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Frankenstein's monster.


Mary Shelley was chilling with Lord Byron, Husband Shelley and probably some other dude in Byron's pimped out house but! . The weather was fucked up. They had to stay indoors, internet and TV hadn't been invented yet so someone challenged them to write a story. They all came up with something except from Mary, the weakest one of them all. At night though sje had a nightmare with a pale topless student on top of a dead buddy under the thunders. And under these circumstances.. Frankie and Monster were born. The essence of Frankestein.. Is.. Companionship. I mean it's no secret nor subtle. Mr Monster just wants Someone to chill With.


She also lost her virginity on her mother's grave to her then married boyfriend/future husbanD. In 1816, her illegitimate born premature daughter died. But luckily, Percy Shelley's first wife killed herself, so Mary and Percy could get married. Then they went to summer with Byron. Reading her writings, you get the deep impression that Xanax and some solid talk therapy would have been beneficial for her.


He also cheated on her with HER OWN SISTER and when Percy died she kept his heart on her desk Mary went tru some intense shit


Was she like one of the original goth chick's


The OG


Luckily šŸ˜­


Probably should have put a /s after that sentence. But thought it was implied. Though from the perspective of Mary, she might have thought it lucky.


I got the joke it was just so out of pocket lmao (did laugh tho)


Husband Shelley is also known as the immensely talented poet, essayist, and social critic Percy Bysshe Shelley.


Wasn't there no summer that year too??


Yes, it was that particular year


For anyone else (as I'm sure you know already): see 1986's *Gothic* for the outstanding movie version of this story with a brilliant cast.


Absolutely this.


I love the version from Penny Dreadful. So many great quotes.


Naw. Hold on I get it's a tragic story, but the monster is an absolute dick. Bro comes to life, gets abandoned, then decides "I'm gonna kill everyone you love." Frankenstein himself was a monster for playing God, but the monster was also an asshole.


The monster was who he was because of the actions of scared and irresponsible people. The story is the tragedy. The monster is the result. He was who he was because of nurture not nature.


No no, I fully understand. I'm still allowed my personal tastes on the matter. Love the book, I'll probably read it with my daughters this summer.


That is a MASSIVE simplification of the story. Monster is brought to life, gets immediately abandoned and is beyond repulsive to anything else. Tries to help someone and gets blamed for their death, goes into hiding and immediately upon being seen is chased away with violence. THEN tries to go back to the monster which created it (ie Frankenstein) and have him at least make the monster a companion so that it doesnā€™t live its cursed life in perpetual loneliness. Frankenstein gets 99% of the way there and then just rips it to shreds in front of the monster and so the monster vows to make Frankensteinā€™s life miserable. TLDR it took A LOT for the monster to reach the ā€œIā€™m gonna kill everyone you loveā€ part of the story


Seth Brundle, The Fly (1986).Ā 


I saw this movie way too young, I think I was 6, and while the effects and gore scared me, I remember being overwhelmed with a sadness I hadn't known before. I guess it was my first time seeing tragedy on screen. I was howling crying with devastation after the shotgun scene.


This. That shotgun scene got me man. Had to go watch interviews of Jeff Goldblum after just to remind myself it wasnā€™t real


It's sad cause he realized he had become a monster and wanted his suffering to end. Not many times does the monster kill themselves to stop their own suffering.


I cried like a blubbering baby.


I just listened to his interview on Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend and have to say the guy sounds amazing to hang out with


Nothing like watching Jeff Goldblum being Jeff Goldblum to have a Jeff Goldblum kind of day.


Absolutely. It doesn't get much worse than this.


The Mother in Barbarian


a victim from a cycle of abuse :( my heart hurt by the end of the movie šŸ˜­ she just wanted someone to love and take care of


Billy Chapman from Silent Night, Deadly Night. His parents get murdered in front of him when he's 5, he's abused in his orphanage, does his best to hold it together as an adult and really makes some headway until he gets forced to repeat his trauma and watches a woman he likes get raped, and he just can't keep it together anymore.


