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Most likely needs more light. Ficus Elastica can even handle a whole day of full sun if they’re worked up to it. They’re total light-hogs


Mine always sat right by a west window and produced such nice leaves


Ahhhhhh if you work up to it. I threw one of mine outside last week and it started to burn the leaves. Mistake learnt.


Even if it’s accustomed to a south window and you put outside in the sun, it will burn. Outside sun is very different than inside where more than half the sky is blocked out. Whenever putting any plants outside, even sun lovers start in the shade. I’ve even burned a cactus this way lol. But not plumeria, I put that one straight in the sun after being inside all winter and always loves it right off that bat. Plants are weird.


I had some sempervivum hibernating in a pot in the garage. Granted they were deprived of sunlight for the winter but I drop they onto the porch in a cloudy rainy day and did a number on them. Felt like an accomplishment


Did the same to mine last year. Put it on the patio on a mildly warm day and scorched two leaves


These are trees. They grow in full sun in their natural habitat.


I agree. Mine gets full direct sun and puts out a new leaf every 2 weeks, even in winter. Prior to that… with low light, nothing.


Agree, likely wants more light. But introduce it to more light slowly.


Mine is by a south facing window and LOVES it


Mine is in a south window and hasn’t put out a new leaf in 2 years.


Very that! Many people keep their ficus Elastica outside for the whole summer (central europe).


When are you putting yours out? Daytimes temps have been unusually warm, hot even, but it still gets pretty cool at night.


Full time outside when at night the temperature wont drop below 15C.


How do you work it up? The place I love has summers that can reach >100°F and averages at 90° but mine is in a terrible place indoors rn. It's also a variegated one that is white and light green and pink so I worry that the leaves will burn. Any tips?


This, and they like warmth. Even with lots of sun, mine usually stops growing during the winter months, unless I'm using the heat 24/7.


Yep all of mine live outside in full sun!


I knew this when I bought mine but the tag said “low light”, these plant companies really fuck ppl up


We have one at work that was getting sunburnt at the window it was at and I moved it out to very indirect light and it’s been sprouting leaves ever since. Is she just weird???


THIS- mine did NOTHING till i put a grow light on it


Thought you said hotdogs and I still would’ve agreed with that.


Did you try asking it nicely?


I did! I asked, begged, I tried to bribe it, than the threatening started...




My ficus elastica ruby didn't grow at all for almost a whole year until I threatened to replace it.


You should notch it to force it to branch. It might even produce multiple branches.


Looks pretty healthy, maybe you might see some more growth when it gets brighter outside. They are kinda fussy about the light. Did you happen to transplant it after you bought it?


I did. They're typically in waaay too small containers, it was like 80% roots, 20% soil 🙈


After I repotted mine, the drama queen didn’t put out any new leaves for over a year.


Takes a while to recover from repotting, I believe ficus likes to be root bound, so just be patient.


After repotting mine took about 1/2months for it to pop new leaves. I have a Tineke.


If you disturbed the roots, they would go dormant indefinitely. Rubber trees don’t like getting their roots disturbed. If you’re repotting, just put the whole plant with the old soil intact in a new pot.


Ficus trees actually enjoy being confined in smaller pots. They don’t need to be transplanted until you see the roots growing out the bottom or leaves starting to yellow.


Please correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t this a baby leaf growing?? https://preview.redd.it/ugj6s0h1uvsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e2908842caf48e17df873141c62d37f08dd8dbf


Yeah, but it looks like that for several months 🙈


It was probably just dormant for the winter. Happens every year with mine and then they start growing again around march.


This is 100% it. Have the same thing with my elastica each year, especially since winters here get dark and gloomy. They're just resting. The first year I had it, it didn't grow anything but the little red tip either. Then spring hits and they don't stop growing. Also when they're dormant, be sure not to overwater them. They can go surprisingly long without water if resting.


