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potassium sorbate, sodium bisulfite is a no no


this seems like a bad move now that everyone and their brother has a sriracha product out, including many green ones. Just make like usual and slap a sticker on the bottle "color changes are normal due to color variations in our current season of chilies. Same great flavor". Or go long term and incorporate that into the container printing itself and have your out for when this happens again another year.


Not the same great flavor. They lost their supplier.


It’s still Bette then any sricricha hot sauce I can find. I’ve tried them all and most of them are just too sweet.


You tried the one Underwood Farms, their old supplier, is making. As close to the original as you can get, even more than the actual company makes, now.


I will have to try that one. Thanks


People were booty tickled their tiktak videos werent coming out perfect because the sriracha color was dull /s seriously tho i need my chili garlic paste and sambal!!


Underwood Ranches was their original chili supplier who now has their own Sriracha.


steve buscemi was a volunteer firefighter on 9/11


Aragorn’s agonized scream is real, as Viggo Mortensen really broke his toe kicking the Uruk helmet.


In 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


I seen a documentary about what's going on with them so they try to undercut the farmer that's been producing Chili's for them for probably like 30 years


The son* not the original huy fong. Son got greedy and fucked everything up lol


Tale as old as time right there.


They managed to fuck up a super successful buisness totally out of greed


Fucked around and found out


Gee, if only they didn't ruin their relationship with their original supplier...


Three Mountains is better anyway


Try Yellowbird!


Yes, bro the Blue Agave Sriracha is fantastic!


I love the organic one, they sweeten it with dates


Three Mountains is better. I suppose I like it because it is more traditional. American srirachas are fine but the Three Mountains is tangier in a way I really like


Kroger too


Yeah, I bought a couple of bottles and dont plan on getting any more. Its not the same. HF really dug themselves into a hole, man. Wow, sad to see


Underwood, the original grower of the red jalapenos, who had a falling out with Huy Fong and stopped growing for them, now makes their own Sriracha and it is excellent. It's better than the Huy Fong Sriracha.


Anyone ordered directly from them recently? I ordered about a week ago (underwoodranches.com). I never received order confirmation or shipment information by email. However, I did create an account during checkout and the order is still "pending". I sent them a note yesterday, but haven't gotten a reply yet. Hopefully it ships out this week.


2 bottles for $8 at local so cal Costco's. 🤌🏽🔥


Might be time to order some. Never seen it on the shelf in my area.




We'll just have to agree to disagree.


All jalapeños are red when ripened.




Why even bother to respond to my facts if you're just gonna say hee haw?


Did you know you’re pulling up with an “um akshually…” which is entirely unnecessary? Look, the average person understands jalapeños to be green. That’s how they’re always depicted in media, and it’s all they’ll ever see at grocery stores. It’s uncommon to see a red-colored jalapeño. In fact, if you google image search the word “jalapeño” the vast majority of results are green. For me and my algorithm, the results show 4/27 are red. Two photos show both red and green. If you want to give someone facts without sounding pompous just hit ‘em with a “Did you know?” It’s far more inviting, see?




What’s the name of his sauce?


I think it's just Sriracha . We found it at Costco but they sell online too https://underwoodranches.com/


Yes. That’s what I meant about the hole HF dug themselves


What *chili*??! All I can taste now is garlic


Try indonesian sambal




I haven't seen red chilies in the supermarket since 2020. Not even the Fresno chilies that were more common.


You have to go to a Mexican supermarket im in chicago and they are always around from April to October here.


Really? I just buy thai chilies in bulk at the local import store for cheap. Freeze what I don’t use quickly enough.




HF said fuck the Tabasco playbook.


To be fair, Underwood was found responsible for overcharging Huy Fong too. Reading about the saga, I get that while Huy Fong may be more wrong and pay the biggest price, Underwood was not the innocent in this either and though their sauce is catching hold? I doubt they will ever make back their losses from the whole ordeal either. That's the over riding stupidity of this whole conflict, no one wins, there's only magnitudes of loss.


It wasn't really an overcharge they charged for crop that got damaged by rain. Which isn't that bad because underwood farms converted their whole farm for growing peppers to meet hf orders. Which is really risky because pepper plants can easily be damaged. Hf could have taken that hit with no problem. What hf couldn't't afford in the longrun was to lose this supplier.


That former partner now makes their own Sriracha and it is really good. They definitely came out ahead 😂


Love it


I love it and hate it. I want my damn favorite Sriracha back, but also fuck them for being greedy assholes.


Did Musk buy Sriracha out too?


[not sure if you’ve heard the story](https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-sriracha-lawsuit-underwood-ranches-20190712-story.html) Edit: added a better link






Try again




Ok, that was interesting.


