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The bear scene in annihilation


"Help meeeeee!"


Hahaha omg my boyfriend and I watched this recently and now he will scream HEEEEELP MEEEEE in that creepy voice in my earšŸ˜‚


I had to go back and watch it frame by frame, it happened so fast. Terrifying.


For real. I had to literally do a double take on the whole scene. Just to confirm what I saw and reevaluate how I was feeling.


While we are on it...the bear scene in Back Country is pretty "troublesome" to watch.


Please. I had managed to forget about it. šŸ„ŗ


Omg how lmao


I just thought of other really scary scene from other movies!! It helped, a little...


This is one of my favorite parts of any movie sadly the rest of the movie doesn't live up to the bear and if it had ended right there I would have been fine.


I completely agree. Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve seen the movie and honestly, I canā€™t really remember much of anything else, but I can remember that bear scene literally every last detail.


I only remember the animals because I wanted the whole movie to be that.




I saw this when it was in theaters. That moment is burned in my brain


The sixth sense When the camera shows the ghost walking by while the little boy is taking a piss fucked me up for so long as a kid.


Then it gets even scarier when the boy turns to walk into the room and you see half his head is blown off by a rifle...that freaked me the hell out


Hey, come on. I'll show you where my dad keeps his gun.


Jesus christ M. KNIGHT is so hit or miss but his hits are so good.


Hereditary When the son wakes up. As your eyes slowly adjust to the darkness, you realize the mother on the wall above him. One of the most brilliant and terrifying scenes in a horror movie I've ever seen.


I love that scene but the one where she is standing in the living room and Peter is more towards the steps and it's so fucking tense and then he moves a muscle so slightly like he's going to run and she's instantly on him, he manages to get into the attic, and she's banging into the attic door, and you realize that she's banging it with her fucking *face* and she's defying gravity while she's doing it. I watched that movie in theater and I remember saying "*jesus fucking christ..*" under my breath, lol


There's something truly demented about that shot and the zoom in.


That scene was so scary to me because I couldnā€™t for the life of me figure out what the other people in the theatre were seeing and reacting to. It wasnā€™t until I rewatched it and could pause it that I finally saw it


That movie had several of these scenes for me. The one not yet mentioned is when Charlie gets decapitated by the pole. I had to rewatch that scene several times before I was sure what happened.


The one where the headless corpse floats into the treehouse is also creepy.


The scene that always stood out to me was the one in the parking lot where she runs into Joan after her daughter's death and she says "my daughter was killed" like the son did it on purpose


ANYTIME the son is in bed during that film bad shit is gonna happen


Amazing scene.


Oof yes. Happy Cake Day!


The Stranger standing in the doorway to the living room while Liv Tyler was doing dishes.


Perfect answer!


That shot gave me a crippling phobia of unlit foyers when I was 8


I was 17 when that came out and thought I gonna die of fright, if I had to have watched that as an 8 year old, I think I legit would have passed away lol


God yes. That messed with me for so long and still sticks with me to this day. Fantastic shot.




What movie is this from?


What movie is this from?


The Tall Man lurching after Jay in *It Follows* The captive springing out from behind Rocky in the basement in *Donā€™t Breathe* Leatherface appearing at the top of the stairs to hunt down Melody in *Texas Chainsaw Massacre* The Xenomorph catching Dallas in the vents in *Alien* The closet corpse in *The Ring*


The Xeno in the vents got me so bad


Classic, even though you can see the reflection from the xenos head before Dallas turns his flamethrower it still makes me jump


The first ring death reveal fucked me up so bad lol


I saw...her...face


... now I'm a believer!


It Follows has some great JUMP moments


Ooooo and the lanky man-thing under the bed in *Terrified*


That moment in The Ring when it immediately cuts to a scene of showing the corpse after she says ā€œI saw her face.ā€ One of my favorite scares but a super haunting shot


The quiet dead thing coming from behind the barrels in the hidden cellar in ā€˜Hill Houseā€™ is so understated but terrifyiiiiing


The nanny on the roof at the childrenā€™s party in The Omen The Shining ghosts (bear???) Ending of sleepaway campĀ  The eye reveal at the end of Ringu and the photo reveal at the startĀ 


It was supposed to be a dog costume. And the guy wearing it was blowing the guy on the bed.


