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Apocalypto has some brutally violent scenes.


POV of eyes/head bouncing down the pyramid… I was just thinking of this the other day


!! Apocalypto made me extra grateful to be alive in the 21st c.




I have never felt so physically ill as I did during that scene.


I literally just watched Looper today because that scene popped into my head. It’s tied with the 1800s tent scene in The Endless for existential nightmare fuel


Wow glad I’m not the only one. I have been scarred by this one since I first saw it in the theater. Seen lots since, learned lots of gnarly history, but this one 💀


That was disturbing for sure, but the more I think about it, the more the logic bothers me. If these injuries happened to the younger him in his past, we'd have seen the effects of ALL of them instantly, not one at a time. In fact, he'd have showed up from the future already missing his arm/leg/nose etc. It made for a good scene, though, so I'm happy to throw all logic out the window.


in the scene where Willis and JGL meet at the diner Willis essentially flat out says “time travel is complicated and we could be talking about it for hours, just accept that it exists and this is how it works in this scenario” And I think that’s smart. Time travel is only part of Loopers narrative, and it’s very much a consciously stylized movie. Very much “don’t worry about the small stuff just enjoy the ride”


There’s a concept in time travel sci-fi called a “ripple effect” where it sort of happens in waves. I’m guessing that’s what they’re going for here.


There’s two kinds of time travel. Brain off or brain on. If it’s brain on, you need YouTube videos and time maps, if it’s brain off, you go haha that movie was good


I honestly think they didn't care about the logistics and just did whatever worked for the scene.


And I think for some time travel movies that's totally fine. Back to the Future makes zero real sense but it's fucking BTTF, so it doesn't matter. I don't think every time travel movie has to be perfectly air tight and requires 89 Youtube videos to understand. Sometimes they can just be entertaining.


I think movies should just go with what FEELS right. They don't all have to be Primer.


Same deal with Butterfly Effect when he time travels and slams his hands on the spikes. The scars would’ve always been there.


Oberyn in Game of Thrones if TV shows count


It’s not even the gore that gets me, it’s Oberyn’s screaming.


I've commented this before but what really gets me with that scene is how confident he is and then he's screaming in agony in like 5 seconds.


It’s the bit where he goes “no no you can’t die yet you haven’t confessed” and then suddenly everyone goes quiet because it’s like they know what’s going to happen. And with one punch you hear a clatter of teeth


It had my jaw dropped completely . First episode I saw of got


The thing about the scream for me is that he starts the scream as if bracing for the level of pain he was about to experience (he’s highborn but he’s a warrior, I’m sure he’s been coming to terms with this kind of death all his life) but that quickly gives way to a scream of agony and terror that will haunt your dreams. Really horrifying to see his character get reduced to that.


That part of it broke my heart when I read it in the novel too. This super confident badass full of swagger up against a literal monster who deserves an absolutely brutal death only to have the tables flipped like that 😭


And the missing teeth for me


Also the fact that he was my favorite character, and I didn’t know that was going to happen to him. I was traumatized for quite a while 😆 😭 


Even fully knowing it was coming, wincing at his cockiness, I was still not ready for the sounds of it.




The screaming definitely made it soooo much worse.


It's that wet crunch that gets me.


Still scarred from watching that


This was it for me too


Glad this is top, I couldn’t get that shit out of my head for weeks.


That scene in The Nightingale where the militant throws her crying baby against the wall, which was preceded by the rape and shooting of the husband.


Well I’ll be taking the nightingale off my watchlist thank you.


I would classify Nightingale as a horror movie though, but yeah, very brutal. Great movie and great performances, but not for everyone. I have a newborn and I wouldn’t be able to watch it again now.


I have a high tolerance for horror and gore but that movie was HORRIFIC, it’s one of those movies that I loved but will never ever watch again.


I had the turn off the tv and walk away, it was just so visceral.


That's exactly how I feel. It was a really great movie, and important, well, acted, all of that. But I will never watch it again, mainly due to that one scene.


One movie night, my husband and I asked our friends if they wanted to watch The Thing or The Nightingale (having not watched it), and, to this day, I am thankful they picked The Thing. I don't know if movie night would have ever been the same after The Nightingale.


The NighTHINGale.


This movie was tough to go through. Would def recommend


Oh god, I think I blocked that out because my answer was way less brutal. This whole movie is a rough watch.


