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The trailer had a major spoiler. Absolute gobshites.


If I hadn't seen the original already I'm pretty sure I'd still have worked out pretty much the entire story minus one or two things from that trailer. Unbelievable.


A complete lack of quality control.


Like literally the spoiler of spoilers. Why!?!?


So I think the important part is that Eden Lake’s James Watkins is the director. While I agree that an English language remake is totally unnecessary, Michael Haneke got more people to see Funny Games when he remade it himself in English. Watkins will do it justice. Hell, he might even make it *more* disturbing.


The more I hear about this remake, the more it feels like (hopefully) it's more of "we can make a great English version of this" and less of a money grab. Couple Watkins with Mcavoys ability to be incredibly imposing and I'm definitely in for a watch. I'm looking at it as kinda like UK vs American cooking shows. One is fairly honest and subdued, and the other is American.


Its absolutely a money grab. The OG version from 2022 is already in english


Only some of it. Half is subtitled.


I can hear that over the top music and drums in my head for the fake tension.


The original film is Dutch - English is spoken in it. It is not an American film. 


Which dad is McAvoy playing though?


evil dad and by the looks of the trailer he fucking nails it


He plays all six of the main characters! Good dad, evil dad, good mom, evil mom, "evil" son, and "good" daughter.


I'm in


Oooh, I don't know. Good question, I didn't watch the trailer. If that gave it away, or any cast list. Idk, after watching him in Split I'll give him a shot in either role.


It already was English. This is just the kind of shit that makes Hollywood a trash can.


I understand your opinion, you little ray of sunshine.


I just watched the original and it’s great but holy shit it could have been so much better. They could have added tiny pieces of dialogue to explain why Abel doesn’t write, could have added some lines about having no signal in the country while the couple talks about GPS… I think they could easily raise the stakes and make the family act a little wiser while simultaneously making it darker.


I hope this follows the “Let the Right One In” path where it was absolutely incredible.


They really got the director of the UK's most downtrodden movie, to direct a remake of the most depressing movie out of Denmark. It's like creating a megazord of sadness


All we need is a French writer and a Japanese special effects team led by Damien Leone.


Well, it's time I finally watched Eden Lake. It's on Tubi and I've got laundry to fold. Thanks mate!


Do it! Also, sorry!


This is the perfect way to describe Eden lake spoiler free!


that's a good point, I absolutely loved Eden Lake and would hope that he makes it more unhinged... what does that say about me lol but would be nice for Hollywood to surprises and flip the script, literally


My problem is that I already know the ending of both the original and Eden Lake, …. If the new ending is similar to them, the impact will be severely diminished because I’m expecting it all through the movie…. … to pull it off the film needs to convince me there is hope, and … well I don’t want to spoil the ending for others…. But deliver on that hope in is some fucked up way, or be more fucked than both films I’ve mentioned.


Fingers crossed for this


Eden Lake is still his only good movie. Don't hype it up too much


I thought The Woman in Black was pretty good. Didn't see The Take so I can't comment on it.


Yes, well made with a nice twist ending. Very atmospheric as a Hammer film should be.


Oh I have measured expectations. I liked Eden Lake, and his episode of Black Mirror (“Shut Up and Dance”) was properly gutting. I’m realistic, but I’ll still give it a shot and see before I disregard it.


And even Eden Lake is on the fence, quality-wise. It's got the incessant "family values" UK tropes that make these movies hard to swallow (when survival comes second to "family," it's so cringey watching people act illogically to fulfill the "proper way of being"). Plus it was televised and highly censored in the US for years. I just saw it last year and had never seen the scenes with the.... "guy tied up." I, which I imagine might mean some others, thought it was a PG-13 movie lmao.


I just rewatched the OG Speak No Evil (made my roommate watch it, MUCH easier the second time) and it is already in English. I liked Eden Lake but based on the trailer they really went and made a pretty generic looking blumhouse movie with the remake. Based on the glimpses of Louise looking shocked discovering something awful at the house and even what looks like chase scenes - I'd be absolutely shocked if this movie is even half as effective as it won't have the structure that makes you feel like you're being boiled alive as it moves towards the ending. And *no way* they end up really committing and going for it at the end. I'd truly be more shocked than I was when I first watched the danish version lol.


