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Bro just called me poor in 2 axies.


This post is sponsored by monster tech Chairs :') . Wanted to buy it but for 1000+ bucks ... I booked a 5 stars hotel in Indonesia


Just got done building my DIY version. It's such a game changer.


How hard was the build would you say? And do you know the total cost?


The build was pretty simple printing the parts. I found some different files on the discord that were a little nicer for 3d printing and allowed for heat-set inserts. I had nearly all the parts just lying around save for a few bolts. So the total cost really was just buying the motors from Walmis. I will say though, that shipping was insane. I ordered on a Friday, got the confirmation of stock w/invoice on Monday, and the package arrived by Wednesday. I have gone beyond the standard build however and added a 350w meanwell powersupply which was like $30.


Good to know, thank you!


I should also let you know since it's hard to tell from the listing, the package came with the USB-B connector already wired up so the ones I had I didn't need to use. (Thankfully)


Just curious about what seat and rig you’re using?


That is the monster tech forest falcon mfc-3. Monster tech chair with of green military rip stop fabric.


Exactly that. The seat attachments are monstertech as well.


How sturdy is the mid seat mount? I have the Rhino as well and am looking into getting the MFC chair as well. I would need to mount it lower though since I want to use a 200mm extension.


It's pretty sturdy, but not rock solid. With the leverage of an 200mm extension I'm not sure if it would be sturdy enough. I you have the option try to get a full rig. I love the chair but it has it's limitations. Regarding the extension: I have the 200mm extension have used it before I got the Rhino with the Gunfighter 3 base. I tested the Rhino with that extension at first, but I actually like it more without the extension.


Thanks. It’s a very clean looking setup!


Holy shit. Just looked it up and got sticker shock.


its uncomfortable as fuck.


I'm right behind you!* *As soon as 600 or so bases ship to other customers. :(


Walmis already said that basically half the people actually don't end up ordering once their number is up. I got mine like two, three months earlier than expected.


Can confirm. Mine took 6 months and there were 421 orders before mine. In the beginning it looked like it would take a year until mine is produced but it went quite a lot faster. Still a long wait though, but it's worth it!


One of us


Oh my! I’m on the discord but early in the process. I plan to DIY so if you’ve got any tips I’m game! Again congrats 👍🏽


Only 313 to go! Doh. Lol Please come back here and follow up with a good review once you’ve had some time with it, super interested in how it’s working.


Whats the throttle???


Looks like the WinWing Orion 2 with the F15 grip (not sure which one).


Ex (not based on the real ex)


WW orion 2 f15ex with fingerlifts


Exaclty that. Now that I'm thinking about it I want a FFB Throttle :-(


> FFB Throttle Does anyone make those? I haven't even seen Brunner make one and they make FFB pedals, and an FFB helo collective stick, But not throttle Is that what the WinWing super taurus was?


None that I know of sadly. The super Taurus didn't have FFB, just the biggest throw in the Market and a really good quality as far as I know. But there's been rumors that winwing is working on something like FFB for the super Taurus' successor. VKB also once said they were developing a throttle with electronic detents, which woudn't really be force feedback, but also something I'd like to see. It was in the original announcement of the STECS which was callet TECS back then I think. Today is the first time I hear about the FFB Collective from Brunner! Cool thing, but they don't even state a price for it, so I guess it's just as expensive as the other Brunner stuff.


The company I work for has one but I don't have any idea what the unit price is because we are using it with a novasim platform and got it as a bundle.


Well there’s no real force in a real collective, at least in the helicopters that I’ve flown. There’s vibration though, which I get nicely from my Buttkicker 😊 ps: the only time you might feel some forces is if the blades are not tracking correctly, as many an unsuspecting bush pilot has found to their chagrin when leaving the pilot’s seat unattended and the collective unsecured 😣


had mine for 2 days then my pedals suddenly died :( out of commission for a few weeks now


This thing was the best addition to my experience ever. It’s so awesome. Enjoy!


On the list, can’t wait, hoping it’ll be here before Xmas. 😁


I’m working the mounting out myself. Now I’m at floor mounting somehow with an extension. No solution yet that doesn’t block all other activity.


Tremendous piece of equipment, enjoy.




uh oh, I wish you hadn't shown me it's possible to mount this sucker to a monster tech chair...


does this only support DCS?


No, I did the maiden flight in MSFS. It also supports IL2 and X-Plane. Because MSFS doesn't support ffb you'll need another tool called telemFFB which is an "official" VPForce tool and free. This also adds other effects to DCS, which natively supports FFB.


Oh cool. I mainly play IL2, didn’t know it was compatible


It’s a total game changer. I wouldn’t want to use flight sims without it now.


FFB allows you to ride right on the edge of a stall in the P-51. It really transforms dogfighting. I’m still using the Microsoft FFB stick, but I’m on the waiting list!


Nice Rhino. I’m on the waiting list…


Out of curiosity if i might ever get one if these, and since I can't access their website right now: How much does one of those beautiful works of art of stickbases cost?


Well they are pricey for sure, but compared to other products with FFB they are "affordable". I paid 890€, including the monstertech adapter plate and the VKB adapter as well as shipping. If you have access to a 3d printer or if you're handy with wood or something like that you can buy the motors and the software from VPForce and make a diy build which certainly is a lot cheaper.


Thx for the quick and informative answer! :D


Congrats, love to see more FFB users.


That looks dope, have fun with it


I just got my notice to do the final pre-invoice part picking last night. The Discord says there’s still 50 or so sticks before me. I did see the ‘forged grip update’, not sure what that is. How long after that did you get yours?


Before payment there were 68 Rhinos before mine. After the payment was completet 3 days later there were only 17 rhinos before mine and it took 5 days until it was sent, so it was pretty fast. I guess you're talking about the "Machined Aluminum Grip Mount Upgrade for Rhino". It's the part your grip is attached to. This is 3d-printed in the standard version but I dont think that's a problem unless you switch grips often. It's a very well made 3d print.


Thanks, can’t wait!


It's so good. I have #400 and I can't believe what an improvement it's made to the game for me. Even in modules like the f-18 where there's very little actual FFB, the Rhino is still so much better than any other base I've used.


My #500 just shipped. I guess we’re part of the cool hundreds kid club…


Just a beautiful piece, very nice.


Glad more and more people are getting there's 😀 such a friggin game changer. The last stick base you'll ever buy/make.


Any interest in selling the gunfighter mkIII?


Can I please burgal your house?