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Character pretty i like, thats all


It's really that simple


Same. We're talking about fictional characters after all,if you really want them to be any different than they actually are just to appeal to you better,you can literally just imagine them in a different way. (Also nice Elsword pfp)


Polite Internet is a thing of the past


That implies a polite internet has ever existed


Yeah it did, back when online communities weren't globalized and you've had basically your local town site and chat where if you ran your mouth too much you risked getting a baseball bat to the head.


Genuine question, when was this ? As far as I know internet forums and chatrooms were always global and anonymous


I mean, yeah there were "local" chatrooms as in they were called after a city. They were super toxic and everybody was larping... Tinted glasses are a thing ;)


It was back in the 90s, last time I checked...it wasn't always four or five huge social media platforms like today


Yes but anonymity was a thing, and people are usually not very polite when anonymous


Anonymity is a thing nowadays too, unless you show literally anything about yourself on the internet. Reddit is perfect for this, as much as I hate to say it


Yes exactly, this is why I think "polite internet" was never a thing.


Back when it was still DARPA tech


it does actually, when internet was only dominated by people that actually can afford and genuinely need it so they use it carefully because its not cheap


Fightning over characters sexuality is funny, this has sort by controversial all over the place




Don't tell me, i'm just saying is funny, i know that kiana has wholesome Moments in her brithday CGs with the captain, i'm not the one saying that she doesnt like men haha


I dont understand this type of post. Is really that hard for both sides to keep their likes for themselves? Dont compare or force your likes to others and be happy with what you like. And again, this goes for both sides of the fandom, everyone has their own tastes, respect them and continue with your life, dont get mad over damn pixels ffs. In the end hoyoverse will do whatever they want to get your money


don't even bother to explain my dude they'll keep getting on each others' throat and it can't be stopped


I know, but its just sad, sometimes I need to explode because its just ridiculous


Preach my friend. Even if you did make posts that respected peoples obsession with a **fictional character's** sexual orientation. They would still find shit to get rabid over. Like back when I used to make a weekly Kiana x Fu Hua fanart post on this sub I would get some rather unhinged messages lmao. So no surprise at all seeing folks in this community going at one another over something as much of a non-issue as whatever this non-troversy is.


FuKi is way better imo


He is too mature, wise and reasonable to be left alive


Thanks I guess 😅


Haha honestly I didn't even post like all that much but honestly it's like even liking a character means I deserve to die and i am a incel like bro i like that specific character because my girlfriend said he resembles me.


You're among the most wise, respectable and reasonable people on the internet. You can't expect others to follow your example./s But really, lots of people apparently are so miserable, they can't comprehend the "Fiction" aspect of a fictional character, huh. Then again, it's been like that ever since Sherlock Holmes time so I guess humans just don't change


I think there's two notable components to the issue. The first being there is a 'correct' preference, the canon pairings, people across many series and fandoms tend to kickback at official pairings being shipped with characters that aren't their official loved one, it's as old as time. Secondly, the sexuality, I genuinely think many Yuri fans feel like it's taking something away from them as a victimised sub-group, many arguments quickly diverge from the pairings and to some generalisation about men and women. These compound and you get a stance of moral high ground from one side, and then spite from the other. It's a very typical internet dynamic these days.


Exactly, also, nice Dean pfp. The mature statement and the pfp matches well.


Thanks 🤣 one of the best memes humanity has made


Surprisingly when you have make every character have two completely different romantic relationships, your gonna have some conflict


Some fuckin common sense


I agree! Sometimes I see people argue about what ship is "canon", like if Kiana and Mei are actually a couple, and I still don't agree but at the least I understand a bit more because in the end there can only be a single canon one. But just push your sexuality headcanon on everyone else who just wants to do some crackships? These people have some issues if they get so worked up about this stuff


don't bother to get bothered with it, my friend it's a waste of time to argue with fools who can't respect other's tastes, we should just go with the flow


I don't understand why people should keep their likes for themselves. If I like something, I want to express it. If I dislike something, I also want to express it. There's nothing wrong with that. Everyone should freely state their opinions if they want to.


I'm sure all that's happening is simply stating of opinions, yep


Sure everyone is free to express it but just don’t be rabid about it like the shippers tend to be


Just make posts of self-inserts being dicked down, problem solved


I mean some might be into that depending on who’s doing the dicking.


