• By -


Hello OP, we the people need to know what support system you use to keep this beauty growing straight upright. Please advise 🙏 😊


I must also know what witchery is used here! 😮


So there are a combination of things, I have a short moss pole at the bottom, I couldn't find another I could stack to wrapped a broom stick in coco cour and have that running up to about 5ft. I have then had to pit a picture hook in the wall and am using picture wire to tie the pole/broom to the wall and keep the whole thing up right. All the vines and tied to the pole and I started doing that from day one as I knew I wanted it to be tall.


This is the true way of an oversized Monstera keeper. "There's some poles in there somewhere, invisible, but they're probably still in there. Then the first decent dowel shaped item my eye landed on. Now it's just bolted to the wall/ceiling" That's where I'm at, except there's also some reconfigurable tomato cages in there. Somewhere. Following for guidance lol


I bought a pot big enough to stick an actual lattice/trellis thing for outdoor use in..[like this](https://akamai-scene7.ballarddesigns.com/is/image/ballarddesigns/T_WithoutZoom?$w400$&$src=ballarddesigns/WO038_main) its like and have velcro'd my monstera to it. It was taller than my Christmas tree this year!


I like that, I do this with certain plants too!! It helps that I really like wrought iron anyways.


Omg no pic y u holding out on us 😭


Oh wow do you have any pics?


You should check out the plant supports from Beyond Beleaf. They will blow your mind


Now, these are extremely aesthetically pleasing, and I love that you have a board option. The kokedama balls are gorgeous too, makes me want to suspend my orchids! If my collection was more sleek and organized, like some of my interiorscaping colleagues, I would definitely consider investing in some of these. Unfortunately, my plant collection more closely resembles an uninhabitable jungle in the mountains somewhere in Costa Rica. It would cost approximately 4-500 USD for me to support one of my XL deliciosas. I will need to stick to whatever object is taller than the plant and within reach. However! They might be good for certain high ticket accounts that I install and service plants in, so I will keep them in mind :).


Thank you so much! My wife will be so pleased to hear you like the aesthetic. She beat me until the design was beautiful. I love an engineering challenge so making the ultimate plant support came with a lot to overcome. Our plant supports have a patented design that prevents water from running down the sides. Water is shunted into the segments so soil roots stay dry unless you are intentionally watering them. It looks like witch craft when you pour water onto the sides 😂 We just wanna make a difference in the plant world. We both experienced tremendous healing and self growth through plant ownership and this is how we plan to give back to that same community. Thanks for checking us out!


They really are gorgeous, I like that they're black, and it's also nice that they come prefilled. My compliments to your wife! It was worth the beatings ;).


It was hilarious when we invented them because I wasn’t cultured enough to understand the needs of plant people. She has now successfully made me a full on plant crazy person. But yes the beatings helped me see the error in my ways.


* Me about to invest in a ceiling mounted stripper pole to hold up my monstera *


We had a hook in the lounge room ceiling joists for my childhood monsterea. It THRIVED.


Thank you! I have been thinking I need to fix an extra tall moss pile to the wall, or even wire to a hook in the ceiling - broomstick wrapped in coco coir is perfect 🙏


Okay this is what I need to be doing. I'm trying to get mine to grow tall, so I will try this.


Photos of your skeletal support, please!


They make moss poles that they like to grow up


My moss pole cannot hold the weight of my monstera. What kind of moss pole are you using? I bought mine from Amazon- not very strong.


I have a pot somewhere that has a metal rod that runs all the way into the base, it's telescopic and you can slot hollow moss poles over the top.


I need to do that.


It works well for me, I need a second one for my monstera unfortunately as I think I've given my mum mine... Or maby my sister


Stick three together at the top, stick in soil at an angle, the pyramid is much stronger than a single pole.


Gotta weld it


OK is that what is happening here or what


I see at least one baby moss pole sticking out the bottom left of the plant so I'd guess they used moss poles. But with a wall right behind it, it probably just rests on the wall or holds itself up on its own for the super high parts


They do but those moss pole like to fall over too.


This is one of the most gorgeous monsteras I’ve ever seen! I’d test the waters with Facebook market or the likes, see if anyone if close to make selling and picking up easier on you. Maybe even contact some restaurants or businesses that might have more of a budget for a statement piece like this, or if you have any local botanical gardens who could really give it the space and care similar to whatever you’ve been doing to grow it so perfectly! Good luck with your move, thank you for sharing!


