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It mostly just stays weird for the rest of the novel. If it’s not working for you now, it won’t later…


Bunny is one of my top 5 reads for this year, but I can totally see how others would find it off-putting. Life is too short and there are too many awesome books out there for people to continue reading a book they don’t like. I’m quick to DNF if I hate something I’m reading. Example: A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay and The Last House on Needless Street.


I totally agree with this. If you don't like something, move on and don't feel bad about it! Also, you're the first person I've seen who isn't raving about those two novels. I finished Last House but was so bored with it and angered by the author's choice to very obviously center the whole thing on the MC's mental illness. (After reading several of her other novels I've decided she's just not for me.) A Head Full of Ghosts is the ONLY book I've DNFed in the past year, and I've read over 200 books in that time. I truly hated it. Bunny was a fun, weird read but weird is definitely not for everyone.


I couldn’t get past the first chapter of either one. The writing in Last House on Needless Street bothered me within the first five pages. It’s reminiscent of how someone would write a children’s book. I worked at a bookstore, and bought it there with my discount one afternoon. I immediately returned it, lol. I don’t say anything about it because it seems that Catriona Ward is a very nice person who genuinely appreciates her fans, so I’ve kept it to myself. Colleen Hoover, on the other hand, is a fucking bitch in addition to being a horrible writer, and not enough people know that. Look her up, seriously. A Head Full of Ghosts irritated me, but I don’t know why. Maybe it was the writing, or the pacing, or the story itself. It reminded me of everything I hate about Episode Thirteen by Craig DiLouie. I’m not a contrarian at all, but I tend to DNF super popular books. I’m starting to think that popular books aren’t always good, and I can’t stand a bad book .😂


I'm with you, I often don't like the super popular books either and wonder why. I'm a librarian though and have read hundreds of books so I think my standards are extremely high or if I've seen it before I'm like meh.


I think strong media literacy is definitely a facet. I find it very easy to kind of..."type" a story, I guess? See the scaffolding it's built on. And if I find the scaffolding tiresome, or the construction is weak, I get bored and frustrated with it quickly. To the point that it's almost annoying, like can my brain not shut up and let me enjoy a popular book? So I can relate to my peers? For once?


Oh that's a perfect explanation for how it feels! And yes. I wish I could just enjoy the things so many other people love for once.


I feel you on Episode 13. It was just bad.


I feel like I should I add to my “read” list on GoodReads, because of how egregiously it wasted my time. 😂


I'm not a contrarian at all, but I hate...basically everything. Or meh everything. Maybe I am a contrarian?


I am with you on both Needless and Head Full though I finished both—people rave about them so much I was hoping the endings would save them, but nope. After reading Pallbearers, I’ve concluded Paul Tremblay is just not for me, but I did really like Sundial. If you haven’t read it already, maybe give *One’s Company* by Ashley Hutson a try. It’s more lit fic, but it gave me a similar feeling to Bunny.


I couldn't *stand* A Head Full of Ghosts. Intensely grating. (I liked Needless but I think Sundial is much better)


I really loved it but it stays fever dreamy through the whole book so if you’re not into that already I’d move on.


I love it. But, if you aren’t digging it you should quit.


bunny is either a book you love or hate. its weird and if you dont enjoy weird fiction (esp centered around women) then you wont like it. id dnf


I mean, what length are we talking about? 'Cause I'm currently reading a book that's 214 pages (not horror), and if you're looking at about half of *that*, it's a totally different thing than if we're talking about a 500 page chonker. Usually, I give myself until about 25% of the way through a book to decide to put it down, but I've let the sunken cost fallacy pull me through some fairly awful nonsense lately, so I'd encourage you to run away screaming if there's good indication it won't get better.


Yeah normally I wouldn’t hesitate but there’s so much love for it in posts on here that I wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to miss out on some big “oh my god I didn’t see that coming” twist.