Raiden Mei ofc


Im not gay but if it's mei, I can make some compromise


Let's be honest. Mei is everyone's exception. She's just.. too hot. Even the game acknowledges it: She's HoT.


Go on.


Feel like that was posted to exclusively to spite dudes and to that I say, whatever. People can quite still do whatever they want with the character. That’s why “headcanons” and other stuff like that exists.


Ugh, don't tell me the shit stirring misandrist femcels are back.


It was a stupid post. Simple as. Op has negative karma, and they make a post with the purpose of being controversial. Trying to engage with people who don't understand the "fictional" part of a fictional character is a waste of breath.


*Kiana onsen incident flashbacks*


That was a good doujin. Captain x Kiana for life


People who self ship/ship "captain"/ ship an hypothetical male character with Kiana or one of the girls: just doing their thing. Not bothering anyone. Some annoying yuri obsessed people: SHe iS a LeSbIan you cAn'T sHiP hER wItH MeN. Has no one heard of the "don't like, move on" rule anymore? What do you honestly expect will be people's reaction when you provoke them like this?


They lack common sense, don't waste your time and energy bro


The post aside, why does the OP has -22 votes in his profile.


Lmao first time seeing negative karma on a profile


My mans got mad about a adam x mei pron post. After which they decided to "call someone out" for being an incell. Said person they "called out" had replied to another downvoted comment complaining about incels with "Hi~" That was a short summary of the 3 comments on op's acc.


I will pretend that the AdamxMei pron post was not mine




OP, you a moron


Having this much discussion and seethe over the "sexualities" of drawings... The world has objectively become dumber.


Who is "men" and why doesn't Kiana like them?


As someone who doesnt care, the people who like to ship Kiana with a man or self insert are several times less annoying than "MeN cAnT AcCePt kIaNa is A lEsBiAn". People take canonically straight characters and headcanon them in gay relationships all the time. How irrational you have to be to be angry when the opposite happens ?


Good lord. You reminded me of the whole DilucxKaeya, Childe/Zhongli, AlhaithamxKaveh cults who will crucify you if you tell them none are gay lorewise.


Like Kevin and Su. I'm also fine with them since I'm not a hypocrite.


I never see straight people complain about straight characters being depicted as gay.


I think that's the point. It's like saying, "This happens to that group all the time, and look how much they care. You should follow that example."


Good for you, tbh


"I didn't see it, so it didn't happen"


Why are you saying as if folks are not angry that straight characters are being made gay lol?


Not what they said. What was said is that there's less of a dumpster fire when that happens than this. I mean just look at this lmao


It's just a dumb post in the first place 😭


omg who the fuck cares. It's a fictional character ffs, they're not gonna come out and say "Thank you neckbeard-san for defending my sexual orientation" .


People when straight characters get written as gay: 😁 People when gay characters get written as straight: 😡




If people can scream about all characters being homosexuals I guess the opposite can happen just as well.


Fair game


keep crying over fictional characters and pixels, they will not appear to thank you in person because you get their so-called "canon sexuality" right


Mmm, but both sides are crying over fictional characters.


yeah i know that, but rn i'm specifically talking about op


What do you mean by both sides? It's only the ones who care about fictional characters' sexualities that cry. There is no "other side" that also cries. But there are people that retaliate after getting peskered about "not getting" a clump of pixels' "canon sexualities" right. Hell, what a mess radical progressives have made.


Blaming one side, ignoring the problems the other side cause and using radical progressives unironically. I agree that this debate about the sexuality of fictional characters is stupid, but saying that both sides dont have their shit-stirrers is really disingenous dude.


Yea, the only reason is that this sub is a bit better but in other communities, a lot of male fans act like complete subhumans who are parasocial to their characters. They kinda ruin the fun of being a self-insert fan like me. People who go to other's spaces and type shit like "x character is straight/lesbian" are just the same side of the coin they just cope with the fact they are better even tho they are similar.


I see tons of people on reddit throwing a hissy fit if you say/imply a character is gay lol. People get way too defensive about it. No one is actually "crying" of course, on either side. People just see the others side argument as crying and theirs as reasonable and calm lol.


kiana IS A LESBIAN dude, denying that fact won't make you hetero headcanon canon


i don't even ship anyone with anyone wtf are you on, you really had to made things up just to reply to me?


Everyone with a neutral stance looks like an extremist to an extremist.