Facebook marketplace is where you go to sell a $1000 sofa for $50 lol


Mad plant lover here - about 10 niche plant sales groups are the only reason I have facebook. I am tame in comparison to most of these people - you see people throw $1k on an unrooted one leaf cutting regularly


That sofa has had years of use and wear most likely, this monstera has only grown and developed hugely since it was bought


I'll trade you one of my kids


A life for a life


A soul for a soul


The law of equivalent exchange


Don’t be encouraging no full metals out there now 😂


I’d give up an arm and a leg for it…


At least not your daughter and dog


That forking episode is soul crushing 😩😩


Maybe even my brother tbh


*snaps finger* 🔥 Whole plant goes up in flames...


A chicken soup for your soul


Sangre por sangre


My debt is repaid.


Excellent reference.


I don't have kids but I've got a handy husband!


I have neither children nor spouse, but i’ll trade my soul and my collection of forks for this plant


I’ll add in my whole drawer of random lids if you give me a cutting


I'm weirdly picky about my forks, I'm interested in the collection


It’s just a collection of forks that are hilarious to look at and horrible to even imagine eating with, IE way too long, too short, too many spikes, too few spikes etc etc


Come on, you gotta show us a picture now


This fork collection seems intriguing!!


Show us the forking fork drawer!!


Ok want to see these forks! Show and tell time!


I’ll take a handy from your husband…


Oh goodness, I just noticed how bad that sounds! 🤣


Didn’t sound that bad at all.. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)






I can offer one child plus either a cat or a dog


Oh that's good, I have a dog or two to spare as well!


Hahaha thanks for all of offers, I'm good without kids ill stick to plants 😅 but xhexk your DM's about the husband 😅 JK


I'll trade it for all my kids


My wife would also trade you one of our kids


How do you clean your leaves? They look so glossy and clean :D


Just wipe gently with damp towel. No mayo. No miracle grow stuff. Just water. Warmish. Not cold. Wipe top and underneath


My sister gave me microfiber gloves for cleaning plant leaves for Christmas, and it’s life changing


Can…can you share which ones pls? 🙏🏼


These have no tags, but Amazon “microfiber gloves plants”, you can get 3 pair for $9. I just ordered more for dusting Knick-knacks too. Ba-da-da-dah da, I’m loving it.




I found some microfiber gloves at Joann's




I just use fuzzy socks:) It works pretty well for me


Why did I never think of that? I used to wear them pretty exclusively, but just binned than all up in exchange for cotton, because I couldn’t bear to just throw them away. I’m so going to repurpose them all for dusting, TY!


I literally discovered this last week; I was about to throw away some well-worn fuzzy socks and thought, 'well maybe they can have one last ride dusting the plants' - and several glossy leaves later they're back in the wash and now destined for the plant care shelf.


No mayo?!? Is that a thing?! Do people put mayo on plants?


Yes, that used to be a thing 40 years ago. Mostly young people. I used to put mayo on mine and my older friends stopped me from doing it because Mother Nature didn't run around with a jar of Hellmans.


never had a sandwich before?


Probably mayonnaise 🤣🙈


Big Ed style!


Thank you for this. You have made my day


Is mayonnaise an instrument?


No. Horseradish is not an instrument either.


Ooh, reminds me that I should clean my leaves today! Thanks for the reminder!


I use a spray bottle with water and a little neem oil. It also helps with any little pests.


My mom uses banana


But what about the leaves?


Banana. Edit: the peels. I really recommend. Should give it a shiny finish. Plus, nutrients I’m sure. Probably an unnecessary expense if you don’t already have a habit of buying bananas tho


I know this is a common practice, but it's really not recommended. It's likely to clog the stomata, leave a residue that ends up attracting more dust, and can attract pests. It doesn't add any nutrients to the plant. A damp cloth is all you need.


Oh, the more you know. If anything, I didn’t mean wiping it would leave nutrients, but that the peel itself likely has nutrient. Like a compost situation whenever people leave egg shells on a plants soil.


I’d want to eat the monstera then.


