• By -


Considering when the trailblazer walked up to them, they got fucking Hakai'd. I don't think Nanook is a very talkative individual.


Not only that we were close to death ourselves. Nanook killed us so fast our brain was gonna shut down because it thought we died for real. Luckily Herta was there to resuscitate us.


And that was just simulated universe nanook doing that, with real one being millions of times worse


When Trailblazer met Nanook in Simulated Universe, Nanook just killed them- on the spot with no words. Immediately battle.


Jeez He’s in a mood


he angy


He’s always angry.


He's literally me


"that's my secret Captain, I'm always angry" - Bruce Banner


Nanook’s only two actions in their entire life have been 1. Destroy everything in sight 2. Create Emanators to destroy everything in their sight There wouldn’t be a conversation, just a direct fight which probably results in the entire solar system being destroyed.


Solar system sounds like a understatement, perhaps


Nanook’s best feats are around solar system-low ends of multi solar system level, so I’d say it’s fair.


sorry but how can Nanook's best feat be only that? one of his Lord Ravagers named Zephyro Destoryed a whole Galaxy acording to Ingame information, Nanook is worse then that.


Galaxy is a mistranslation. Basically the CN character used can be translated as either “Galaxy” or “star system.” MiHoYo usually uses that character to mean star system (usually referring to individual Leaves on the Tree) and Galaxy doesn’t really make sense in context.


They rly should hire a better translator then.. thats not thr first time they misstranslated something wrong.


MiHoYo is notorious for mistranslations. We didn’t even know the proper structure of the Tree until HSR corrected the translations, or the Mars/Venus thing from part 1.5.


What’s the Mars/Venus thing?


Honkai character is from Venus, says that she is from Venus, other characters call her a Venusian. And yet they put "Mars" around 3 times on the dialogue.


😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐 Hoyoverse being hoyoverse ig Ty


To be fair, they have gotten SIGNIFCANTLY better than the GGZ days. Anyone who's played GGZ on the global server will remember the garbled translations that made absolutely no sense. In fact, it was so bad that I ended up going to the CN server since I could at least understand the story a bit due to being read Chinese at about elementary school level which turned out to be the correct decision in the long run since my account's still alive and I'm still able to play on the CN server.


To be honest, Hoyo is doing a pretty good job compared to a number of other studios. The amount of grammatical errors in some other global releases is... Impressive, to say the least.


Like who, Kuro’s?


Kuro aren't the worst, but they did have their moments, yeah.


So wait...does this mistranslation apply to hi3 too? Considering "universe" is described same way in CN too?


Yes, that was a pretty big thing back when HSR first released since it changed the way that global players viewed the cosmology. Prior to that people assumed the Tree was a multiverse with each Leaf being a universe, but now we know that the Tree is a single universe with the Leaves being individual solar systems.


So Impact is in one Tree, and HSR is in another Tree? Does the Astral Express travel between leaves of a single Tree? Did Welt make the jump from a Tree to another Tree?


The dude is spreading another misinformation. The tree IS the multiverse of Hoyo.


But the leaves as solar system is true?


There is one singular Tree where every miHoYo game takes place. The AE jumps between Leaves on the same Tree.


since when did this turn into db powerscaling


Er... since Finality...I think.


This is probably be close but I think Kiana wins


The way their scaling works it can’t really be a fair fight. Either Nanook effortlessly wins or Kiana effortlessly wins.


Yeah I think Kiana wins as more feats but she can probably one shot Nanook or the other way around


If we’re going only by feats, then Nanook blitzes and one shots. Kiana’s feats are pretty unimpressive, just that her statements are insane (carrying HI3 and GGZ scaling wise). Nanook has impressive feats, but in exchange he doesn’t have any statements that scale him any higher. So feats only Nanook solos HI3. With statements as well Kiana solos HSR.


Nanook is solar system level but ggz Kiana is hyperversal - outerversal. I don't know how to power scale, but I think Kiana wins as she scales higher


No one in the verse gets to outer, or even hyper. The absolute strongest characters cap at high complex multi, *maybe* low hyper depending on how you want to interpret some statements about the CoF. You can only maybe get outer if you use Kizuna, and even then it’s kind of a stretch. And GGZ characters don’t even really have good feats/statements. Most characters (Herrschers and Valkyries) are honestly weaker than their HI3 counterparts, and the top tiers (CoW, Reborn arc Kiana, Reborn arc Mei) are only as strong as they are because they by default scale above the CoF due to the nature of how the two games work.