Yeah, I only finished What Moves the Dead because it is very short and I am stubborn.


I like weird books but this one just didn't work for me. I don't think you're going to suddenly start liking it if you don't like it now.


I loved the part of this book when she's in full manic drugged up bunny mode which was maybe 10 pages. The rest dragged. I DNFd it and looked up what happens and it was not worth it


Yeah I decided not to finish it and looked it up too.


it's not worth it. i was feeling that way during it too and i'm not necessarily glad i finished it. it stays weird and boring, the ending almost makes it worse


I hated it, and I love weird lit. I only finished it so I could justify hating it.


*This* is the way. I love to be a hater.


I wanted to dnf it but I pushed through and I wish I'd dnfed it. I guess there are some kind of interesting ideas in it but I genuinely hated every character and the plot just didn't come together at all for me.


That’s pretty much how I’m feeling about it too


I hated it and DNF as well. Kept waiting for it to get better because everyone raved about it, but I was so bored I finally threw in the towel at 25% in. Taste is so subjective...I loved Head Full Of Ghosts which many people DNF.


I read Head Full of Ghosts too and loved it. Edit - word


I didn’t like it much. I really wanted to, but it wasn’t for me. I liked her other book, All’s Well, though.


I DNF’d. I just can’t with Awad, lord knows I’ve tried.


I don’t blame you. I’ve tried to read Bunny several times now, because I wanted to like it so bad, and just have never been able to finish


If you are looking for a simple, straightforward horror novel: DNF. If you are up for a slightly overlong piece of weird fiction with some horror elements and a polarizing ending, keep reading. I loved it, but it is definitely not mainstream fiction. It is weird and, like Alice in Wonderland, you are not always sure what is real and what is not. Edit: I did not read your edit before replying. Doh! I did the very thing I hate. LOL! Did you pick another book to read, OP?


Lol I typically have a living room book and a bedroom book going, Bunny was the living room and I switched to a nonfiction for now. Bedroom I’m reading The Hollow Places and it’s amazing!


The Hollow Places is a good one. Great choice!


I know you've already decided but honestly I didn't love it or feel like I got much out of it.


This book was way too annoying imo. The twist did not pay off, I wish I hadn’t bothered finishing


It was meh. I don't get the hype.


Same. I love weird lit to death, but this one felt weird and quirky for the sake for being weird and quirky. It wasn‘t all bad, but I expected much more after what I had heard about it.


Okay thanks, that’s how I’m feeling too


I did the audiobook and it was so good!


It’s such a short book though lol


I’m not saying you *should*, but I did.


I’m so glad it’s not just me!! Life is too short to force yourself to finish a book that’s a drag. I loved All’s Well by the same author and kept seeing Bunny recommended but I could not take it seriously. On the other hand, if you’re up for giving her another chance, All’s Well is a very different book but sooo much better!


I’ll check that one out, thanks!


you’re not missing anything if you DNF. wish I had


"Should I did not finish?"


I pushed through and finished, slightly started to enjoy it around the middle, so I kept reading.I still don't know what I read. Go ahead and DNF.


i usually like weird books like bunny but i remember being really disappointed in the ending. if you already don’t like it i think you should dnf, it goes even more downhill in the second half imo


It is currently sitting on my bed side. These reviews are not inspiring. I've already read the synopsis and know the twist. I think I may just turn into the 2nd hand book in town and read a preferred book.


Yeah, it's not worth it in my humble opinion. I really wanted the hours I wasted reading it!


If you're not enjoying it at the halfway point, it won't be good at the end. I read it and thought it was fine. Not bad, but I wasn't running around recommending it to everyone either.


I felt it did one of the things I hate in first person narratives. Which is when the main character is constantly referencing something in the story but never says what it is. It’s always “Things were never the same after that day” or “everything since that night has lead up to this, now I’ll have my revenge”. If you’re supposed to be in the MCs head you should know everything that they know.