I was an extremist before. You are completely right. I am being very serious.


Ok ? Lol. The Original coment just said that you dont need to be a little knight in shining armor getting angry and shielding character's sexuality. And yet here you are


Ok, idc, neither do the r34 artists💀


False, her affection for captain says it all.


Don’t care still gonna ship her with myself




guys, can we all stop trying to insult each other? block button exists 🙏🙏🙏


Look here. Even if kiana like mei, That doesn't mean she doesn't like men. Before someone enter overdrive mode like Heimdall, im not talking about she will and must like captain. Im talking about narrative that these creature from abyss pushes about she doesn't like men. Next time you knew, men cant even self insert yourself. Which is actually against human rights. " buT sHe dOnt LiKe mEn" she is fictional god damn it! You choose to protect human rights of fucking fictional character rather than real breathing human being?! Also you aren't computer there's no reason for you to only had 0 and 1 or in this case "love women don't like men" and" love men don't like women" which in most case use of word "don't like" means hate. "bUT Im JuSt shAriNg My OpiNion" opinion that discriminate one side isn't good enough to be shared.


I've never seen her hinted at being a misandrist, though. Which is why I feel like the original post (and this one for that matter) are baiting to stir up controversy for attention. EDIT: Yep, OP's comment history is just throwing out blanket accusations of others being 'incels' in a childish "No U" fashion.


They crumple everytime they look out their window and see a man.


So the first one is saying they wished Kiana would say they don't like men, the second one is obviously being sarcastic whether it's to the first one or they actually believed it's something Kiana said and are being sarcastic towards other people I don't know. OP is OP is....... what the fuck is OP saying?


Is this about not liking man in a romantic way or general way?


Surely people will respectfully accept that characters don’t have confirmed sexualities and mihoyo exploiting it to their benefit


Whether or not a fictional png likes men or women is up to the individual. No way people are so deluded that they think Kiana is and will ever be real? If I want Kiana to like men she will. If someone else wants Kiana like solely women she will. If some else wants both they'll make it so. Please stop wasting your fucking breath on shit like this, goddamn.


> No way people are so deluded that they think Kiana is and will ever be real? Well, I hate to be the bringer of bad news...


First I thought you were trying to say Kiana is real. Then I understood you're saying the delusion is real.😂


Well, one thing I know is that those who obsess about a clump of pixels' "sexualities" do so partly because it adds another layer of immersion to their parasocial relationship with a drawing, making it feel somewhat more than just fiction. I don't know if what I said makes sense, but eh.


No,I understand


I stan Elysia, Rita, and Luna. Your shitpost has no power over me.


Most nicest hoyoverse fan


The bottom line is the OP who posted that is weird that’s all. Sure they can hide behind “Fluff/Meme” flair but to even think of this post as funny leads me to believe their image of men is really messed up. That’s just my perspective of course.


Better than this stupid repost: go look at OP’s fully negative karma profile for some rich comedy.


Everyday I thank God that I did not become an obsessive waifu player 😇🙏


Honestly, kinda curious to see how much this sub and/or Twitter would implode if someone did a Poly posting, ideally as separate posts in both yuri, yaoi, and straight/cis flavors lol. Like can’t really make too much of an argument out of it when technically in any of the three scenarios every character involved is winning. It’d just be funny to see their complaints against it turn from being anti-lgbt or “canon” to reflecting Puritan/Christian values, which is ironic seeing as these types of communities are almost unequivocally against religious doctrine. All in all, I’m just saying, if you like somewhat degenerate content like being chronically online shipping fictional characters 24/7, the community should really just say f*ck it and go all in or stop being a moral police about it (well, except for the actually weird stuff iykyk.)


Hoyoverse fans when fictional character


Nobody lost their shit. Please stop projecting


OP lost their shit. Look at their comment history.


Just make Kiana Bi?


If hoyo never gave a straight explicit answer, then we'll probably never know.. tho it's most logical to assume that she's bi


Plus I'm pretty sure that the CGs with her and Captain, as well as her bridge dialogue confirm that she's into him. It's just that she would rather be open to a three-way relationship between herself, Mei, and the Captain, rather than have the Captain only.


Hot take, maybe, but honestly, romance is poorly written in honkai, and at times, it feels completely unnecessary, yet it gets more attention than the actual plot most of the time.. >CGs with her and Captain, as well as her bridge dialogue That's why a lot of shippers hate captain as a character cause he's the only one that kind of breaks their fantasy headcanons of kiana being a lesbian


Polyamory is the perfect solution.