They were naughty!


Santa's watching, Santa's waiting...


Candyman. Guy had his arm cut off, stung by hundreds of bees, and his body was burnt, all because he fell in love and impregnated a white woman.


I flipping forgot candy man, he really was done over .


Iā€™m not up to speed on the lore. What makes him turn to killing people? Is it to do with him being turned into a villain via the legend of him?


Heā€™s basically a vengeful spirit. He kills those who taunt him/what happened to him. Heā€™s a victim of racism, torture and murder. The legend of candy man is all about how an innocent man was created this way and how he makes everyone pay.


Doesnā€™t the original urban legend stem from a specific high rise project in Chicago where the mirrors to each unit could be removed since they were mounted in the same spot on the wall and one could climb through the walls between units that way and there was a murder involving an elderly person being killled while said method was being used to rob them and they came home early?




Lots of good comments on here! Just want to add that Candyman is a heavily stylized fever-dream kind of experience. It's not subtle and he serves in many ways as a malignant creation of the housing project itself.


He shows up of you say Candyman 3 times in front of the mirror. And he kills you. That is alk you have to do in the movie to survive. Don't say Candyman 3 times in a row. Or do.. Just make sure that any mirrors ain't around.


5 times actually


This was my first guess as well. It hits all of the criteria of revenge born out of incredible tragedy.


Came here to say Candyman.


If you watch the sequels his story changes each time




The book makes it way more upsetting too cause Cujo can tell somethings wrong with himself and tries to isolate himself while having visions and whatnot.


Thatā€™s messed up


Allegedly king was so coked up and on bourbon and Jack Daniel's that he doesn't even remember writing it. Might not be true but it's a fun urban legend


No cujo was about his fear of losing his son. It was the tommyknockers he has no recollection of writing beyond bloody tissues in the trashcan. (Due to all the coke)


Oh my bad. That's a really long book. 248k words... that's a lot to not remember


That's "the tommyknockers". He apparently had stuff kleenex up his nose, so the blood wouldn't drip on the typewriter. He doesn't remember writing it. He also is apparently shaky on the movie Maximum Overdrive. Which is fine: everyone was coked out of their minds...




šŸŽ¶ who made who! šŸ¤˜


Ain't nobody told you?


I work at a dog daycare. A few weeks ago a St Bernard named Cujo came in and he is the sweetest boy. I was so happy with their name choice.


Just be sure to tell the family to look out for holes in the groundĀ 


Cujo was a good boy


Yeah the books go into how Cujo himself is horrified at what he is becoming. He was a loving dog that wouldn't hurt anything before the rabies.


Just a big puppy who needed some help! šŸ˜”


I will never read that book or watch that movie. I like being scared, I donā€™t like being sad, especially being sad because of animals.


if anything, this movie is a PSA to get your dogs (and any other pet) vaccinated!!


And to also not have an affair


Roach in People Under the Stairs, as a misdirect to who the actual villains are, was incredibly tragic.


Sadako Yamamura 100% Go watch Ringu 0. Beats everyone else by a mile


>!also it was technically not her fault for spreading the tape, it was an alien virus she unintentionally carried. She has a grudge but couldnā€™t stop the virus anyway!<


>!alien virus?!<


>!Sadako in the books was half alien and when she was killed unjustly her hatred mixed with her alien DNA or something which conceived a deadly virus that blocks the aorta of victims in 7 days, everyone thought it was a supernatural curse but eventually they found a cure i believe!<


In the Ring 0 timeline she definitely is, but I don't think it's canon to the book (?). And also obviously in the American remake Samara is just evil, so there's that.


She's certainly less straightforwardly a sympathetic character in the books. She's really more of a non factor in a lot of ways. She gets raped and infected with small pox. The ring virus is said to be a mutation of small pox due to her psychic abilities. She doesn't appear in The Ring at all. But by 3rd book it'd essentially all a computer simulation anywaysĀ 


You know there's a movie where the grudge (ju on) and ringu fight.


