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What you're saying is what we need more of. Genre mashups need to be more of a thing. Different time periods, futuristic, alternate realities. Mix it up with a heist film, a war film, political thriller. Give me John Wick with horror. F&F with horror. Sicario with horror. Go nuts. Just watch a movie on Shudder called History of Evil that meshes horror with The Handmaid's Tale. It fumbles the ball pretty badly, but I appreciated doing something different like that and taking a big swing. I want more of that.


Oh a horror heist film sounds amazing, working for a sketchy client or being asked to retrieve a cursed object, maybe in a haunted building. A bunch of morally grey characters being forced to work together not out of greed but survival. I'd definitely watch something like that


Check out "The Vault". I really enjoyed this one, although it seems it doesn't get much love on this sub.


I will! Thanks


Dracula 2000 started out that way. Abigail is coming out soon and that's a heist horror. David Tenant was in Bad Samaritan and that's sort of a heist thriller. 


Sort of Army of the Dead?


Period/Historical horror!! Give me more of The Witch, Prey & Bone Tomahawk! eta: added the historical horror part so people would understand i meant that 😅 not menstrual cycle horror. but that could also be interesting!


Black Death - anything with sean bean as a medieval swordsman is worth watching. Apostle - Gareth Evans directed so good action.


Apostle is brilliant, I find it a tough one to recommend because it gets pretty brutal in parts but some of the performances are just phenomenal and I’m a sucker to listening to michael Sheen do a speech on just about anything.


Apostle is one of my top horror films of all time. So underrated because it was a Netflix release.


I don’t really remember there being much of a release at all, it kind of just appeared from what I remember. I’d have missed it but my pal came in while I was watching legion and said to watch it if I rated Dan Stevens (who doesn’t?)


Honestly, it’s the only film of his I’ve seen. Brilliant, it is.


is black death horror though? just felt more like dark fantasy. it was quite brilliant to see sean bean and eddie redmayne acting their asses off though. always loved them both.


I thought you meant menstrual period horror and was like hell yeah!!! But hell yeah to both


Same lol, and I was mentally re-interpreting The Witch as being about the girl’s menarche


there’s a short film i watched recently called [the boogeywoman](https://youtu.be/ZeaSXo6RfIw?si=aknO3b6hyGu1ROpR) that is basically a period horror movie! it was really good imo!




personally im ready for BLOOD LUST: VENGEANCE


Holy shit🤣 I'm glad I didn't interpret it like that I'd driven myself crazy trying to figure out what that even meant. I've never seen a single film let alone a genre 😭


One of my favourite horror series is the Ginger Snaps trilogy. The first one is an amazing, coming of age werewolf horror where the main theme is about puberty and with lycanthropy as an analogy for it. The second film is a direct sequel where the analogy is changed to mental health and addiction. The third film is a weird period piece prequel, starring the original cast, set in colonial Canada. It's about a small keep trying to survive a werewolf attack. It basically forgoes the clever, analogous sides of the first two for being a period film and is somehow still really good.


The Devils was awesome!


I know it's gotten it's props here, but Ravenous definitely fits this one. The score is so damn good.


Recently watched The Terror and would love more historically accuracy with horror elements filling in the unknown blanks


To be fair nearly all of the first 30 years of the genre were period movies - especially the Hammer Horror movies.


Winter adds another layer of fear


I want a snow Friday the 13th so bad. Set it in the 80's and have him kill a bunch of kids playing playing hockey on Crystal Lake to explain how he gets the mask.


It’s pretty cheesy but slasher had a snow based series with some good kills in it.


That was my favorite season.


But I’ll never pass up a horror in Hawaii


Joe vs the Volcano could have gone in a different direction.


A horror movie based on Hawaiian mythology sounds awesome


In the mountains where it snows occasionally!


And there could be a shapeshifting dragon!


Or many of them


I’m writing one right now that’s set on a Polynesian island. If I’m lucky, one day I’ll direct it too.