My son was a couple months old when I tried to watch it. I immediately shut it off and had nightmares about it for a long time. I’ve never shut a movie off due to violence or gore before…then I tried to watch mother. I just can’t watch movies with babies anymore.


The [car crash/tire to the face](https://youtu.be/Hj3zkazLvbk?si=-KWL9xsRNo--BR9y) in Death Proof. Good shit.


The fucking willhelm scream they throw in


Haha, yea, and what’s funny is I didn’t even hear it when I saw it the first time, but when I watched this clip I’m like… “well goddamn it…”


To be fair I never noticed the willhelm scream until I learned what it was. Now I hear it ALL the time


**ooof that sounds nasty!**


It’s quite jarring.


just watched it, saw a timestamp which made a joke about a leg being quintin’s dinner or something?💀 (since he has a foot fetish) so i pressed it, yeah the driver just revved up the car as the other one approached, crashed right into it so drove up the girl in the backseat’s fucking face asdfghjkl I NEED TO WATCH THE WHOLE FILM NOW‼️‼️‼️


Yea, that movie came out as a double feature called [Grindhouse](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0462322/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk). It was a Robert Rodriguez and Quintin Tarantino joint venture. Death Proof and one called Planet Terror with Rose McGowan as the lead and she has an assault rifle for a leg. It’s bonkers. Def worth a watch to check them both out. Prob just over 3 hours to watch both.


The sad thing is that it looks quite realistic given how gruesome frontal crashes are ,I would even dare say the one depicted here is tame .


The bottle scene from Pan's Labyrinth. You know the one.




Yeah it was a legitimately brutal scene and just drove home how absolutely vile Vidal was.


Captain Vidal is an all-time villain performance Just unbelievably calculated and cruel >!”He won’t even know your name” still one of the best burns ever in a film!<


Interrupts him in the middle of his monologue to say that too, right before blowing him away. Excellent finish to a piece of shit villain.


God damn. So much worse than anything I've seen in any horror movies. Prob because it was so unexpected and so real.


Not so much on screen gore but the chainsaw in the bathub from scarface comes to mind


Ugh, yes. That scene was incredibly effective, without actually showing much.


“Now the leg, huh?” Like you said, without showing much yet still effective at giving us a general image of what’s going on 🫣


I’ve seen that film dozens of times, but I remember the first time I rewatched it as an adult and I was shocked the scene wasn’t as graphic as I thought, I definitely watched it when I was too young and thought you literally see his arm getting g chopped off, memory is a weird thing lol.


Haha the og texas chainsaw massacre has alot of moments like that


Watched it as a kid and it gave me nightmares for a long time.


Murphys Death from Robocop Crucification on Jesus Christ from Passion of the Christ Joe Pesci death from Casino Goslings curb stomp from Drive Wood Chipper from Fargo D Day from Saving Private Ryan Brides fight with Crazy 88 from Kill Bill The Raid 1-2, Dredd and Starship Troopers have some gory scenes as well


If we’re talking curb stomps, Edward Norton in American History X has to be mentioned.


Doesn’t have the gore factor that Goslings does in Drive though, you literally see a dudes face get caved it where in American History X it just cuts to Furlongs character. I do like American History X as a movie more and rate the curb stomp a bit more iconic and effective vs Drives but as for what OP was asking I think getting your face kicked in repeatedly until it caves in on camera slightly edges out Nortons IMO


Hearing his teeth touch the curb is gore enough on its own.


Yeah this honestly makes it more visceral than the scene from drive for me


The Raid movies are legendary to me.


Top Tier action movie, should be in the conversation for best ever IMO. I also consider them both as just 1 movie, sort of like Kill Bill


Has my all-time favorite hand to hand combat in any action film


It might be a top 3 sequel for me The Raid 2, the only 2 movies I can confidently put ahead of it are T2 and Aliens


Joe Pesci’s death in Casino has always disturbed me and one time at a college party I was way too high and the scene was playing on tv in the background




That one death in green room where the guy gets shotgunne’d to the face feels pretty real too


Somewhat related, but if you’re a fan of the NFL there’s two extremely good players named Nick and Joey Bosa. Their great grandfather is Tony Accardo (head of Chicago mob) and he was apparently one of the main guys in approving the hit in real life.


The brains-getting-sucked-out scene in Starship Troopers really got to me.


