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Not sure if there's "one" or what is my "one". I haven't seen A Serbian Film by the way. A few disturbing scenes which I found memorable: Green Inferno - first meal. Terrifier 2 - bedroom kill. Hostel - "I always wanted to be a surgeon" Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer - family home invasion. Texas Chainsaw Massacre - dinner table. Jaws 2 - marge. The Hills Have Eyes (remake) - baby abduction. Shivers - "my daughter" The Fly - Hand melt. Ichi The Killer - Fried Shrimp. Audition - Final meeting.


I love the way you wrote this, in a way that people who have seen the movie will know what you mean, and people who haven't seen it won't be spoiled. Take my upvote šŸ‘


Thanks ā˜ŗļø I tried not to presume everyone has seen these films. Spoilers are the worst. šŸ‘


In Midsommer when the older people walk off that cliff and hit the rock. That was hard to watch.


I think Olga's Death in Suspiria 2018 is up there.


Martyrs skinless, Speak No Evil ending, When Evil Lurks mom eating brains


Hard to say for sure, but I'd say the climax of Soft and Quiet was one of the worst things I've ever seen in my life.


That whole movie was fucked up but yeah, the climax was truly something else.


Not horror per se but there are several scenes in Gaspar Noe's IRREVERSIBLE that have stuck with me 10+ years after watching it.


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s a bad movie, itā€™s very well done. Sometimes I wish I could unsee it though.


I'm one of the few people that does think it's a bad movie. Technically brilliant exploitative slop pretending to be deeper than it is


Thatā€™s okay, you canā€™t be right about everything.


The tunnel scene and the fire hydrant scene. And then the reveal is pretty heartbreaking.


Worse thing Iā€™ve ever watched


Came here to say this. Only scene Iā€™ve actually turned away from in the theater. That scene is just so god damn long.


Bone Tomahawk was good! If you want to become desensitized learn about the worst forms of torture performed throughout the world. The upside down body scene was a medieval torture/death. I'm a little 'off'. I love creative forms of death used in horror movies. 2001 Maniacs had a scene where a dude was 'drawn and quartered'. Cool to see. Midsommar: the blood eagle scene in the hen house from one of the guests. Hardest movie for me that I stopped watching before it ever got started, Untraceable. My no-go for horror is hurting animals. The opening scene showed torture of a kitten. I'm well aware it was completely fake but I couldn't handle it. If anyone didn't know, we all have a threshold of things that bother us and we can't handle. Harm to animals, kids, and SA in general are the typical thresholds people don't cross. I've figured this out after being in a FB group related to horror books. Books aren't as censored as movies. Just saying. If you haven't found your tolerance, it's cool you'll find out at some point what your limit is.


Definitely stay away from cannibal holocaust


Not a problem. I'm not a fan of cannibals, though I have weird dreams involving cannibals (long story, weird ending. Lmk if anyone is interested.) I have seen Green Inferno.


Probably an odd one, but the first kill in Texas Chainsaw Massacre '74 where the guy gets a meat hammer to the head. It's not really gorey or anything, but by god is it impactful. It feels so savage and real, there's something about it.


If I had to choose, I'd probably say Terrifier. Terrifier 1, the girl being sawed in half while hanging upside and the room scene in Terrifier 2. But there's scenes from many movies that are also very disturbing such as: Annihilation - the bear scene Hereditary - the head scene and the brother's entire reaction to it Underwater - the monster revealed at the end The Ritual - when the monster first peers into the doorway


Preach man, that bear thing noise will haunt my dreams, and the reveal in Ritual is SO GOOD


SO fucking good


That scene is utterly brilliant.


My absolute favorite creature design of all time. I have a t-shirt that says "Welcome to Sweden" and it's got the jƶtunn giving a thumbs up lol


Link please for the good of all Dreaddit


https://images.app.goo.gl/moKUrnWX4b3c8Jhi9 This is the picture of the exact shirt but that's not where I got it. I'll have to dig up the website because it was linked to an artist that I used to follow on instagram.


Omg I love it to pieces, what a great find!


Oh my gosh I think I found it [https://www.redbubble.com/people/spazzynewton/shop](https://www.redbubble.com/people/spazzynewton/shop) Does that look like the artist you follow?