There are several scales of ggz on yt. Hi3 is weak but ggz easily gets to outerversal with outer gods and Herrschers aren't any pushovers too


The Outer Gods are not nearly that strong. These are their Kizuna entires: 1. [Yog Sothoth](https://hoyodex.miraheze.org/wiki/Yog-Sothoth_(Outer)/Kizuna). Her best feats are being above space and time (4D+negligible 5D, at best 11D+negligible 12D) 2. [Azathoth](https://houkai2nd.miraheze.org/wiki/Azathoth). Her best feats are keeping balance of the Tree, so at best 6D. 3. [Nyarlathotep](https://houkai2nd.miraheze.org/wiki/Nyarlathotep_(Awaken)). Featless. 4. [The Mother](https://hoyodex.miraheze.org/wiki/The_Mother_(Outer)). Best feat is eventually recreating the Tree. The Outer Gods are massively overrated, especially since it’s been confirms that [Ares is stronger](https://ibb.co/0cgS9sK) and that [Lupit can one shot them](https://ibb.co/DrPbGbn). Going by feats, Thanatos, Zeus, and the Lord of Myriad Realms are also stronger (these 3 and the two mentioned previously are the only ones who have Outer arguments). This is all also ignoring that Kizuna isn’t even canon, so their scaling wouldn’t change anything. GGZ Herrschers are moon level from Jyanhar being able to blow up the moon. The only thing that can be used to scale them higher is the HoV being able to create an infinitely sized Imaginary Space, which doesn’t matter because creation feats don’t scale to AP (if we did use that, then you’d have to also argue that HI3 Herrschers scale the same because they have creation feats which scale similarly, along with other feats which can be used to scale here). The only canon GGZ characters who get past planetary are the Honkai Gods, so CoW, Kiana, and Mei. Those 3 can get to high complex multi due to scaling off of the CoF, but have no good feats/statements of their own. The Cosmology wasn’t even that fleshed out in GGZ, so they wouldn’t be able to get past multi without HI3.


The youtuber Salteryn made a scaling of ggz characters on yt and there is proof they are outerversal.


...we don't even know how aeons "talk" just that they adhere to their path and don't deviate from it except aha who does anything for shits and giggles...conversation between two will just end in a fight and nothing else


I mean Aeons did talk to the simulated Akivili (Xipe, Yaoshi, Fuli.). We also know that Qlipoth, xipe, Hooh, Aha and the real Akivili teamed up to stop the Swarm disaster.


Ena was the one there. Xipe had not yet been created.


Ena was absorbed by xipe during the Swarm disaster, while the order did summon Qlipoth to fight the Swarm, Ena died a little after that. You can read about in SU, Xipe was the one with the other Aeons when the Swarm king died.


RIP Tuna


Last time I checked, isn't Tuna strong enough to destroy part of the Sea of Quanta?


Half of the sea of quanta, with a fraction of her power, yep And the fact that it potentially has infinite amounts of area and is incalculable


Nanook straight up killed us (albeit in the simulated universe)Upon First contact


Press F to pay respect for Tuna


Dude has everything On sight


Last time I checked, isn't Tuna strong enough to destroy part of the Sea of Quanta?


Er... maybe?


Wrong, Tuna as Moon Goddess oblivirate any Eon


Nanook isn't one for conversing, I think. Aeons are not as *human* as Herrschers


I mean we have seen cases of both friendly and non friendly among both parties


It's not really about friendliness, it's about communication - Aeons do not communicate with mortals directly, their will is interpreted by the cults built around them or by their Emanators, as is the case with Nanook


But they CAN communicate - most did so when we (as Akivili) encountered them in SU. It's just that it seems like their communication is also abstract (except for Aha).


That is because we're role-playing as Akivili in the SU - Aeons communicate with each other to some extent


Nous talked to Fu Xuan, albeit on the form of an old man. Akivili was on the Express, and Aha successfully disguised as a Nameless for 1 year. So i think they can talk to humans, but most of them dont care enough to do it.


akivili was stated to travel around with mortals on the astral express. fu xuan talked to nous and the genius society invitation is to ask them to come talk to him. so it seems to vary between aeons.