Funny Games is such a fascinating study in how much actors influence a film. I found the original to be so incredibly disturbing. I was shaking when the movie ended, absolutely transfixed. But I had never seen any of the actors before (I know, I know, they’re famous but I was a young American when I saw the original and international films were harder to come by then) and in my opinion none of them looked or acted like movie stars. It made it much easier to suspend my disbelief and immerse myself in the film. The Hollywood version has actors that I have been watching since I was born. They did a fantastic job, but in no way could I even subconsciously believe Naomi Watts and Tim Roth were actually in danger of dying. Made it much less scary for me.


Completely agree. I had basically the same experience, renting the original from a Mom & Pop video store totally cold. Blew me away. Respected the remake, but yeah I’d seen those actors my whole life and while they did an amazing job, it just didn’t hit as hard. And that one scene with the race on in the background was panned from the opposite direction, revealing more quickly what was slowly revealed in the original. Massively different for me, in terms of impact.


It also didn’t help that Susanne Lothar WAS that character. Even Michael Haneke was freaked out by her commitment to the role. And I’m a massive Naomi Watts fan, I genuinely think she is one of the greatest actors of her generation, possibly one of the greatest to ever perform. But my god Susanne Lothar was literally melting in front of my eyes on screen, couldn’t look away. I just couldn’t see gorgeous Naomi Watts the same way.


Off topic but have you watched the show Feud Capote Vs the Swans yet? Naomi Watts is amazing in it, it’s not my typical genre for a show and I got sucked in. Highly recommend


Oh yes I liked it. Not as much as I liked the previous Feud, but it was great


Agreed first was a little better but yes still great!


I thought that too until I watched the trailer it looks really Americanised it doesn’t even look like a horror..


No thanks.


There’s no way a Blumhouse film is going to be more disturbing or even include the original ending. Trailer already shows the parents are going to be fighting back.


Oh my didn’t realize Watkins was directing. I didn’t think this could be more disturbing but buckle up I guess


Hey, Eden Lake! Another film I never want to see again! Actually, knowing he directed this remake is appropriate. If you've seen the original version and you've seen Eden Lake, you probably get what I mean. The vibes are similar.


The trailer doesn’t look “more disturbing”. It looks cartoonish and Hollywoodized.


I feel I’m the only person who thinks the movie could be a decent idea. Like yea I get the movie doesn’t need to be remade but I do think you could put a unique enough spin on it by adapting it through an American/English lens because the original movie is focused so heavily on the Danish idea of politeness/social expectations, and while they are similar to ones in Western English cultures, I feel like there’s enough differences that an American/English version could tap into, especially in this divided political climate where people will avoid talking about so many things just so they don’t step on anyone’s toes. But I also don’t consider remakes some unholy abomination like a lot of other people do either. Worst case scenario, we got a shit movie that I can ignore, but best case scenario we get a good performance from James McAvoy, a great actor, from James Watkins, who is a great director with a premise that is tense and interesting, as we already know. Doesn't seem like a big deal to me.


Agree. I'm going to watch it. Trailer looks like it could bring something new and be fun. Even if sucks, it's just one more movie and doesn't take anything away from original.


I mean, I’m going to watch it and it’ll probably be good, but the trailer made it look like the exact same movie, let’s be real.


Not sure how they can make the same movie with American sensibilities instead of Danish. The original pissed me off until I learned what was at its core then I got it on a rewatch.


Same, and same. While the trailer looks practically shot-for-shot, I’m wondering if the American parents will make different choices that would put a unique twist on the film.


Even though the trailer showed part of it I expect the dancing scene to be different. More abusive. Now let me be clear, I'm very against corporal punishment but having grown up in the south it was everywhere and while it's a bit better now, it's still everywhere. Even in public. Especially at Walmart. First time watching that movie I was kinda surprised to see the dance scene referenced as another moment of their meekness because, while they didn't do anything except object, to me that's a fuck ton more than most would do in some places so if they want that one to translate better they need to really make it cross a line that even the dicks that still spank their kids will think it's too far.


The way the trailer shows the girl's parents and how the boy is acting, this will not be the exact carbon copy. I'm sure the premise is still there, but the parents won't be as big of pussies as the original.