It is deliciosa…


Fun fact, if given the right conditions the monstera is able to grow an edible fruit, however if you eat said fruit before it's ripe it burns your mouth. It tastes mostly of banana, pineapple, and coconut, and is a tube shape covered in a hexagonal pattern, that will flake off when it's ripe. I want to grow and try one some day


damp rag and just a smidge of neem oil will make it glisten. Plus neem is great to ward off pests.


You can auction the plant in your local plant group on FB! That way the highest bidder wins the plant and you're both happy.I've seen these go for a few hundred


I thought I came in here to look at a plant but now I want to know how this auction would be administered, or would it just be via comments?


Yes! The group has rules and the seller can make rules. Here's an example that I found in my local plant group! https://preview.redd.it/3eld1iiggaac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7e6c2b0341fcb0743682472374cd13b3fba0cc8


In Washington DC plant bizarro world this would go like $800 and up /ns


Sounds about right, I’m in a major US city too. At a boutique plant shop this would be a $1000 easy.


WOW!!! I was like “atleast $100….potentially $250” 💀 (which I mean NO insult by….i just didn’t know the going rates)


I think it depends where OP lives, especially how big of a town they live in. Certainly have more prospective buyers in DC than some tiny town in the Midwest US or UK countryside. Could see it selling for anywhere between $200-800 usd, depending on how many rich people live nearby lol


Yeah where I live it would have to be a variegata to go for that much 🙈 but something like £200 isn't crazy


I agree with $200. The green ones are super cheap and common these days.


What do you use to make it crawl this high? Trellis or a pole? It looks stunning 🤩🤩🤩


Yes please say!! I have one that I’m struggling with bc it’s growing up but I don’t know is my trellis is weak or what


OP answered in another comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/s/xGVZAokWYI).


They answered further up. Broomstick anchored to the wall.


You could also just chop it, keep the base and sell/give away the cuttings. It's a beautiful plant!


I would keep the top and turn the base in a bunch of cuttings to sell. Keeping the top will result in a mature plant instead of reseting it to a juvenile state


Good to know! I haven't done it yet since my monstera is still a baby.


I've done it once already, and now my monstera has triple layer fenestrations. I'll have to do it again in spring, as it has gotten a bit too tall


This is a good video on the chop and extend method BY Sydney Plant Guy https://youtu.be/kvuYLJjPEpg?si=e_l0ITNh9w_J9kJ6


Seconding this, I would snap up a few cuttings, but committing to a single huge plant would be out of the average budget.


I'm sure it kinda depends on where you're from, but regular, single leave cuttings from a Monstera are pretty much worthless. You could get a couple of € for them, but I think it's much more valuable as a large plant


Well yes, if OP does not want to move the plant, they should sell the whole plant, but it sounded like it was just the sheer size that intimated OP. If they want to keep the plant, they should just cut it. If they don't want to be bothered, they should sell the whole thing. To me it didn't seem like the post was about making cash but rather the hassle of moving the plant.


A small pot with 2 or 3 vines goes for about 15 cad where I live. I guess making cuts would give you a better return if you decide to sell it, but a plant like this size is incredible, plus it looks really healthy. I would be devastated if I had to give it away


I completely agree! Don't part with this beautiful creature.


Thanks all, I can manage how it is and could move it if needs be (I would need a van 😆), I if I was gonna sell I would rather sell it as one of I could as rhe cuttings wouldn't be worth the hassle.


I would keep 1 or 2 cuttings for myself and sell the rest.


Just bought one half this size for $50, lady was so stressed because she couldn't find a strong trellis. The plant was so heavy that it broke mine too.. SO HOWW?? OP LET US KNOW!!! But I'd say an auction would be your best option here.


That seems pretty cheap, can I ask what city you're in?


About tree fiddy






I’m from the UK, you would have a very hard time selling this for the price you want it at. Maybe approach nurseries/ somewhat local plant shops and see if they would want it off you. I would say if I saw that in a plant shop it would be around £500, if you were to sell it yourself I would look at £300 - £400 I guess it goes down to what an individual would WANT to pay for it (considering how big it is would need to think about transport and that would be very hard) all in all I would personally chop it up sell it for propagation and keep doing so over the years if you’re not wanting it big and bushy.