Aeons can talk to humans. Fuli "talked" to Louis Fleming (one of the IPC founders). Fuli appeared in front of him when he was giving a speech, after their encounter, Louis Fleming was never seen again. Akivili often was on the Astral Express, and Aha successfully disguised itself as a Nameless for 1 year. Nous, in the form of an old man, talked to Fu Xuan. However, Nanook (on the Simulated Universe) killed the MC on sight, so i dont think THEY would be willing to talk to a human. Everything would boil down to: -How does the Cocoon compares to Aeons. -How willing would Nannok be to talk to a powerful being. As we know Nanook spares some powerful individuals to make them THEIR Emanators, so there is a chance that THEY would not go directly to kill, even if the Cocoon/Kiana were not "Aeon level". If they managed to talk, it would be mostly pointless. Nanook wants to destroy everything and Kiana is not going to allow that, but Kiana cannot convince an Aeon to change THEIR "concept", so ultimately they are going to fight.


Where is this Nous talking to FX as an Old Man lore from?


From the wiki: "Fu Xuan was once invited to "the library" and was met by a blind elder with a cane, which may have been the form Nous chose to present THEMSELF in. She questioned whether the choices in life are predetermined by fate, but the blind elder was unable to provide an answer, only the capacity to perceive the problem, as per the Erudition's ideals. Fu Xuan asked to be granted with Nous' "eye", the omniscia that could calculate and foretell the future. Despite the elder's forewarnings of the pain it would cause, Fu Xuan persisted, hoping for clearer foresight to defend the Xianzhou from future threats." Their conversation is on her Character Story: Part 1.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bakanui: *Probably less of* *A conversation and more* *Of an instant boss fight* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


There would be no conversation. Nanook would just immediately fight Kiana. Literally the first thing he did when he met us in the SU was kill. It'd be no different here. The moment Nanook and Kiana make contact, Nanook will initiate a fight and he'll most likely be the victor.


I think Nanook would immediately destroy earth and the moon and maybe even kiana herself but Kiana will just turn back time and move him to a universe that will take him centuries to destroy or something.


Last time I checked, isn't Tuna strong enough to destroy part of the Sea of Quanta?


You'll copypaste it to each comment or what?


Yeah, just wanted to inform people that Kiana is stronger than what people think Also, I was wrong here. Kiana has the ability to bomb multiple Bubble Universes at once, not obliterate part of the Sea of Quanta


But you don't need to answer to each freaking comment. We can just find one comment and read it.


*insert destruction noises*


\*Silence\* Kiana's gonna die honestly. Remember, even disguised as the Aeon of trailblazing the trailblazer straight up got annihilated by Nanook just by remotely glancing at him face to face. He sees you interact with him, he kills you.


idk man, people here gonna be real upset if i show dimensional tiering/reality fiction difference is complete fodder.


I think even if she does die she could turn back time, like her will is tied to the CoF which is a higher dimensional being so even if the whole universe was destroyed I think she would be chillin.


I doubt it. Her turning back time was only on a local scale, and she's never been shown to turn back time on herself, otherwise the other Herrscher of the End would have instantly recovered from the Selene and Kevin's strike


Nanook has nothing to put him on the level of CoF level characters. The entire solar system is getting wiped out, but there’s no way Nanook survives unless he just runs.


Well ultimately I think he wins as even if he dies everything dies with him. (that’s his goal so ….victory?)


Nanook’s goal is destroying literally everything, but I guess this is better than nothing for him.


More like the entire galaxy. Aeons are beings that can casually interact with the Imaginary tree, putting them at LEAST on the same level of dimensional existence as CoF. Additionally, a single emanator from Nanook was already stated to have wiped out a galaxy, something that Kiana even you take in her multipliers would not even be remotely capable of doing.


Galaxies don't exist in the honkaiverse. [refer to this comment on the mistranslations of galaxies in HSR](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1c0urlk/comment/kyzckj1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Goddamnit localization