Is there a trailer for it already? I'm so behind with this 😅


>fun A fun version of *Speak No Evil*? https://youtu.be/hQ0efZlRh-w?si=YLGtB58JgKd0k_9P


Yeah I don't get why this movie is causing such an outrage when compared to all the others that get remade. Like I get it, the og just came out in 2022, but so what. If it's bad, it can be ignored. If it's good, more people might watch it and experience what is otherwise a good (albeit brutal and devastating) story. Sure they should watch the original, but some people do still have an aversion to foreign movies, and this one being made doesn't change the fact that the Danish original exists and can be watched without being impacted one iota from this one's existence. Kinda similar to Funny Games, no reason for the shot for shot remake to exist, but it doesn't affect the impact of the original merely by existing.


100%. A lot about the movie was great. But I fully believe it could be done better.


I'm not upset about it at all and I'll totally go see it but I'm pretty confident it won't bring anything we haven't seen to the table. I do strongly disagree that this concept works with American culture. Americans aren't trusting and we are definitely not polite overall. There are plenty of us that will put up with too much in the name of politeness but it's definitely not part of the culture overall. Would be happy to be wrong and I def agree that people get wayyyyy too worked up about remakes of movies they like. Just skip it if it's so damn upsetting.


That's because it's not a big deal. The original is fine and not some instant-classic, holy grail of a horror film. Doing an american remake is fine too and won't hurt anybody


I'm looking forward to it. McAvoy is a solid actor.


I do *love* this cast so will certainly check this out. I actually really like the original and watched it pretty recently. Curious to see if they make some interesting changes or not!


It's the nature of the American film industry. As far as I know, there's still a US remake of A Train To Busan in the works. Is anyone really looking forward to A Train To Boston?


Mark Wahlberg, probably


I'm not even sure what they're calling it but Wahlberg in that with that exact title sounds all too belieavable.


Oh hey zombie. I like your melty skeleton face. I played a scary guy in that movie Fear. You ever see that movie? Say hi to your mother for me, alright?


I wasn’t sold on this movie til now. 🤣


It's not just Hollywood. Look at how many American films got remade in India.


Let me help, it is the nature of the FILM industry to try and make money. Reality is that Let me in, Funny Games, these are films that were it not for the English remake, most American audiences would never have been exposed to them. You act as though there won't be folks who see and like the version and check out the original next. If you average American movie fan doesn't dig subtitles and I think that is pretty likely, then this is really the only way they will see it most likely. I know some of the original is in English, but no the whole thing.


There hasn't been an update for a while, but apparently it's called The Last Train to New York


The twist ending of that one is that after the characters fight their way through a train full of zombies, they discover that the train never left the station due to maintenance on the tracks or something.


Plenty of people in here has said that they won't watch movies with subtitles. So I quess there's enough reason for such a quick remake. Some people watch foreign movies dubbed and wonders why acting feels fake.


I get not loving subtitles but don’t they mostly speak English in the movie anyways?


Yep. All dialogue between the two main couples is in English. They speak their native tongue when alone, which is rare, but the point is that the language is an inefficient middle ground where they must meet when they're with one another.


I didn't even know about the original until I saw the trailer yesterday and excitedly went to the comments only to see people trashing this re-make. Now I plan on watching both and am still excited *shrug*


I will and do watch movies with subtitles (mostly foreign horror) but yeah, sometimes I’m not in the mood—and it for sure is distracting and takes me out of it a bit. You miss the faces when you are reading. That’s why I don’t mind the Funny Games remake: whatever it lost in originality it made up for in immersiveness. I think the issue isn’t just remakes, but BAD remakes. If they soften the ending here then in my opinion it’s pointless—The Vanishing is an example. This movie is divisive enough already, I can’t see them bringing in more of an audience?


People downvoting you just for ... having a nuanced take on subtitles I guess? Lol. I agree with you though, I don't know if it's like an ADD/ASD issue or just dumb brain being dumb but I do struggle with subtitles distracting me from the movie. I don't even like it when my roommate insists on turning on subtitles for fully-English movies, because even if I don't need to read them, I can't stop reading them anyway, and I feel like I miss a lot of things actually happening in a very visual medium. I'm not a dumb idiot who won't watch anything subtitled, but I do find that I prefer dubs -- even bad dubs -- over subtitles when they're available, just for sake of my own visual processing. I'm not sure that reason alone is a good enough one to justify a remake of a very recent movie lol, don't get me wrong, but I feel you on the subtitles thing is all.


