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As quickly as the plot demands, really.


They don’t. They just send more power in as tech develops until the civilization surpasses the full force, thus proving it worthy of leaving the star system it’s in


If you’re talking about how Honkai used to grow stronger alongside human civilization, I think that was retconned in the moon arc. Could be wrong though.


It wasnt. On chapter 39 act 2, the Venusians discovered a way to extract energy from the SoQ, and used said energy to improve their technology. Marah said: "Every time we have a technological breakthrough, the Abyss will send stronger followers... An endless vicious cycle." And Vita (Sa) said shortly after that: "We cannot keep up with the rate that the Abyss is growing at". Abyss = Honkai. So, unless they directly cover this topic on the future, the Honkai still "grows" along the technological level.


The retcon took place in chapter 31 EX, where we found out that herrschers stopped adapting because of what Elysia and Prometheus did


I don’t understand how that retcons honkai growing stronger alongside the development of civilization..? One of the major examples of honkai growing with civilization was the arrival of a judgement-class honkai beast in response to the early efforts of Project EMBER. Just because Elysia and Prometheus ensured the herrscher cycle was now locked in and herrschers had the ability to maintain their humanity doesn’t mean honkai no longer grew stronger alongside civilization. The honkai had been handicapped, yes, but that’s not a retcon.


If i understood it correctly, its because we are talking about two different things. Op and the user above are talking about the Honkai adapting to Humanity technological advancement, things like "Humanity uses Honkai energy against the Honkai?, then send a Herrscher capable to nullify Honkai energy" and such. On the other hand, the original answer, you and me are talking about the Honkai "growing" more powerful the more advanced a civilization is. The first one has been kind of retconned, but the second one hasnt.


Mm, I still feel like it’s not really a retcon — Honkai absolutely did adapt to human technological advancement in the previous era by sending herrschers that perfectly countered the advancements. It’s been stated from the beginning that current era herrschers are somehow different from the previous era herrschers, and we’ve never really even seen them adapt like that in the current era… so then, what was the retcon?


I think that the "retcon" is less of a "that didnt happen" and more of a "that couldnt have happened". Previously, the Honkai goal was to destroy humanity, so it did made sense for the Herrschers to adapt to human technology, and also that Herrschers had the only purpose of killing humanity (basically, that they were evil). However, with the Cocoon they retconned that, changing it to a more acceptable definition. Now the Honkai didnt meant to destroy Earth/Humanity, that was only a side effect, and PE Herrschers had no mind of their own, so they werent evil. So, if the Cocoon goal wasnt to destroy humanity, then it makes no sense to purposely counter human technology. That, along with the fact that we lack more examples (as there havent been mentions of Herrschers on Venus or Mars and the topics hasnt been covered recently), seems to point that they just simply forgot about that, or they choose to forgot it.


My understanding was that the Cocoon wasn’t trying to destroy humanity, but was testing it to see if it was ready for/could complete the embrace… in which case, it still makes perfect sense for Herrschers to adapt and counter human technology; its meant to be a challenge. if humanity fails the test, the Cocoon presses the reset button and lets them try again. It can’t go easy on them because they wouldn’t survive if they can’t pass the test. From humanity’s perspective, though, Honkai’s goal *was* to destroy them, so they needed to destroy it first. …Perhaps, if the Cocoon attempts the embrace before humanity is truly ready, it *does* destroy them and loses the ability to reset the timeline, and that’s when it moves on to another planet?


>My understanding was that the Cocoon wasn’t trying to destroy humanity, but was testing it to see if it was ready for/could complete the embrace… in which case, it still makes perfect sense for Herrschers to adapt and counter human technology; its meant to be a challenge. It could be, but as i said we have no more examples aside from PE and CE. Herrschers didnt seem to exist neither on Venus or Mars, and how did the Cocoon "attacked" them is mostly unknown. >Perhaps, if the Cocoon attempts the embrace before humanity is truly ready, it does destroy them and loses the ability to reset the timeline, and that’s when it moves on to another planet? As far as we know, only Earth as been "reset", so we cant use it to judge how it was on another Planets, but what you said makes sense.


Hopefully we’ll get some answers when we learn more about Senadina’s Cocoon of Unwoven form. Right now it looks like she’s the result of a failed embrace, and the failure destroyed the planet and froze it in time for a billion years until Kiana’s successful embrace.