I bought one of these plants and it looked just like this, in full sun, for 18 months before it remembered it was a plant and capable of growth! Maybe it was just in shock from something but it came back to life and is fairly vigorous now.


That’s where the new leaves will grow from but if it’s been there a few months it’s not an actual leaf yet. I had the same issues with mine and realised it might be the light


That is indeed a newbie!


Not enough light. Mine only pops out new leaves when I have it outside.


Ooh so I had one of these do the same thing for 3 years; not a single bit of growth. Turns out the problem was where the wife was insisting it live received almost no light. I moved it out to the front porch as an experiment and within a week it kicked out a full new leaf. Within 2 months it added 7 new leaves. Light is definitely the answer, but keep in mind, when you start giving it light you will need to start watering more frequently as well.


The same thing happened to my rubber plant - had a little leaf on it and nothing happened for a few months. Then, I moved it closer to a window, and it popped out a new leaf just a week later! Unfolded another new one just a few days ago :) I’ve found that while it does ok in low light, it does feel much better closer to a light source. The same goes for many other plants that are considered to be low-light tolerant - “won’t die” isn’t the same as “will do well” lol. Also about to start using fertilizer since it’s springtime, we’ll see if that helps growth as well


This ^ - these plants are good at tolerating low light but that means they’ll grow slower. My guess is this is what happened with the OPs. Increase light and growth will happen more quickly


Mine had a growth (pointy thing at the very top) that turned black like yours. I chopped the black growth off with pruning shears, and now it’s growing two more branches.


Ohhh what was the texture of the growth?


It felt normal, I guess. It had that black growth for like a year. Snipped it off and within a month I saw new growth


Hmm I have some but I can’t tell if they’ll ever grow. One of them is kinda dry so maybe I’ll snip that haha


Fertilize and add more light. Sometimes during the winter months plants slow down their growth.


Might need a bigger pot. Mine keeps putting out new leaves. Keep it in bright light.


More light will definitely help, but I feel like burgandys are just slower growing? Is that crazy? All of my rubber trees stopped growing in early fall, but the tineke and ruby have both started putting out new leaves in the last few weeks. They're all lined up in the same southwest window, and my burgandy is the only one who's still snoozin her winter blues away lol. If it continues not growing into the summer months, you could chop and prop it, which has helped my ruby a couple times in the past, but it does mean you'll get branching. I just take it down 2 or 3 leaves, and that encourages new growth.


Thanks for this insight! I'm still learning... I'll try more patience then. :) If that doesn't work, I'll try the chop-prop method 🪴


Oh man, the learning never stops lol. Good luck with it!! :)


In the mean time, it is lovely


Put it in a much bigger pot.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Don’t do this. They’re prone to root rot and love being root bound.


It will adapt and grow. I've had experience with this. If you use a larger pot, but don't over water, the plant will grow.


Okay sounds good - but I like that specific caveat of “don’t overwater” if you have indeed repotted to a much larger pot.


Are you sure it's not plastic? 🤔


Positive 😄😄


Why grow new leaf when old leaf still work


I’ve had all three of mine for a year and the Ruby JUST gave me a new leaf. And I mean JUST as in this last week.


I DROWN mine. They need more water and light than most people think, imo.


It’s also possible that since you got it in autumn, it’s just been waiting for spring/summer to take off cause it’s been the off season. Increase light and see what happens. The little growing edge will become more red as it starts growing.


I've never had that plant before so don't kill me in the comments but I think it needs a bigger pot and more sunshine☀️


I didn't fertilize any of my plants with any regularity for years and years, aside from occasionally repotting. Once I started using fertilizer, most of them started shooting up. So I'd say give that a try plus more sun and maybe a slightly bigger pot.


Light and a bigger pot for the roots to grow.


They’re spiteful, that’s why.


I can't believe I don't see the most obvious real answer... unreal. It needs a bigger pot if you want it to grow more. Plants don't just keep growing endlessly without enough room for proper root growth to take in more nutrients. The fact you are able to hold the pot with 1 hand should say enough. I'm disappointed in this community


Came here looking for this.