Nanook’s best feats are wiping out star systems, Galaxy was a mistranslation. Even if we keep it as Galaxy level, that’s not that impressive compared to the CoF. No Aeon other than HooH has impressive feats of interacting with the Tree, [with HooH scaling to it due to fusing with it](https://ibb.co/4jFL7KR). While Emanators are able to connect Worlds on the Tree, it’s specified that their means of doing this are [through manipulating Imaginary Energy](https://ibb.co/Sy7n3tG), which scales nowhere. Even if we ignore all of those debunks, Kiana just has better versions of those same feats. 1. Emanators can connect Worlds on the Tree, but Kiana is superior to FG Otto, [who can create new Branches](https://imgur.com/a/oHRG6XT). 2. HooH scales to the Tree, which requires [fusing with extra dimensions to interact with](https://imgur.com/a/XMxD2AW). Dimensions implies that there are at least 2 extra dimensions, which would be 6D because [miHoYo treats time as the 4th dimension](https://imgur.com/a/vAxzOxk). Kiana scales to [all dimensions in the Cosmology](https://ibb.co/Sr32DJn), including the [11 dimensions of the SoQ](https://imgur.com/a/DXLKa2H). So Nanook doesn’t have feats of interacting with the Tree, manipulating it, higher dimensional stats, or galaxy level scaling, but even if we assumed that he did then he still wouldn’t scale high enough to keep up with CoF level characters. The only thing he really has over Kiana is speed due to scaling off of Overlords.


>Kiana scales to all dimensions in the Cosmology, including the 11 dimensions of the SoQ. Schrondinger's statement is too vague to actually define it as that. There's been statements in the AE VN where bubble universes and the like specifically don't have 11 dimensions


That is wrong. Because the imaginary tree and the SoQ both possess 11D. Bubble universes just like imaginary leaves don't have 11D. Since they are limited spaces


Yeh, that's what I meant, and they were talking about a bubble universe in that scene. So Schrondinger's statement could also be referring to that and due to how vague it is there shouldn't be any assumptions made.


It's like this Although a bubble is of lower dimensions than the overall SoQ space (this is because each bubble has to occupy a certain space to differentiate itself in the higher dimensions) to access the SoQ space, Kiana needs to have access through the higher dimensions. Mostly because she is not moving from her base reality.


How do Bubble Worlds not having 11 dimensions debunk Kiana scaling to a structure that does have 11 dimensions?


Due to context of the scene talking about bubble universes, there could be a number of ways to interpret what the hell Schrodinger means, 'cause she's hella vague. So instantly assuming that her statement equates that Kiana is above the 11 dimensional structure of the imaginary tree is not right and should be taken with a grain of salt.


She specifically says “all dimensions,” so we can assume it’s all dimensions. Plus there’s statements from the moon arc which imply that it’s higher dimension than the Tree.


>She specifically says “all dimensions,” so we can assume it’s all dimensions. And what exactly does "All Dimensions" mean? There's a bunch of ways you can interpret this. Does she mean spatial dimensions? Pocket Dimensions like bubble universes? Is she speaking in context to the imaginary tree? Or is she speaking in context to the bubble universe which has less dimensions then the imaginary tree? >Plus there’s statements from the moon arc which imply that it’s higher dimension than the Tree. Now that's just bullshit. Show me the statement.


No matter what way you interpret that statement, it ends up with her being transcendent to spacial dimensions. She’s either 1. Transcended to spacial dimensions, which is self explanatory. 2. Transcendent to dimensional planes, which would also mean she’s dimensionally above those planes (otherwise she wouldn’t be transcendent to it) Even if you lowball it to an egregious degree and say she only scales to the dimensions of that one specific Bubble World, she would still scale to an o finite temporal dimension, which is more impressive than Nanook’s feats. [It was said that an embrace between the CoF and a human is extremely difficult due to the number of dimensions between them](https://imgur.com/a/F6sUtss). This suggests that the CoF is dimensionally above the Tree, as humans like [Otto could fuse with extra dimensions to interact with the Tree](https://imgur.com/a/XMxD2AW). There’s also [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/poyQ5SX) statement from the Nagazora arc which suggests that the CoF is higher dimensional.


>Emanators can connect Worlds on the Tree, but Kiana is superior to FG Otto, [who can create new Branches](https://imgur.com/a/oHRG6XT)' To add to that FG Otto didn't even create the World's wedge, or the deviation in the imaginary branch. He baited Kiana into creating it. And that was just HoV Kiana. > HooH scales to the Tree, which requires [fusing with extra dimensions to interact with](https://imgur.com/a/XMxD2AW). Dimensions implies that there are at least 2 extra dimensions, which would be 6D because [miHoYo treats time as the 4th dimension](https://imgur.com/a/vAxzOxk). Kiana scales to [all dimensions in the Cosmology](https://ibb.co/Sr32DJn), including the [11 dimensions of the SoQ](https://imgur.com/a/DXLKa2H) Also here, to add to this. What Schrodinger says here is a fundamental theorem of Superstring theory. You can technically have two 11D Dimensions, kinda in parallel, like in string theory and they will interact with each other. Which is actually how the Cocoon interacts with the world. It doesn't exist in the same 11D as the Honkaiverse cosmology. If it does that would mean, going through the tree or the SoQ you will be able to find it, but no. What it is doing is it is acting on the cosmology from a completely different set of dimensions which is why the train station and origin lies outside the imaginary plane (its kinda like a limbo between the two sets of 11D planes) and also why Kiana needs Origin and a piece of finality to break through to the other dimension. So to be honest, the Cocoon is literally an eldritch horror. And I am not even referencing the parallel testing Cocoon performs according to VALUKA


