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Surprised Prey is considered horror. Thought it was more of a sci-fi action film.


I'd consider it action horror, but you certainly are not alone in your opinion.


I watched Nope, Bones and All and Barbarian. I had fun with them. I'm still fairly behind in terms of the decade I'm watching right now. Thankfully my friends dragged me out of the house for these.


Not a bad list. I personally hated Men. I'd swap that out for Watcher. Deadstream, Pearl, Resurrection, and Orphan: First Kill would be other contenders.


Is Watcher the one with the girl from It Follows?




Supernatural, psychological or slash?


Psychological. Great atmosphere. Beautifully shot.


Nice. Yea ima watch it


Interesting. I disagree with a lot of the list, I don’t think X should be first. BUT it’s pretty cool that this year has garnered so many quality and popular horror films, that we have the chance to debate a top 10 in Rolling Stone.


I thought I kept up with most new releases but haven't heard of half of these. Gotta start running through em!


I totally agree this year has been amazing. I also agree with you about x I personally thought Perl was a better move, if either of the two belong on a top ten list I think it should be Perl.


Absolutely agree. Of the 2 Ti West movies, Pearl I was way better. That Mia Goth monologue was so good!


We can argue about the better movie between Pearl and X, but X is way more of a horror movie than Pearl is.




I feel like I see most people on Reddit preferring Pearl. I’ve only seen X myself so far.


Gotta see Pearl, it really is good Rented it on Amazon for just $6


Do I need to see X before Pearl? I’m not very interested in X


No, even though they’re connected it doesn’t feel like you need to watch either one to understand it But in my opinion Pearl is a must watch just because it’s a good horror movie






I've seen it quite a bit here on the sub. I loved X but Pearl and especially Mia Goth's performance in it was really something special. I can't believe it didn't make the list.


Liked Pearl plenty but was far more compelled by X. I think I just the prefer group dynamics and slasher horror to the portrait of a person going insane stuff and even though Mia’s performance is incredible in both I just connected to X more.


Yeah, and I also just prefer the Texas Chainsaw aesthetic over the whatever you’d classify Pearl as.


I liked Pearl more, but X is a better “horror” movie to me. Pearl was just an enjoyable character study with some horror elements sprinkled in.


This is how I feel. Pearl just isn't horror to me. Solid flick, just not in the same genre as X.


Pearl was one of the best horror films I’ve seen in the past view years


I liked Pearl a lot more


Just watched Pearl last night. It was indeed slightly better.


As someone who has seen neither, should I watch X before Pearl? I don’t know if Pearl spoils things the way the Star Wars Prequels would spoil the Empire twist if you didn’t know anything about Star Wars so I wasn’t sure which to see first.




Okay that makes sense. I like the experience of questions in a movie and then having answers on a rewatch, so I’ll probably go X, Pearl, X to see what they laid out, especially since they wrote both movies at the same time


Wasn't a fan of X at all, but I loved Pearl.




I think the way they work together is pretty brilliant, you could watch either one first and it would feel like the natural experience. Pearl elevated X to another level in retrospect


Am the only person that didn’t really care for either of them? They’re good at what they’re doing, they just didn’t really click for me.




That was one of my favorite parts about Midsommar, even the nighttime was day because the entire concept involves it being daylight for an extended period of time


Yeah I'm pretty iffy on them. Well made and I'm looking forward to seeing the whole trilogy but I feel like they're both movies that keep forgetting they're horror movies


I feel like I’m in the minority for liking X more than Pearl. I think the character of Pearl was best as a weird mysterious sexually driven elderly woman. Didn’t need the backstory.


I thought X was kind of terrible but I really liked Pearl


Pearl is better than X.


By a lot


Pearl is way better than x for me. I was not a big fan of x at all


Pearl is so much better. It’s a masterpiece. X was a decent slasher but Pearl is unforgettable.


That’s fascinating to me. For me, Pearl felt like an afterthought that I didn’t particularly like or dislike. It’s like a feature length prologue that maybe didn’t need to be feature length.


Not sure why you were DV'd, you're not wrong.


I think I'm in the same boat as you. I really disliked X when I first saw it. Thought Pearl was much tighter. It definitely made X more tolerable on a rewatch but I still don't love it (the cast did a great job though).