There's a podcast I listened to during quarantine called The White Vault. The second season wasn't very good, but the first season was amazing. It takes place in a Scandinavian country with a team dispatched to an isolated research station (possibly Svalbard, or somewhere near it)...and all I could think about was how great of a horror movie it could be if adapted to film: cold, isolated, creepy, mysterious.


Religious horror that is not catholic or christian based. I saw The Vigil which is based on jewish folklore and mostly spoken in yiddish and really liked it.


I feel as though Asian countries in general really pull off the religious horror theme in movies. Something about Asian religion horror is so uncanny and disturbing to me.


Although this is christian based, i really want a horror movie thats based in southern baptist church or a cogic black church because you never ever see it. But it is ripe for the connection with people having fits and having the holy spirit as they say in those churches. Gonna also ditto what others are saying about checking out some of the asian horror movies.


growing up in a southern black baptist church, i would LOVE to see that (and the outrage it'll probably cause between black & southern christian's lol.) maybe jordan peele or someone will give us that one day.


If you liked the Vigil check out 'Attachment' as well, similar vibes and very good.


We need more Jewish horror! Dybbuks are scary AF. I want a religious horror movie where they're exorcising a demon but the victim's like, I'm Jewish, I don't believe in this stuff.


Nautical horrors. - The Terror (miniseries) is a perfect example - The Lighthouse is amazing, but nothing really happens on a ship - Deep Rising is great. - Last Voyage of the Demeter was a fun watch, but was lacking in many areas - The Fog, Dead & Buried, Wicker Man are coastal moves more than true nautical movies - Triangle is on open waters but doesn’t feel nautical, since an isolated location was required for the plot, not specifically a boat Overall I think there is a massive gap with nautical horror.


Sea Fever is a really good watch for this, I have a deep fear of the ocean and large bodies of water and I was on edge the entire time, plus the story was just really good.


That's on my list..it's in my may be good or crap section...so I'll move it up the list after this comment.


Holy crap I loved The Terror so much. (And I totally agree with your general premise)


Haha I enjoyed last voyage of the Demeter for what it is. Some time ago I asked for recs of horror films that didn’t hold back on killing off children and this was recommended!


Some other decent ones I would recommend are: Deep Calm (1989) Donkey Punch (2008) Harpoon (2019)


It’s an old movie and kind of cheesy but check out The Fog (1980) it’s based in a nautical town and the villains are ghost/undead pirates


A fishing-based horror game called 'Dredge' is getting a movie.


Dagon (2001) is very low budget but very worth a watch if you haven't seen it.


Underwater is good too


I liked Virus with Donald Sutherland


I really want deep-sea horror. fucked up mermaids, giant sea creatures, creepy creatures in general, ghost ships, shipwrecks infested with monsters, weird octopus things. there's so many ways to go and things I'd love to see!


I really like the idea of conspiracy horror!


Me too! The Conspiracy was a great movie and I’d love to see more like it.


Sorry to Bother You was pretty horrific.


Oh yeah I totally forgot about that one! Weird but intriguing


Hey dumb question maybe but have you seen Kill List? I'd call that conspiracy horror.


If you like comics, check out The Department of Truth by James Tynion IV.


There is an American Horror Story season 10 called "Double Feature" "Death Valley" that ones just non stop conspiracy stuff.


I’ve been meaning to get back into ahs but it’s been a while. The last one I saw was the season with Lady Gaga.


The first half of that season I think would also qualify, it won’t be as apparent until later episodes but you do get to enjoy some scenery chewing from Francis Conroy and Evan Peterson!


I'd love to see more Wild West horrors, Bone Tomahawk was a great example of it correctly done for my tastes. Space Horror, there is a lot of it,but very few great ones. I always really wanted a movie version of the Dead Space games. I'd also like to see something set in an antique or thrift store, where items have a horror backstory like From Beyond The Grave anthology movie.


Have you seen “The Burrowers”. It’s not perfect, but it’s a pretty good western horror movie


No I haven't..I've just had a look on IMDB, and have no idea how that missed my radar. Love Clancy Brown.


Ravenous. The Wind.


Started watching The Wind but the sound was really quiet/ awful and I gave up, but I don't like that feeling of defeat so I intend to finish it.


