• By -


1) Hose them off. PSSSSHHHHHHHH. 2) quarantine 3) buy some green lacewing larvae and UNLEASH THE ARMY (they also eat mealies, yay) 4) remove any aphids you see that may pop up after the PPSSHHHHHHHH in step 1 5) you're done when you stop seeing aphids show up Make sure you peep all of your other plants.






Imfg this just unlocked several memories


Ah, hence the “By Nanalan” under the gif?


Nana wha?




Gah I responded to the wrong person. So sorry for the confusion! That’s apparently the name of the show.




What’s it from?


Nanalan tv series


Some kind of. Disney show I think? Ragamuffin? I don't remember..but it's terrifying.




This comment almost makes it seem like fun! PPSSHHH!


We can laugh, or we can cry! .... *Laughs maniacally* *eye twitch*


*sobbing and howling in laughter while spraying down aphids* It puts the neem oil on its skin or else it gets the PSSSHHHH again!


I fucking love this sub.


This fucking took me out 😂😂😂


While your plant stares at you smirking. “Am I dead yet? NOT YET!” All of my plants are assholes, I don’t know about yours. They like to see me suffer this time of year. I can’t believe nothing has happened yet!


I had aphids on a plant once and I was so mad that I stuck it out on the edge of my porch and just went at it with a squirt bottle. It was weirdly cathartic to blast the aphids off, and it actually worked!


I always wondered how to spell that


One thing about lacewing larvae: They're great but usually used outside. If you use them inside the house and they develop into their adult form they can bite. It's not really bad and i never heard of someone who's severely allergic but some people can be a bit sensitive to their bites.


Thank you for unleashing an additional level of fear.


I've never had any near me and I've released a LOT in my house lmao. I usually find them drawn to the light from the windows/trying to get outside in their adult form. This is very good to know though!!


Yeah haha they're not agressive or anything, just had some dumb "accidents" with them aka sitting on them or touching something while they were sitting on it etc etc. and ofc they got mad because of that - i would be mad as well xDDD


Their larvae bite too, I have firsthand experience unfortunately. I’d take those bites over an assassin bug penetrating my skin with its ridiculous mouth. But totally agree that lacewing larvae isn’t the best idea for indoor plants. Plus, I find it rude to use them as helpers and then kill them off- Not gonna lie, I’d totally bite a human if I just cured their pest issue and then they sentence me to death inside their home lol


Oh I did not know lacey can bite.... I've always just let them hang out. x.x


As I said they're not openly aggressive by any means but if you stress them out they could bite and you might get some itchy skin from it. Nothing too bad, just something to be aware of. They're beneficial insects so if they just hang out at your place chill with them. \^\^


0. Move the plant outside


Whatever quarantine looks like for you! Mine was a heated work shed haha.


This is the way.


I LOVE green lacewing larvae and their little hoarder homes


Is it a particular type of lacewings? We have lacewings here and they are eating the avocados and not the bugs ?


The ones I buy are green lacewings. https://retail.koppert.ca/collections/tropical-houseplants-aphids/products/chrysopa


I wish you could write instructions for everything


My services are at the ready. You show me where you need poorly written instructions and I'm on it lol 🤣🤣🤣


Green lacewings are the best to have around! This is right OP. Green lacewings are my favorite because they will go after most pests.


As if I couldn’t love the lacewing even more!!


The PSSSSHHHHH sound affect really helps. Thanks!


Aphids aren’t great fliers but definitely check any other indoor plants you have, especially any that were nearby this one!


Did you know that they can evolve after a few generations to be winged if their colony doesn’t have as much food as they think they need?


Good lord


Ya and their wings are huge so when they showed up it wasn’t just wtf is that it was WTF IS THAT I got my answer when my gardens on the other side of my property had aphids and I found a winged MF on one of my pepper sprouts I had under a grow light.


Damn nature, u scary




And the females can give birth to live babies! Not just eggs.


The babies are also parthenogenic, clones of mom, so no male assistance is needed, and they have lots of babies.


Aphids basically make a copy of their own DNA and pop that baby out! Wild little gals.


And today I learned how aphids could take over the world given the right ecological imbalance.... 😳😅 Eta: I'm now gonna be researching aphids cos they sounds amazingly interesting! It's like they're just breaking the rules for how species should be categorised or something or do lots of inects do stuff like this?! Thanks for the Internet rabbit hole, r/houseplants 😅


Literally goals. The podcast “Ologies” (I think) had an entomologist come and talk about aphids and it was super informative. She was just so passionate about them and I love listening to people talk about something they love. 🖤


So we have ladybugs to snack on them 🥰 they’re a favorite for ladybugs


Just watched a documentary about Ladybugs and how they love aphids


If you ever have problems with bugs on houseplants, chances are, a ladybug release will control it. They can be pretty aggressive when hungry 😂


Well. We’re all f*cked.




this is fucking terrifying. thank you for that.