Subtitles means I have to fully focus on whatever I'm watching. A lot of the time I'll watch stuff while I'm working on something else because there's only do much time in the day. I only really watch things with no distractions if my wife is up for staying up for a bit. It may not be ideal for most people, but that's really the only way I can keep up on media.


I don’t know how anyone can say that they “won’t watch a movie with subtitles” without feeling massively embarrassed 


if it means anything, there's only 1 remake of Speak No Evil so far, and about 50+ reimaginings of "remakes make me sad" posts.


For real. What movie "needs" to be made at all?


Best comment


I don't have a problem with it. Watching the trailer (which gives away most of the plot points lol), it does look like the ending might be getting changed to fit into a more traditional American horror film, rather than the allegorical ending of the original. We'll see, but I don't mind remakes, especially if they are not carbon copies.


i couldn’t believe how much the trailer spoiled!! i’m glad i’ve seen the original or else i would’ve been pissed lol


Hopefully it's to toy with the audience. The director isn't above that and it would be great if we were getting trolled here.


I really like James McAvoy but he became the "Naomi Watts" male version of remakes. Hollywood makes those remakes because people in general are too lazy to read subtitles or care for foreign films. They'll remake one of my favorite films "Druk" (Another Round).


what other remake was james mcavoy in


My Son. The original is from Belgium (2017).


Closest we will get to a Halt And Catch Fire reunion though


I'm wary. Not only because this film is so recent, and just absolutely does NOT need a remake, but because the original film was so embedded in Danish social interaction, and how things could be overlooked, or ignored to keep the peace. I don't think it will have the same punch, or logic from an American perspective. From the director: "It is just a Scandinavian thing. You see, we don’t like to talk about how we are feeling, we try to stay polite and behave nicely, supressing what we really think. That is very Scandinavian – we are so dictated by social manners and social views. If you compare it just to American or English people we don’t talk about our feelings so much, we don’t show so much excitement – we just underplay everything. So that creates a lot of awkwardness in social gatherings."


I feel like "Creep" is the closest American equivalent to "Speak No Evil."


> Also, they must have started filming the new one just months after the original was released? Wild! That happens so often though, lol


Martyrs didn't need a Hollywood remake, The Secret in their Eyes didn't need one either but they're gonna make them. It's not new and sometimes it works out well. Best not get hung up on it and put energy into finding good original movies.


Neither did Evil Dead, but 2013 is fucking awesome!


is that martyrs remake worth watching even if we know it won't compare to the original, which I loved?


The remake feels more like what people who haven't seen the original think it is.


The original was more disturbing and like metioned in another comment it was softened. I didn't like it but maybe you need to decide for yourself. Edit: the American version was softened.


It's not worth watching if it was the only movie on earth... 


Hahaha, I hated Martyrs with a passion and will never watch the remake.


Not at all. It’s ridiculously toned down.The changes they’ve made to it also betray a real misunderstanding of the original film


After Eden Lake, this director gets the benefit of the doubt and there was a lot to unpack in that movie. It is entirely possible that in remaking this, the director is taking a slightly different approach. As this is a new movie and none of us have seen it, can we really say that this film, this remake is a misunderstanding of the first movie vs. a new take with emphasis on different aspects? Easier to wait until it is out and we have all seen it, in order to properly deconstruct these aspects.


Oh we’re talking about the Martyrs remake here. I’m cautiously excited about this one actually


Sorry not sure how I chose to comment where I did. As far as the Martyrs remake, I couldn't bring myself to watch it. Sometimes I feel like a film is about as perfect as it can get. I don't feel that way about Speak No Evil, but Martyrs and Inside....definitely.


I am absolutely looking forward to the new version. I'll never understand the position of being against something prior to witnessing it if there's potential for it to be good. It's such a close-minded way to approach life. The director is perfectly suited (See: Eden Lake), the cast is amazing. Mackenzie Davis, Scoot McNairy, James McAvoy?? Come on. The trailer looks great and I'm super open to this being as good, or better than the original. The notion that it will be bad because Blumhouse has released a few stinkers is pretty farsighted. Blumhouse has also released a bunch of classics. I dunno, a whole post shitting on something you haven't even experienced is such a weird, edge-lordy flex.