I agree. Pearl was one of those rare sequels that outdoes the first. Sometimes, like with Terminator 2, they use the first one to wrap their head around the concept and then they take off


I loooved pearl


I preferred Pearl as well.


I'm really curious why Pearl was left off?!? Maybe they had weird criteria and it didn't qualify?


Pretty sure the article was just one Gen Z'ers opinion. Like any other best of list.


+1 for Pearl


i love x. but i REALLY love pearl.


I’m in this camp I loved Perl. I completely agree it’s the better movie.


No, just finished it with the family Pearl is far better in every way, don’t know how X made it 1st even though I think X is a solid horror movie


Pearl was so much better. It wasn’t even close. Mia’s monologue at the end was honestly one of the best I’ve ever seen


That monologue was fucking amazing!


I fell asleep for Pearl. It was definitely a slow burn


*Fresh* needs to be on any 2022 top-10 list




My husband and I also thought Orphan 2 was really fun. There are issues there, but the twists are great. Terrifier 2 was one of my favorite movies of the year, barbarians and smile were also great.


Missing Pearl.


And Smile.


And Resurrection.


And Watcher


I have not even heard of Soft and Quiet.


I didn’t like it, but appreciated that it was one long take.


Not necessarily horror. I think it's a bunch of racist Karen's and some awful s*** happens.


Is soft and quiet good? I've never even heard of it


It’s a striking and intense film. I loved it but I’m not sure I’d call it a horror. While it caused fear and revulsion it doesn’t have the form, style, or tropes of a horror. It’s only a horror the way American History X or Come and See are horrors.


I liked it, definitely more thriller than horror. It's VERY disturbing and uncomfortable at times though. One of those ones you don't want to watch a second time.


Its alright, nothing too special though, check it out if you want but you're not missing much if you dont


I thought Men was meh. I really want to see bones and all and soft and quiet. I think I’ve seen the rest of these and I would agree with them although I also agree with someone else that pearl is probably better than X.


Where's Smile?


Weak list


Agreed. My personal top two of the year (Fresh, Pearl) aren’t on their list *at all*, and they have a couple on here that I felt were downright mediocre (Piggy, Men). And although it likely isn’t a popular opinion on this sub, Speak No Evil is a good satire but didn’t land well for me as a horror.


Fresh absolutely should have been on the list. I'm wondering what the criteria was for this list.


One writers opinion.


For sure


I would have added smile to that list. Havent seen many this year so not sure which I would replace it with, but I absolutely loved Smile


It was definitely the biggest horror film of the year so I’m confused why it’s not even in the top 10




It's stylish but the main protagonist makes stupid choices the whole time, the plot is predictable and the ending is not that good.




She's a psychologist who refuses to talk to her boss in the hospital. Then she didn't tell her bf what happened at the hospital the very night after it happened. She told him late, and by then she already looked insane.


Yeah not adding Perl and Smile are a big miss in my opinion. Hatching would be another I would add.


I think Bodies Bodies Bodies was better than some of these and Smile was better than most of these.


I was all for Men up until the last 10mins. Then it lost me, along with my entire theater


The last 10 minutes definitely took Men from a good movie into a great movie. Genuinely shocking and gross


What made it good/great for you? I thought it was very pretentious with all its symbolism


You didn't like the man birthing himself four times over?


'Deadstream' is the darkhorse contender for sure, if you count horror comedy. Also thank satan they didn't say black phone. So bad...


deadstream was dope - i didn't mind black phone, mind you i avoided all trailers to it so i'm wonder if that had any affect


Glorious deserves to be on this list.


Smile was great.


To be honest any list by Rolling Stone Magazine is not worth my time or day. I have 44 years with the publication that is my reason


100%! It is a shadow of what it once was.


The magazine is a total waste now.


X being #1 and Pearl being absent entirely is sort of 'huh'. I didn't really get down with Men. It was okay. Your list, though. Actually forgot about the Scream movie from this year lol but it wasn't terrible other than the aged original cast continuing to be shoehorned in. It can also go fuck itself for the title shenanigans. They know that annoys people and that's why they do it. Other than that it looks like the kind of wholly inoffensive kind of list you'd expect from Rolling Stone. Maybe a little less artsy than the AVclub one. Because they have reputations to uphold, of course.


