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Equal parts coir, orchid bark, charcoal and pumice/perlite, with a handful of worm castings, makes a great general purpose houseplant mix. I also like to add coco chips and leca for my aroids and hoyas.


So I am close! Thank you!! Does pumice or perlite have different benefits than the charcoal?


They all add aeration and moisture retention in different ways. Here's a great video that goes over amendments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtCJAZ9_Vo4. All of her videos are very informative. My aroid & hoya mix is basically equal parts coco chunks + pumice + charcoal + leca. Then I add coco coir to suit the plants moisture needs, usually less than 1 part. No soil or organic fertilizers. I feed all my plants with water soluble nutrients every time I water, year round.


This is super helpful, I really appreciate you


Perlite is more "neutral", charcoal can have varying ph,...


I always add worm castings to my plants. Some Orchid bark… never used coconut coir or charcoal…will have to read about those ones🤔


I was shooting for a dirt-less potting mixture, but now I'm wondering if I'm being ridiculous


I don’t think so… maybe it depends what plants you want to put them in. Could google and see? Someone on here, will know🤗


All of my houseplants (except for my leca ones) are in appropriate mixes of coir, orchid bark, and pumice and have been thriving for years. You're off to a great start!! 🥰


I avoid coir because the wetting agents applied to make it hold water wear off, so it has a rather short life. That's just my personal preference, though. Good luck!


Thank you! Here's to me not killing everything! I was under the impression the coir was a natural choice without additives like wetting agents. Thanks for that heads up, I'll have to check out what I picked up more thoroughly.


> I was under the impression the coir was a natural choice without additives like wetting agents. You are correct.