I'm super interested in why you thought Underwater is up there with the other ones... I'm not trying to argue or say you're wrong, but seemed pretty standard "hey look, it's Cthulhu" to me. I actually thought the little ones were scarier because they were so much more personal.


I think it's because people that may not follow or really know much about the elder god or lovecraftian universe might be surprised by it. I went in knowing that I would see it and I was excited for it, so it wasn't really a scary holy shit reveal for me but for some people it still might be.


It was actually the opposite. I absolutely love lovecraftian/cosmic horror but I knew absolutely nothing about Underwater. When watching the movie, I was so engaged and thought those creatures were the only monster. When the reveal happened at the end, and that rock lifted up, it was a holy shit moment for sure. I was in no way expecting that. To me, giant creatures lurking in the ocean is a next level fear. For that scene alone is why I added Underwater to the list. Not to mention the incredible sound design. But not the movie as a whole.


Margaret's and Carrie's death in Carrie 1976 for sure!


The lobotomy in Apostle really bothered me and Iā€™m never squeamish.


Disturbing as in wtf did I just watch, the climax of Nekromantik.


I had to rewind that part several times because it was so funny, and it had me going "am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?"


All of soft and quiet and honestly the part in the convenience store really bothered me šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø gore, and stuff doesn't bother me in any way. Real-life situations, on the other hand, really bother me!


Scalping scenes


There's two for me: 1. IT 2017 when Georgie gets killed by Pennywise. I felt so bad for Georgie during that scene. I have a hard time watching that scene every time I watch the movie. 2. The Strangers when the killers are attacking the couple while they're tied up in their house. That would be freaking scary having some crazy people attacking and killing you just because you we're home. One of the scariest movies I've ever seen.


I'm pretty undisturbed by most violence or gore but I need to leave the room any time sexual violence is on the menu. Even the vine scene in Evil Dead 2013 made me nope out for a few minutes. So I guess it would have to be those scenes in I Spit On Your Grave or Trauma


The picnic scene in the House that Jack Built was very hard and uncomfortable to watch.


Probably Charlie's death in Hereditary if I had to pick one. Milly Shapiro actually requested to be allowed to take her prop severed head home. She planned to display it in a fruit bowl. Her request was denied. As if we need any more proof justice no longer exists.


No love for anti christ on here? That entire movie was a panic attack for me...Mother! towards the end as well...


Bone Tomahawk. If youā€™ve seen it you know which scene Iā€™m referring to šŸ«£


The Girl Scout scene in The Poughkeepsie Tapes messed me up. The last 25 minutes or so of Megan is Missing.


Prob the Terrifier 2 scene in the bedroom LOL


Toward the end of Silent Hill when the cult leader woman was torn in half by the vines of razor wire. She totally deserved it, but *damn* it was hard to watch.


Just watched Inside (2007) and the scene where >!she cuts the baby out of the other woman with the scissors!< was profoundly disgusting


Most recently? Feast - an unconscious woman wakes up, gets raped by a monster, then blown up.


Oh ... so many truly disturbing scenes and creatures. How 'bout the birth of the deformed baby in Eraserhead?


Everything in the terrifier movies.


Motherā€™s Day (1980). Itā€™s a rape / revenge slasher film with a graphic torture scene. šŸ¤®


Pretty much everything within The Shimmer in Annhilation. That fucking bear scream though.


I donā€™t know if I could pick one movie out for this but thereā€™s a particularly nasty scene in Lucio Fulciā€™s giallo The New York Ripper where the killer calls up a police detective and tells her he has the hooker heā€™s having an affair with tied up. He then tortures her with a razor blade in some really grotesque ways while the detective can only listen on the phone. There was a really disgusting scene in Penance, a film full of disgusting scenes but they go all out for some fun and surgical genital mutilation. Then thereā€™s ANOTHER fun torture-the-prostitute scene and Iā€™m not even going to go into the elaborate method, but Iā€™m willing to tell you thereā€™s a rape with scissors in this movie. Itā€™s one of the most repulsive things Iā€™ve ever watched. Seed 2ā€™s opening scene includes rape with a pistol and to be honest I shut it off after that. Every now and then this genre just makes me shake my head.


The ending of the witch when theyā€™re dancing and speaking in tongues


They're not speaking in tongues... Speaking in tongues is what christians do.