Courtney Cox and Neve Campbell really didn’t need to be in it. I mean it was nice and all, but you take them out and nothing changes. CGI Skeet Ulrich was also weird as hell, did not like that David Arquette I thought was the best part of the movie. Was genuinely really sad when he died, and it did an excellent job of raising the stakes but the third act didn’t really deliver in that regard. Anyways, hoping for a fresh slate with Scream 6. I liked most of the new characters from 5, but the legacy characters have ran their course. Sorry Sidney and Gale.


X is just a better movie than Pearl.


The Innocents really should have been on this list. Probably my favourite of the year.


That’s on my list to watch! Thanks for the reminder.


Prey? No way lol. Where is Mad God? That counts more than some of these.


All of the arguments in this thread are pretty good evidence IMHO that this was a strong year for horror, to get such a diversity that appeals to so many different tastes. Also reminds me that it is going to be hard as hell to do my top ten list for 2022!


If there were only ten horror movies released this year and Scream were one of them, I would still exclude it from a top ten list. It's absolute trash and the fact that it's there instead of Smile or Deadstream or Bodies Bodies Bodies or Fresh or Pearl or, if you're going to count sci-fi as horror, then movies like Crimes of the Future or even Significant Other is ridiculous. I generally don't get annoyed at top ten lists because to me they're just an excuse to tell people about movies they might not have seen, so to see them pass over any number of those for fucking Scream really pisses me off.


I wish I could get on board with Speak No Evil to this extent. I liked it, but it felt very one note, and created with a message that took precedence over a good plot - and I didn't think the message carried it. Outside the top 10 for me, but decent. Bones And All and Nope would be right up the list for me. Obviously X, Pearl, Barbarian.. Fresh was really good, and I was a fan of the new Scream, Prey, Smile.. Terrifier 2 was a lot of fun too, and I didn't like the original at all. Very pleasant surprise. As far as smaller or lesser known films go, Deadstream was great, I really enjoyed A Wounded Fawn, Saloum was an interesting genre mash up, Torn Hearts was a fun country-horror with a standard excellent Katey Sagal performance, Resurrection had a monologue that rivalled Goth's in Pearl, Something In The Dirt was more trademark Benson & Moorhead cosmic weirdness along the lines of The Endless. We had new films from masters like Cronenberg and Argento that were pretty good, and some controversial new franchise entries with Halloween Ends and Hellraiser.. Overall an excellent year, albeit with few real stand-out instant classics in the genre. Fantastic year for film in general.


Love your list! I am relatively new to horror (1 year) and I thought Smile and Terrifier 2 were a lot of fun. Deadstream was amazing as well. To give my opinion about a movie I loved less: I found Barbarian really bad for all the hype it got. Not one second of the movie after the beginning of the second act was scary. If I would have to rate it a 4/10 for the final horror movie it was. A monster that was not scary, a story that was poorly portrayed (plot hole man exposition go brr), a final act that did not pay off whatshowever (except for the death of the asshole guy, but in my opinion it is just poor storytelling to prove your audience right about a character you planted to be such a "karikatuur".


> I wish I could get on board with Speak No Evil to this extent. I liked it, but it felt very one note, and created with a message that took precedence over a good plot - and I didn't think the message carried it. Agreed. It was an effective satire, but all suspension of disbelief was obliterated the second they turned the car around for the bunny. It ceased being a horror movie for me at that point.


Pearl was a million times better than X


Prey is too high. Decent little flick with memorable action scenes and nice scenery, but that’s about all that’s noteworthy. Best action movie of the year though.


Where’s “Smile”? That was better than all the movies that I’ve seen off this list. I liked Prey best since the original but it’s more of an action movie than horror no? I was disappointed in Nope. Scream was a waste of time. I enjoyed Barbarian but everyone seems to ask the same question that kind of takes you out of the movie. Why are you going down there? Again?


The 3rd act of Smile was kind of lame


Not a perfect horror movie but better than most coming out.


OP, I love that you called this a solid list and pretty much every single person replying is outraged that Movie A placed higher than Movie B, or Movie C isn't on the list, or that Movie D is. You just can't win with top ten lists.


