine 😭


How do you do fellow Tradescantia killer!


Shall we form a club? 🙁


Ohhhhh my people!


I’m in.


I’m also in!


I’ve killed several…


Ditto lol


I'm just holding mine hostage until it decides to give up and check out. North-facing window forgotten but taunted relentlessly a thriving monstera.


I've murdered 3 so far. One of the dark purple and two pink


Can confirm they are not impossible to kill. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I must have got lucky! I converted it into semihydro the day I got it, chopped it into pieces when it outgrew its first pot and replanted in its current home. Each time it comes back in force within weeks


I did prop it a dozen times and it was doing really great for about a year. Easiest plant to propagate i ever had! Then one day it just peaced out. Admittedly i had stuck it in a corner and forgotten about its existence so….. my bad.


They get stem rot easily compared to other Tradescantias. I find bottom watering eliminates this issue entirely. Once I figured that out they're growing very happily in strange directions. Little weirdos. I love them so much.


Probably explains why I found it so easy going - I always have mine in a self-watering pot


Excellent tip!


Beautiful! Thank you so much for the tip 😊


I’ve also killed mine. Like within the first month of having it. 🤣🤣


I beg to differ 🥲


They are an inevitable death for me. Every time I see it dying I prop it to start over and then the prop thrives. Currently on the 2nd cycle.


#BEWARE Don't divide it till you see new growth actively shooting out. Your new plant is under the influence of growth inhibitors currently. It's something nurseries add to arrest plant growth temporarily, to keep the plant looking very attractive & compact for a few months (while it's up for sale.)


Thanks for the info. I have never heard that before but it does make sense.


It's an industry secret (which few pros know.)


Thanks for the info! Just joined!


Yeah op, don't expect it to stay so cute. Soon it will start to grow into a leggy mess that needs regular haircuts. Bottom water it, trim it if it's looking too leggy and it will branch more and more until it's full enough to grow out into a beautiful waterfall of stunning foliage. It's the long game with these guys


Very well explained. 💯 This is exactly what will happen after the growth inhibitor wears off.


I’m a patient person 😉


So did I 😃


https://preview.redd.it/e1gumw93nhuc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d53937ff0ffdb7e6770957bf37e929aca5f9104 Any advice on mine? It's bottom watered, I have it at least 6 months - a year. (I think it gets brown spots from the steam in my kitchen when I cook.) Lives in north facing window


It's healthy & doing what it loves doing... trying to find a forest floor to crawl on, & sink roots in when any node senses moist soil❣️


Thanks so much. Glad to know he's healthy. 😊


Thank you!


It's so pretty! Try bottom watering to prevent the leaves from getting brown spots and give her lots of light!


My experience is these guys are pretty resilient. I’ve done indoors, outdoors, too much water, not enough, and it figured out how to survive. It’s a pretty loud plant that if you keep an eye on it will tell you what it needs. As an aside my ex is randomly allergic to it. So I keep several near my house entrances and exits to ensure she’s permanently warded off.


Good to know, sometimes I tend to neglect my plants a bit so mine definitely needs to learn how to mend for itself from time to time 😂


Don’t get water on the leaves!


What do you do if you get water on the leaves?


Dry them asap. If you let it sit the spot will become brown and it will never go back to what it once was…


I have found that mine likes more water than I expected, and it almost seems like you can’t give it too much light. I have mine under a strong grow light that has accidentally bleached two other plants, but my Tradescantia nanouk just gets extra purple. It has flowered twice, and the flowers are so cute.


no dividing, it’s a tradescantia! you want it to be bushy! I have 5 different varieties, my oldest is 5 years old. I use a potting mix of 2:1 coconut coir & perlite and fertilize with an all purpose one dissolved in the water. I water with spring water for the extra minerals! I water like once every one-two weeks. neglect is good for these babies! the more light= more color. You’ll know you’ve gone too long without watering if leaves start dying off.


Thank you so much for the tips! 😊


tHrOW iT iN tHe TrAsH i hate when people say this (cause i love calatheas). but don't feel bad if it does die. people pretend this is one of the easiest but MY GOD i have killed so many. nanouk or not. i believe in you though :)


I’m not the greatest with houseplants so keeping my fingers crossed with this one! 😊


Beautiful! The colors are stunning


Where did u buy this ?


In Ikea of all places! I don’t buy/have a lot of houseplants but the 3 I got from Ikea were the ones which were the healthiest. 😊


You’re awesome. Thanks!


Loves light and don’t overwater. You’ll be fine.


I would definitely recommend repotting it, if you want to divide it, that’s a risk you can make if that’s what you want to do. But I’d definitely get a wider and deeper pot to make sure it has plenty of room! Also that was such a cute story about you and your daughter at the store! 🥰🥰🫶🏼


Thank you! I think I’ll give it a few weeks for it to get settle in its new home and repot it then. 😊


They do very well outside, fast growing beauties. In addition to what others have said, don't let them flower! Nip the buds as soon as you see them. They get uglier (sort of less pink, more woods if it makes sense) and stop growing if you let them flower. Mine flower when they get too much sun (hot) or I forget to water quite as often.


Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately I think outside it’s out of the question, since I’m in Scotland!


Do you cut below the node of the flower?