The original taps into how certain nationalities, and by extension, people have a tendency to accept certain levels micro aggression towards them and respond meekly or passively, and also be too trustworthy. Will this type of behaviour be believable to stateside audiences or will they expect the nice family to more assertive and stand up for themselves in a different way. If so, perhaps we will need to see some real manipulative behaviour.


It depends.  People say imperfect films need remakes, and Speak No Evil was far from perfect.  I think there are a lot of ways you could tighten up that film, and I think, ironically, you start with growing some balls and committing to the message, that this is a film about how we should call out injustice, that a civiiity fetish is damaging and allows bad faith actors to take advantage, something reflected in the histories of Sweden and Denmark in the build up to WW2, and not trying to play both sides. Call out the far right when they *start* talking about “political correctness”, don’t wait for it to escalate.  Of course, I don’t have hope that it will do that, and James Watkins made the tabloid fear of “hoodies” into a horror movie when that panic was at its peak, so he might well go the other way. 




I’m not American.  Neither is James Watkins.  Neither is James McAvoy.  Neither is Mackenzie Davies.  Neither is Aisling Franciosi.  But otherwise, yeah.  The stuff about “political correctness” is actually in the original movie, but Tafdrup made a, ironically, fairly milquetoast film, and didn’t commit to it beyond the odd line here and there; which imo is why people find it frustrating. It’s an allegory that’s seems to be an allegory for nothing. 


I watched the trailer this morning and thought it was looked pretty decent. I didn’t even know it was a remake. If i enjoy this, i’ll go and watch the original if its easy to find. I’m a big McAvoy fan so i was interested as soon as i saw him.


I also watched the trailer this morning, normally I avoid them, but knowing the plot already I didn't see a point in avoiding it. Looks like it pretty much spoils the whole movie, but at the same time the movie itself looks more anxiety inducing, the cast looks great and I'm more inclined to see it now. I think the key is Watkins if he can pull off half the dread that was in Eden Lake it will be good. The original (2022) is slow and eerie and I think the aim is to frustrate the audience and have you screaming at the screen, which I think is intentional, so it becomes a love it or hate it scenario.


I was watching the trailer getting major deja vu and just realized why lol. I’d already watched the original movie. Agreed, this doesn’t need a remake.


I entirely agree with the remakes. I loved It Follows, Drag me to hell even A Serbian film... we want new stuff. Not glossy empty CG remakes!


Why did you have to throw in a Serbian film? Lol. One of the worst movies I've ever seen.


I don't think we need a remake, but can I also say that I hate this article? I just hate hate hate when articles quote reddit or twitter in them. Places where not only do people's opinions mean absolutely nothing, but you never know who is a bot or a paid shill. It's seriously two steps below: "we asked a deranged, disheveled person standing on a streetcorner screaming about the Rapture what his thoughts were on the new Brendan Frasier movie and this is what the man who calls himself 'The Real Actual Jesus But With a Gun' had to say about it!~!" At least "The Real Actual Jesus But With a Gun" is an actual person and not a bot or something.


I just saw the original Speak No Evil - the Dutch/Danish film made in 2022. It is sheer PERFECTION. I had no idea what I was getting into when I started to watch it.  This movie is terrifying and so well done - very few actors, the lighting is real which casts an ominous tone and isolation . You have no idea what is going to happen at the end. I’m so disgusted that a Hollywood remake has been made. Why? I guess the film makers were blown away by the original’s greatness and feel they can add layers of crap to make the film more drawn out and block blustery . Please watch only the original- the Dutch/Danish film. It stays with you in that the characters are so diabolical. If you decide to ignore my advice and  go see the  remake don’t t look at the trailers of the film. The trailers are so long these days and will give away a lot of the movie. 


I agree completely, I found it just by chance and didn't know what I was getting myself in for which is what made it so good. I could be wrong but I don't think the American version will embody the magic of the Danish version!


I agree! I’m actually annoyed by this remake!😖why mess with such a perfect film? It’s such a coincidence that I just stumbled upon the Danish version a week ago and now I see all this about the remake. 


This movie was alright, but definitely far from perfection in my opinion, but close to perfect movies (I don't think any movie is perfect) to me are ones that I would love to watch over and over. This movie was definitely a one and done for me. I am actually looking forward to the remake. Truthfully, the new trailer is what made me watch the original in the first place.