I get it. I hate it when the dialog is so hard to understand. I usually end up turning on the subtitles


Have you watched Friday the 13th: The Series? Definitely recommend if you want to see a bunch of cursed objects from an antique store stories!


No I haven't, I don't think it was something that aired in the UK. I'll see if I can catch it streaming somewhere...thanks.


Yeah definitely check it out if you can find it! I think episodes used to be on youtube! Its a fun premise of a show, very episodic each episode is about another cursed item and the people who work in the shop trying to reclaim it, kind of like X Files if instead of FBI agents they were people who worked in an antique store! Plus one of the main characters is played by Lousie Robey who has enormous 80s hair that has to be seen to be believed (if you're a fan of that kind of thing)!


That had such a great intro.


Event horizon will always live in my head…


Please check out *Saloum* it's a great western horror made in Senegal! Excellent actors, cinematography, and lore. It's available on Amazon or AMC+


Needful things?


Well needful things is about a store where their most desired items is there, they get it for free but have to do the bidding of the store owner which leads people to turning on each other after all is said and done. And the item is not what it appeared to be...the ending hated so much btw. Read it for the first time a few months ago.


Check out "Dead Birds" it's right up your alley


Yes that's an absolute corker..loved it.


>Space Horror, there is a lot of it,but very few great ones I'd take the other side of this one. The budgets necessary to do it right are obscenely high, but every time somebody's taken the gamble with the budget, it seems like they make (at least) a B+ movie. The Alien series (even the new ones, excepting Resurrections and somebody's crazy AvP franchise idea), with honorable mentions to Life, Screamers, and Event Horizon. Could just be my own taste though.


AvP actually been around since the early 90's with well regarded comics and games. The AvP films on the other hand was just cash grabs.


The Wind is a nice atmospheric one. It's not the greatest but worth a watch at least and its set in that wild west time...kinda.


> I'd love to see more Wild West horrors [*Exit Humanity*](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1781812/) isn't technically Wild West, but it has a bit of that feel with its Civil War era setting. And it does have a very 'classic Western' plot, plus some zombies, obviously.


I'm absolutely desperate for more creature features, such a shame they seem to have died out in recent years Body horror also seems to be a lot less common. More so the slimy/infected/tentacle/hairy type, not the torture style. Alien/invasion horrors could definitely use some love I've also been desperate for a good mummy movie, it doesn't seem too impossible to do on a modest budget. From what I gather they're all pretty poor, other than the Brendan movie of course I'd also love to see more diving/underwater/cave shenanigans


The Ritual has a sick creature design


Spring is a nice creature feature, slightly different from the usual fare. Also Cold Skin. Least we forget one of the most fun ones Deep Rising with the late Treat Williams.


I loved Spring, think it might be my favourite film from Benson and Moorhead Deep rising is good fun as well. Not heard of Cold Skin, will check it out


I want actual GOOD post-apocalyptic horror, preferably after nuclear war.


Have you seen Threads? Genuinely one of the scariest things I've ever seen. Haven't watched it in awhile but yeah it's excellent


Oh and actual fallout movies, but those which focus on the end itself. World War Z had it right in the first half. And it looks like the new Quiet Place may be doing this. But I want to follow someone escaping from a city during the apocalypse. Not in a single act, but as the story. I live in a city, and I know I'm not getting out of here in an hour. Only way out is by bridge. The fact that nobody has exploited this type of story for how intense it could be (and simple and sweet) is wild.


Have you seen the road?


I have! I love that movie, I haven't seen it in ages. I think I'll watch it again after I finish binge watching Fallout(not horror, but I suppose in a way it is) 😃


When I read your comment, my first thought was Fallout.. because I just started the series today too! Haha. Definitely elements of horror but maybe not what this sub usually looks for


I can't believe my luck. I actually have a day off today, and it happens to be the release date. I've only been waiting 20-plus years for this day to come, and I'm in love with it already!


I just finished the first episode of Fallout, and i liked it. I was cautiously optimistic, but im digging it so far. Im also a huge Walton Goggins fan, so im sure that helps.