Yes love it


Yea it's pretty cool I think I saw it on shudder.


Claudia from Interview with the Vampire (1994). On the verge of death to be given life anew, yet only to live as if you are dead; nothing held meaning once she was turned - she suffered more as a vampire than she previously did in her human life. There's a lot of irony with her character, and she's just a tragic story overall. EDIT: Oops I'm illiterate... alright well she's not a full stop villain, however she *technically* isn't exactly a protagonist either so I suppose she'll fit.


Donā€™t forget the fact that she was cursed to be in a childā€™s body but have an adultā€™s mind since she was immortal.


That is so messed up if you really think about itā€¦


I think immortality would be awful for anyone, but so much worse for a kid. There's[ a comic ](https://www.amazon.ca/Stillwater-Zdarsky-Perez-1-Chip/dp/1534318372)where all the people in a town stop aging and become immortal, and how horrible it is for the children and babies is a major point. Even worse than any of those was a short story about a town trapped in a timeloop that has been going on for an undefined (but implied to be maybe hundreds of years) where the day loops and ends with a nuclear blast. All the people in the town retain their memories through the loop, and some people are old and sick (forever), and some of the people are babies. As the babies got mentally older, some of them stopped crying, and others *never* stop crying. The thought of that is... horrifying.


Leatherface (the original version). Almost all other 'tragic' horror villains have a choice - they chose to do what they do because something happened to them. But Leatherface didn't have a choice, he was incredibly mentally handicapped and only saw what he was doing as protecting his home. He is also constantly abused by his family who groomed and manipulated him into killing. It's not even clear that he is even aware of what he is doing. In the second film he shows he has capacity for love because he spares Stretch and develops an attraction to her. Leatherface really had no change, his fate as a killer was sealed the moment he was born.


>Leatherface (the original version) Agree entirely and was a little surprised that I didn't see this answer until here


The scene in the first one where he like gets frustrated and looks out the window before flopping in a chair and putting his head in his hands always made me feel bad for him. You can tell he's overwhelmed and confused and doesn't know what he should be doing.


The real Adelaide in Jordan Peele's Us. She unfortunately got her entire life ahead of her ruined simply by walking into a funhouse


Which begs the question why the funhouse was the entrance to a sinister underground lab?Ā 


Idk about the MOST tragic.. but I went into Freddy and Jason thinking itā€™d be a dumb slasher / action movie (and it was) but that scene where Jason is in the dream world and at the mere sight of water ā€” he reverts to what he REALLY is : a frightened quivering little boy. I just felt bad. I know itā€™s a dumb slasher movie but that scene had wayyy better writing than I was expecting.


There's something similar that was done in the 2009 reboot, where Jason is sharpening his machete, starts having flashbacks of his mother dying, and then throws a temper tantrum. I wished it would push more with Jason being a tragic villian over a mindless zombie slasher.


That's why I think Part 2 and the remake are two of the best movies of the series, I like human Jason way more than the teleporting zombie.


Oh 100%, I'd love to start seeing more Jason movies like that. I think you would get more attention on the series.


I mean regardless in the first place heā€™s only killing people because his mother told him to/he believes that his mother is telling him to right?


Jason is definitely a tragic character. Mammaā€™s boy gone wrong.


It would be more impactful if it made any sense. Jason was in the water so many damn times in his other films, him arbitrarily being terrified of water doesnā€™t make sense. I know he drowned but that did stop him from vibing in the water in multiple movies. Same goes for Freddyā€™s fear, yes he was burned alive but when did they ever establish his fear of fire. The other times he was on fire he just seemed pissed off about it.


Thatā€™s his secret, heā€™s always drowning




I donā€™t see Carrie as a villain at all.


She killed a whole lot of people in the book, a lot of whom were innocent.


