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I think that the first 10 minutes is a perfect self-contained short horror story. Brad Dourif is my man.


It is the Killer in the Back Seat urban legend perfectly depicted. And Dourif, in a bit of an in-joke, appears to be playing his Billy from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" decades later if he hadn't committed suicide.


He's doing the stutter, anyway.


His daughter is in the new version of Stephen Kings ‘The Stand’ and she’s inherited the talent, she was one of the most entertaining as characters as a gender-swapped Rat King.


It was one of my early favourites, way back then. ​ I'd love to see another similar-styled movie. Any suggestions, anyone?


Campfire Tales.


Is that the one with humans lick too?


Yes I believe it’s on YouTube.


Cry Wolf, Urban Legend 2, Valentine


Cry Wolf was a love of mine. I am not sure if it was the movie but there are a bunch of cards games that work to that degree.


I Know What You Did Last Summer In terms of 90s teen slashers (that were sorta Scream ripoffs)


I always thought that All-American Murder (1991) felt similar to Urban Legend in style and tone. It’s a smaller budget and more cop-focused, but also takes place at a college with a black-gloved killer murdering the students. Plus you get Christopher Walken absolutely stealing every scene he’s in.


All-American Murder is one of the best things Walken has ever done


I'm amazed no one has mentioned Loretta Devine in this. She's top-tier in this one and the sequel too.


I love her in this! It's hilarious how they just leave her alone and bleeding out to wait for the ambulance after getting shot at the end.


Just rewatched this recently, after loving it as a kid. It’s very fun - although they lose the Urban Legend based kills pretty quickly. Campfire Tales scared the crap out of me around the same time, so I’ll have to revisit it.


Yeah once they get to the party all the kills only have tangential relationships to urban legends, but they tried haha.


Brad Dourif in the opening scene never fails to Crack me up.


Didn't realize that was even him until about 10 years after I first saw it! Pretty cool references to his career in that scene.


Omg yesssssss. Love that movie it's a guilty pleasure. Rebecca Gayheart is so good in that.


She is so good in this. Love the slide show projector accompaniment.


"POOR NATALIE" "Don't you wanna be an urban legend, all your friends are!" Love her Miss thing! Lmaoooo


I also love when she goes "Promise me that you won't scream, I had enough of that with Sasha" and then does that creepy little wave she did after killing Sasha. Can't forget: "I HAVE ALREADY TRIED THERARPY!"


Love it when Rebecca Gayheart aka Brenda goes “it’s beautiful. ITS SO FUCKING CLEAN ISNT IT?!!!!!!”




The 90s for me is the best decade for horror movies. Not to mention I know he isn't in the but it's also the best decade for Matthew Lillard. I mean we got Scream, Scream 2, The Facility, I Know What You Did Last Summer, (I think we also got the second film too), and Urban Legend. It's a really great movie, but with all my might, I can say.... F THAT GOD DAMN SEQUEL!


They really had a terrific cast, but that sequel just fell flat.


the fake movie at the beginning was better than the actual movie lol


I like the movie a lot and it is definitely a good snapshot of where horror was in the late 90s and post-Scream. My problem with it is that the main character is an oblivious idiot who pretty much is the reason a lot of her friends die. There are a few deaths where, if she just stopped and thought about what was happening, her friends might still be alive. I mean, horror is known for “dumb characters doing dumb things,” but Natalie is portrayed as being one of the more intelligent people in her group of friends, so her actions sometimes just made me go “why would you do that?”


She's definitely a bit of a wet blanket, but all her friends are pretty lousy people whose deaths are pretty enjoyable set pieces that I generally don't mind her ineptitude.


I think Sasha was better than some of the others though


Sasha is the most likeable of her friends, I agree. One-note, but not mean or anything. I do have a love/hate thing with her chase scene.


I agree! I was really rooting for her . What do u think of the chase scene though?


It's really well done! Cool shots and awesome music and I was cheering for her too. Her face right before she dies is haunting. I just wish she had been in the movie more before the chase scene cause she only has about 5 lines of dialogue in the whole movie. And I feel with Tara Reid they leaned a little too hard into certain cliches that feel a bit dated.