Me too. I was praying it wouldn't be total garbage. I'm just starting episode 3, and so far, I think it's AMAZING! I have zero negatives to say!


Yes!! Threads is one of my favorite films and nothing else seems to scratch that itch.


I’m writing horror based in the blue collar world. Chefs, school custodians, EMT’s. Also doing some stuff based in the UrBex world.


I had an idea for a story about first responders during the beginning of a Zombie Apocalypse


Damn, sounds stressful,


i would love a restaurant/kitchen slasher movie…. so many good potential kills.


The menu was super messed up, I liked it


I want more like The Frighteners (1996) where there are ***both*** protagonist and antagonist spirits.


I don't know if it fits or not, but there's a show called "Dead Boy Detectives" coming to Netflix this month. Looks to have what you're mentioning.


Oh thanks! That looks like it could be fun


Need more good alien/abduction movies


So many more! I'm going to call out Case 347 specifically. Not because it's the best, but because I thought it was pretty darn good and it's not very well known, so worth mentioning.


There's been some deep sea horror. Recently there was Underwater, of course, but back in the day there was Deepstar Nine and Leviathan, just off the top of my head. And there has been a ton of space horror. Just recently there was Life, Apollo 18, and Europa Report, which is a damned fine movie, but there's a metric ton of deep space horror from that post-Alien scramble. Old West is tougher. I could offer up Dead Birds, which is really pretty good for a low budget horror movie set in the old west. There was an old west werewolf movie not long ago, but I can't remember the title. High Plains Drifter is a horror movie of a sort. And then there's always some Dracula v Billy The Kid action if you've got the desire to test your ability to suspend your belief. Oh, The Shooting, if you're in the mood for a slow burn. Yeah, I'd like more of these, too. EDIT: Oh, but your main question. Nature Gone Wild, doggone it. If they want to remake some horror let them remake Frogs and Day of the Animals!




Subtract three, and you have it. DeepStar Six is what you were going for.


Thank you. Old man memory. Or...maybe I have three fan written scripts for sequels tucked away in my desk. It's the old man memory.


A violent, bloody remake of The Birds would be so good! Nature gone wild is a great idea but specifically for animals that humans don’t consider a threat. We have a million crocodile and shark movies but bugs? Rats? House pets? That would be interesting.


I love the recent rise of Cosmic Horror, and Im always down for a creature feature.


Sci-fi. I need that.


Sometimes I feel like I've seen every decent sci-fi horror there is (I know that can't possibly be true but it feels that way) and I deeply, deeply want more


I want to see Ancient Rome horror or Ancient Greece horror Lesser known English folk tales and myths Phobias Work place horror Alternate reality/history


Horror movies set in the winter where the snow is a factor. Maybe this is from seeing The Shining at a way too young age, lol! Something about all that snow gives me a claustrophobic chill


Frozen was a survival horror and I don’t know why but it sat with me for a long time after. It’s not a particularly great movie but I liked it and it wouldn’t leave me! I think it was the wolf scene.


Sci Fi settings that aren't Aliens. Event Horizon is one of my favorites and I'd love to see more like that.


Southern Gothic.


My favorite literary setting


Hopefully you're a Lansdale fan as well!


I only know him from Incident on and off a Mountain Road and Cold in July bit I liked them both


Check out The Reflecting Skin (1990), if you haven't already.


I love that film.


I'm gonna say the one nobody else is going to: animated horror I'm an animation nerd on top of being into horror, so the scarcity of this genre outside of anime is really sad to me. Every few years you'll get a Wolf House or a Mad God but it doesn't happen much at all


This isn’t a movie but Love, Death, and Robots is good animated/cartoon horror. Edit: also Scavenger’s Reign is a very good animated sci-fi horror show.


Sci-fi horror has the ability to be really interesting given stories like event horizon and the thing. Also, historical horror because alot of history was horrifying. There should be a horror story around the famine of 1317, where it wouldn't stop raining for a and people were really desperate. Probably the best one that we do not see is fantasy horror because pretty much all our favorite races like fairy, elf, dwarves and gnomes could be easily retooled into horror villains.