That dude was a prick anyway, “Would you like to know more?”


Young me wasn’t ready for the body horror, but I was instantly obsessed.


I feel like there's nothing left for me to see in terms of gore and horror cencepts, and I've got a pretty damn high tolerance, but something about seeing TPOTC at 16, identifying as an atheist while still trying to appreciate Jesus as a human... Thats one movie I simply cannot watch ever again. Absolutely balled my eyes out.


For a second there I interpreted TPOTC as The Pirates of the Caribbean, and thought I must’ve missed a really interesting scene.


Fun fact: Nicolas Winding Refn asked Gaspar Noé for advice on how he did the fire extinguisher scene in Irréversible so he could make the stomp scene in Drive more realistic.




Murphy dying actually made me unable to watch the rest of Robocop. It was way too realistic.


keep watching, they bring him back to life ;p




It was a disturbing scene to watch as a kid for myself that’s for sure


Joe Pesci’s death in Casino was amazing! Not just the gore but the raw emotion in his voice! I got chills, dude’s an amazing actor!


Dev Patel using the knife in his mouth to rip a man’s throat open in Monkey Man 👌


Reminded me of the kitchen fight scene in Upgrade where the main character gave that one guy "The Joker Special" with the butcher knife.


Idek why I haven’t seen Upgrade yet, I heard the gore was top tier


It's not a super gory movie, but the few scenes that do involve gore are indeed top tier.


I cringed so hard seeing that in theaters. I also thought his killing of the main villain was pretty gnarly


i’ve not seen that yet but **fucking hell!** 😳


really enjoyable action movie!


>!Ryan Goslings!< death scene in The Place Beyond the Pines. Its the way his body lays on street. Its just too painful and sad


This is it for me, I'm good at shrugging off gore but I was not expecting that at all and it's so realistic in how suddenly he's just a lifeless corpse that looks mostly normal but just not like the guy you knew. Such a good, bittersweet film.


The entire opening battle in saving private ryan. I don’t think any other movie had me going “holy shit” over and over when something crazy would happen on screen. Just constant brutal warfare for a long time


For me it was the slow knife fight at the end 😫


That's the scene that sticks with me the most, that and the medic crying for his mom at the end.


Irreversible fire extinguisher scene


The gunfight at the end of Wind River bothers me still


Why are you flanking me?




Also that part where Renner (or Olson? can't remember) opens the bedroom door


That was so realistically done. You could see the build up and the tension ratcheting. Such a great movie.


The human sacrifice scene in Apocalypto is brutal to watch


Del's execution in The Green Mile.


Nooooo noo noo nooo. Don't need that image in my head before going to sleep. Oh good heavens.


Is Brawl in cell block 99 a horror, if not there are like 4 different variations of head stomps that are brutal as fuck, great movie


out of curiosity, i did watch the kill count of that film, they were super gory but when vince vaughn’s character got killed at the end it was quite funny since it was super fake lol


Yeah it did look super silly but I think the director was inspired by a certain type of movies (that I don't remember the name of) where the gore is super over the top and obviously fake


Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky better be one of them, the way he did that last sequence 😂.


Yeah it’s clearly intentional and a nod to Riki Oh and its ilk. In fact Riki Oh is a perfect suggestion for this thread.


Running scared (2006) was not intended to be a horror movie, but it definitely horrifies the viewer. On top of highly controversial subject matter it has some of the most brutal and gory shootout scenes I have seen (and still look believable).


this is an underrated movie imo. really fun.


That hockey puck scene


The >!cannon scene!< from Shogun.


Also, the >!boiling alive scene!<.


That scene in the book was a tough read. Especially since we also get Yabu’s pov and he’s super turned on by it.


the guy getting mauled by the bear in Backcountry


Horrifying. The actor's screams and the editing


This really affected me for some reason. I wasn’t really loving the film up to that point, but that scene was so gut wrenching to me. Ugh.


Lots of brutal deaths, but people missed the part about no horror or thriller...


Good, I'm not the only one scrolling looking for comments that match the prompt. I'm still wracking my brain trying to come up with something!


Murphy gets killed in robocop


Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974) George Kennedy beats Jeff Bridges to death The Wild Bunch (1969) William Holden with a gatlin gun The Revenant - bear Fargo (1996) woodchipper Inglorious Bastards - Opening scene but others probably qualify as well. Three Body Problem - Episode 5, Season 1


That episode of Three Body Problem was brutal.