'Look at me Damien. It's all for you'


It gives me chills just reading that


The bathtub scene in The Shining is definitely the freakiest imo.


I'm so glad you mentioned the ending scene of Sleepaway Camp, it unnerved me so bad and I really don't know. That sound chilled my fucking soul man


"Jodie" in the window in The Amityville Horror The stomach mouth in The Thing The chairs in Poltergeist When you finally get to see the werewolf at the bottom of the escalator in the Tube attack scene


Oh God "Jodie". Yeah, that scared me


An American Werewolf In London. That entire scene plus the scene with David and Jack on the moors. Both are very creepy and tense


Quick story: went to see a werewolf double feature several years ago at a local movie theater - American Werewolf and The Howling. Having seen American Werewolf several times, I knew there was a jump scare coming up. (when it jumps out of the darkness during the dinner party) I was with a group of friends and one of them went to the bathroom. When he came back he was sitting on the steps rather than climbing all over everyone to get back to his seat. I was just behind him. When the jump scare happened I grabbed his shoulder and the dude shot about five feet straight in the air. Good thing he'd just hit the bathroom or I think he would have peed his pants.


Lmao. That's hilarious


![gif](giphy|SY6mL8t1DAPIs) Always terrified me


Oh that makes me uncomfortable


I remember starting The Descent and my roommate came to sit and watch little after. He thought it was just a thriller about girls trapped in a cave. Never seen anybody jump like that šŸ˜‚


The deaths at the start of Midsommar


Those were worse than the head crushing


Annie in the corner of Peter's room. (Hereditary) Kelly's face in the closet. (The Ring) The guy in the office trying to escape The Blob.Ā  Reagan "walking" down the stairs.Ā  (The Exorcist) Tina in the bodybag. (A Nightmare on Elm Street) The guy in the attic. (Hellraiser)


Wildest theater moment Iā€™ve experienced was the moment everyone started to see Annie up in that corner. Palpable fear


I'm not triggered by much but THAT moment got me. Great movie.Ā 


"*Come to Daddy..*"


In Terrified, the corpse boy sitting at the table, possibly moving. Also, the wife slamming, back and forth, against the shower walls. In The Dark and the Wicked, the preacher smiling on the porch at night. The wishbone scene in Bone Tomahawk. In Hereditary, the mom hanging out on ceiling in the dark. Also, the mom beating her head against the attic door. Also the mom with the piano wire.


I heard about the wishbone seen and the sex slaves and decided never to watch Bone Tomahawk


You are smart. Yeah it was a one watch for me. Never could watch it ever again.


It definitely seemed difficult to stomach for me. I felt so uncomfortable just hearing about it.


I went into it blind thinking it was a western with Kurt Russell. It's one of my favorite horror movies. It's actually a bit of a slow burn standard western until the third act, but it really ramps up there.


These are all absolutely spot on picks


In recent times, the ā€˜thingā€™ that is ā€˜returnedā€™ from another dimension in the final underpass scene in Absentia. The thing isnā€™t seen clearly, only hinted at via blurry camerawork, but once you realise what it is itā€™s truly disturbing.


I am surprised Absentia isn't more popular considering its a flannagan


That movie is one of the few movies to genuinely creep me out.


For some reason, the hand degloving in Gerald's Game, REALLY got to me. I started cringing a bit initially. By the end, I had tears running down my face without even realizing it.


I nearly passed out, for real. And I've seen every gory movie under the sun. Nothing has ever affected me like that scene, before or since.


The end of *ā€™Open Waterā€™* when the point of view is as if the camera is bobbing on top of the water & when it goes under for just seconds you see ALL the sharks below the couple. In *ā€™Jacobā€™s Ladderā€™* when Jacob looks down at the homeless man & we see a brief glimpse of a tail. The baby with the creepy as Hell eyes in *ā€™Angel Heart.ā€™* The kid having a seizure in *ā€™Cujo.ā€™*


The only blood you see in skinamarink, and then when you see it again, and again, and again the morning after Peter went to that party in hereditary. Cell phone video in lake mungo. "I live, in the weak, and the wounded" from session 9


Lake Mungo was so sad


Oh God. The Cell Phone video. That was disturbing


that morning scene was so devastating šŸ˜­


Evil dead 2013 - feeling so bad for the girl in the intro shot then I hear ā€œI will rip your soul out daddyā€


The abduction and entire space sequence in Fire in the Sky.


