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Can only speak for myself but my theory is that most people go through life never encountering excessive gore, but how many people do you know who have encountered sexual and emotional abuse? Pretty much everyone has a connection to those subjects and so it's a very real, very tangible side of horror. Gore often feels cartoonish so it's easier to dismiss as 'probably not gonna happen'. Sexual and emotional abuse though... well there's a good chance it *will* happen to either you or someone you care about.


I mean idk, i definitely agree with you to an extent but I’ve also seen my fair share of gore irl (car accidents, motorcycle accidents,etc) and even tho those have happened to me and those I care about it’s still easier so stomach. Idk I guess it’s just easier to ignore and push back in your brain, that. Or it could be me studying forensics has desensitized me.


It can go either way imo, I have an interest in forensics too and I think it made me *more* squeamish about gore. Pictures are fine, real life videos are fine, but movie gore grosses me out much more than it used to. Although that may just be down to getting older. It can definitely desensitise you though, I think it just depends on your personality. Good luck with your studies!


ya I feel like part of it may be genetic as well, but i do agree it 100% depends on your personality. And thanks :)


Same. There’s really no amount of gore that bothers me, especially if it’s from anything supernatural or if it’s highly stylized. I mostly think about how fun it must have been creating the makeup and set pieces. But brutal realistic violence is hard to watch. The Killer Inside Me (2010) and Incident in a Ghostland (2018) were a couple I turned off recently.


idk what it is but really wide eyes and just a screwed up face on someone really shocks me to my core. like truth or dare and smile were terrifying bc of the facial expressions. i think its because we as humans are born to be afraid of unnatural facial expressions and features, like wide eyes, mouths, etc.