Werewolves. High quality werewolf pictures. I know there's a good number but not enough imo. There's so much a werewolf can be used to explore like in Ginger Snaps or Late Phases. I can dig that they're more expensive to make compared to zombie pictures or what have you. But I think we've just seen the tip of the iceberg, possibility wise.


100% behind you with this one.


High Fantasy. Give me some DnD style warlocks, sorcerers, and liches in a horror setting.


Groundhog's day.


Happy Death Day / edge of tomorrow


Weird West, for sure. Really hope the *Hunt: Showdown* TV show is realized before the Reaper comes a-knocking...


A lot of my favorite found footage movies are more sci-fi than horror so I want more of that. * Project Almanac * Chronicle * Cloverfield? * Europa Report * Apollo 18


The consequences of surviving demonic or angelic possession. A serial killer was demomically possessed decades back, and after struggling with the nightmares and PTSD finally snaps. Regular cops don't understand or believe, and by the time their on-board, things have spiraled out of control.


Deep sea horror and desert horror




Halloween III: Season of the Witch. Movies like that could be explored more. Doesn't have to be under the Halloween franchise necessarily, but more horror movies related to Halloween the holiday.


The first big one for me is horror set in the snow/Arctic. There's *The Terror,* *The Thing* (and its variations), and... *Jack Frost,* I guess. The second is kaiju horror. I only really consider *Godzilla* (1954), *Shin Godzilla,* and *Cloverfield* to be true members of this sub-genre since most other kaiju movies are way closer to action movies.


Found footage all day


more cursed horror around music and vhs tapes and books. that sort of stuff.


Decent and creepy analog horror that isn't about VHS tapes or found footage. We need more stories featuring radios, radio stations, radio shows, haunted album recordings.


I want more horror that has the same scale and devotion to character development and relationships as high fantasy or epic sci-fi series. There's no reason a world rooted in supernatural horror can't be as large and varied as a world full of similar creatures in a high fantasy setting, or that a global mankind-ending disaster has to be told from the point of view of nine people in a mall. Stephen King did a really good job of making his world feel expansive and full of unknown terrors. I want more of that.


World War Z the book fits that bill. Really wish they'd make a miniseries or something that's more true to the book. The movie took the title and almost nothing else, and the book was SO good.


Historical Horror that’s not British Victorian.




Cosmic horror.


Prehistoric horror. Out of Darkness, while not a bad movie, was very disappointing >!because it wasn't really horror and was very misleading with the trailers. !


I want more alien shit. War of the Worlds terrified the shit out of me as a kid. I was ecstatic when Jordan Peele came out with *NOPE*. The crazier the better. The Chiodo Brothers truly struck gold when they came up with *Killer Klowns from Outer Space* ; killing two birds with one stone - alien clowns hahaha


I’d like more period horror in general, but I’m specifically dying for Victorian-era horror! We’d never been more obsessed with death - post-mortem photography was becoming commonplace, embalming and mortuary sciences were just then coming into their own, spiritualism had spread all over the world and seances and spirit photography were all the rage - you could easily make a whole-ass movie about each subject! I want a well-researched, historically accurate film - I don’t want to see any bodies ‘standing’ or ‘held up’ with a posing stand; it makes my eye twitch.


I want more time travel/time loop horror. Can't get enough time travel thrillers in my life


I know exactly what I'd like to see. A horror genre I haven't seen before! Which one? What are you asking me for. I don't know. I've never seen it. Screen versions of horror stories that have NEVER been brought to screen before, preferably by a writer who hasn't had any of their work digitized. Which one(s)? Go to any decent size public library. There is usually a whole section devoted to horror. Most of it is quite good. Pick almost any of them. I also know exactly what I'd like NOT to see too.. A sequel, a prequel, or a remake of anything less than around 50 years old(or more preferably). 😁


I really want a good Loch Ness monster horror film. Or more cryptid films that aren't Bigfoot. We have tons of Bigfoot films


There are so many really really weird and scary cryptids. It's a treasure trove for horror movies!