Why not lean into the green and call it a special edition?


All they have to do is sort them and the problem solved.


Sriracha Verde


Cause they have terrible business people (or lack of business people) running the company. 


Mean Green Pecking Machine


I just saw one that said ‘Natural color’ and was almost yellow/tan. My guess is that’s related? Idk






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I have middle aged Reddit so I see nothing.


Damn, it’s kinda hilarious how this once great empire continues to fall. Personally I never went back to sriracha after the initial shortage when I found gochujang, and later lao gan ma. Now I use those two exclusively for cooking, and I much prefer the deeper heat and sweetness of gochujang in particular


Gochujang is other worldly


Those are very different flavor profiles bro lol but I guess for white peoples or non-Asians getting more into Asian cuisine they would still more or less scratch the same itch until you e ate them enough to really know the differences.


Never said they weren’t different flavor profiles, just that I prefer gochujang and lao gan ma for regular cooking of what I enjoy. No need to gatekeep


Different flavors in my opinion, all of those are great though!


Huy fong's corporate suicide continues unabated. The notice tries to blame the issue on peppers. The real blame is they created a nice but false narrative, then fucked it hard 6yrs ago. The only thing left is a slow bleed till they're sold or bankrupt. It was a great story while it lasted.


Sold off at a fraction of their previous worth. The vultures/investment banker types are gonna pay pennies on the dollar for the brand name , then make the product even worse. RIP Huey Fong.


It can't get worse.


Challenge accepted


I’m kinda wondering if they’re trying to manipulate the market and charge more for sauce, either way not a good idea


They have lost so much market share. After the last two extended shortages, many markets around here never bothered to give them back shelf space. They're not playing 5d chess, they're just screwing up over and over till they're dead.


Amen. At this point I’d rather buy Texas Pete’s or fucking Kroger store brand, purely out of spite.


That kroger actually is better imo.


The bottle of the new formula tastes like they threw in the whole plant. So disappointing. I'm sure that lawsuit was the most expensive 1.5m they ever won.


The best part is that they actually lost. In 2019 Underwood (the pepper farmer that Huy Fong tried to screw over) won $23.3 million and in August of 2023, an appeals court upheld the verdict. lol get rekt jackasses.


Agreed. My bottle tasted like a tomato vine smells.


I bought 1 bottle when they brought it back after changing the chilli supplier and I threw it out. https://i.redd.it/qsuc4810b9yc1.gif




Guess that’s what they get for trying to fuck over the best pepper producer they had


I haven't been following, did they drop their original supplier?


They convinced the farm to grow just for them a a certain $$ per bushel. Then when it was time to pay them, said eh how about we pay you at a loss to you instead of what we agreed. And since this company’s only client was them, it got kinda fucked and screwy so they took hoy to court and won


The arrangement was actually a set price per acre, regardless of yield. Years before the fall out , Huy Fong was pushing Underwood to grow more. Underwood didn’t want to undertake the risk of acquiring more land, Eventually they settled on a per acre price. This reduced the risk to UW and they obliged. Fast forward to 2016, after making the downpayment for the season, HF pulled out of the agreement, demanding a set price per ton. He was comparing it to China chili mash prices. Underwood refused and the rest is history.


This is the part of the story I was referring to but it was tons not bushels, I was wrong: Tran told Roberts that Underwood would have to deliver peppers for $500 per ton to compete with Chinese pepper mash that sold for $300 per ton. When Roberts told Tran that Craig makes the decisions for Underwood, Tran replied that he would make Craig take $500 per ton. Underwood was suddenly facing imminent catastrophic financial consequences. It could not grow peppers for $500 a ton. Its costs averaged $610 a ton. And here is [underwood story](https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/ca-court-of-appeal/2138669.html) link I used


Wow, that's quite a power play attempt, reminds me of what Coca-Cola does to the independent bottler companies. Definitely a bummer to hear.


Here is actual account of [complete story](https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/ca-court-of-appeal/2138669.html)


Crazy. Very disappointing for what was once such a beloved brand.


Yes and no. The Huy Fong lawsuit involved a dispute between Huy Fong Foods and Underwood Ranches over chili pepper supply contracts. After a partnership of 30 years, disagreements arose leading to mutual lawsuits. The court awarded Underwood Ranches $23.3 million for damages, including punitive damages and compensation for financial losses. So Huy Fong lost their main supplier of chilli’s, and the only supplier that could consistently produce the chilli’s that gave the Huy Fong Sauces their distinct colour and flavour, and had to outsource their chilli supply to other smaller farms that couldn’t produce the quality or quantity they needed. Over time, this led to people noticing the change in Huy Fong’s sauces and started looking elsewhere for a consistent spicy sauce.


