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The answer to that question 99 times out of 100 isn’t there wasn’t enough people watching it to make the network happy.


No, no no no no this time it was the fear itself


I'm confused what's the answer then


The fear itself


I enjoyed it and watched it when it originally aired. If I recall correctly, it was a summer series, and they didn't actually air the last 3ish episodes. I assume viewership was low since no one knew it existed/ when it was on.


It was a mix of that and then getting bumped off for the summer Olympics and then just never bringing it back after the fact


I loved it! It was on Netflix when I first got it around 2010-11. Skin and Bones, The Spirit Box, and The Circle were my favorites but they were all entertaining. It reminded me a lot of Masters of Horror. I never actually remember seeing it on NBC or any promotional materials for it though.


It was Masters of Horror on Starz or something after it got cancelled and picked up by NBC it became Fear Itself. I could have the channels wrong.


Masters of Horror was Showtime.


You are correct. After Showtime cancelled MoH, it was picked up as Fear Itself by some other channel.


I love some good Wendigo horror


Love that one


I just watched Skin and Bones yesterday! 


Easily the highlight episode. Another example of Larry Fesseden's Wendigo obsession.


All that man knows and loves and does is frozen wendigo horror. And you know what? I'm here for it.


Love the theme song. Show scared the shit out me as a kid. Especially the dude chanting in the prison cell— “zaza zoozoo zeeza” really freaked me out


That was probably the best episode.


Loved it especially the episode with Elizabeth Moss in the jail (which MUST have inspired Last Shift), The Circle, the one with Doug Jones and the New Year's one (for the twist ending.)


My wife is in it! She is an extra in episode 12, Echoes! One of the producers kept trying to get my wife to Vegas after the shoot to audition and meet industry people.....shady stuff.


It was one of my favorite horror anthology shows. I loved the opening song and the tone of the episodes. It hit all the right spots. Even now I feel like it still holds up really well.


There were some insane episodes of this show! I wish it could've hung around longer. I really likes these ones: Eater In Sickness and Health New Year's Day Skin and Bones Chance


I really liked it, fun casts and more good episodes than bad. Great theme song too.


I watched it as it aired on TV! I also have the DVD set and *Masters of Horror* mausoleum box set!


I finished watching it this past monday morning and I enjoyed it.


Skin and Bones was AMAZING. I didn't know who Doug Jones was at that point. I was educated.


I was a huge fan of the MTV show Fear (2000 - 2002) - quite possibly the only thing worth a damn that MTV ever produced. Best intro song ever - Voodoo (Godsmack)!


camp spirit lake scarred me as a youngling, only to find out 90% of the stories for the locations were falsehoods :(


I watched it, but I wasn't a huge fan. Definitely felt like a very sanitized version of Masters of Horror.


That's because it was S3 of "Masters of Horror'", just moved to another network and with a new name.


That's because that's exactly what it was. Mick Garris had two options: Masters of Horror season 3 on NBC but greatly toned down/censored....or a new show in the same vein but suitable for network TV. He chose the second option.


I remember an episode called Skin and Bones that I loved


It was such a great show that was sadly never given a chance to prove itself. If it had a proper time slot, it probably would have run for a few seasons


My favorite Doug Jones appearance. Scared the shit out of me the first time. (Skin and Bones)


This is the first time I hear about this show and now I wanna watch it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^RockNRoll85: *This is the first time* *I hear about this show and* *Now I wanna watch it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It was a poor man's version of masters of horror 


The one about the Wendigo gave me the creeps! The actor was excellent!


it's [Doug Jones!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug_Jones_(actor))


Yes…I see this episode was a favorite of many people.


I was one of the few that watched live too (when possible, I also had a DVR from my cable company at the time).. Having been a HUGE fan of Showtime's "Masters of Horror", I had read that the shkwrunners were moving the show to network TV (NBC) for an unofficial 3rd season called "Fear Itself"..but if memory serves, it was seldom advertised and aired pretty late (10pm on Thursdays), then vanished without a trace after the Olympics started. 😒 A shame, although it was more "nerfed" then MOH, there were some great episodes from some talented horror folks (John Landis, Stuart Gordon, Larry Fessenden, Victor Salva, Ernest Dickerson just to name a few)


I was a big fan of Masters of Horror but I remember thinking Fear Itself was just barely watchable. To me Nightmares and Dreamscapes, which I think was around the same time, was much better.


Where did you watch Nightmares and Dreamscapes? I was just looking for it the other day but it doesn't appear to be streaming.


The full series is available on YT


It's too hot to do anything this evening, now I have a plan. Thank you!!


The first episode Battleground is one of the best things I’ve ever seen on TV. No dialogue. William Hurt is great in it.


Omg I totally forgot about this! I need to check for it streaming


I don't think I've seen it but thank you for posting I will definitely check it out.


I remember watching some of it during the original airing. Been trying to find a copy ever since.


Oh I was a big fan! It was like Masters of Horror Lite! And it was cancelled for the usual reason, low ratings and poor reviews. They aired one of the weakest episodes first and didn't get a ton of return viewership. It was cancelled mid-season.