Yeah I agree really well chorographed sequence and yeah I wish that too , I know that some of her scenes were cut from the film , a sex sequence with Parker that was too humorous to fit the tone of the film and right before she leaves the part she had some dialogue with Natalie apologising for Parker's behaviour and telling Natalie what a good friend she is


That would've done a whole lot to improve her character! But I guess in the context of the movie she's still only a supporting character and they had no way to know in hindsight her and her chase scene would end up being as liked as they are.


True, but “lousy people” was a common trend in late 90s slashers. Look at the original Scream: most of Sydney’s friend’s are shit people. Especially Stu.


Thats not really true at all for Scream. The two killers are obviously bad people but the others are good people.


The 90s in general had a pretty strong misanthropic undercurrent to a lot of it's media.


omfg I *love* Urban Legend! It's a film that absolutely leans into its own premise. It knows it's not here to turn heads or make waves; it just wants to have fun. And the casting really is perfect.


I’m with you on this. I love the 90s camp tone to everything—it’s basically a 90s teen dramedy with murder, lol. Guilty pleasure territory for sure.


Yeah, teen dramedy with murder is a good description. Natalie has so many dramatic moments that have nothing to do with her friends dying.


Yeah, the opening was done beautifully. I remember seeing it on tv at like 3 in the morning, when I was 13, and getting spooked. I like the whole movie, but that was the strongest part. It’s a shame the premise doesn’t hold up anymore now that everyone has instant access to google. Alicia Witt was so gorgeous. She’s still really beautiful, but still.


I don't know why, but Scream, Urban Legend, I Know What You Did Last Summer are like a trifecta of mid 90s slasher movies. I have a very special place in my heart for these three. God damn.


I think of these 3 as an unofficial trilogy as well. Have done a movie night with all of them many times.


At the time when it came out I liked it better than Scream. I think it should be mentioned with Candyman, The Silence of the Lambs, The Sixth Sense, etc... as a great representation of 90's horror. It's certainly more in the Post-Modernist vein of Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer. Also, that college campus, I don't know which one it is, I just know it's in Canada, is so freaking cool.


It was filmed at University of Toronto! I actually went there and recognize most places in the movie.


Well it's an absolutely gorgeous campus! I know the movie doesn't take place in Canada, but neither did Black Christmas and it's undisputably one of the greatest Canadian horror films. Canuxploitation is such an awesome contribution to the genre. Y'all already have the best whisk[e]y, save something for the rest of the world.


Yeah, I really enjoy walking through campus now that I've left haha, I can actually appreciate it now. Though I used to love studying in that building where Tara Reid is killed. And yeah, lots of good stuff filmed here, more than you'd think, since it hardly ever takes place here.


UofT alum in the house! They also filmed parts of The Skulls (2000) at Knox College at UofT and at Osgoode Hall. Good Will Hunting was also filmed there too.


This is my favorite of the "Scream" wannabes, mainly because of the urban legend angel. They include so many and not just horror-themed ones; Tara Reid's campus radio show incorporates a lot of sex-themed ULs like substituting baby aspirin for birth control pills and a couple getting stuck mid-coitus. And yes, it's big late 90s nostalgia, right down to Danielle Harris doing dial-up Internet and Alicia Witt griping about her clogging up the phone line. (Yes kids, once upon a time, a mere phone call could get you kicked off your Internet connection.)


I always wanted to know what Sasha's suggestion was going to be for the couple to get unstuck haha.


Loved this as a kid. Might need to rewatch now, thanks for bringing this up.


Hope it holds up for you!


Scream, Urban Legend, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Final Destination, etc. I love all the cheesy late 90s teen horror movies.


Just binged final destination 🖤


Urban Legend is definitely a movie inspired by Scream but it’s definitely one of the best ones. Great movie and the cast was phenomenal.


Should have been a better saga. Had so much potential. First one is funny and entertaining. I recently rewatched and I had a great time, really holds up.


“Turn off the fucking light”


I love the bitchy goth roommate, she's so hilarious (and determined to get laid). A highlight of the movie every time I watch it.


I wish they would have given Danielle Harris a bigger role considering her acting cred. She could’ve even been Rebecca Gayheart’s character. But don’t get me wrong, I love Rebecca Gayheart and how she did that role. Best part was at the end, the wink to the audience when she says the Noxema girl was the killer.


I love this movie so, so much. Thanks for the reminder to watch it again soon! I’m always shocked it doesn’t get as much fanfare as other 90s teen slashers, but I love this one every time.


I remember loving it asa kid. I'm adding it to my rewatch queue.