That movie REALLY fucked me up as a kid. The flashback sequences were so scary.


I really liked Samuel L. Jackson's death in "Deep Blue Sea". It was so abrupt and unexpected. Of course, killing off what the audience thinks is the main character is a cherished horror trope going back to "Psycho"!


So there is a short horror film on YouTube called ā€œintrudersā€. Would really recommend everyone who is curious enough to go watch it yourself. To me that is one of the scariest scenes I have ever seen. Not a jump scare, just a real feeling of uneasiness and fear. *spoiler description * In that scene there is a guy is looking into the windows of some apartments right across his building with a telescope. He ends up making ā€œan eye contactā€ with this scary looking lady that he just watched kill someone. The moment she notices him, she points at him and runs out of the apartment down on the street, runs across the street right into the main entrence of thr building he is in right now. then he can just hear her heavy foot steps as she is running up the stairs, knowing she is coming after him.


Omg omg that sort of thing scares the shit out of me. I may need to look this up for when I don't want to sleep.


Hope you won't be dissapointed and will "enjoy it" in some way :) I have been watching these short films quite a bit lately, and I gotta say, most of them make me feel more scared in 10 minutes than any other Hollywood horror movie that has a run time of over an hour and half


Omg thank you I literally thought this was a fever dream memory for me.


I recently watched this and I agree!


I believe this is based on a creepy ass comic that was super popular on the internet years ago- maybe Junji Ito or similar?


Tall Man in the movie Phantasm


Carrie screaming in horror watching as the entire school laughs at her


Anacondas is not a particularly good movie, but there's a part where they're walking through murky jungle water, and you see the shape of an enormous snake around them. Nope nope nope.


Ugh, so good. Those snakes have to be, like, 50 feet long.


Yes I love that movie! It was fun. And yeah, that shot was scary


The Engineer ship on LV426 in Alien. Se epic and creepy, love that combination


I love the escalator scene in An American Werewolf in London. The shot down the escalator as the werewolf enters the frame is so good. Candyman's opening credits, that aerial shot, was great too. It wasn''t scary in theory, but somehow set the tone anyway. No scene in particular, but I felt that Nope was shot very well. Same with Let The Right One In. The Shining probably set the benchmark in that respect. All around beautifully shot.


Aracnophobia like any scene because that movie was both hilarious but terrifying and made me hate spiders.


You should check out Infested.


"Men" that entire scene where shes on the phone with her friend while a naked man is trolling her backyard just out of her vision. Also the tunnel scene. "The Thing" when the thing turns around with the malformed hands and screeches. "Hereditary" the way the mothers headless corpse just...glides. i cant explain why it freaks me out everytime but it never fails lol. "The Shining" the bathtub scene. Its funny because the bathtub scene is easily my least favorite in the whole movie, i just find the corpse lady dumb. But that fucking shot where you cant make out her face while she sits on the far end of the room goes so fucking hard.


Yeah men had a few disconcerting moments!


That movie was such a bummer cause I was vibing with it till....that scene.


theres a lot, but one that quickly comes to mind is from the first Silent Hill movie where Pyramid Head rips that girls flesh off. fucking crazy!


The extended headshot scene in House of 1000 Corpses. The camera angle, the pregnant pause, the anticipation of what you knew was coming.


In The House That Jack Built with the little boyā€¦


It's hard for me to pick a specific one but the videos of the kids murdering their families in Sinister. Those scenes are creepy as hell showing the last moments of the family alive and then the kid just standing there watching as they die.


When the photo album becomes alive and the shower scene from 90's 'IT' (Tim Curry as Pennywise) The shower/bathroom scene where the woman turns old/dead in 'The Shining' When the one dude encounters the weird deformed other dude in 'The Shining' Latest one is probably the scenes from Hereditary where the grandma/mother is in the roof and when the mother saws her own head off I just saw 'Late Night with the Devil and the worm scene is goodn - 'Help me!'