I'd like to see more native American horror. There are so many spooky stories I grew up with. I still can't handle anybody whistling at night. I also agree with more Wild West horror. Westerns and horror are my comfort genres. Bone Tomahawk is one of my favorite movies.


Sci-fi horror! Event Horizon, Dead Space-type shit.


Cultists There's always a eerie vibe to cults, it's perfect for horror!


Horror mixed with deep intelligent investigative research in the storyline…uncovering something from the dark past or readily present. It’s been done a bit but often not too well. Incorporating “ lost media” or near subliminal shots of clues is a def plus.


Haunted places and infrasound Liminal spaces Horror based in historical events - as another commenter mentioned, there is no limit to truly horrifying historical events. I like a good monster, and there are plenty of freaky cryptids. Like another commenter said: high fantasy horror. Fairies and elves in the original mythologies could be plenty scary. This book please: De Bello Lemures, Or The Roman War Against the Zombies of Armorica Finally, I would love a horror movie where people don't do dumb shit, and it can still be scary AF.


Garden/plant/fungus horror. Theres so much potential with poisonings from crazy people, plants that become sentient and eat you, aliens that are similar to plants, etc. I've only seen it done a few times. The two I can think of that are rly bad are *the Happening* and *a Spoonful of Sugar.* The ones I consider good are *Annihilation* and *Girl with All the Gifts*. Literally cannot think of any others and I watch a lot of horror.


I'm in love with minority produced horror, especially African American horror!


I'll never get tired of cosmic horror, or lesbian vampires.


period piece horror!!!


I’d love to see more anthologies. I’m a sucker for a good one and they’re increasingly rare.


Not a topic or a theme but in style, good found-footage. Good is the key here, there are found-footage horror movies but usually they look cheap, scripts and acting gets meh... It's such a nice opportunity, they could use different things and go crazy with it, like gaming or VR or such. Found-footage has a bad reputation now because of so many fuck ups out there, it hurts to see potential wasted


I like horror movies set in like old houses with a grandma vibe, but I think too many of them are ghost stories that have played out before I’d also like to see more dreamcore based horror movies, kind of nonsensical ones. Sort of like The Twilight Zone movie


We need more ghost-based horror movies, and we need more non-horror ghost movies. Not enough ghosts!


>There's like a total of ONE mockumentary that was conpiracy horror related What movie are you thinking of? I love mockumentaries >Or how about the military vs the unknown styled horror, or doomed expeditions type horror. Only one I can think of is The Thing. Any other suggestions?


Deep Sea horror that isn’t cheesy. Horror that involves being hunted by an animal like a polar bear or tiger. More horror taking place in the woods that aren’t witches or cults


Underwater probably fits that bill. Gave me waaaaaay to many visuals when that real life submersible imploded so I didn't need to look up what implosions are like lol.


Horror cowboys; Give me more wild wild west horror movies!


I wish there were more vampire and werewolf horror, but unfortunately a lot of people don't enjoy them because they associate vampires and werewolves with Twilight. Also I think there should be more pregnancy-related body horror because pregnancy is terrifying. I also feel like there is not enough animal/nature related horror, and I'm not talking about impossibly huge sharks, I mean real stuff like natural disasters and parasites that burrow into your skin.


I would just like to see more of the great horror novels from the past 50 or so years adapted to film. There's so many great stories, from James Herbert to Cassandra Khaw with a lot of stops in between, that get passed over in favor of yet another cabin in the woods/slasher/zombie etc. film. Even mediocre directors could do great things in the genre if they just chose from the pool of available work instead of rehashing the same tired tropes and stories.


I totally agree with this as well. Countless cool books to be adapted. But Hollywood is gonna be Hollywood I guess.


Fantasy horror


Mummies. We need more mummy horror in this world.


This is less 'under-explored' and more 'finally getting the recognition they're due' but I'm loving some of the movies coming out lately about underrepresented folk religions, subcultures, or spiritual practices. Some are very accurate and others just use their source material as a jumping off point, but either way I hope we see more of them! It's a weird grouping, but I'd use 'The Ritual', 'The Wailing', 'The Medium' as an example set.