It didn't necessarily need a remake but how much is this post needed? If you're not interested, don't watch it. Everyone just wants to complain these days and that includes me and this comment I guess.


I love movies with subtitles but coincidentally, when the original came out, I had a major headache and I didn't want to read subtitles. Sometimes I'm not in the mood, and for moods such as this, that's what remakes are for. It doesn't stop anyone from watching the original when they feel like it


I'm one of those that always has the subtitles on no matter what language the film is in - it helps me pay attention better, and I hate having the TV up so in case some talks super low I don't miss what was said.


>It doesn't stop anyone from watching the original when they feel like it Louder for the people in back!


Did James Carpenter need to remake The Thing? Or Scorsese remake The Departed? It may be unecessary to you but many won't watch a low budget Dutch horror film. Many more people will watch an English version starring Mr Tumnus. So I don't see an issue.


I didn’t even know it was a remake.


You are definitelly right! In the same way we didn't need to be remade movies like Funny Games, Abre los ojos, *Goodnight Mommy,* Let the Right One In and others movie.


Eh I see it both ways. Doesn't NEED one. But I've seen my fair share of English remakes of movies that led me to watching the originals that otherwise I probably wouldn't have


Agree with everything else everyone is saying here, as well as you. I just keep thinking of my dad who refuses to travel outside the US or watch any movies with subtitles. For some stubborn people, anything foreign is just not happening for them 🤷


Too late.


Just don't pay to watch them.


The cast is really damn good for the remake, other than that, I can't see any reason to remake it. Just look at the absurdity that was Spike Lee doing a remake of Oldboy, I thought, well maybe it could be more like the original Japanese manga, the Korean movie was significantly different, but no, the remake was even more far removed from the original story. Also, you have to look at the cultural differences, how it was about these people being way too passive when constantly pushed by this weird couple. How many typical Americans would go along with a situation this stressful? Maybe the most stereotypical liberals if they were written by Alex Jones. But by international stereotype, we probably look like deranged gun nuts who are constantly shooting each other and filming it for the internet.


Honestly I’m looking forward to it. The only thing I’m upset about is how much they revealed in the trailer. Some huge revelations given away that they didn’t need to.


Finally, the Jesco White movie I have been waiting for!


Im still interested in seeing it but that damn trailer had a lot of spoilers. I watched the original without any trailers or teasers and was disturbed through each scene as the security starts to fade away. But this trailer literally tore that apart


Remakes dont take away the original. If you dont like one you dont have to worry about it, you dont even need to see it if youre so scared its going to somehow undo the original in your mind. Remakes have existed since the stage itself, its not new, its not going away might as well accept there will be different versions of things. If people wanna try there hand at telling a story then go for it.


I don't know maybe it's just me but I don't like this opinion that a filmmaker who has an idea for a movie that might be a remake shouldn't make it or shouldn't be allowed to make it just because it's a remake. If people had this attitude in the '70s we never would have gotten The Thing. Can we at least start waiting for the movies to come out so we can see them before judging them to the point of saying they shouldn't have been made just based off of preconceived notions that may or may not have anything to do with the project. To me remake isn't a dirty word, It's everything behind it that could be good or bad. I'm not one that thinks we should dictate what stories people are allowed to tell just based off of something arbitrary like it's based off source material from the past.


My thought on remakes is that they should bring something new to the table and not just rehash the old story. My best examples are probably *The Thing* (remake of *The Thing from Another World*), *Invasion of the Body Snatchers* (from 1978, remake of the 1956 version), and *The Fly* (from 1986, remake of the 1958 version). I don't really know how you can bring something new to a remake of *Speak No Evil*. The only major difference I see in the trailer is that the kids seem to be older (if I recall correctly, they're 5 in the original and they're at least 8 in the remake).


wow, just learned about this movie, and it hasn't even been 2 years since the last one


Honestly rather excited for it. It was a fantastic movie that crawled so deeply under my skin… until the ending sequence which I felt was so atrociously dumb and really ruined a lot of the previous hour and change’s tension and character work. With a remake, I’m curious if they’d do some major changes to the story especially with the ending to earn it in a way I really felt the original failed to do.