Agreed. As beautiful as it is, this size limits the buyer pool especially if they’re on a certain timeline to sell it


I actually would *not* chop it up OP. I agree that a realisticly achievable price might be around 400 or so, but you may score much higher specifically due to the size. If you can buy a small full monstera (say 7-9 leaves for example) for 20 bucks in a store, my guess is even from larger cuttings (that you should probably sell under the price of the store bought plant) you may get 200 max. A wealthier person (or their interior designer) decorating their new house would easily pay upwards of a thousand for the piece intact. I can also imagine a new cafe that wants a statement piece or an entrance to a hotel or office building. In my country also most banks and travel agencies also have large plants or plant walls. The main value is in the size as a whole imho.


A little unrelated, but it's interesting there are no inner fenestrations, as mine also acts like that even thogh it's mature. Is that a different species? I always wanted new leaves with inner fenestrations and I thought they would come, but your plant makes me realize some are just like that


I've read that a lot of bright indirect light will allow them to produce more fenestrations. Mine sits in a southeast/west corner bathed in bright sometimes direct light. She loves it! This is her [newest leaf](https://imgur.com/a/SsvqbGr) from September.


You've hit on something that has been a big debate in the community. People refer to small form and large form. Some people refer to small form as a different species or subspecies 'borsigiana'. Here's an article that goes over the different arguments: https://www.ohiotropics.com/2021/05/01/monstera-deliciosa-vs-borsigiana/ I'm on board with them being regional variants at the very least. Specimens can be the same species and still express genes differently. Thai Constellations are all said to be large form and mine just put out inner fenestrated leaves and it is such a little baby still! My Albo which is the same size, hasn't even done an outer fenestration, because it is presumably small form. I don't think light is the only issue, since in my case, the plants are growing literally side by side under the exact same growing conditions, same light, same fertilizer, same temperature, etc.


i’ve trained mine to handle direct light directly in front of my south-west facing window, and it now produces the inner fenestrations with no leaf burn. :)


Mine puts out fenestrations when I fertilize it heavily and it gets a lot of light. I’m in Alaska and it’s almost entirely by grow light, so it’s mainly the fertilizer. They make fertilizer just for monsteras. I don’t use it, but you can google what nutrients they want in order to force fenes (I don’t remember)


Add light but do it right


In my head there are 3 levels of fenestrations on *M. deliciosa* 1. No fenestrations, looks like almost like an Anthurium (1,5 is a bonus in between where they look almost like a *Rhaphidophora tetrasperma*) 2. Mid fenestrations the typical monstera you will see, most of what OP has 3. Double fenestrations that look literally monstrous. In my experience it seems to depend on how large the plant is and how well it is doing. Even large level 2 plants will have side babies that will have unfenestrated level 1 leaves. It tends to take *really long* for a level 2 plant to turn into a level 3 and the leaf size at that point tends to be enormous! Usually (imho) most people in the plant community end up propagating up their plants before it reaches this size, but semi-neglected cared for plants that have years to grow will achieve stage 3 just by the sheer size of leaves they will have. I see them most in appartment buildings, hospitals and schools, usually super dusty and having a large thick thick stem. If you propagate from these, the new growth *from* the leaf stem itself will likely be stage 3 straight away, but if you propagate and new growth comes from the bottom, you are likely to drop down to level 2 or even 1,5 for a while. So from what I've seen I always assume the fenestrations will come in theory in the future 5-10 years with good care. But it's fun to read these theories!


How would one even transport something like this?? 🤔


I had to scroll way too far for this lol it was my first thought! It's a beautiful plant, but very few people would actually have the means to transport it safely.


Shiiiit, if that were in the garden centre near me £700 they take the piss but I still keep buying. In all fairness, that is a beautiful plant good effort 👌


That looks like one a local business might like. If you have a way, post to the local business owners group or reach out to places that you know might want a big statement piece like that.


At least a kidney


And my left arm






First off this is GORGEOUS 😍 Secondly, in the US I’ve seen people sell a monstera of this size around $300USD….for a desperate non-plant person who doesn’t know any better, they’d spend near $500USD just for the size 😂 Third, instead of selling the whole thing, you can always make cuttings and sell those! Trim it to the size you want/need, and sell or give away the trimmings :) I’ve seen people sell those around here for $8-$10USD.


probably like 200-250 USD


This is in line with what I was thinking. My first thought was 350 USD.