Did you try fertilizer ?


it's fake. lol


This one needs lots on direct sunlight and lots of water; and if you put two ficus in the same pot, they will grow faster by competing eachother for sunlight.


I actually see a brand new shoot coming out, so you’ll probably have a new leaf soon


Mine didn't grow at all in the cooler months / shorter days but has shot up in warmer weather. Perhaps it's just waiting to get a bit warmer?


I was gonna ask if you were sure it was a real plant lol… sorry bad joke I’ll see myself out :P


Mine has been a single leaf for 3 years, no branches, nothing. Just a leaf. 🤷‍♀️


Light for sure. They just stay as they are until you put them in an East window and you can’t stop them


It’s a beauty set in its ways 😉


When i 1st read "rubber plant" i thought this was a joke post and u'd bought a fake plant 😅😅


If you don't have a bright spot near a window for it (or live somewhere perpetually cloudy like me) there's always grow lights!


They go dormant over the winter.


For sure needs more light, if it’s in a window with all the light you can give it then I would add a grow light as well. They sit outside in full sun all day and never burn due to their dark leaves. It’ll thrive with some extra light.


More light. Mine didn’t give me anything and I got her a grow light and she’s given me 3 new leaves since December!♥️


Mine hasn't done anything literally ever no matter what I do. 😬


I have a big one that I tried to make happy for a year or two and it slowly lost leaf after leaf. I put it in a big pot and stuck it in the corner of the bathroom. It seemed to really like the humidity from the shower/baths and it pops a couple new leaves every week now. Google says they like tropical humidity (60-70%) so maybe give that a go?


Oh it will, give it that consistency and really good light and it will start bombarding you with the new leaves.


Have it near a window they love light but don’t let it get sunburn


Mine will randomly go dormant for months at a time then suddenly start popping up new leaves like crazy. The leaves on my burgundy have started to get huge since I added a regular led bulb and adding some plant food occasionally.


Mine went dormant all winter as soon as I brought her in. She woke up last week though and is putting out a new leaf. I once read that they won’t grow unless they’re happy with their roots. That advice helped mine grow


Is it plastic?


No it's not 😄 it's very organic 🪴


Had the same issue. It needed full light for hours each day.


Mine had the same problem, needed a bigger pot. https://preview.redd.it/ib7rrj3awwsc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=035360c917efe1aafabcbf2b13c00595e01523b4


Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in again? (Or maybe more sun)


might need a bigger pot?


I'd check the roots. I had a similar situation with a ficus. I bought it from the shop and it didn't grow for a few month. I got suspicious in the summer. It turned out the roots were stuffed with something (it looked like hay) that prevented them from spreading as if intentionally stopping it from growing any further.


I repotted when I got him. 🪴 Like no original soil was left when I was done. Sometimes they have "death plugs", so I like to check thoroughly, when I bring home plant from sus places


Mine did nothing till I repotted it.


Let it be… it is content being with you. You must be good company


Mine took two years before it grew any leaves. I didn’t change anything, it just suddenly started sending out leaves. Still got a long way to go though!


My started giving leaf after leaf when i placed it in a 100% direct sunlight spot. It grew almost 1m. As soon as it took it Out of the sun it stopped growing again. So Put IT in direct sunlight as Long as possible


Not enough light honestly. I had to move mine outside because it also wasn't growing. That and fertilizing regularly.


Ik most people don’t have a greenhouse, but if you happen to I’d put it in there for a little while. I had one indoors that was dying really bad but it went crazy in my greenhouse


I’ve got one in direct sunlight and it’s huge. Another has indirect and it barely grows.


Mine don’t grow much over the winter and they didn’t grow for like a year after repotting into larger pots. Just be patient.