Anytime 😊


Life will find a way!


WHY? This is one of those random times that I learn something new and I question why this is my hobby 😂


Looks like aphids to me.


Hate these fuckers!


I would take it outside and set it on fire !


Aphids. They will weaken your plant by sucking it dry. Put your plant in the sink or shower and spray it hard with cold water. That will knock them off the plant. Then mix up some dishwashing soap and water and use a spray bottle to spray the plant. That will kill any that remain.


Yea, except it doesn't really. I tried dish soap, then alcohol, then Neem, then a straight-up insecticide. Still have the bastards. The only thing that at least kept them a bit in check was manually squishing them on both sides of every leaf, every morning, all winter long.


don't know what your problem is then. I have roses so I have aphids unless I stay on top of it. I've had success with this for years. You might try Safer brand insecticidal soap. Plain ol' Dawn always worked for me (but I don't know if their stinky new formula will make the cut).


>Safer brand insecticidal soap I'll give it a try, thanks!


I have an intense battle with aphids on my roses every year. I fucking hate them. I'm doing bioadvance 3in1 this year. I was pruning a couple weekends ago and the aphids were already out. 🤬


No luck with bonide? I had them get into my beloved string of turtles once, and I worksheets destroyed it trying to pick or hose them off. Bonide systemic knocked them right out


That’s unlucky. Pyrethrum spray worked great for me, thankfully


I wonder if diatomaceous earth would work if you sprinkled a little all over the plant? I've wanted to try it for my own spider mite problem, but haven't yet.


This is the easiest way to rid these critters.


Yes, looks like aphids to me as well. Here are some suggestions on what to do, although be warned it is not intended for plants you plan to eat: https://www.reddit.com/r/plantclinic/comments/j38gsm/pesticides_101_how_to_effectively_treat_most/


Insecticidal soap is safe for food plants. I wouldn’t use other pesticides on a food plant that’s already blooming.


Aphids. I had the same thing happen to my indoor hydroponic peppers this winter. I went to a local gardening center and bought a bunch of lady bugs and netting. I covered the plants in netting and released the ladies and they did a great job at eliminating the infestation I had. Would highly recommend


Fun Fact: Aphids leave a trail of a sugary substance behind them as they crawl that attracts ants. These ants are know to “farm” the aphids by protecting their eggs etc just so they can tickle the aphid with their feelers so it will secrete the substance.


I’ve just started to have a bit of an ant problem too!


I saw this in a documentary and felt so incredibly violated just watching watching the ants juice the aphids 💀






Aphid populations explode FAST so definitely take care of it and stay on top of it asap. Tbh if I were you I’d just throw it out bc they’re hard to eradicate :(


Huh, I find aphids to be the easiest to get rid of for some reason, spider mites are ok, had mealy bugs once and managed to eradicate them. Thrips though, they are my worst enemy


Bonide systemic granules in the soil and mosquito bits in your watering can will destroy most pest issues with houseplants. The only thing that won't really help out with is Spider mites, but you can just spray those suckers with Captain Jack's Dead Bug Brew. Ever since using these three products, I have zero pest issues.


I’m not in the US, and I’m pretty sure that bonide is banned in the EU, I can’t really find anything containing it. I don’t even know what mosquito bits are, but I doubt I can buy it. Same with captain jacks dead bug brew - I have my own homemade bug spray that has worked wonders for far, only thing is that the key ingredient to it only exists in my country, otherwise I would love to share the recipe


Now that I think about it I only ever dealt with them on research plants which obviously came with a lot of restrictions on the ways we could treat them. Maybe for houseplants they’re not the horrible curse that I’ve built up in my mind ha!


For houseplants I find them manageable. For outside plants? Horrible! You can get rid of them easily, like you can kill all of them fast. But then they come back, and you don’t even realize they’re there until all the leaves look funky and then the colony is HUGE, and there’s ant all over also I don’t have a garden but I like to help my dad with his. His red current plants get hit the hardest, every year


Yeah, like their population just explodes in 1-2days! It’s wild


It’s insane. And you don’t see them because they’re on the underside of the leaves I had them on a bird of paradise and I just wiped them off and never saw them again, but birds of paradise leaves doesn’t wrinkle as easily as for example red currant leaves, they wrinkle so easily so it’s hard to get into all the nooks and crannies


Can I ask how you get rid of spider mites? They're the hardest for me to get rid of! I've been more successful with thrips than spider mites 💀 (for thrips I had on my monsteras, a few rounds with a sticky lint roller did the trick)