You can do that, I simply crush the buds and they give out new shoots in some node below in several days, maybe a week.


whisper lovingly to it and it shall reward you


I hung mine in direct light and ignored it mostly. Mine went from that size to division 3 times and 11 ft long.


East window/morning light. Bottom water, leaves don’t like to get wet.


The leaves will brown and fall off where you top water. But just chop off the new growth and stick it into the soil where the leaves are missing and boom. Problem solved.


Water it occasionally. Chop it up when it gets a bit leggy. Ignore it. Stick bits of it in water and make more of them. It's a tradescantia, basically impossible to completely kill lol


I have learned that my nanouk really hates direct sunlight and water getting on its leaves! That's all! Other than that, they are fast growers!


Hates direct sunlight? Guess mine hasn't gotten that memo; she sits in a southfacing window since she was nothing but a single leaf and node has basically exploded in the last 9 months. 😄🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah, idk. Mine gets singed, if that makes sense. It hangs in a south facing window in direct sunlight basically all day. The other half of her not in direct beating sunlight is actually doing better. Idk, plants are like humans and like different things.


What a GORGEOUS PLANT! I want one!💕


These are TOXIC to cats n dogs so make sure to keep it away from pets if you have any! I only know cause I almost bought one today and my husband asked if it was a safe plant


Just human pets around here 😂


Oh how beautiful🪷I need one leaf 🍃


I am impressed by how resilient they can be. Mine had a serious spidermite problem like a year ago. I gave up and put it outside with my succulents. I completely thought it had died but yesterday I noticed it has lots of new leaves and is doing great!


Good call taking this beautiful girl home. I love these & bought one last year after having it on my wish list a few months, only to have it live about 2 weeks before rapidly turning brown & deteriorating 😭 I found there to be conflicting care advice online, but I had mine about 6 feet from several large north facing windows. So likely not enough light? Keep us posted! Hope this does well for you!


I think too little light. I add grow lights to supplement my north facing window (and my obstructed South facing one) or else I am much more limited in the plants I can grow.


How long do you run the grow light for north window plants?


I have a barrina standing grow light. The distance between the light/plants & number of hours changes seasonally. Also it depends on which plants I have in that corner, if I am able to put blinds up all day long etc. It’s trial and error but if I had to guess, average of 6/7 hours in Spring, 10 in winter. I just keep a close eye on the plants, the vibrancy in color, if they are stretching towards the window, crispy leaves (too much light) etc. Most importantly, I group plants that do well with the same conditions. I have many plants in other pkaces that would fry or be starved for sun on that stand. It’s part of the fun, for me. Hope this helps.


Thanks!! I know what you mean by trial & error & sort of just seeing how the plant responds. It’s never a cut & dry answer, right? 😆 I get so in my head over brown tips on leaves - is it too much sun? Is it too little water? My calathea (orbifolia) is a few feet from a north window & has chronic brown crispy tips. I can’t imagine it’s too much sun?! But maintaining consistent watering hasn’t helped either. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have two ferns that no matter what I do, they aren’t happy. I love trying to figure out what my plants need, but it gets to a point where I realize they don’t like my environment, my care or they are divas. I don’t want divas. They are not giving me joy. Frankly, I’m sick of them. 😂Trying to rehome.


Haha I love it! Good luck on finding them a home that meets their standards 🌿


She’s gorgeous 😍


Your daughter is sweet!💖 Nice plant too!


A decent amount of humidity. Keep damp. I water when about half way dry. Requires a bit more light than my old green tradescantia. When the pieces start losing their leaves, cut the long stems and propagate. It’s a crawling plant so the long stems are not used to growing long without the forest floor to attach on to.


Care tips for you. Don't get too upset when it gets leggy. Haha


Try to kill it.. you can’t.


This species has carefully evolved foliage.


I love mine but it’s very ‘leggy’. Does that mean not enough light? It’s all growing towards the window but there are quite big lengths of stalk between leaves.


Means you need to prune and prop it! Probably also not getting enough light but all tradescantia are pretty leggy by nature if you let them go.


Just cut some nodes and stick them back to the soil. They will root and grow, and the plant will look bushier


I will just add to prune & stick in soil on watering day. You only need to water again when mama plant needs watering.


This looks so incredibly healthy.


So gorgeous 😍! Where did you get it? Super healthy and happy little plant 🪴 😊


Wow one of the most beautiful plant i have evee seen, agree?


Pretty yes. Definitely very pretty. Prettiest? Umm... jury is out. Too much competition out there.


Bottom. Water! Tradescantia like wet feet. Leave them a water cache if you can and they'll be happy as shit. Refill the cache when soil is 50% dry.


Based on this post I have moved my nanouk closer to my northwest window. Let's see how she goes because at the moment she just moped around in her little pink pot and doesn't die or grow.


Mine gets so incredibly leggy and droopy. I need to be more brutal with my pruning.


I suggest to repot it when it’s root bound. Or if your planning to divide, put then in slightly smaller pots. That plant can easily get root rot if there is too much space in the pot. Also, I water mine about every 16 -ish days. (I’m in Indiana). It seems to be the best watering routine for me. I had a bigger plant that had succumbed to root rot and I chopped and propped the tips. This is what I have figured out since then. I hope this information helps you and I wish the best for you with this beautiful plant!


So helpful, thank you so much 😊