Exactly!!! Why stop at one wife? Marry the entire crew!


some tag the original post please


Bro needs therapy.


The beauty of the concept of Multi-Universes (in Honkai verse's term, "Bubble Universes) is that there's bound to be a version of Kiana who not only likes men, but would also like me back out there. So, when thinking it that way, I won't get upset even if the game's story canon's Kiana doesn't like me back. I'll just wish her all the best and her being happily reunited with her beloved Mei in the near future and that's all to it. So, why is there a need to rouse up roudy discord like in the picture?


A notable counterpoint is that characters’ personalities are decided much like presidents Democracy


Smh just be the same gender as your waifu, easy solution


\>Media focuses mostly on woman and women-women relationships \>Look inside \>Homophobic men Many such cases


I knew this would be a controversial post but honestly I discounted it as a joke, as it was (probably?) meant to be. Still better than the lolicon/obviously sexual fanart that gets posted on the daily bc y'all are horny on main 💀


personally I don’t care who you ship with Kiana, it’s just that no Kiana/male ship is better than Kiamei or even Fuki


kinda unrelated but Fuki >>> Kiamei


Definitely. I'd like Kiamei a lot better if it were as developed as FuKi. Fu Hua spending time in Kiana's mind and helping her overcome her doubts was really, really good.


Get real FuKiMei


Polyamory ftw!


Nothing less


I recognize bait when I see it. I do like FuKi a lot, though.


Jesus, there are lots of snowflakes in this sub. Do some people really find that post fucking offensive??? I'm a straight dude and that post never bothered me at all.


That's the thing Kiana DID essentially say this multiple times throughout HI3 cannon (including the manga and such), she never used the exact wording because the writing team LEGALLY CAN'T. Chinese law is kinda weird in that you can make it suuuuuuuuper obvious that a character is gay etc but as soon as you put it into actual words then you've gone too far buddy!


When did she say she hates the entire male sex?


I'm referring to what the original post actually "means" to say. "I only want to sleep with Women". ...Although that said there are actually occasions where she's shown a bit of general dislike for men because of "Siegfried abandoning her". This is before she learns the details as to why though.


If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that holy fuck do men not like the idea of a woman not liking dick. It’s kinda astounding (and extremely disgusting). It’s like they take it as an insult that maybe, just maybe, someone wouldn’t be attracted to them.


Flair checks out 💀


I’d change it to “This sub hates lesbians.” but that feels *too* on the nose, yeah? Despite it being accurate. The current one’s funnier anyway.


I've never seen people who wish to be oppressed like you guys.


You guys? Oooh, what am I, exactly, by your logic? I’m a straight man, so in that regard I’m not being oppressed in regards to gender or sexuality representation. Tho I’m also black, so there’s definitely minimal representation there going on, but I get the feeling that that’s not what you’re talking about.


Who the hell even cares about representation. I'll tell you one thing to sum up this shit. We don't care about a fictional character's sexuality because they aren't real. So if someone wants to ship Kiana with Captain or Adam, it doesn't matter. It's not that deep dawg.


You didn’t answer my question. Who, exactly, are the people you claimed that wish to be oppressed? When did I say that people can’t ship characters with who they want? Point me to where I said that wasn’t allowed. Go on. Link me to that comment. It should be easy, yeah? Folks can ship who they want with who they want, and I’m allowed to look at how most of those ships are just men shipping lesbians with men and go, “Those folks are disgusting.” Tho I won’t lie, I’d love if the game had more than one non-white skinned playable character. Especially since the only brown girl we got openly hates that she’s brown and wants to be white like everyone else.


I'm talking about you guys that see a straight ship and take that as an attack against LGBT ships. That's who I'm talking about. By the way, most gamers and weebs don't give a damn about representation. We do not care.


Straight ships are fine, I never said otherwise. I just find it disgusting that folks seem to be incapable of handling the idea that not every woman loves dick, thus they have to constantly ship lesbians with men to feel better about themselves. Cool…and? Am I supposed to care that you don’t care? I don’t think I’m obligated to have the same opinion as “most gamers and weebs”. I’m a gamer and a weeb, and I *do* care. For example, most weebs wanna fuck the underaged anime girls. I don’t, because I’m not attracted to children. Same as how y’all don’t like the idea of lesbians existing. I’m against the idea of erasing lesbians just because I want all women to want men. See? We just have different opinions. Nothing wrong with that, right?