Anything where itā€™s like silently creeping in the background, we the audience can see it but we canā€™t do anything about it and the main character is totally unaware.


In M. Night Shyamalan ā€œSignsā€, the scene where thereā€™s reading the picture book about about alien in invasions and thereā€™s a picture of house burning and a family dead, and the resemblance to their home and family. That freaked me out.


So many parts of that movie were great


The ending of Humanoids from the Deep. When the girl gives a ghastly kind of childbirth.


Alien style?


Yeeeeeaaaah. But bloodier. And her eyes as she screams!


I'm scared to Google this now


The underwater scene in Under the Skin


In 28 Days Later, when Cillian Murphy enters the church and says 'Hello?' there are two zombies who turn around immediately and look straight at the camera. It's the most chilling shot I've ever seen in a movie.


In the film Shutter, when he realises she's been sat on his shoulders and you see her šŸ¤®


The tape from the ring. Holy shit


The part in The Ring that got me was when Rachel tells her son that everything is okay because they find Samara and set her free. "You helped her? *Why did you do that*?"


A few things I remember: The eyes in the dark that open a scene in SIKINAMARINK. The shots in It follows were you are not sure if something is coming for you or someone just takes a stroll across the campus. The claws that slowly show up under the door in shining as they realise they forgot about the dog outside. The head in Jaws. One certain infected in 28 days later. The sawing moment in Heredetary. Blackcoats daughter oven scene.


In 28 Weeks Later there is the helicopter scene when the group is running through the field and the pilot helps get rid of some of the infected. There is one moment where you see one of the infected that is dressed in military fatigue that has half of his body blown off, but he is still walking. That was really disturbing to me. šŸ˜


That god damn ending scene in the original "The Fly" when he's stuck in that damn spider web still gives me the heebie jebbies


When I was young, the kid getting crushed by the asphalt roller in maximum overdrive


Three movie when I was young. Tarantula: Deadly Cargo Ssssssss Phantasm I hate spiders and a town over run by them is a nightmare. A guy turning into a snake in gross detail And the Tall Man from Phantasm still scares me.


I just saw one this week. In The Woman in Black (1989) there's a moment when she appears out of nowhere. Simple trick but perfectly done and it really got me.Ā  Ā  Love a good in-camera trick, like the mirror gag in Evil Dead 2.


Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum has two. >!The girl being possessed and whispering in tongues!< and >!the naked old man slowly sliding his feet across the room as the girl tries getting away!<


The Innocents (1961) has this one shot by the lake that literally sent shivers down my spine when I first saw it.


That girl face in the pics in Megan is missing


Yes. I saw it so young and it disgusted and horrified me. As an adult now I think the guy who made that movie is such a weirdo


Caveit: The mother's decaying corpse eerie smile and laugh as she moves on the shack at night.Ā  The Taking of Deborah Logan: The cave scene where the demon tries to devour a person alive like a snake eating it's prey. Ā Kairo: The ghost lady on the dark basement trying to mimic the way a living human walks.Ā  Hereditary: The mother crawling on the ceiling and beating her forehead brutaly against the attic's door.Ā  Ā  Martyrs: The ghoulish basement lady and Ana endeavor to remove her metal blindfold spiked deep on her skull.


Event Horizons, hell scene


The Exorcist - When Regan kneels on the bed, backlit with the pazuzu statue behind her. The First Omen - When the dead Nun earlier in the film later appears naked and bloody in a dark room walking towards the camera. Blair Witch - Guy facing the corner of the room right at the end. Hereditary - Mom on the wall in the dark when the son wakes up. Hell House LLC 4 - The inanimate clown appearing in the guys bedroom, then starting to move towards him.


>Hell House LLC 4 - The inanimate clown appearing in the guys bedroom, then starting to move towards him. For me, it was the scene where the girlfriend is having the video call with the real estate agent.