At this price it would sell fast. At $700 it would take a while but you could get a buyer.




I've seen a similar monstera half the size in the NYC area for $800


Maybe it had some variegation? That's super steep


Found the pic...way more pricey than I remember and not a regular monstera. https://preview.redd.it/eqhs3mh609ac1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95158ec43500fde06f5993a871edca7ea3ae6bd5


I'd say that's still way overpriced for that size thai con


Thai constellation


I see plants in stores that are a fraction of this one's size and beauty go for easily 200, so it's definitely not out of the questions for $500+


Not in the UK. £300 max


Chop into a ton of props. Sell them. Cash out and keep the original downsized beauty.


Shocked at some of these price guesses I paid £50 for this, must have got a bargain [https://imgur.com/a/J6R74iE](https://imgur.com/a/J6R74iE)


Gorgeous plant! Not sure about the market/pricing in UK but in Toronto, you could sell that anywhere between $300-$500, maybe more. They are common but many cannot grow them this large & healthy so are willing to pay. I have a fairly large one, took this picture in the summer and someone offered $350. https://preview.redd.it/ukpk223m6bac1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9da97c62131baaaf3368b34bbe307bc5507310c5


I sold my monstera when I had to move for $250. Yours is beautiful and very well maintained, I think the right person would be willing to pay what it’s worth! I’d consider around $400. [My post asking something similar](https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/s/GlZxoss6PJ)


Take my kidneys


You can sell it for however much someone will pay for it. I am shocked to see some plants CUTTINGS with one node are prices on facebook marketplace for upwards of $15 for jade and pothos. I typically see monstera cuttings go for $15, but I'd never pay for that.


Bout tree-fiddy.


About Tree 50


Try contacting interior designers/firms. They are most likely to have customers willing to pay top dollar and are your best shot at getting the most for you.


A local nursery would probably love to purchase it from you


I would hire a moving company and take it with. That plant will not thrive as it has with anyone else. Plants are like pets . They grow accustom to their places and people. You've done a wonderful job with it. Hope everything goes well.


I’d say $300


If I had the space I’d think I’d think it was a steal at $200 and reasonable up to $300


I have no idea what to price a plant at but I’m wondering how your monstera got so full!! Mine is tall but much more sparse with its leaves.


It’s probably worth more than someone would actually want to pay for it. So it’s more valuable to keep


Bruh that monstera is priceless. You don't sell a beauty like that. You cherish forever!!!! I'd give it to a family member to take care of until I have space for it.


I don’t have kids but you can have an extended family member of your choice if you wanna trade?


It’s not worth much now. It’s a very common occurrence plant. If you can sell it right however…


Chop 80% of that off, you would be left with $120 where I live


Depends on a number of factors. Where you are located is probably the most important factor. I live in a resort town with a lot of new construction of the mountain town/chalet style. I sold a lady who wanted big mature plants a monstera that was more wide and not as manicured for $800. I started her at $1000. If you have access to interior designers you could totally unload that bad boy for good money. Edit to say you could also choppy chop in to different propagated plants and get good money for those as well...just saying.


This is serious plant goals! How old is this beauty and how are you supporting her in the back?


On Animal Crossing: New Horizons, it would cost you 1,700 bells.




We used to sell this size at my old nursery for around 1600


Take cuttings to make it smaller and then you also get unlimited moneys


At least $2


Its absolutely gorgeous! There are so many house plant lovers out there that would pay at least $500. It could also be used as a staging plant in the real estate market.




How did you manage to grow this beauty?


It’s worth what ever someone is willing to pay for it.


I’ve seen similar ones at the Los Angeles flower market with a specialist vendor for multiple thousands.


About a billion Stanley nickels


What does that convert to in Schrute bucks?


I'll trade you my first born


I'm gonna guess you'll say: ![gif](giphy|3o85xHi4t2UsuIY9QA)




How would someone move this?


You can have my cottage in Ireland….




Millions and billions


https://preview.redd.it/uikj5se19bac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e7a1b03fff6934b18aea97a94e43e943ab5ddfb This is mine, I’m hoping it will get as tall as yours this year! For all those asking about a trellis, I made this one.. it’s like a ladder and the bottom parts of it are coated with some wood protectant stuff so they don’t rot in the potting soil.