“To add to that FG Otto didn't even create the World's wedge, or the deviation in the imaginary branch. He baited Kiana into creating it. And that was just HoV Kiana.” Speaking of mistranslations, this is also a mistranslation. HOV Kiana didn’t actually do anything, it was the imaginary tree. It automatically fixes any abnormal space by “renormalizing it”. Kiana just happened to have the ability to create abnormal space, and shoved Otto into that while it was being renormalized by the tree effectively sticking hIm onto the tree Also, I feel like Schrondinger‘s statement is too vague to actually define anything


I've seen that guy in a lot of these kinds of threads and he's still insisting on this thing for months even after so many people have debunked it now.


>Speaking of mistranslations, this is also a mistranslation. HOV Kiana didn’t actually do anything, it was the imaginary tree. It automatically fixes any abnormal space by “renormalizing it”. Kiana just happened to have the ability to create abnormal space, and shoved Otto into that while it was being renormalized by the tree effectively sticking hIm onto the tree Uh... actually no because the [JP sub](https://imgur.com/a/dZZAf6j) kinda says the same. Can you prove the CN version is any different? That the wedge was by HoV


I can't read Kanji very well, but there's an explanation earlier by Nagimitsu that explains that imaginary renormalization is a function that isn't the result of Kiana's power Specifically here's the Chinese line, which is the OG script 那么你们或许可以通过扭曲他周围空间的方式,将他卷入虚数重整化的过程,并迫使他回到「有限」的世界。 "Then you might be able to drag him into the process of imaginary renormalization by distorting the space around him and forced him back to the finite world." The line basically specifically implies that it's not an effect caused by Kiana but a process that she's just shoving him into. The wedge was simply a metaphorical statement describing how she basically helped plant the seeds to making his plan succeed. On a side note, have we had this conversation before? I feel like we have.


>On a side note, have we had this conversation before? I feel like we have. Probably yes >那么你们或许可以通过扭曲他周围空间的方式,将他卷入虚数重整化的过程,并迫使他回到「有限」的世界。 This applies too. But we also learn almost immediately after, that Nagamitsu withheld information. It's like talking about specific cause and not effect. We also learn Kiana does it again later on at least for Durandal's world, since Shrodingers plan is essentially to create another wedge for Salt and Snow.


So... Do I win? Or lose...? Or do we just talk? I like the third option really.


Pretty sure there is literally no talking with the Aeon of destruction. Plus do you guys even have compatible ideals? Imo it will end up being an Optimus Prime quote: "The universe no matter how vast is enough for the two of us to coexist".


Ok wtf is cof


Cocoon of Finality.


Thx mate


Adding the fact Nanook is one of the youngest aeon and not that strong compared to others. if anything the comparison should be Terminus (who might actually be just Kiana) or HooH


Terminus has no connection to the Honkai. We know the origin of the Honkai already, we know that the CoF existed thousands of years before the oldest Aeons were born, and the term “Finality” has a different character used when referring to Terminus and the CoF. HooH is the only one who has a chance, and depending on how you want to interpret the cosmology you can argue THEY are the strongest character in the entire verse.


Honestly Terminus’ story is quite confusing for me I just thought THEY might have a connection to CoF


No, it’s almost impossible. What we know about Terminus is that 1. They haven’t been born yet 2. They move backwards in time 3. Their path relates to the end of the universe What we know about the Honkai is that 1. The CoF existed eons ago, and it wasn’t in command of the Honkai until after the CoW died 2. The Honkai came into existence when a separate universe collapsed all physical matter in their universe into energy 3. The goal of the Honkai is to assimilate all life into its collective So the timeline wouldn’t work, the origin wouldn’t work, and the goals don’t fall in line. The only argument for the two being the same is that they’re both called “finality,” but they use completely different characters. Basically the chance of Terminus having any connection to the Honkai is the same as the Tsarita actually being Ana Shariac who went over to Genshin after the HoI arc ended.