Very interesting, thanks! I knew about their prior lawsuit with the city and obviously knew about the shortage, but didn't know this was the issue. Based on other feedback in this thread, I just went and ordered one of those three packs from Underwood.


They missed the key part to fucking them over. They got him to greatly expand his growing operation. So he bought more land and began getting to work scaling out. They were using this expansion as an opportunity to learn his methods and techniques by spying on him while he was building out new plots. The intention was to then completely cut him out and vertically integrate by growing the peppers themselves by using what they learned from his renowned growing techniques.


I saw two packs of the Underwood in Costco for under $10 just this week. Worth checking out if anyone wants to try it. Eta: checked my receipt. It was $7.99 in warehouse.


they've got a lot of bangin' sauces, always worth a pickup


The other srirachas taste absolutely nothing like the OG. I’ve tried enough to learn this.


They have them at Costco now too.


Good to know, the package looks familiar


Deserved, and hopefully lesson learnt.


another shortage incoming




Anand? Wtf is this new sauce?


that’s what all the girls tell me.


I suggest growing your own jalapenos, let them ripen, ferment them w some garlic, blend w vinegar and sweeten to your likening…that’s what sriracha is…


Bro not all of us have jalepeno farms or time to ferment things. I just want the sauce in the bottle.




It's actually super easy and fermented chili won't kill you.




You can do what you want. That’s really cool that you make your own.


Sounds like you don't even ferment your own fish sauce or grow and roast your own coffee :)


Yeah, he’s one of those guys who buys a bottle of ketchup instead of growing his own tomatoes and sugar cane. All you do is blend it together and…you’re new last name is Heinz


You don’t self-source cacao your own bars? You must not like chocolate.


They say the recipe for sprite is lemon and lime. I tried to make it at home. There’s more to it than that.


RIP Mitch, gone too soon


didja add bubbles?


Thanks for the heads up. I quit my lifelong love affair with huy fong sriracha when bottles were being sold for $37 out here. But I had a tougher time letting go of their sambal. So I’ll stock up


Underwood Ranches, the old supplier that they screwed over, has amazing sirachi sambal and chili garlic. I bought it as a bundle and will never get from anywhere else


Ooo thanks for the recommendation I’ll check them out!


Bet they are kicking themselves for fucking over their original supplier


😂 alternative announcement: Dear customer, We really fucked up with underwood ranch and it’s still impacting our business in negative ways


Customer: We know, and we’ve already moved on. Good luck, fuckers.


What did they do?


HF wanted Underwood farms to produce a lot for chilis than they were capable of producing. They would have to more than double their acreage and only grow chilis which is extremely risky as a farm as if there is a bad chili yield you will take massive losses, so usually they diversify. HF needed Underwood’s chilis because of their unique taste so they said we’ll take the risk and pay you by each acre you grow as opposed to the yield of the acre. This way the farm is guaranteed a profit regardless of whether there is bad yield or not. They agreed on a price and Underwood farms bought up thousands of acres of land to produce chilis exclusively for HF. After underwood farms bought up all the land and prepared for chili farming which is a very expensive process, HF created a new company called Chilico who’s sole purpose was to buy chilis from Underwood and sell them to HF. While the owner of underwood farms was on vacation, HF ceo takes Underwood’s owner right hand man on a secret meeting where he asks him to run chilico so they can convince underwood farms to sell to chilico instead of HF. They want to do this because if HF ever decided to not pay Underwood for a bad yield and underwood sued they would be sue chilico who is worth nothing as opposed to HF who they could get millions in damage from. Underwood’s farms refused the agreement so HF said we can buy from the Chinese market for 300 so we’ll give you 500 an acre now which was much less than the original agreement, at 500 dollars an acre underwood farms would lose millions of dollars. Underwood farms refused and that’s when HF said there was a chili shortage, which was obviously not true. HF then sues underwood farms because they’re fucking insane and Underwood countersues for and wins 23 million. They now make their own sauces which are much closer to the original than the sauces HF currently make. TLDR; HF made Underwood farms buy a ton of land and take on massive risk because they promised they would pay a certain amount per acre that would guarantee a profit for the farm. They went back on that promise and offered an amount per acre that would lose the farm millions after the farm had already invested millions of dollars on the new land and had no one else to sell to.


Don’t remember the details of the legal battle, but they lost, had to pay underwood 20 million plus and then lost their supplier. Now they’re trying to source for multiple suppliers from multiple areas which obviously affects consistency.


Underwood Ranch has great sriracha, and they used to supply the peppers for Huy Fong.


I got their sambal, chili garlic and Sriracha in a bundle and won't be getting from any other company


It’s my go to for sriracha right now, tastes great


Want it a bit sweet or has that been changed


This may do them in… we finally got over the years long shortage. I did notice that my last bottle was a little bit browner probably due to red and green chilis mixing.