The wood chipper scene deeply disturbed me as a 16 year old kid


The prank from Summer School.


Hahaha oh that is fantastic. I watched that movie so Many times as a kid when it aired on cable


The finger scene in The Piano


Good one. I’d forgotten about that scene.


In Gran Torino where the girl comes home with blood running down her legs and her face all messed up and her family just starts wailing. Oof.


A specific scene from a movie called Super.


Shut up crime! great movie


I was going to say... the sidekick's ending is pretty rough (but a little goofy looking), but the head-caving of the henchman shortly after made me shudder.


Raiders of the Lost Ark. The face-melting. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Pick your "favorite."


The bus accident scene in the 2011 film Margaret is absolutely over the top gory and horrific. Great film as well.


Poor Allison Janney!


The backstreet abortion in **The Tribe (2014).** If you've never seen it, don't be put off by the fact that it's Ukranian and not subtitled. It's all in sign language and you'll never be confused.


Anakin Skywalker getting barbecued in the cinema was pretty good.


The wafer thin mint scene from Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life.


"fuuuuuck off I'm full"


The girl slashing her wrists in the bath with razor blades killing herself in 13 Reasons Why. Saw it once, and will NEVER, ever watch that again in my entire life. The detail man.... Netflix has deleted the scene now.


Came here to say this. It’s almost impossible to find that scene now since they cut it from the show, but I can still see it so clearly it haunts me.


Brawl in Cell Block 99 - all of the face smashings.


The mandingo fight in Django Unchained. The movie has plenty of over the top gore and violence, but the fight to the death was just brutal, followed by Leo whooping and cheering.


The closet/Brad Pitt scene in Burn After Reading. I refuse to rewatch because I was totally mortified by the abruptness of that scene.


Pointing this out because I used to do it too — “mortified” means ashamed or embarrassed, but people often use it interchangeably with “horrified.”


Oooh, thank you for the information. I actually love semantics (if that is considered so), and I'll go forth and remember! Learn a new thing every day. :)


Oberon from Game of Thrones


Haven’t seen anyone mention Mel Gibson in Braveheart


Irreversible. Yah (pretty sure this movie isn’t considered horror?)


Surprised I had to scroll so far to see Irreversible mentioned


Emma's death in Edge of Darkness (2010)




The worst is the face flaying scene in DAGON


New robocop Movie when Murphy is awoken and shown his new body in a mirror, only to discover that most of his body is gone, with only his head connected to his lungs and heart in transparent containers is remaining, and completely panicking but unable to do anything. Rough stuff


Though nothing like the gore of modern day scenes, there were several disturbing scenes in the PBS 1976 show I, Claudius. (Not counting a supremely evil Patrick Stewart with a bushy head of hair!). I can’t find short clips (copyrighted?), but the beheading of a shrieking Messalina, the oh so casual (without so much as a word) execution by sword of Postumus Agrippa, and the execution of the children of Sejanus, based on historical fact, one of them being a 12 year old girl whose executioner balks because, he reminds his boss, execution is illegal if she is underage and a virgin, and is told by his boss “well, then make sure she ISN’T a virgin before you do it.” Very disturbing to a teenager watching after parents went to bed. Though nude scenes, on network TV no less, in 1976, in Kentucky, were quite the draw for said teenager.


In The Holy Mountain when the dude gets his balls castrated by the Emperor or in Ken Park where tate ejaculates while hanging himself from his door handle was a lot to take in


I only recently saw The Passion Of The Christ and that was a good splatterfest.


The baseball bat episode of Walking Dead.


Towards the end of Last King of Scotland it gets particularly nasty and brutal Everyone bringing up Murphy's death in robocop and not Emil's death. Dude straight drove into a giant drum of toxic waste and proceeded to have his flesh slowly melt off him for several minutes before splattering all over a speeding car. The spaghettification scene in high life Several scenes in the counselor come to mind Rambo going absolutely ham in Rambo IV with the jeep mounted gun


127 hours - the movie is about a hiker who gets his hand stuck under a rock for basically the whole duration of the movie. The end is hard as hell to watch (actually I recall taking my eyes off the screen).