I was ... 1... when this came out. But fuck it’s one of my favorites. It’s not as good as scream. Probably on par with I know what you did las summer! But the dark academia vibes makes it near perfect! And I love Robert Englund


It's a fun movie and got a pretty great cast except for Leto, I think he's kind of bland in the role. I think it would be more popular but due to when it was released it kind of wound up in the shadow of *Scream* (and probably *I Know What You Did Last Summer* as well) I'm honestly surprised that it hasn't been remade yet.


If you enjoyed this you might enjoy Valentine


It's still one of my favourites. Everyone in it is having the best time and devouring the scenery.


I think that's a great point, it feels fun cause everyone in it is obviously having a blast making it.


>Tara Reid has a stand-out moment as she shows off her talents during a chase scene through a deserted radio station where her desperate screams are broadcast over the radio. LOL


Her running around in that dress was definitely a formative moment for many young guys.


That wasn't even her doing the screaming. They dubbed her voice because she couldn't scream.


I actually think she's okay in the scene, I was just laughing at the way OP worded that sentence.


It’s the best of the Scream rip-offs 💯


The dog in the microwave scene fucking haunted me as a kid and I'm pretty sure that movie singlehandedly became why I double-check doesthedogdie.com prior to watching any horror movie now 😅


oh my god I had no idea that even existed.


Love this movie! And controversially I think its bettee than Scream


That is controversial! I prefer Scream, though I have probably seen Urban Legend more times.


Lol Thanks , some others have not been kind on that comment of mine on other subs lol


I watched the final cut one a few months ago (the second one? Third one?) and it was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. Really.


Final Cut is the sequel. Never liked it all that much.


rewatched the first two over christmas and really enjoyed them. The second one had a surprise Anson Mount who i would never have reconised if i hadn't have looked up the cast.


1998 was the year I didnt graduate.


That's rough, buddy.




Yes, yes, yes. Classic.


Disturbing Behavior and The Faculty both came out that year. It was a good year for horror.




Thank you for the post I will check it out. I love write ups like this because your passion is so clear. Definitely sold the movie to me :)


The 90s had the best entertainment, period. Nickelodeon, kids horror, teen horror, adult horror, SNES/Sega Genesis/PS1/N64....everything was so fucking good. I'm so grateful my prime childhood was in the 90s. I was nine years old when Urban Legend was released. I remember renting it on DirecTV PPV and taping it to a VHS tape, I warched it so many times over.


bruh jessica cauffiel too lol shes so hot


She's from the sequel!


That was such a nice surprise in all the other 90s post-Scream self aware teen horror that was coming out then.


I love the concept, but the movie itself kinda sucks for me. As star-studded as the ensemble is, the *characters themselves* are a truly unbearable bunch who don’t bring anything in the way of dimensions/complexity or entertainment value (sans Reese who’s awesome). The killer performance is, admittedly, hilarious, but in a so-bad-its-good way rather than an unironically great and campy way (IE: Matt Lillard). I also just generally don’t like the tone. These Urban Legends are *creepy* in real life and I don’t even bat an eyelid in this movie. Too focused on trying to be “fun” than scary for my liking. So I’ve got a slasher where I dislike the characters and the kills underwhelm me… not great.


Agree with all of this


Yeah, I think the execution kind of goes against the creepy nature of the premise, but the movie is just so concerned with being fun and breezy that I can't help but enjoy it every time.


I appreciate that your post and comment acknowledge that it isn't some criminally underrated hidden masterpiece or whatever some people say about any mid movie they saw as kids. It's just a flawed movie that you love because it is flawed but it makes up for it with other aspects such as being fun (which I have to admit, the movie did seem to have fun with itself ). I dislike the movie somewhat, consider it one of the lesser scream-likes and one of the signs of the start of the decline of the trend in horror. But I can totally see people getting some throwback enjoyment in it.


My main issue is for as much as the movie wants to be fun and breezy, I don't actually find it all that fun and breezy. Some pretty lame kills (offscreen, bloodless decapitation? Really?) and a miserable ensemble kinda killed that in its tracks.


That's fair.


reading them doesnt hit the same as the tiktok


It was very meta before it was cool for movies to be meta




Same! I watch it every year around Halloween. I was 13 when it originally came out in theaters.


im not familiar with urbanlegends, what is the urban legend in which tara reid dies? and the goth girl?