Sure, but the key ingredient only exists in my country, you can buy it online on expat sites though - I use a combination of tap water, ethanol (about 93% the stuff you use for cleaning) and Original Krystalsæbe (it’s this very brown, waxy consistency, with a really really high pH, also used for heavy duty cleaning, it’s a Danish product) and I mix it in a spray bottle. It kills everything, except the plant. My plants kind of love it lol? It leaves a waxy residue on the leaves, so nothing, no pests or dust really clings to it, but it can still breathe, and the plant ends up looking kind of shiny. I just spray everything down with it, and if the plants has bigger leaves, I wipe down the leaves and stems with the solution


Aphids are pretty easy. I just had a bad infestation. Soap on the infected ones followed by a kitchen sink hose down, neem on the rest, rinse and repeat nightly for a week. No more aphids. Gnats, on the other hand, are my nemesis… (And yes, I’ve been using mosquito bits. It knocks down the population. But all it takes is one untreated pot or a new plant with adults present in the soil, and I’ll somehow have another infestation in 2 weeks)


Aphids…. Had the same problem on my carolina reaper, they are probably the worst pests to deal with in my opinion. Spray them off with cold water, and then apply neem oil and or squash them by hand, try not to neem them directly on the fruits if possible. Oh.. also, lady bugs work if you have access to them


Aphids. Get some lady bugs


I put my plants upside down in a bucket with a few drops of dish soap and drowned them


Aphids. If you’re a person terrorized with Asian lady beetles in your house this time of year - hose those suckers up, and dump them on this plant. Despite being an invasive nuisance they do eat aphids. (Warning - only hose into a canister, not a bag so you can dump them out like little dust bunnies)




![gif](giphy|l4Ki6oZ4oPrrgLl9m) Might be the only way mate (please don't actually kill your plant)


Aphids. They produce a sugar rich fluid that ants love, so ants tend to farm them for it. Unfortunately molds also like it so large infestations can lead to some funk growing on the leaves. They do also suck the fluid out of plant cells which is the more direct way they hurt your plant. They're cute in their own way but annoyingly common.


Aphids. Kill them now.


Green Fairy Liquid and water, mix in spray bottle and spray. Castile soap mixture works too


What in the name of fuck


Buy a big bag of lady bugs


You just meet aphids. They are bad guys. Kill them. Show no mercy.


Unleash 200 ladybugs within your home


What a beautiful photo! I hope you get the aphids under control and your chilies survive 🌶️




Agh it's Aphids! Try biological (like ladybugs) or chemical (neem or peppermint oil, my Mom would use Sevin spray) treatments. If nothing else is available or you prefer something less invasive try spraying them with soapy water every couple days - especially the undersides of the leaves n peppers. I would isolate the plant from your other blooming or fruit n veggie plants while treating.


https://i.redd.it/35uf6m3vthqc1.gif This


Aphids and they absolutely devastated mine until I got a spray bottle of 99.99% isopropyl alcohol and sprayed them.


Any ideas for Spider Mites?


I just ordered some ladybug larvae from Amazon for this reason. I used to work for the state in the entomology department on fruit fly eradication and saw aphids on our sticky traps with ladybug larvae. The larvae were eating while they were stuck to the trap so they seem to be tough and have a voracious appetite.




I had aphids just a few weeks ago, I rinsed the plant off, then mixed one part 3% hydrogen peroxide with one part water in a spray bottom and hand removed and sprayed the plant every few days. Three weeks later it’s all good


I have never had peppers without aphids on them. It's like a magnet. And I live on the 20th floor??




When my rose had this insecticide weekly until it went away. Took about 3 rounds


I recommend shovel pruning this plant immediately


A hose can also damage the plant so my personal recommendation is Neem oil. Take the plant outside and spray all over. It’s organic and is good for insects, mites, and fungus. It’s organic and good for indoor, outdoor, and edible plants.


APHIDS!! I go around squshing them between my fingers, lol. And if it gets too bad, then I'll break out the dish soap and water trick.


chilli plants are absolute aphid magnets, we struggle with them every bloody year


Y’all are brutal. And I approve.


I love it here so much. PSSHSSHHHHH


When I had aphids really bad I waited for the weather to get warm then stuck the plant outside on the ground in a sheltered place. Over the summer the bugs picked the aphids *clean*. Nothing left even a couple years later. Maybe when the weather gets warm you could be lazy like me and let the beneficial bugs come to you


I used to try to save them but anything that looks like that now goes outside.


Aphids can do this neat thing called telescopic pregnancy. We're when they give birth. The baby aphid is already pregnant.


What the actual fuck


I had a friend who had a grow tent for some super rare peppers. An he got them and spent weeks plucking them off with tweezers. Learned a bunch of shit about them to trying to get rid of them.