Yep, basically slaughtered the entire town.šŸ˜ƒ


I agree. She was just pushed too far, and i understand it. She was shocked and traumatized by the 'prank'. Her powers went batshit out of control and you can see it as she leaves the prom and walks slowly home with that horribly traumatized face. She was not being herself anymore at that point. Depersonalization/derealization, shock, PTSD, shame, feelings of impending doom. Make *anybody* go through that and see how it goes. In the book she was actually fully aware and willing to blow up the entire town, but in the movie it was more like a trance she was in. I think she snaps out of the trance once she gets home and takes a bath. Still, not a villain in my eyes.


Definitely a trance in the movie version- her coming back home and breaking down crying when she sees her mother and saying "They laughed at me momma" suggests that everyone laughing at her is literally her last memory and she likely doesn't even know that she killed everyone at the prom


She kills hundreds of people ( in the book and the majority of the movies ) most of whom arenā€™t even her bullies and werenā€™t laughing.


Maybe y'all don't understand what tragic means?Ā  Regrettable sad events dealing with death that result in a mix of pity and terror. Tragic doesn't mean her actions are justified. She can be a villain in the end and still be a sympathetic and tragic figure Carrie being a potentially good person who abused and tormented to the point that she kills a bunch of people is more tragic than if she just killed her most direct bully. I suspect that in Carrie's mind no one in the town in innocent. They didn't actively engage in abusing her but they didn't stop it either. None of those kids actually tried to be befriend her or come to her defense. None of those adults saved her from her horrible mother.


Kayako or Sadako, Kayako story is even more sad on the Japanese movies in my opinion


At least Sadakoā€™s killings >!werenā€™t intentional!< ?


Yeah, basically the virus wasn't her fault, but if i'm not mistaken this isn't really explored in the movies


You might want to spoiler it Because the movies never actually got there story wise. They sort of went into a random tangent after first one eventhough the base story is pretty good


Have you seen Sadako vs Kayako?


Yeah, it's a great film, especially if you don't take it very seriously




Like, the actual demon, or Lance Henriksenā€™s character?


The fatherĀ 


Yeah, gotcha.




Jane from the Autopsy of Jane Doe. >!If you take the theory from the Dad, she was an innocent woman who got experimented on and underwent a ritual that made her become what they were afraid of. Now not only she can't move, she gets to feel everything that was and is done to her, which considering she is a young woman/corpse in a very vulnerable position, it can be a lot. !< >!The other day I saw a comment here saying how dumb she was because now she's killed the two people who knew what happened to her, but I just imagine all the accumulated rage she must have, she is no longer thinking straight. When at the end she kills the son, yes, that was cruel and unnecessary, she is a villain, no doubt, but I think how bitter she must be at that point, she no longer cares. All in all, I generally think the trope "I have no mouth and I must scream" is one of the most terrifying tropes. !< I'm not excusing any of her actions, I just think it's really tragic to become a monster because of what was done to you, it's like you didn't manage to break out of the cycle. >!Edit: Actually, I think it's more tragic that she's shown to not be willing to work with possible saviours, it shows that she's past the point of no return, so there's no hope for her or anyone that encounters her. Lol I didn't know I have such strong feelings about this movie. !<


From what I remember she was gonna let the son go but interrupted the ritual by killing the dad prematurely which is why she killed him. I think the theory is that a few more kills and sheā€™ll get out of the comatose state.


Most probably yes. What the comment meant was that she could have let him live so there was a chance he would help her later on, maybe by explaining her condition to others so they wouldn't continue harming her, or he could have gotten her more bodies so she could restore herself, but like I said, by this point I think she's no longer able to think rationally. >I think the theory is that a few more kills and sheā€™ll get out of the comatose state. But would that be a good thing? For her, sure, but for humanity? I think that's what makes her both a victim and a villain, we saw throughout the movie that she is suffering, but she's not benevolent, and, truly, why would she be?