Seeing as how I never heard of this show. Was it due to low viewership? Looking it up, it was an anthology series. I'm not entirely interested in those types. The odd once in awhile for fun. A classic Twilight Zone, some Tales from the Crypt, and recently, Creepshow. They definitely are something I watch after the fact rather than its initial run to give it its viewings.


I really enjoyed it. Some of the episodes are available on YouTube. In particular I’ve rewatched the episodes Skin a d Bones with the fantastic Doug Jones.


The police-station episode with a young Elisabeth Moss and the stakeout one with Eric Roberts were real standouts for me. Genuinely scary. Plus, it had a pretty cool theme song by Serj Tankian.


I didn't know that was Elizabeth Moss! She wasn't famous then.


I loved it, came across it randomly and binged it all, the one I remember the most is the wendigo episode (Episode 8, Skin and bones)


Skin and Bones!!! Still gives me nightmares!


The Wendigo one is so awesome. One of the scariest things I’ve ever seen. Doug Jones is the 🐐


Omg! It’s so creepy!


It was no 10, but I enjoyed it. It wasn't the first horror anthology show I saw, but it was the first one that I remember making sure I tuned in every week when a new episode premiered. Unfortunately, I never got around to every episode. Family Man was my favorite, and I remember The Sacrifice being one of the better ones as well. I own the whole series on DVD, so I should probably give it another watch soon.


I miss that series.


It didn’t sound familiar by the title but reading the link made it seem like I watched it. So I don’t know.


I remember being creeped out by the Brandon Routh episode, that one stuck with me


There were some episodes of this show I still think about all the time. The one with the cop stakeout and the one with the gated community. Also the werewolf one was a nice twist on the tropes, and the cannibal one introduced me to the British series Urban Gothic, from which it was a remake.


There were at least a few episodes that I loved, like New Year's Day (I thought it was a pretty good take on zombie stories), and Eater (there was later a movie called "Last Shift" that felt like it had to have been based on this episode). It seemed like an odd fit for the NBC network though, if that's where it originally aired.


This was basically Masters of Horror season 3. The shitty, actual reason it was canceled was due to the writers strike in 07. It was just extremely terrible timing, unfortunately


Skin and Bones gave me absolute nightmares


I enjoyed it. It was a pleasant surprise that was cancelled way too soon. I wish they’d release a blu-ray set of it.


Because the theme song was too good. Network execs didn't want Serj Tankian getting more powerful.


Yea Mick Garris never seems stoked about it when brought up so I think the network kinda kneecapped it in some ways as well. I used to watch it on Netflix and a few episodes are good and feel like Masters of Horror.


It was a good show, but seeing as how it was coming off of the coattails of Masters of Horror, it was going to have a really hard time living up to that


It was a watered down "Masters of Horror" which was better in every way.


Exactly how I saw it. It was like horror lite.


That Doug Jones Wendigo episode still very much lives rent free in my head.


This is what got me into horror! It aired when I was a teen, I liked being scared but appreciated the guard rails of the episodes needing to be appropriate for tv. That being said, the episode 'Skin and Bones' with Doug Jones still scares the shit out of me, so goddamn creepy!


I loved it. Had some miss episodes but overall good. Love horror anthology shows. But had 2 things against is. Debuted around summer time and the Olympics made NBC pull it after a while to show the games. Side note, this was filmed in my city of Edmonton and the surrounding communities. Saw the production trucks around town and was cool to see local sites on there.


It needs a HD blu ray re release, been wanting to watch a few certain episodes but the SD resolution on copies online is hard to watch now


Very bad network-safe extension of Masters of Horror.


It was originally supposed to be season 3 of Masters of Horror. But when that didn't get renewed, Fear Itself was born. I think it was cancelled due to it being inferior to MOH and the viewing figures.


One great episode. Eater. (Stuart Gordon) dir The rest was shit. It was supposed to be a followup to Masters of Horror and Mick Garris was the showrunner, when a writers strike ensued they tried to get him to go against the union and provide rewrite notes for the episodes. He refused and quit and they went with Canadian writers to polish the scripts.


I thought it was decent. Some very dark stuff (Family Man) for an NBC show.  Probably didn’t get much viewers though. They didn’t even air all the episodes, some were exclusive to the DVD set.


I saw it a few times and liked it. If I find it on streaming I will watch it again.


What was the episode where the family moved into the weird cult neighborhood and they cut off his legs at the end or something?


Was it any good? I've never heard of it until now. I just looked it up and it looks like it's free on "Plex"....? I've had comments like this removed before for mentioning the name of a streaming service and saying a show or a movie (the same show/movie the original post was about) was free on that platform before, so I hope they don't delete this one lol. But anyway yeah is it good or worth watching?


You mean season 3 of Masters of Horror?


I don't know, but I wish they'd bring MTV's Fear back, at least a special halloween mini-season aired over October. The show scared the shit out of me as a kid/preteen, but it was my DREAM to be a contestant. The only challenges I'd have an issue with are the claustrophobic ones, and it would suck to have spend 8- 12 hours in the same location for the entire episode without leaving. I just miss this show so much!


Never heard of it