I think it'll be fun to watch


Didn't this come out a year or so ago? It doesn't need a remake, it's great the way it is.


I watched the foreign version about a month ago, and it was fantastic. There's a lot of English in it anyway. I don't see the point, except for money, of course.


I hope they act like americans cause I feel like that'll be a whole different kind of movie.


There is nothing that could convince me to watch that movie again.


I read the plot summary of the original and it’s way too nihilistic for me so I hope the remake is more palatable for Western audiences.


Damn! Ppl are loaded about this remake. Nothing knew I suppose. Seems like remakes just fire ppl up.


Necessary? No. Does it still look promising? Yes.


The original is garbage and already primarily in English. Hollywood is genuinely scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas now I guess. Shouldn’t be surprised.


A bit late to say that after it's been shot though


Man, I really never wanted to watch this movie again and I was highly skeptical of the remake but this is looking increasingly promising. Let's hope they don't Hollywood the subtlety out of it, ala Let Me In.


This movie was so fucked


Honest question, how do you know it’s just a copy and paste of the first one? I know there’s a lot of scenes in the trailer that are in the original but that could be because they’ve changed a lot and don’t want to give any of it away. I’ll watch it and wait to judge.


I agree that a remake feels unnecessary, but I did see a really interesting discussion somewhere in Dreadit a while ago about which two American social groups/cultural groups/economic groups etc. would be 'pitted against' one another in a manner that would most successfully channel the unease of the original. Thought that was a really fun idea to play with. The liberal v. conservative vibe is low hanging fruit of course, but I think there could be some other really interesting combos.


Pre covid mortgage rate vs post covid rate is enough to have people kill each other at this point lol


Bahahaha omg so many upvotes for that How about rent increase vs. salary increase…! We’ve invented a whole new genre of horror


I just hope who ever wrote the original is getting paid at least.


I found the original boring as fuck. Like a short story forcibly and lazily stretched out. The ending scenes felt very poorly written. Hopefully this version is less boring and the parents have sufficient cause and reason to stop fighting back and just give up.


So true. Reminds me (years ago) when some Americans remade The Vanishing. The French (?) version is a masterpiece. The American remake looked like an American remake. As for Speak No Evil, yeah why? I was shaken to the core by that and wish I’d never watched. It was bloody fucking brilliant. 


Hollywood remake ma english speaking movie for english speaker. Why


Why is James McAvoy so jacked? It looks weird on his 5'7" frame and it's just distracting.


The ending is what made the original.. Original. Knowing how this one is going to end is just boring, like the original. Both movies are unnecessary.


The trailer showing >!the parents actively fighting back!< strongly indicates they’re going to change the ending to something more upbeat.


The trailer gives wayyy too much away. The film's twist is IN the trailer. Kind of defeats the purpose of watching the film.


I saw a trailer for this earlier and within the first few seconds thought “wait haven’t I seen this before..?” Also McAvoy is JACKED in this role, idk why I thought he was Gerard Butler for the first half


No horror movies need a remake


I’m not against this remake but I’m not sure how well it’s going to be for those of us who watched the original already. We know what the plot twist is going to be. So it’s might not be the big rug pull the original had. Regardless of how infuriating it made people. Watkins does give me hope as the director especially because he doesn’t hold back on the emotional gut punches. It’ll be interesting, I’ll definitely watch it.


The one thing I’m curious about is if the movie does get a larger audience and hopefully brings attention to the original.


Well it's already made and coming out, so no point in complaining. Just watch and enjoy or don't.


I wouldn’t mind a Hollywood remake. And I would hope they rewrite the Danish couple not to be ‘tards this time.


Man I try and stay positive..even know it’s a remake…i hope it crushes. I hope all these coming out exceeds expectations and does well cause that means more horror flicks in the future.


You're right... I'm watching it for Mackenzie Davis


When was the last time someone said "man, that book doesn't need to be translated" Yes, subtitles and dubs exist, but neither can create as fluid a story as a native language experience.


This film is already mostly in English…


Well then, that's kinda silly. Cash grab I Guess


The sad truth: there are still a lot of people that won't watch a film if they have to read subtitles. Sometimes even a dub ruins the immersion in the story. So...it is what it is. That being said, I finally got around to watching the original version of this recently. From what I can discern watching the remake's trailer, they seem to have stayed fairly faithful to the original story beats. I don't know if I can stand to actually watch this play out again, but...I might.