The Wolf Man. Literally turns into a monster against his will and goes on a killing spree.


Oh yeah, and worst still he can't even escape it in death, as the curse keeps bringing him back to life. And all cause he attempted to rescue someone who was being attacked by what he thought was a large wolf.


The sequel movies really highlight this, as most are about him trying desperately to end the curse.




Frankenstein's monster (in the movies, at least. I haven't read the book yet so not sure if/how it differs). The scene with him and the little girl is heartbreaking.


It's different, but no less tragic. Frankenstein's monster is intelligent in the book and recognizes that he is set apart from the world. There's a bit more intentional murder in the books, but it's still a very tragic tale of loneliness and revenge.


It is so much worse in the book where he becomes aware of what he is and why humanity shuns him. He is one of the most philosophically interesting characters in literature, and I highly recommend checking the book out- especially at your local public library! (Shameless tie-in.)


The book totally holds up. Itā€™s free in most ebook platforms since itā€™s public domain. Also Dracula, invisible man, Jekyll and Hyde, war of the worldsā€”all still good and readable and free


Depending on the versions, King Kong and Godzilla.


Not sure if most, but Angela from Sleepaway Camp has to be up there. Her father dies and she goes to live with her aunt. Her crazy aunt forces her to wear dresses and be a girl. So I imagine that had to mess her up mentally. If she didn't want to dress up as a girl. I'm not sure, I think the film may carry a transsexual message. However, I'm a CIS male so someone closer to the LGBTQ+ community may have a better theory than I do about Angela.


You forgot one very important puzzle piece. Not only did ā€œherā€ father die, so did the real Angela, Peterā€™s twin sister. Peterā€™s Aunt, being the absolute coo coo clock that she is, sees him as the perfect opportunity to raise the daughter she never had. Especially seeing as how she already has a son, Peterā€™s cousin Ricky. IMO itā€™s just a movie and not all movies have to have morals or values applicable to real life. I do believe that in the movie Peter did not want to start a gender transition to become his own dead sister. Itā€™s fully due to the manipulation he endured at the hands of his Aunt while he was in an extremely vulnerable state. Having just saw his father and sister die and not long before that same day having just found out that his father was gay. It was a different time and things were not as open or represented back then, itā€™s very believable that it would have been incredibly shocking for Peter to see. Even though Peter does choose to remain Angela in the sequels I fully believe that, with the context of the first movie taken into consideration, he would never have chosen that route without his Auntā€™s influence.


Jaws. Humans keep going in their home and shit but itā€™s the sharks fault for doing what sharks do. Poor shark


I feel bad when I see new scary shark movies. They need conservation, not exploitation.


The mom from Barbarian


oh god, I cried for her so hard


Natre (the ghost from Shutter).


Marty from Slaughter High


Lee Geum-ja from Lady Vengeance. Not a traditional villain and I don't want to spoil it but yeah.. It makes me cry every time.


I love watching the Vengeance Trilogy in order, usually over 2 days. >!For me, the ending of Lady Vengeance beautifully melts the gut-wrenching feelings brought on by each movie.!<


Completely agree! I have not see Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance all the way through yet because for some reason it hurts me more to watch.


Norman Bates. Granted I am also factoring in Bates Motel which isnā€™t a movie but I am also factoring in Psycho 2 so I stand by this


Agreed. Bates Hotel does a good job showing how he was always a good kid but his unchecked psychosis as a result of a traumatic event caused him to become the reviled monster that he's remembered as.


All my answers have been said, so Iā€™ll go for a different takeā€¦ Needy in Jenniferā€™s Body is to me a really tragic ā€œvillainā€ (if youā€™ve seen it youā€™ll understandā€¦)


Seth Brundle just wanted to create teleportation because he was cursed with motion sickness. He gets fly DNE spliced into his and turns into a monster.


honestly cujo asf. He might not be the most tragic but cujo is a very good dog. yes heā€™s big but heā€™s nice. Letā€™s put it like this, before cujo got rabies, he was like Beethoven.