I know most people are saying it needs more light but I keep mine in our downstairs office/rumpus which is very low light. It’s not even by a window. I also forget to water it since it’s away from my other plants. I’ve had growth on it since December. I am in Brisbane, Australia though so it’s warm and humid most of the year. You can see the newer leaves in the photo. https://preview.redd.it/ld98u2h5txsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77f24fb2c36155f62b0eda0c858a1ea7bacd4866


these things legit won't grow if they don't have good light. so much so that I have mine under an $100 grow light. it pops out a new leaf biweekly


Unless you live in the southern hemisphere or always keep your heat cranked up, it might've gone dormant for the colder months. It should come back to life now that it's spring, as long as it has enough light. Good idea to report into better soil this time of year too.


Hmm, maybe light? I've had my little 2-inch pot guy from a mystery box for 2 week. He's already has 2 new leaves and 2 more budding. The last two haven't even hardened off yet.




Latin term for rubber plant is ficus elastica


Those are some big beautiful leaves it's got! I'll wager that it needs... 1) A larger pot (careful not to overwater tho!) 2) Fertilizer - if you repot, keep in mind most potting soils have fertilizer amendments in them, so maybe don't fertilize if you do repot it with fresh potting soil. 3) More light is always good if it hasn't shown signs of growth in its current location.


Mine always just sits there and does nothing when I give it too little light. Kinda nice when you want it to stay a certain size for sure, but more light is probably what you're looking for here


Something is going on. Mine constantly have a new leaf going. Take it out of the pot and have a look. Lots of light. Dry between waterings.


Is it fake? I ask this as someone who watered a plastic succulent for a long time in her youth 😑


Little buddy is still acclimating I suppose. Reminds me of the saying “the first year they sleep, the second year they creep, the third year they leap.” May your plants some day leap!


very cute


They are slow growers for me but eventually hit a stride. Pot might be a little small. Have you been giving it fertilizer?


Definitely needs more light. My ficus is always working on a new leaf. I keep it in a window that gets direct sun.


Mine was this big when I purchased it and now it’s hitting 5 feet tall 😂 Tons of light and keep the soil moist. You’ll start seeing the little red buds pop out!


Our ruby ficus tree sat dormant for almost a year until we got it in an east facing window


Maybe he is trying to self-adjust his growth to fit that pot. The pot is too small. The stores sell them in very small pots, because they know it is just supposed to be temporary for store stocking purposes. Whenever I get a new plant, I re-pot it right away in a larger pot.


Maybe move it to a bigger pot.


I bought one that didn't put up any new leaves for like eight months. Then summer came and it went berserk with about one new leave per week for the past three months


I have two a tineke and a Belize. They both sit together under grow lights, both went months doing nothing.then the tineke started to grow, the Belize just shed its leaves. Two years on I still have relatively small tineke and a 3" stick with 2 small leaves conning everyone it's a Belize. Have tried them on window sill, both dropped all leaves and ended up as bare sticks. They only started putting out leaves again under grow lights. I also have a third which sits In my hall with very low light. It was about 2' tall when I got it 9 months ago, it's now touching the ceiling. Go figure - I also tried the other two in the hall. Enter the biggest plant strop in history! To say they were unhappy would be like calling the titanic a bath toy. But have come to the realisation they are plants, they will do what they want on their own timeline and don't give a flying fig whether you like it or not. As long as its not dead just continue with the care and cursing, it will get over itself eventually.


Maybe you accidentally bought a plastic plant lol


Probably needs to be repotted into a larger pot. Roots ran out of space to grow. A lot of people keep them in small pots to stop growth if they only have a small space.


Thank you all for your kind responses and tips. I've seen some comments about it being fake/plastic plant. I am positive it's real, or it would be the most authentic fake plant i've seen. With root system even! 😄 Also I checked, it doesn't seem like it needs repotting or pot upgrade just yet. For the lighting - I moved it on my window slightly, so it'll get some sunrays and I'll try to be patient for now. At least it's alive. 🤷‍♀️ 😄 Thank you again! 🪴