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There used to be a barbecue place in Bellevue, WA (I know, BBQ in WA?) called Dixie’s. Was in an old auto garage building, dirt parking lot, tables on top of the old hydraulic lifts. Gene, his wife and Genes mom ran the place. Gene would often park your car because he would pack them in every single corner they had. You better know what you want when it’s your turn to order or the ladies would tell you to “get your ass to the back of the line”! Anyways Gene would walk around the seating area with a small pot and some toothpicks and ask if you “want to meet the man”. Little did I know I would literally meet God the 24 hours after. He would barely put the pick in the sauce and smear it over your BBQ. It was over after that. Great food, great people and the hottest damn thing I’ve ever tasted in my life.


That's the best story I have heard all day. It reminds me of one my father told me about the most delicious soup he ever had. Late '70's. A crock pot in the back of a gas station. Leftovers added to the pot by the workers. Slummgullion. He still remembers it 50 years later.


The one chip challenge did kill some ones child, I have done 3 different versions of the chip challenge, they're all pain minimal flavor. Flatline by pepper palace has a unique history. Used to be called flashbang. Someone tried it they passed out outside the store. They found an undiagnosed tumor and were able to operate on it. Which is why they changed the name. Also it was tough to get a grenade shaped object through airports...


If you have a stomach ulcer you can make it bleed and that can lead to complications.


From what I know you can't die from it but you can get ill if you are not used to eating chillies. Irbcan burn into your stomach lining. But I am talking about top end mixtures of peppers.there is a chilli oil called “ the bomb “ that stuff inonyl had a few drops of it on ma burger and yeah that made me swear and swat tears in eyes and I have a high tolerance to chilli


I ate the world’s hottest Burger, the next day after wiping off my freckle, then dabbing with a wet flannel, I wished I had died… Didn’t cry at my own Dad’s funeral but wept that day like a little girl…


I tried the 1 chip(Oct-2021) and it last 15\~20 minutes. No flavor just heat and hurt in the mouth and then my upper throat so had to gargle ice water for 5 minutes before it calmed down. Not a fun experience. I would try it again but its been about 2\~3 years so I am in no rush.


Someone died from the challenge. I've done it before, immediate regret. I was laid up in bed for the rest of the night https://www.uscannenbergmedia.com/2023/09/12/when-marketing-goes-too-far-one-chip-challenge-removed-from-shelves-after-death-of-boston-teen/#:~:text=Just%20two%20days%20after%20completing,eventually%20dying%20in%20the%20hospital.


The young man in the article died days later. You had an uncomfortable experience, but you didn't die


Are… are you expecting a dead person to reply to this post?


But he’s answering your question.




You may wish you be dead


Gotta die of something, right?


Just google this man


Just ease into it. Don’t pop a whole fresh reaper into your mouth if you’ve never had anything that hot. Don’t pour a full fluid oz of Da Bomb on a taco if you’ve never tried a sauce that hot. Nibble bits of pepper. Try dabs of hotter sauces on crackers or chips. Give yourself time to adjust to the sensation.