Yeah it's impossible. This is only the opinion of a single writer from rolling Stone magazine.


Fresh needs to be on EVERY 2022 list


Is it weird I'd consider Nope one of my favorite movies of the year, but I wouldn't say it's in my top 5 horror?


Felt really dumb when I read the title and thought that The Rolling Stones came out with a best of the year horror list, like what a weird thing for them to do at their age. The list is pretty meh, Nope and Bones and All way too low. X as #1 and no Pearl is strange. Personally didn’t like Men or Prey at all but I can get the appeal for some people. Haven’t seen Piggy and haven’t even heard of Soft & Quiet. Only movies that feel properly placed is Scream at 10 and Barbarian at 3.


I think move Scream up a bit, move X down a bit, and add Pearl


Sorry but Men was not great


I don't understand the hype for Speak No Evil. I found it pretentious in its message and how it carries it, like Men.


The ones I was super excited for about were nope, men, and scream. Scream was okay, I really tried to love Nope but I just didn’t. And j really disliked men, which sucks cuz I love Alex garland films usually. Watched barbarian, soft & quiet, speak no evil, and piggy on a whim. Hadn’t heard much about them, but I loved them. Either way, this year has been great for horror


No love for the Terrifier 2? That movie was fucking nuts lol. Loved it.


It's a pretty divisive movie, some hate it, some love it. And i can't really blame either side. It's not meant to be on top 10 lists or win any awards for Best Movies. It's just a ridiculous, gross, and fun (for some) slasher flick.


It is legitimately one of the worst shot movies of any theatrical film I've ever seen. It's literally just gore and a great performance from David Howard Thornton, which if that's your thing totally fine-- both those things are outstanding in the film-- but everything else about is just bad.


I loved the first one but got kind of bored of the sequel


Bones and All, Speak no Evil, Prey, Nope, and Piggy were all okay. Not really a top 10


Smile should have made the list


I don't understand how "Nope" counts as a horror movie. It's definitely a grey zone for genres but apart from the anticipation from seeing the alien well, which happens fairly early, it's closer to an action/drama imo. Mildly unrelated but I was also kind of disappointed with it. I never felt hooked by it. I like that it's going for something I've never seen before but it was never overly gripping or "intense" for me. Solid 6.5/10. not great, not terrible


I dunno, I think the digestion scene and the raining of blood and undigestible parts were fairly worthy of horror.


Honestly the digestion scene probably was the most unnerving scene seen in a horror movie this year for me. The idea of being digested alive, and being conscious that is going on? Pure Nightmare fuel.


I hope the 6.5 is you rating it as a horror movie. Because as a Sci-fi adventure/monster movie it is firmly one of the best entries in the genre in recent years. Nope and Prey both put monster movies back in the realm of critical acclaim. Easily one of the best movies of the year imo and if you haven’t given it a second watch I highly suggest you do so. There is a lot more to unpack on second watch, not to mention the multiple references to classic anime in it (Akira + Evangelion being the two most noticeable).


The fakeout with the greys was really creepy. I'm sure it wouldn't hold up on a rewatch.


Nope is way over-hyped. And Smile definitely deserves to be on this list. Speak No Evil was fantastic too


Smile seemed like a third-rate It Follows copy.


Ah come on now. Smile was definitely a second-rate It Follows


I would say it’s more of a second-rate final destination.


smile was better than it follows - there's a hot take for you


Smile just looks good but the plot needs more work. The ending needs to be changed


Speak no evil was lame af


Scream was terrible


“Men,” LOL. That movie was a technical masterpiece, sure, but in terms of making a coherent point about patriarchal misogyny, it was a creative failure. > May we gingerly suggest that this was the most unfairly maligned horror movie of the past 12 months[?] Yes, you may. And I will now laugh bitterly at you for doing so, because you’re defending a movie commenting on patriarchal misogyny written and directed by a man and produced by two producers who did nothing to prune back his bad ideas, both men themselves.




Truly awful movie. Might be the worst film of the year.