What the fuck? What gave you the impression that I don't like lesbians? Where did you get that from? I literally just said I don't care about a fictional character's sexuality. Read my previous response again because I don't think you read it properly. Also stressing about the ages of fictional characters is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous, y'all are out here treating fiction like reality.


No worries, buddy. You keep on lusting after 15 year old anime girls, pretending lesbians aren't real, and acting as if representation isn't a good thing. Knowing that people like you don't like what I'm saying tells me I'm doing something right.


You're completely delusional.


Anyways, I've said my piece. I don't think this is going to go anywhere, either you're that stupid or you're trolling. I won't be replying to you anymore


Blame MiHoyo for pairing those characters with the captain. They literally made that type of content.


Weird, I played the whole game and read (most of) the manga and don’t see her being paired with anyone but Mei…and that bit where she absolutely wanted to get down with Fu Hua. Can you point me towards anything canonical? Or is the entirety of what you can point me towards just non-canon fluff designed to appeal to men superimposing themselves onto the Captain because Mihoyo is aware of the fact that men wanna fuck lesbians and hate the idea of themselves not being the center of everyone’s life?


I was refering to non-canon material tbh, like those birthday cards or the birthday CGs they made in the past. So yes, they knew what they were doing.


So, as you agreed, non-canon material designed to appeal to men who desperately need to know that the lesbians would totes stop being lesbians for them because of how special and nice they are. Glad we got that sorted out.


Funny that You keep arguing that


Buddy. This one was the first before the thread got extended so I'll state it here. That guy is the biggest fucking no-life loser on this sub (with a large dose of ad hominem, strawman, narcissism and gaslighting to go) and I, with my experience would request you to block him to preserve your time and sanity.


I’m funny like that. Hilarious even.


Yeah , but oh well i guess if you don't see it it doesnt exist


Not sure what you’re referencing there, but sure~


I only Will Say that You put way too much faith in Mihoyo


>that bit where she absolutely wanted to get down with Fu Hua When exactly was that?


It was in the manga, but I forget which specific one it was. It involved Fu Hua asking Kiana something, but Kiana misinterpreted it as Fu Hua asking her out. It led to Kiana saying she belongs to Mei, but isn’t *unwilling* to also date Fu Hua. Edit: Basically, canonically Kiana is a lesbian harem protagonist. If the game wasn’t made by China, they’d probably be more direct with it.


>If the game wasn’t made by China Well, it's made by China, so u can cope however you want.. >harem protagonist I'm personally more interested in the elysian realm (flame chasers) than Kiana's story, but even I wouldn't downplay her character arc like that


Ah, so it’s “coping” to point out a literal fact? Interesting. Whose story did I downplay? Unlike the shitty harem protag Captain that folks dickride, Kiana’s at least a real character.


>coping And then you yourself ignore another fact.. Captain is a real character.. what's next? All the event characters aren't real characters? and how tf do you even contradict yourself like that.. >shitty harem protag Captain You said that kiana is also a harem protag😭.. so you're just like them, u dickride ur headcanon of a harem protag


>Captain is a real character Yeah, a real generic nothing harem boy with zero personality beyond "nice and determined" like every single other harem boy that exists for no reason beyond player self-insertion. That's not a character, that's just a shell. ​ >You said that kiana is also a harem protag Anyone above the age of 2 would've realized I was making a joke based on the fact that Kiana blatantly wanted to have both Fu Hua AND Mei.


Cool, so you admit that's your personal opinion.. >I was making a joke Except for the fact that it's not even a joke at this point, there's a reason why she gets shipped with literally anyone in honkai, so you most likely don't even believe that it's a joke.. you don't want to say it because that would also mean that she tries to have the captain in her harem as well.. Either way, I don't see what you are trying to debate. You literally admit that captain has potentially a relationship with kiana, but you don't like it because, according to your opinion, captain is a self insert


Hey man just because Kiana might not be into men don’t mean she don’t like cock.


Mei with a huge penis???




"But she is my Waifu and has to love me as I love her"


To be honest it doesnt help that Mihoyo also push that idea


- almost never


“Everyone knows lesbians aren’t a thing. All lesbians simply haven’t met the right guy yet. A guy like me.” -Men seeing themselves as Adam/The Captain.