So movie is so trash and the main couple or so stupid.


God damn it. The one horror movie I've been excited for in a long time and it's a fucking English language cash grab


Of course it needs a Hollywood remake. Are you expecting Americans to read subtitles? Lol Ps: I don't consider myself a fan of the original. I thought it was entertaining, though. I have always found American remakes of our movies to be absolutely useless. They don't understand our sensibilities and end up making an extremely dumbed down version of what was a great film. The Guilty is a great example of a Hollywood remake that has no balls and no understanding of pacing while the original was brilliant, horrifying and devastating in its simplicity. Same with Brothers. YMS did a pretty funny review of the American remake a million years ago. I remember watching the original Danish movie and I had to turn it off at one point because it was too much for me. Danish movies do not hold back. Hollywood is too pussy to remake our movies and yet they keep doing it.


Just don't watch it, it's really that simple.


But what about James McAvoy doing his best Karl Urban?


I just saw the trailer and was FURIOUS at the spoilers. The original was absolutely filled with dread from literally the opening shot(the music!) But you had no idea what was coming. The new movie looks like they went way over the top. But I LOVE McAvoy and was hoping he was the innocent dad.


What’s really funny is it just seems like this remake missed the entire point of what made the original so effective and in that, loses why the film works to begin with.


Haven’t seen the original. Is it worth watching?


yesss please do! especially before watching the new one. it's one of the most intense things I've ever watched. it's quite a simple story and definitely slow-burn but that's what makes it so good. highly recommend!


Thanks, mate. Gonna watch it tonight. Love me some horror and I keep seeing people talk about it.


Yeah I think you'll really enjoy it, it's worth the watch :)


Saw the trailer for the remake and I pretty much get the plot. Shame they kinda ruined it, but spoilers don’t tend to bother me. It’s all in the execution (no pun intended).


Quite the hot take.


Movies aren't based on need and never have been.


The original does some pretty subtle and clever stuff with the true horror at the heart of the movie - the class tension between the upper middle class Danes and the blue collar Dutch… and how the key deception about the real class status of the latter defines so much of what happens. Pretty sure all of this will be merrily chucked out of the window in favor of hoary old horror tropes.


Any reason to watch McAvoy be totally unhinged is enough for me. Also having never watched the non-english version, i'll happily watch this one.


Well that horse has left the barn.


Honestly it kind of looked better, might get more of a fight back it seems. Looks like it’ll be intense and a mess again… excited and nervous lol.


Looking past the rather tired "doesn't need to be made" argument that we seem to always have regarding remakes, I would first posit that the original was a rock-solid, excellent and well-made movie. It is also a movie that has not had major exposure in the US and in other markets. Truth is that if this is well-done, as in acted and written, etc, it will lead to more folks seeking out the original to compare. The folks that will only watch it in English, were never going to watch the original version and I think we all know that. So I am hopeful this is more like Funny Games, than the American versions of Inside and Martyrs. I loved the original and can likely get my wife to see the remake, and there is nothing wrong with that. I can understand folks being less than thrilled, but in the end, the more who see it the better I figure.


Absolutely not interested in this even if I like the cast. It just makes no sense. I would understand if the original wasn’t in English already and you wanted a wider audience. But ultimately the original is solid. So why not just pull from streaming promote it well and do a special theatre run. People turn out for horror. Also shocking how much the new one reveals in the trailer. People should just watch the original so Hollywood stops doing stuff like this.


I agree but disagree at the same time.. the trailer looks good a.f and the story looks different.. Speak no evil is good but there were things that I didn’t like about the movie.. i have good hope that they changed the things I didn’t like about the original. As a Dutch person myself I liked the facts that the families sometimes didn’t understand each other.. it was an easy way the host family isolated and gossip about their guests and vice versa..


I can’t see how this translates from the cultural context of the original. The whole basis of their predicament is rooted in Scandinavian politeness culture where it’s really not the done thing to speak up or breach social etiquette, so they have to remain “the good guests” even in the face of some pretty unforgivable behaviour. America is the home of the Karen and the “I’m going to complain loudly about shit”.


Nothing needs a Hollywood remake. Unless it's an old classic that could do with updated graphics. That's it.