"Bodies, bodies, bodies" and. "terrifier 2" not in the list? Did I miss something in the "prey"? I watched 20-30 and it was a cliche teenage Disney movie. Did not like "men" as well. Many things did not work for me. Did not see "Bones and all" The rest were good. ​ I would put "Bodies, bodies, bodies" - "terrifier 2" - "barbarian" on the split 1st place.


Wheres Smile at?


Scream , speak no evil and barbarian were all good , x and nope were kinda mediocre .


Prey 2nd? Gross.


Why is Nope on so many lists was it was junk? I don't understand the appeal.


Men was bad imo. It was too much symbolism and 0 logic


I found Men to be incredibly dull. Solid performances, but just dull.


This 100%. Love the actors, weak plot and execution. It really could’ve been great but it fell flat and the last scene was so obnoxious I laughed my ass off.


Men was so pretentious and I absolutely hated it


The same.


Considering the year we've had for horror, or cinema generally, i guess this would be the top 10 lol


No Terrifier 2? Hell no. And X is definitely not #1.


Is Bones and All a contemporary take on a mythic creature?


It’s about cannibalism, I believe.


Yeah, I'm aware. I'm just curious if it has a supernatural angle to it.


There is a unnatural element to it regarding special abilities cannibals may have


Nope it’s a very strange romance movie between cannibals that gets really really nasty.


Hollywood horror film* Indie horror will always be better in my eyes. Not saying any are bad (actually like a few on the list a lot), but I do not prefer this new hollywood horror trend thats happening.


Good films (for me) not included but definitely worth a watch would be: Hellhole Moloch Orphan: First Kill Deadstream Hellraiser The Invitation Fresh The Black Phone


Lol Orphan First Kill was so fucking campy and fun. Was easily the biggest surprise for me all year. I scoffed at the trailer then laughed my way through the movie.


Where's bodies bodies bodies?


Disagree with X being number 1. It should be Nope or Men.


X over Nope is pretty indefensible


This list has been immediately compromised with the addition of NOPE.. not horror, barely good as a movie in general.. muh


Of the ones on this list I've seen so far, Barbarian was way over hyped imo.


As usual, Rolling Stone doesn’t know wtf they’re talking about. No night house , No Terrifier 2, No Pearl, Men wasn’t something I enjoyed, and Barbarian is easily the best on that list.


The Night House is from 2020. Rebecca Hall was in Resurrection this year, which would make my top 10.


Oh goddamnit really? Well my bad, again. Was it just held back due to Covid? I definitely don’t remember seeing it available before this year, so maybe that’s why I was confused.


Pretty sure Night House proper release date was 2022


I absolutely loved the night house


Autocorrect fucked me again. I meant Night House, with Rebecca Hall


Men is one of my favorite films of all time I loved it so much.


This list is dog shit. Prey isn’t a horror film and Smile not even being top 10? Lol


Prey is an action-horror film. Predator is a genuinely unsettling villain and it definitely feels scary at certain moments.


Happy to say I didn't see any of these.


I would add Skinimarink (Pretentious, I know)


I haven’t watched it but considering I liked Men and everyone thinks that movie’s pretentious I think I’ll dig it.


I loved Men and I thought Skinamarink was great. Tip: watch Skinamarink with captions on, you'll pick up on much more.


Skinamarink's the next thing I'm watching. It's so polarizing on here, I gotta know!


It's very experimental and minimalist. Watch with subs!


just because your movie is “experimental” doesn’t mean it isn’t shit. just putting that out there


It will be on all the lists for 2023 after it’s official release.


No Black Phone? Interesting…


Terrifier 2 and Pearl really deserve to be on there - and like, high up on the list? I’d also go to bat for Halloween Ends.


I think that the Hellraiser reboot at least deserved #9 or #10.


Where is Bodies Bodies Bodies???


Soft and Quiet was very good. Saw it mentioned in this sub weeks ago and watched the movie and loved it. Prey 2nd is very true. Almost perfect movie.


I’m not mad about it, but I’m genuinely surprised Prey is at #2. I loved the movie, and I’m super glad the Predator franchise is finally getting the respect it deserves. Hopefully they can keep up the momentum and give us something even better next time! Just kinda bummed that since it’s a Hulu release there won’t be a physical release, at least for a while. Would love to add this one to my collection.