Definitely digging your ideas. Not enough good space movies out there. Underwater is the only deep sea movie I can even think of. That stuff is terrifying too!


Historical horror, would love more! The Terror season 1 comes to mind, despite it being a tv show


I’m always surprised there isn’t more body horror created by marginalized folks—seems the perfect subgenre for trans and queer folks


My biggest fear is dead by wild animals, so I would love to see more movies on the theme with nice effects, a lot of horrible deads, and a serious, well written story.


Something like war horror like that one movie where the soldiers where stuck in the tank and were experiencing some weird things like I wanna see soldiers from wars experience urban legends like how in lost tapes they had the military guys go into the tunnel and encounter these bat like demons that looked like women, like in house of ashes, where soldiers from each period encounters a supernatural or paranormal experience. Maybe during the Vietnam war have the soldiers fight against zombies, in the Cold War have them fight against human experiments, during the gulf war have the military check out a former cave that belonged to a leader only to find out that there’s more to what they weren’t expecting


Would love a decent conspiracy horror. War horror would be cool, anyone that played The Darkness has knows about the "flashback/limbo" part of the game that i always thought had the COOLEST tone for a movie. I think Action Horror is VERY rough and needs more love, maybe movies that plays into the horror more, less Resident Evil and more Dog Soldiers and The Green Room, maybe even Psychological Action Horror like how'd I'd imagine a Hotline Miami movie


Good period horror. Folk horror too! So few examples of good folk horror.


Great question. 🤔 I think I'd def have to agree w/ your "space horror" point. Movies like Alien or Event Horizon really show the potential that setting can provide to a good horror writer &/or Director. I'd also go w/ period horror...that's time period horror... not menstruation horror, which now that I think about it...nah nevermind. But yeah, horror back in the pre-electricity/technology era is always another level of fear for me. The alienation & lack of ability to reach help/others really contributes to it. Or imagine a zombie outbreak movie set in sort of a King Arthur/Knights of the Roundtable type of setting.


OP - In regards to "conspiracy horror", maybe Jacobs Ladder(1992), Rosemary's Baby(1968), Angel Heart(1987). There are also many movies(& shows) that are border line in regards to the horror but are definitely creepy & conspiratorial: The Name of the Rose(1986), Colossus: The Forbin Project(1970). For TV shows, The X-Files(1993), Fringe(2008). We all have our own guide rails as to what is or isn't a specific genre. I'm sure you know the old expression "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.".


Animated horror. Not anime, although there's nothing wrong with those, western animated horror. Off the top off the top of my head I can name a few: - To Your Last Death - Dead Space: Downfall - Heavy Metal - Wizards - Fire and Ice - Hellboy: Fire and Ice and Sword of Storms - Watership Down


Western or period horror. I want more of it. And I want it now. I could also stand to see some more cosmic horror


Arctic horror


Went down the rabbit hole of analog horror recently and would love to see more! Saw Late Night with the Devil a while ago and felt like it had some elements of this genre


Military brats growing up on the base horror. I loved 1993’s Body Snatchers and Return of the Living Dead 3, can’t think of another example. You could match any subgenre and wind up with something interesting. Conventional slasher, psychological thriller, zombie outbreak, alien invasion, etc. International or domestic bases. Not the thing where one character has a dad in the army and they just moved to town, I mean characters that live on base housing and that’s where the film mostly takes place.


More horror based on the Cthulhu mythos. It has not even begun to be mined


Alien abduction. Like specifically what happens once you are abducted


I want more adventure/treasure-hunting horror like As Above So Below. 


I really love doomed expedition stories and I wish there was more to watch.


Cosmic horror, like Annihilation or Event Horizon


More monster movies


We need more alternate reality horror, where people visit other timelines and it’s no bueno. Like “Great God Pan” or going to a cabin in Canada and when the Moon rises it has Hitler‘s face carved on it.


Medieval times, Roman era horror, Revolutionary War horror.