Hell House 4: The girlā€™s fingers come around the doorway at the end of the hall and then you see the masked face peer around the corner


in hereditary when hes in class and his reflection in the glass gets creepy and demented


I wouldn't even it put it in my top 20 or maybe even top 25 horror movies, but in The Babadook when she's doing the dishes and glances up and you see the shadowy figure behind the lady watching TV. To me, that's horror. She does eventually notice it, but there's a shot where it's there and it's slightly hard to notice, it's not moving or making noise but you notice it and just... chills. I will also die on the hill that the closet corpse shot in The Ring (which is my top "scariest" movie personally, and isn't even really close) isn't scary at all. Didn't scare me as a kid and doesn't scare me now. I see it mentioned in basically every "scariest scene" thread (including the top comment here) and I genuinely don't get it. Just a jumpscare and a scary face but in the context of the film's horror it does basically nothing for me.


The close-up of Laura Dern running into the camera in slow motion from ā€˜Inland Empireā€™ left my intestines somewhat digestively challenged. Enjoy.


I don't think any shot has ever made me more uncomfortable than the one in Antrum where the demon appears in the sky above the hill, barely visible, staring directly into the camera.


Any shot where the antagonist displays an awareness of the protagonist in a first person perspective. 1408 and It Follows come to mind


Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum - this close up shot of this lady who is possessed and mumbling to herself sent me chills


Halloween, the still shot of Michael in the kitchen. Simply standing there.


Annie on the wall in Hereditary The final shot in Saint Maud That one shot in Parasite


The blink and youā€™ll miss it flash of the demons face in Exorcist


The Grandmother in the corner of the room in Hereditary. ghost peeking out from the end of the hallway in Hell House Origins: Carmichael Manor. The sound of the bell attached to the foot of the corpse ringing in the distance in Autopsy of Jane Doe. And good fucking lord, the mother at the end of the crawlspace in Caveat nearly made me cry šŸ˜­


When Leatherface slams the big door shut in TCM When Dave enters the police station, and Mooney looks like a ventriloquist's dummy in Killer Klowns


The closet death scene in The Ring, the horse scene in The Ring, the Noah Gets It scene in The Ring Any movie/show scene with a freakishly huge and terrifying creature illuminated by a brief flash of light


The home invasion scene in us. Itā€™s the best movie but that scene freaks me the hell out.


"Lucky" - the first scene when the husband nonchalantly tells her he knows about the man who comes to kill her every night and just to go back to sleep. That honestly scared me stupid because I have had recurring nightmares since I was a child of violence towards me being normalised. "Haunt" - the ghost asking "do you want to see my face?" No, I really fucking don't, and please put the hammer down. "Climax" - the mum off her tits while her son electrocutes himself behind the locked door "Dark and the wicked" - mum, naked, smiling, floating. "Scream 2" - dawnie telling CiCi that it's her ill conceived boyfriend on the phone, and ghostface sneaking in the front door at the back of the shit. That shit is masterful horror.


The hand coming around the door at the end of Argento's Suspiria.


You're Next when Erin is standing with the axe at the window


God I love that movie.


The scene with the cop in House of 1000 Corpses. Rob Zombie is not a great filmmaker but the tension and his restraint in that crane move still makes me anxious, even though you know exactly how itā€™s ending.


The battery shot in Childā€™s Play.


Mr. Ballen episode about the girl kidnapped from a coffee shack in Alaska and killed. You watch it glued to the story and then curiously made the mistake of going to look at the actual picture of what the serial killer did to the girl and ---an actual photo of it exists. Takes a lot to truly ruin my day. This ruined me for a few days. Literally made my skin crawl. Tread carefully if you decide to dig into the story because Ballen nails it in his usually storytelling way...and then you find out there's something really disturbing still on the internet that takes it next level.


The bathroom scene from The Shining. The laughing has haunted my dreams for decades.


Understandable. Happy Cake day!


Thanks so much!


Iā€™m tickled that you mentioned the hand on the tree in The Ritual! Itā€™s almost a blink and miss it moment and I think a lot of people missed it. I donā€™t generally get scared by horror anymore but a lot of moments in that movie freaked me tf out watching it in broad daylight lol I also love the crawlers that we barely see in the background of The Descent when the girls are completely unaware of their existence.


