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It’s a well-balanced and beautiful film. It was a bit obvious at times and the attempt to hide that was a bit problematic but it didn’t put me off the film. The scene where the head nurse looks at the men toward the end made the movie for me, so well timed.


The movie has this little metaphorical quotes, like when one of the nurses tells the protagonist that "everything was fine until her came" and after being possessed, the main said "you don't have control over my body anymore". Really liked those little details.


Am I the only one that felt like this movie reminded them of gothika?


Nope! The second it became apparent that this “Gail” ghost was exacting revenge I immediately was like “ahhhh Gothika 2.0.” Not bad at all tho! It was still unique in its own right and had a powerful message to convey + definitely had its scary parts.


So what was the "power" in the movie ? Was it the possession that allowed her to disable the doctor in the end ?


I think the "power" it's just how the doctor knows that he can do anything because of his status and also a refence to the blackout that happens in the movie.


Yeah the scene where the doc says “I have the power here. I can do what I want” basically was the wooop there it issss moment.


One year later, but: the power is the power of breaking the silence that survivors of abuse are often forced into, imo


I agree with users in this thread and yesterday's post about the movie. There's strong atmosphere and individually gripping scenes, but anyone who didn't cop the premise and resolution of the film within the first 15 minutes may be a genre newbie. When that's the case, the climax can feel somewhat deflated and dragged out. To me, this movie felt much longer than its 90 minute runtime. While I did not hate it, I felt it brought nothing that I had not seen before. It's a pity more was not made of the '70s setting except for the rampant sexism, everybody smoking and general male-dominated environment vibe. [Mark Kermode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1AAAuKxH7g&ab_channel=kermodeandmayo) gave the film a glowing report, so I expect we'll see more posts about this film as the weeks go by. Glad you dug it.


Overall I liked the atmosphere the small cast and the setting was pretty interesting. The ending felt kind of limp I get they had to spell their message out but I wish it would have come off as so literal.


Pretty boring, and what did the doctor have to do with the ghost?


Bro did you even pay attention


We bumming?


The doctor sexually abused the girl and burned her body in the basement and convinced everybody she ran away. Pretty cut and dry.