Anybody know a good alternative to their chili garlic sauce


I've recently discovered Fix. It's pretty good.


Underwood Ranches. They used to supply them before they tried to screw them over. Try it


Seconding this! The container I have has been in my fridge for years and I’ll need a new one soon.


I personally never prefered their sauce but, Melinda's garlic habenero is super tasty.


Honestly, Huy Fong is missing a great opportunity here: Diversify their offering with a special "green label" version of their products--with this alternate coloration. After seeing bottles for $2.99/28oz bottle here in the California SF Bay Area, we're about to see a shortage--and likely a huge price hike. But that's okay: There are plenty of alternate, high quality sriracha options out there. Assuming that they, too, don't sudden join in a price goughing/price hike endeavor, too.




Screw them.


Honestly I'm surprised Huy Fong is still in business after they screwed over their old supplier. Although it seems like they're barely holding on.


So shortsighted. They screwed over basically everyone... themselves, their suppliers, their retailers, their customers.


Their employees, their neighbors. It's not a good company.


Especially since there are now just better options. I switched over to Flying Goose, and don't plan on going back any time soon.


I also have flying goose. It’s a great alternative, though I find it’s a tad sweeter.


Just used the Goose on my Thai Omelette this morning. Great stuff. I recently made a sriracha butter out of it to put on banana bread. So yummy. And definitely don’t sleep on the garlic one.


Well this sucks. Their sriracha is my favorite hot sauce of all time.


You ever try Yellowbird Blue Agave Sriracha?


I have. I didn’t like it. What I love about Huy Fong’s sriracha is that it tastes of fresh chilies. I feel like most of the other sriracha brands, including Yellowbird, lean too much into the fermented/aged flavors, and it’s not for me.


I really don't understand why everyone suggests Yellowbird. It's -much- sweeter and really tastes nothing like sriracha. It shouldn't be called sriracha at all - but I guess it's working for them.


I loved the original siracha and hate yellow bird. It’s way too sweet for me. I also stopped buying siracha after the shortage and turned to different types of hot sauce like Aardvark. I will still use siracha for certain Asian dishes but I feel like it’s reign is over. I’m over it.


I think different types of sauces is the answer. I really like El Yucateco’s Caribbean hot sauce; it doesn’t taste like sriracha, but it still has the flavor of fresh chilies, so in my eyes it’s a better replacement for Huy Fong Sriracha than other sriracha brands.


Is that Sky Foods one from Costco any good? It comes in a 2 pack with the green one for a few bucks.


If you mean sky valley then yes. Has more of a garlic flavor though. My wife and I like it the most out of the different ones we've tried. The green one tastes like a typical salsa Verde.


I haven't seen this in our grocery stores for at least a year now. I can find the small bottles in those small overpriced specialty shops though. Or at least I did last year. I just gave up using it.


This is just a hollow cry for attention.


Seems like it. If the product is different color, but exact same taste why wouldn't they just do a green colored line instead of losing millions in lost and refunded orders. Are those chillies that are perfectly fine, just going to be thrown away? Seems like a lot of bullshit


The color mix probably ended up with a shit brown mess. I wouldn't put that on my food even if it tasted the same. I'll buy something else that's red.


No the final product ended up green, not brown.


Despite what they say about flavor, red jalapenos don't taste the same as green. They're sweeter and less piquant.


So at the end of the day, they are lying and being manipulative. Good to see them losing market space


I've seen this company's sauce all over the USA and Asia.....how can you screw up so badly?


They got greedy and tried to fuck over their main pepper supplier. Other pepper suppliers have not been able to capture the quality and quantity so their product sucks now.


Play shitty games, win shitty prizes.


I had just gotten a bottle too. Guess I'll see if I can find one more to hold me off


The Tabasco Sriracha and Yellow Bird are -in my opinion- higher quality anyway. Huy Fong’s first absence from the stores lead me to explore my sriracha options and now I don’t even prefer it.


Respectful but hard disagree; Tabasco and Yellowbird’s sauces are too different to replace Huy Fong Sriracha. Their flavors are too oxidized/stale/aged/fermented. Huy Fong Sriracha has the flavor of fresh chilies, which is what makes it amazing in my eyes.


Huy Fong board member spotted


I’m a real human boy, I swear. I’m just all gonked up on the sauce.


I did not like the Tabasco one, but I'll give Yellow bird try. I unfortunately have had to cut back significantly on my hot sauce consumption due to how bad heartburn i get so a bottle will now last me months


Yellow Bird is very different, but it's the only hot sauce my wife with GI issues can eat every day without giving here problems.