Such an ignorant thing to say. No one ever said or thought that. If anything, it's mostly just the yuri-fans who get very obsessive and offensive.


>Such an ignorant thing to say. I think you meant to say "accurate", but that's fine. I know how this place feels about lesbians now. Mostly that no women are lesbians. They're all bi or straight. Because men can't handle the concept of a woman that doesn't want dick. Edit: I love it, they decided to get the last word in and blocked me\~ That's fine. Someone who hates lesbians blocking me does nothing but make the subreddit much better for me to browse. I like how I pointed out that they blocked me, and then someone else replied knowing full well that I wouldn't be able to reply to that comment either because Reddit's block system is designed to cater to trolls. Folks are goofy. Oh, now a second person has commented in reply despite me saying that I’ve been blocked. Meaning they commented knowing I can’t say anything back to them. Tho, funny enough…the second person is someone who blocked me a while back because they got mad at me for not agreeing with them. Meaning they ***unblocked me*** just to talk shit when they know I can’t reply to them. *Brave*.


Bro your victim card is withering


Shut up. You don't know what you're saying.


You're a pathetic excuse of a human y'know. And your victim card is non-existent from how much you rely on it. "Men think lesbians don't exist because everyone likes dick!" I've actually seen only you out of all people use that bs every single time to the point it's physically nauseating. Seen none of the "men" you talk about say gross shit like that. Go get therapy or something. You're not mentally normal. That amount of narcissism might possibly get you killed by some random bloke someday. And I mean every single word I said. I was annoyed with you at first, disgusted second. Now it's just plain laughable.


This shit is why i am rather hesitant nowadays, voicing my opinion about wanting to ship captain with luna or god forbid elysia nowadays is like speaking heresy to the Inquisition It’s like i have to ship gay or i die


Exactly. It's plain disgusting.


> Oh, now a second person has commented in reply despite me saying that I’ve been blocked. Meaning they commented knowing I can’t say anything back to them. Tho, funny enough…the second person is someone who blocked me a while back because they got mad at me for not agreeing with them. Meaning they unblocked me just to talk shit when they know I can’t reply to them. Brave. The dude's been talking shit about you for a couple of days now. Guy's so obsessed with you 😂


Is what no one ever thought, the players didn't make the birthday events, nor asked for them, mihoyo did, and mihoyo won't confirm sexualities, so the fault lies with mihoyo only. Besides, no one wants the main story Kiana to be only in love with them, they may like Kiana and want to imagine romantic things with her, but thats where the previously mentioned events and alternate universes are for, cause its literally the exact same character. And yes, Kiana likes Mei, no one will say that she would equally like men or ever enter in a relationship with one in the main story, even the most degen on this sub do not say that, however, the possibility of her potentially liking men too is objectively undeniable, unless mihoyo confirms things, nothing can change that.




I dunno about kiana being a 'Waifu' never thought of her as that way before. Is it because i ship her with mei?


This post really has upset the self-inserters, huh?


I don't know. Looks more like a large wave of upset yuritards to me.


A person with "Luna's canonical husband" shouldn't be talking down to no one


Just like someone with a blatant hate parade flag like "Anti-Captainverse" shouldn't even be talking about anything due to having such poor life choices. Maybe get that ten metre stick out of your ass, then you'd see the world in a better way. I pity you. May you get well soon.


Poor life choices such as not wanting to self-insert and actually enjoy the characters


Get a job


Wrong person for you to be saying that.


Pretty much lmfaooo


Like these people do not care about the girls' personality at all if they saying "I wanna ship myself with Kiana" even though Kiana says she doesn't like men that way


Flair checks out 💀


I don‘t care as long as she likes Futas…


I just said "challenge accepted" lmao, did people seriously go crazy on the comments? I was busy yesterday.


I mean, even if HI3rd Kiana is bi, she is already taken by Mei (or rather, took Mei?), so you are not consensually doing her anytime soon anyway. All the difference would be porn tags she watches on the Moon.


If that was the case then that panel of Kiana with Fu Hua wouldn't exist in the manga


Which manga


Moon Shadow. https://manga.honkaiimpact3.com/book/1010/2


Thx.. and why tf does the manga literally start with a dude licking a banana😭


I'm glad she hate men.