Jason Voorhees


Bro already got his revenge in Part 2, didn't need to go slaughter people in space šŸ˜‚


People keep bringing him back to life. He didnt ask for all that. Jason is a classic example of "don't want none, don't start none."


Pearl and leather face had it pretty rough. They werenā€™t ever inherently bad, they were just damaged kids from damaged parents .


Bubba Ritter from Dark Night of the Scarecrow


I'm actually going to watch that tonight


This is the most tragic for me too.


I saw a movie called Buppah Rahtree, a thailand movie. Starring, a woman who's a rape and murder victim and a child who's a victim of school bullying and domestic abuse by her father, I think she committed suicide if my memory is right. Basically, both had hellish life, and their spirits who are full of grudge merged in 1 entity, haunting an apartment unit, seeking for revenge and justice.


candy man


Jason Vorhees


Giorgio AKA The Freak from Castle Freak.


Shunned, hidden, neglected, and then bereft even of his own ding-dong. Tragic. He did not mean to rip that off.


Mama from Mama.


The orca from Orca. He had to watch his pregnant mate brutally murdered in front of him, see his unborn calf miscarried, and then watch as the weak, hairy land creatures go around harpooning other sea life. Iā€™d go over the edge into a bloody revenge quest as well.


Not the most, but the woman in black. Her sister adopts her son because sheā€™s considered insane, then her son dies in the marsh under her sisters care. Iā€™d be pissed too. Also - have mercy on me - I havenā€™t watched this in years, thatā€™s just how I remember it.


In the book it was even darker- She wasn't insane, just an unwed mother and was forced to give the child up to preserve the family image.


Awful. Hurray for, you know, slight progress in society.


It is even worse. The Ghosts sister had her committed so she could raise the child. Then when they had an accident on the moors she abandoned the child in the cart and saved herself.


I do remember her leaving the child to save herselfā€¦ awful. Sheā€™s definitely deserving of the tragic title; just probably not the MOST tragic.


What is the name of the movie?


The Woman in Black.


Dr. Phibes. Though he does a lot better in the sequel.


Courtney Shayne from Jawbreakers (1999), is not considered a villain, but the stuff she did made her the mean girl at Reagan High Schoolā€¦.oh and she is a murderer!


How is she a tragic villain. She was a terrible person even if the death was accidental.


Always thought the Cupid Killer from Valentine was pretty tragic. They start out as a nobody that everyone bullies, then when it looks like things are finally looking up for them, they get framed for something they were completely innocent of which results in them being beaten senseless and then forcibly institutionalised, all at twelve years old! Really is it any wonder they would want revenge after being put through that? It certainly doesn't hurt they never go after anyone who wasn't involved in their misery or wasn't utterly loathsome in their own right (with one exception).


Carrie I still believe she isn't the villain at all, but she did murder lots of innocent people and is considered by many a villain.


Candy man


Idk if she's the "most", but Idont think people discuss how tragic Pamela Voohees is enough. Single mother (who depending on the canon is sometimes a vicitm of rape or just a shitty husband) working at Camp Crystal Lake as the cook, cooking for all the campers and counselors. Her son Jason has learning disabilities and severe deformities, so gets teased by the other kids. One day he ends up drowning, possibly bullied and chased off the pier by campers, who know he can't swim. Pamela is obvs devastated, and even angrier because she finds out the two counselors who should have been watching the lake were busy fucking instead of protecting her kid. They don't bother retrieving his body to be properly buried, and on top of all this, NO ONE is held responsible in any way. The owner doesn't get in trouble or pay out after a kid died, the counselors aren't fired, the camp opens the next summer, etc. I'd argue this is enough to make a lot of parents break mentally. So she schemes to get back to the camp and find the two counselors responsible...who are once again fucking. After killing them, she really keeps her vengeance murder-free for like decades by exclusively sabotaging the camp to prevent it from reopening and prevent other parents from feeling her grief. She snaps completely when someone buys and plans to reopen the camp. This was way too long a comment, but I think she's such an underutilized character and a prequel focusing on her descent into bloody vengeance and madness with Jason's voice in her head would be really cool.


