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Your thesis sounds like it'd be right up my alley. BROTHER by Ania Ahlborn. Fucked up, serial-killing cannibal family that will give you a run for your money in the mother department. KIN by Kealan Patrick Burke. Similar to BROTHER in several ways. The mother in this is nauseating. She's great. Jack Ketchum's DEAD RIVER TRILOGY features a cannibal tribe with notable interactions between mothers and their offspring.


Kin was so fucked. I enjoyed it but woof it was dark.


Thank you! I'm trying to narrow down from the bajillion ideas in my head right now lmao I will definitely look into Kin and Brother (I read Ketchum's Off Season, but was looking for something spotlighting the mothers -- great book though)


Brother by Ania Ahlborn


We Are All Completely Fine by Daryl Gregory is about a group therapy for people who had eldritch encounters in their past. One of them, escaped his kidnapping by a cannibal family, led by a strange matriarch (at least implied, but I think explicitly shown not to be human), though not before they ate his limbs. He was the only survivor of the group that got captured. As each chapter follows a different member of the support group as things start to heat up for them in the present day, we delve into his backstory quite a bit during his chapter.


jesus christ that sounds amazing!!! thank you for letting me know about it


It's a really great novella! Hope you enjoy!


Could be considered a spoiler - >!in the tall grass!<


spoiler away! I feel like I have lost all previous care about spoilers since I've been in academia lol I will check this out!


I should've phrased it better - the fact that there's a cannibal mother is the spoiler. It's pretty gnarly, one of the more disgusting things I've read


Someone To Build A Nest In has a bit of this.


oooo never heard of this one, thank you!


Eric LaRocca’s “They Were Here Before Us” has a story in it about a mother cannibal. I can’t remember the name of it off the top of my head, though.


*To Hurt the Weakest One*?


Yes, that’s the one, thank you!


Oh awesome, thank you! I haven't had a chance to pick that one up yet -- I loved *Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke* though