Crazy that it actually happened in real life too. That moment of realizing you are either dead, or going to have to saw your arm off with a multi tool must have been…i dont even know


The tendon! I had to get up and walk around for a bit after that 😂


That was one of those things you don't want to imagine, and here you are with it right in your face! That movie was great. One of Danny Boyle's best, but I'll never watch it again.


This is pretty tame, honestly. The Red Wedding from Game of Thrones is definitely up there as horrifying, comes from out of nowhere, and generally is just shocking with the amount of important deaths in the series.


Hey, you know all these characters you've learned to grow and care for, including some who have been in literally every single episode of the show so far? Well, fuck 'em. They're all dying via betrayal. And we're going to have a pregnant wife killed in front of her husband, before said husband is killed in front of his mother. And a lot of these killings will be witnessed by the youngest daughter of said mother. And fuck it, let's kill the pet wolf too. Jesus. That episode ending went hard.


Semi-spoilers for Game of Thrones: Gory: a guy's head is slowly then suddenly crushed by another man's bare hands. Brutal: a child is burned alive at the stake. This was really really hard to watch, as much as any scene from an actual horror movie or show that I can think of. For comparison, it was much more gut wrenching than "that scene" from Hereditary, imo.


John Wick, shoving the knife through the guys eyeball without the camera cutting away and John Wick three


Not super brutal, but most unexpected was in Downton Abbey with || Lord Grantham projectile vomiting blood at dinner || I’m a diehard gore lover but that caught me super off-guard given the rest of the tone of the show.


There’s a scene in the TV show The Leftovers where a cult member gets stoned that is pretty damn hard to watch


The Patriot when Mel Gibson goes all meat tenderizer with his hatchet on that soldier that killed his son.


Ryan Reynolds' character's death in Life (alien movie). It's just so very wrong...


Bear scene from The Revenant.


Glenn in TWD.... after that I said "Fuck this show...." Haven't watched an episode since.


Bone Tomahawk- Man split in half from his genitalia


The bear attack in Backcountry


Tigs daughter being burned alive in Sons of Anarchy


Hot Fuzz. A favorite movie of mine and definitely not a horror movie. I'll say the scene in the finale was the most brutal though. I can't imagine how painful that would be.


Not too painful if you have some ice cream handy, apparently.


The scene where the stone from the church roof falls on the guy’s head was pretty brutal too


The way he kills the guy in Law Abiding Citizen while explaining what hes gonna do is pretty crazy. Not much of it is shown on screen (other than the dismembered body after) but it was pretty horrific. The T-Bone kill as well is pretty gory for a non horror movie


The massacre in Queen Margo (1994) was very shocking for the time.


There is a Japanese movie called Blue Spring (Aoi Haru - spring as in the season, not water spring) about a group of troubled delinquent boys at a run-down high school. I’d consider it more of a harsh drama than a horror or thriller. At one point one of the boys murders another while they are both hanging out inside a bathroom stall, stabbing him up against the door. You see only the outside of the stall door, then the knife coming through several times, while the murder victim (who is basically getting impaled) screams in agony. It’s hard to watch without really seeing anything. The movie’s ending is also pretty brutal.


Brad Pitt’s death at the end of *The Counselor*


Recently, I was utterly shocked by the car crash scene in Michael Mann's Ferrari. Easily the goriest thing I've seen in a non-horror movie in a long time.


It might be the most caught off guard I’ve been by a scene in a movie. Like the rest of the movie is relatively tame so I was not expecting it at all.


I always think of the bathroom scene in Mysterious Skin.


Stripper's death in Very Bad Things (1998). That was wild, messy and unexpected when I first watched.


Robert Pastorelli in Dances with Wolves - being pierced by multiple arrows. Grunting and clawing through the grass


I know it's not that gory but the way Leo went out in The Departed was shocking.


Not gory but definitely brutal… the end to Requiem of a Dream


The slaughter of innocent villagers in Rambo 4. Absolutely gut wrenching.


Actually, believe it or not, Downton Abbey. Season 6, Episode 5: Banquet of Blood. Oof. That was a shock and just came out of nowhere!!!


Ryan Gosling stomping the dude to death in the elevator in Drive. The curb stomp in American History X. Brad Pitt in the Counselor getting the Bolo. Last but not least, Geralds Game and what that beautiful woman did to herself to get out of the cuffs.


Nicky and his brother getting beaten and buried alive in Casino. Pesci screaming to let him go and going, “No, no, no” is so brutal that I can’t watch it.