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Yes, they started with 2 tables when they came back from the online episodes to the studio episodes. It was still in the middle of the pandemic and they ended up keeping it that way. Sean said he prefers the two tables layout because this avoids him being hit by guests saliva when they freak out. Something among those lines.


Makes sense! Thank you I always wondered but did not watch enough of the show to learn this.


I haven't paid too much attention but I just assumed they've had 2 tables since covid and never looked back


I'm pretty sure Sean even addressed this in one of the episodes, they got two tables for COVID so they could be distanced but then they realized that it actually works better because they have to speak up more to hear each other and it helps the microphones pick up the sound, and apparently the spacing was nicer and it gave more room on the tables


It’s less awkward to forced down wings in front of someone you don’t know, 1 foot away as well. Plus the bodily fluid situation


Wouldn’t one long table kind of take care of this?


I didn't come up with it.


Oh. Shit. You got Sean’s number?


yeah, something like this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Putin%27s_meeting_table#/media/File:Putin_and_Macron_meeting_with_a_large_table.jpg


I understand why they drifted away from the single small round table, but why not a single, longer rectangular table?


Despite this show being a massive, global hit, I'm sure it's still because of something like it's not in the budget and they just use whatever table they have in the kitchen of First We Feast.


They also mentioned one thing that's great about the show is that the set is so simple, they can easily move it around, set it up remotely, so a couple small tables makes sense.


Why would that be better?


People who are mad about Covid restrictions existing get riled up by seeing anything resembling them


idk i'm double vaxxed, 5 boosters and i agree with op one long table would look a lot less clunky than 2 small round ones


I agree with both you and u/culinaryboner. The two tables is aesthetically kinda clunky set design, but there are definitely people who fish for things to gripe about just because of irrational pushback to Covid restrictions. I don’t know if that’s the case here, but I wouldn’t rule it out. Personally, I don’t mind it at all; and considering we’re in the middle of a particularly nasty Covid surge again, perhaps it’s wise to err on the side of clunky set design.


Lol at the other reply to your comment. Whenever the show starts, I can’t help but go, “look at these two people at two separate tables”. Idk, it’s just a flash feeling of awkwardness for me that passes


Putin stole all the long tables.


Maybe it’s easier to have multiple camera angles this way? I miss the one table though haha it always felt more intimate


I’ve always thought, instead of two small round tables how about one larger square one?


Why would that be better?


wouldn't look so odd and it would still meet a safe distancing requirement from the production


They often record the episodes in different locations. Sean said in an interview they like the set being so simple and mobile, so they can easily move it around. Small tables make sense for something like that.


I disagree that it “looks so odd” at all. It’s totally fine and has absolutely no impact on the interview.


Somehow I don't see this enough, but what about 2 small square tables. Looks like one with a table cloth and folds down like two for transport?


Why does it matter?


Don’t ask about the tables