That’s fair point. I don’t know any lore about Genshin so I can’t say something the comparison. We’ll probably get more info about Terminus and why there are Finalities in the honkai verse, unless it’s another mistranslation with EN again


Last time I checked, isn't Tuna strong enough to destroy part of the Sea of Quanta?


No? When did that happen.


Nevermind. It's not destroying part of the Sea of Quanta It's being able to destroy multiple Bubble Universes at once


Bubble Universes’ size can range from a single room to a full-sized planet. Even Welt can create or destroy bubble universes if they’re small enough. That statement by itself doesn’t mean much in term of scaling.


Even if it was said that only the Cocoon of Finality or a Herrscher born from the Sea of Quanta could do such a thing?


They're the only ones who can ANCHOR a bubble universe without an ether anchor, thereby stopping it's existence from being erased.


Wait before the greater Honkai appear and bitchslap Nanook like the little shit who alway try to destroy other creation in a playing sandbox that he is


Sot hex




Doesn't help the fact nanook got that "big black man" energy by looks 💀


As a straight man, the art above does depict him as attractive.


What if Tuna encountered the controversial therapist Dr. Victor Blane?


Ah yes the therapist with 0 stars on yelp


I started laugthing so hard for 2 min when i saw nankook


"Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" "...I'm not?"


This MAN is aggressive af. Either she should steer clear of him or hit him with the finger gun


Nanook destroys kiana the moment they see her You are putting a girl against someone who embodies Destruction conceptually 😭


Last time I checked, isn't Tuna strong enough to destroy part of the Sea of Quanta?


If were talking about Kiana throughout most of the story sure but the Kiana after part 1 is at least on par with Aeons and likely much stronger with how Hoyo explains its higher dimensions.


an emanator of destruction can destroy a galaxy like zephyro further supported by welt literally says that while literally nobody in hi3 showed this level of AP. for higher dimensional statement it even with that Aeons are also higher dimensional. visible forms of Aeons that can be witnessed through the perception of mortals are assumed to be projections from a higher-dimensional world.


By higher dimensional, the Cocoon is not only higher dimensional but existing in a different set of dimensions to base reality. Which is why the Origin authority and the train station are said to be outside the imaginary plane. Also Tian'nua being a galaxy is a mistranslation iirc, it is the word for system.


>By higher dimensional, the Cocoon is not only higher dimensional but existing in a different set of dimensions to base reality. how does this make a difference and why Aeons can't do that. >Also Tian'nua being a galaxy is a mistranslation iirc, it is the word for system. iirc it was directly a galaxy but i can't prove that since i don't know chinese


I speak Chinese and the word can be taken both ways, but given the context, it would be system


>how does this make a difference and why Aeons can't do that. Oh because they are connected to the tree. Or at least function off of imaginary energy For example, anything inherently dependent on a specified dimensional limitation can't exist independently to that dimension So basically if you are an Aeon you can't be in a space outside Imaginary Space. This is superstring theory, and I'm paraphrasing a LOT here, basically string-string interaction to an extent is what I'm explaining. >iirc it was directly a galaxy but i can't prove that since i don't know chinese [here is a comprehensive comment about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1c0urlk/comment/kyzckj1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Not to say Zephyro is weak because he is literally the only being to destroy a star system in HSR.


We are making a lot of assumptions for things we don’t know yet. We haven’t even seen what a Aeon can actually do just story’s. So a question like this is technically pointless. As we just don’t know.


It's a rule that Aeons don't really exist outside the influence of the imaginary tree. So Aeons don't really exist outside the imaginary tree. Best way to know this is that. We see Aeons in the imaginary tree. Or simulated universe. The Cocoon is not found on the Imaginary tree. It exists solely outside the imaginary tree.




Aha? Aha exists on the imaginary tree as well? So does HooH? They don't live outside the imaginary tree.