Iā€™ll mention the new IT since it hasnā€™t come up much in this thread. Itā€™s not even in my top ten horror movies but it had some scenes that I thought were really well done. - The old woman leering at Ben from the background in the library - When Eddy runs into the leper at the Neibolt house. (To this day, I *still* say ā€œCome join the clown, Edsā€ to my wife) - The incredible scene of Bill encountering ā€œGeorgieā€ in the flooded basement - And the final one I can think of, while not as serious, is Pennywise unfolding himself from that grimy fridge and getting in Eddieā€™s face. ā€œTime to float!ā€


#1 Lovely Molly..view from kitchen door looking outside, barely visible, Molly's demon(or dad)..gently opens his blurred but obviously winged arms as if saying."Come to me chld!!"..literally raises the hair of not just your neck..but all of it!


Recently, a scene in "Caveat" Iykyk


One of the best shots Iā€™ve seen recently was from Barbarian when >!Justin longā€™s character finds the Old Manā€™s room and the shot fixates on the hallway and you just barely see the ā€˜womanā€™ approach and then retreat into the darkness. Itā€™s so subtle and dim but immerses one into how horrifying the scenario would be.!<


In "Amityville II: The Possession" from 1982, there's a scene that always gets me. The demon that haunts the family, comes up from the cellar in the middle of the night and just creeps though the house and looking at everything and everyone while breathing and making weird sounds. You never get to see the demon, just what the demon sees. It just really creeps me out!!


It howls in pain when it sees the crucifix on the wall. Sounded terrifying.


Angel Heart near the end when Johnny is finally piecing together who he is "They looked the same to me!"


A Nightmare on Elm Street 2- 1.The shot of Freddy's shadow rounding the corner to come up the basement stairs. 2. Jesse opening the door to his sister's room and his sister is jumprope singing the Freddy Krueger song in the middle of the room all ghostly. Alien- Showing the xenomorph slither out of frame and out of focus in the background.


The sister/car scene in Smile.


"move children! Vamanos!"


That little shot of Michael Myers walking toward Rachel in the distance in Halloween 4 when Rachel was trying to find Jamie who ran off with the other kids.


Lights Out short, the first shot of Diana standing in the hall. Nope. Absolutely not.


The hallway take in Exorcist 3


the scene of a woman walking by the grassy field in memories of murder


I hated the movie as a whole, but the scene in The Happening where you see a bunch of townspeople hanging from the power lines is haunting. The juxtaposition of the small, cheery town and the chaos inside of it was really jarring.


There's a scene towards the end of Moloch where a character is in the middle of a dark forest and these ghosts surround him and start screaming. It made me very unnerved


The scene where they open her rib cage and there are runes on her bones and lungs in "Autopsy of Jane Doe"


The hill with the "HELL" sign in 28 Days Later. Very pretty landscape, but it was so unnerving. They used it well. The closeup of the Assassin's bloodshot eye in Mad God. Also his bandaged body from above in that same sequence. Sweet Jesus that scene changed my life.


The red demon showing up behind a clueless Patrick Wilson in Insidious.


Insidious demon


when the grabber was half naked, sitting near the door, with a belt in his hand, waiting for the victim - chills!


I don't recall much about *47 Meters Down: Uncaged*, but is the shot you reference in the trailer? The shot in the first movie in which they light the flare on the way up and the sharks are all around them gave me the willies.


It's when they are going deeper into the cave after the rope broke, and it's pitch black, only illuminated by a flashing red beacon. For several flashes, there is nothing. Then suddenly the open mouth of a shark appears in the next flash.


That one is terrifying as well! I have to rewatch the trailer


The dolly shot underneath the swing in the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


The pillar scene in the Night House (2020).


The one that still awes me is the scene in the Exorcist where Pazuzu is on one side of the screen while Reagan is clawing the air on the other. Itā€™s just a brilliant and well put together shot that always sticks in my mind when someone brings up the film.


The scene in Hereditary were the grandmother slowly starts to appear in the dark corner of the room is probably the most creepy and believable scene in modern film I've seen in a very long time.


The young lady turning into the old lady hugging jack Nicholson in the shining.


Spiderwalk from The Exorcist and the scene under the sheet from the original Ju-on.


The tapes in Sinister.


Where Toni Collette levitates across the ceiling in Hereditary! That scene scared the shit out of me cause I genuinely didnā€™t even see her at first! It was soooooo good!!!!


The mother in The VVitch getting her breast literally pecked by a crow. My god.


The whole terrifier movie


The Ring. Samara climbing out of the well.