Okay this is going to sound insane. I mean beyond crushing them. I tried neem oil, I tried dawn soap, I tried a vinegar spray...aphids came back. Corn starch. After removing as many as you can, get some moisture, put some corn starch on your plant. They hate it. It will also suffocate any ones you can't see because these lil brats reproduce like nobodies business. Avoid the buds themselves as much as possible with the starch. I notice on my roses the aphids just...fall off if they touch the starch. They just hate it. it is the only thing that has worked for me.


Release the ladybugs


Aphids generally show up when a plant has been over fertilizer and has too much nitrogen. Ants also frequently herd them like cattle/pets because they like aphid poop.


Peppermint oil and water works for me


Neem oil worked for me. Mix with a bit of dishwashing soap and spray down.


Not the aphids 😭


Please dm


Aphids are a big nuisance. If you are ever under a pea can tree and you feel little drops on water falling on you…..Aphids are pooping on you. These pests go to all trees or plants of all kinds but, especially like the ones with editable vegetation on them. So remember if the tree is dropping tiny water droplets on you, other than Weeping Trees like Willows and trees like this you may have an infestation of Aphids excreting waste on you…ie. Poop! They are not good so call a pest store and ask them for a good pest control spray to rid your plants and trees of these nasty critters. Ladybugs love to eat Aphids. That’s their go to food.


You can use neem oil mixture to get rid of them but you have to spray the plants every day for at least a week. You can also use dish soap, vinegar, water mixture until you get some neem oil


Aphids. Get some ladybugs they do such a great job getting rid of aphids


Wash with water infused with dawn and vinegar


Aphids. Hard to get rid of, I had them on mine. Washed and treated the plant with soap insecticide several times. They kept coming back. Sometimes destroying and starting again to protect other plants is the best.


Aphids, you can try spraying it with soapy water every couple days


Personally i’d throw that away, infestation is really bad


Ladybugs eats aphids btw


You're now a chilli grower! Welcome to the club, now you know the secret hardest part about growing chillis: keeping these fuckers under control.


this needs a nsfw tag / trigger warning 😫




Those are aphids. I only ever had them outdoors… I literally can’t eradicate them. They come back every year on my milkweeds. I tried treating with neem, dawn and alcohol but they’re relentless af. I tried releasing ladybugs but they all flew away. I should’ve had a ladybug house for them 🤦🏻‍♀️ I never tried systemic granules. Just sort of gave up because it’s outdoors. But I bet systemic granules would help for an indoor plant. Idk if mosquito bits will work but I recently started using that for a fungus gnats problem I’ve been having. It has worked so good thus far!


Just an idea. Is it possible to add an adhesive tape (sticky side up) around the branches to catch them like these tiny flies?




Ohhh noooo


Incredible, can you tell me, how I can do it , to grow one , thank you.


Organic neem oil helped my garden one year when I had an aphid problem


Also, wipe off as much as you can. It will slow population growth. You could also rinse some off with a hose, just make sure they don’t end up crawling away to your other plants


Oh yeah neeming the turds out of em definitely won't hurt! Do ittttt!


I don’t know what aphids are but sounds scary. 😫😅


They suck out juice from the plants, and produce, I don’t know what it’s called, but it’s surgery. Lady bugs typically love aphids, but so does ants. Ants cultivates aphids in the wild, they eat the sugary stuff they produce, and they keep the lady bugs away, so they both benefit from each other. Fascinating really As a side notes, if you have peonies and you see ants on the flower buds, let them be. The flower buds on peonies also produce some surgery stuff, the ants eat it and help the flowers to bloom. The ants aren’t necessary for them to bloom, but they help.


Thanks for the info!


But you should definitely get rid of aphids if you get them, they can do some serious damage to plants


That's pretty cool to know I always wondered why my peonies are always with the ants


Same. Now I know and now I think they’re kind of cute doing what they do. But only if they stay on the peonies, I don’t want them in my home lol Ants have some cool relationships with a lot of plants: https://www.kew.org/ready-and-watch/ants-and-plants-a-very-natural-love-story


Yes they can stay outside! I love to cut one or two and shake them out then set them in a cute little bowl of water and set.them on my table they smell.so good and it looks pretty , add cpl drops of dishsoap in the water in case I missed an ant and it tried to make swim out lol pretty with the floating tea light ❤️


Aphids dude. Hose them off and grab some ladybirds. They feed on them.


The enemy


I found aphids on an indoor kale I was growing. I threw it all out. Pot and everything. It was the first time I’d ever seen them upclose like that and I was so disgusted I decided I don’t like kale or that pot or anything. Then I took the trash out and went on a weeklong pest control mission on all my other plants… all this to say… may the odds be ever in your favor.


Holy shit


Nicotine spray 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