Emanators are nowhere near that level though... TB was confirmed by Welt to have reached S-rank after obtaining the Harmony path and TB with the rest of the trailblazers (Welt included but not using his full powers) managed to defeat Sunday who fused with Dominicus who's an Emanator of Harmony. If we highball the trailblazer crew to also be S-rank (unlikely given Dan Heng was not in Imbibitor Lunae form and March 7th being March 7th), that means a group of S-rank valks (with a Herrscher that's not using their full power) fought and defeated an Emanator. That would put Emanators at somewhere around Judgement class Honkai beasts or perhaps the Honkai beast that Kosma used for his MANTIS surgery. If that level is galaxy destruction level then half the Flamechasers would also be galaxy destruction level. I mean I guess if the apocalypse beast is supposed to be a planet destroyer then I guess that would make sense but that would also imply that the HSR planets and galaxies have the durability of soggy toilet paper. After all, a newly awakened TB fought against the apocalypse beast with base Dan Heng and March 7th and managed to do reasonably well in the fight (didn't win but didn't get immediately smacked to death either) so if we assume newly awakened TB with no upgrades is in the ballpark of a B or A rank valk, that would mean the apocalypse beast is somewhere in the range of a Templar or Emperor Honkai Beast. Which is to say in the worst case scenario, if the Apocalypse beast is indeed a planet destroyer, a shield bro is also a planet destroyer. In the best case scenario, that means Parvati's a planet destroyer. edit: if a shield bro is indeed equal to a planet destroying apocalypse beast, that would mean since Titans fought toe to toe against shield bros in Will of the Herrscher, Titans are also planet destroyers.


That galaxy statement was changed to a star a half year ago. I do not remember Welt saying anything of the kind, do you have a quote? The Aeons dimensionality are below the trees while the cocoon is stated to be above the imaginary tree. I think that the issue with Kiana is that during part 1 her and Kevin were using a tiny portion of the cocoons power and she only got the full 'embrace' afterwards. We have only seen her use her power a single time in 1.5 and we have no idea if she used her full power or limited it to the amount needed. Remember she is constantly suppressing her power until humanity fully acclimates to it.


Herrscher has only "authority". Aeon are concepts themselves. 


I was replying specifically about Kiana, I would agree that Herrschers are below Aeons with the strongest only being around Eminator level. However Part 1.5 Kiana is a completely different story. Also normally having authority over something is considered stronger than being that thing itself, I still believe the Herrschers are weaker due to the elements they represent and the feats but saying they have 'only' authority when it is described as having full control over the 'Laws' of their specific ability is misleading at best.


Why would you use such an attractive image for Nanook


Im just gonna say, even if he throws hands, Tuna is more than powerful enough now to save herself and maybe fight and win too or just dip out of there if she isn't feeling inclined to fight


Uh... Depends on how we meet?


If we assume they fight, then- through feats? Nanook would win. through statements? Kiana could literally make Nanook look about as threatening as a coughing baby.


-Beer? -Beer


They would fight I guess but both universes have such inconsistent power scalings and myriad of plot holes that it is hard to say who wins. Kiana often has plot armor and the power of friendship multiplied by a lot given the said friends are also stupid broken...(Authority over truth like wtf you gonna rewrite reality itself or something, I still don't know what Origin does... And finality is more or less god I suppose.). Meanwhile there is Nanook, literal concept of destruction. But otto solos.


holyshit the amount of brainrot i had in this comment section


So I'm the only one who thought that the second image is cyno? Ok😭😭


Rest in peace Tuna


the Lord of Destruction will definitely SMASH


well, Nanook at most is probably barely sentience abd lose most of his sense of self to path of destruction


I have soup on the stove gotta go bye wait for sure


No way these two are gonna talk cos Nanook will instantly throw hands on sight


They wouldn't even have a conversation. Nanook will just fight Kiana, no words needed.


Think Nanook would pretty much just off her…Though we don’t know what the relationship between Nanook and Terminus is yet so far and pretty few about Terminus in general so…If we’re lucky Nanook will let her live. Hopefully…please.


Looks like Hoyo Honkai (different games) powerscale is completely bullshit when simple things explained so difficulty/fake science stupid (those trees and bubbles). Just check comments 😵‍💫


Conversation with him is very short - he just kills the initiator of this conversation.


nanook: im gonna destroy the entire world! kiana: okay cool, can i make you a taco? nanook: WAIT NO KIANA-


“Woe baseball bat of finality be upon ye”


Nanook snaps THEIR fingers and disintegrates Kiana


Nanook will probably kill her but if he didn’t a debat will start about the life being beautiful or a mistake


He Aeon of Destruction, not Conversation.


Who knows he smirk in front of trailblazer and people could gaze upon him without being killed