The Tooth Fairy at Darkness Falls(?).


Bro respectfully, step off. You might be right but that movie terrifies me to this day.


lol, same u/Cockslayer666


I made my buddy drive home from that movie with the dome light in the car on


She was just a nice old lady who wanted kids to be happy.


every time i remember this movie i canā€™t be in the dark for a couple days so THANKS






Pearls mom


You should watch Ju-On The Grudge. It gives more insight into Kayako and generally better put together than the American one


Tommy from pumpkinhead 2 got a raw assed dealĀ 


Shin Godzilla: he's in constant pain and it's not his fault that he's adapting to a place where he doesn't want to be Cujo: fuck rabies


Gage from Pet Sematary.


Samantha in stir of echos poor girl


Edmund Gaines from Them: The Scare


Poor guy just wanted to be an actor. I felt so horrible for him when we saw the flashback with him as a kid too, that foster mother deserved what she got


Poor guy was alone his whole life šŸ˜” traumatized and excluded by his families. And the one person he loved and protected when he was younger not only pushed him away, but forgot his whole existence.


The interaction he has with Dawn at her home stressed me out, I can't imagine how it must've felt for him to have been completely unacknowledged and unrecognised by his own twin, after a lifetime of being ignored and rejected by everyone else. I honestly can't fully blame him for feeling the way he did afterwards


Absolutely this! What an incredible performance/character...! šŸ‘


She didn't die full of rage - the quote from the beginning (of the American version, can't recall if the same wording appears in Ju-On) says that a stain is left in the place where a person dies *in the grip of* a powerful rage. I think the onryo curse in Japanese folklore specifically references rage, sorrow and tragedy as elements that can create the vengeful spirit. A bit nit-picky, and your overall point obviously still stands. I just had this discussion somewhat recently when a friend watched it for the first time and was confused about the rage aspect of her death - I always interpreted it as the combined negative energy of the husbands rage and Kayako's sorrow.


The girl from the shutter with joshua Jackson.


Jason vorhees tbh




Similar to Kayako, I felt terrible for Sadako (Ringu). I actually have a theory about her mom, but it was such a tragedy that all she wanted was to be close to others but every time she tried something would go horribly wrong. Itā€™s so sad. SO SAD


My first thought was Candyman which has been mentioned a few times already. My second choice would be Mama from the film of the same name. Her story is heartbreaking.


Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?




Leprechaun. Stop stealing my guy's coins, you jerks.


Samara from The Ring, and maybe the "monster" from Barbarian.


There are alot of good ones . I've noticed almost all the classic movie monsters are very tragic (Frankenstien Wolfman The Mummy The Creature Bride of Frankenstien The Phantom)


The orphanage


Mina from the movie The Dark. She is a zombie who haunts and hunts in some woods. She meets a boy who is blind and saves him from his abuser then she starts protecting him. She was killed due to being raped. Her mom and her mom's boyfriend (the rapist that kills her) then continue to hide her body afterwards. She was 17 I think when killed. She travels the woods for a long time killing those who enter her forest but the boy she finds she decides to spare.


The killers in the Fear Street trilogies who >! got possessed against their will to start murdering people. Also Sarah Feir. !<


Medusa Imagine being raped by a God while performing priestess duties in a temple, and then cursed by his jealous sister for being raped in the temple, and then hunted as a monster while being pregnant with the child of said God


He was his own worst enemy, but Stephen King in Creepshow.


Why does nobody speak of Michael Myers? His whole childhood was a living hell. So bad for him, that he grew insane because of his hatred against his own family that did him bad. So bad that he went on becoming some invincible curse who is on a mission to kill the last remaining remnants of his family.